'ARIO TLIE VS. LEASK to the Judgment and final sale 'made in this cause and te respectively the 6th day June, 1928, and the 21st day of Januar? 1929, there will be sold with 'the approbation of the Local Master "of this Court at Whitby by George Jackson, aucti , at the pr Jin the Village of Seagrave, in. the County of Ontario, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, on the eigh- teenth day of Febrpary, 1929, the following property, namely; "All and singular that certain par- cel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the village of Sonya, (commonly known as the Village of Seagrave) in the County of Ontario, and being composed of Vil- > Pu = S-- "PORT PERRY MILLING & LUMBER Co. For Pastry, or Lily White for Bread. The number |! of users is daily. Our customers are pleased wi our. Try it: be convinced. Mr. William ulin recently with the Galt Milling Company, is anxious to have the house wives of Bort Perry and district to This is a good faney broken che | Regular $3.00 per J. A. HETHERINGTON | Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist { children and women. _ lage lot number eight in Block 1 as shown on the Plan of the Village of Sonya, laid out on lots numbers twenty three and twenty four in the thirteenth concession of the Township of Reach, made by W. E. Yarnold, P.L.S., for Abram Farewell and C. E. Caryell.," There is said to be erected on the said land a new storey and a half frame dwelling, a public garage about 30 ft. by 50 ft, and a barn and open shed combined, about 18 feet by 20 feet. . The house-is said.to be wired for electricity, and heated by a hot air furnace, and erected on a cement foundation with a cement cellar un- derneath. The size of the house is about 22 feet by 28 feet. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid which has , been fixed by the said Master, The purchaser to assume the exist- ing mortgages against the property, particulars of which.may be had as| below indicated and to pay 10%0of the total purchase money down at the time of the sale and the balance after giving credit for the mortgages assumed in 30 days from the date thereof. In all other respects the terms and conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of the Supreme Court of Ontario. Further particulars can be had from Harris & Harris, Port Perry, Ontario. Dated at Whitby, this 21st day ef January A.D. 1929, Sgd. ROBT. RUDDY, feb14 Local Master at Whitby m-- SEAGRAVE The annual meeting of the Woman's Association was held at the home. of Mrs. Orval Stone recently, with quite a pumber of members and visitors present. In the absence of the Presi- dent, who was detained through illness in the home, Mrs. S. Reynolds took the chair, assisted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Davidson, who read the rules of the Woman's Association of the United Church, which_were carried out as far as possible. The secretary's and Treasurer's reports were read for the past year's work, which were very satisfactory and pleasing to all. After roll call the following officers were elected for the coming year: President---Mrs. James Shunk. Vice. President--Mrs. S, Reynolds Secretary--Mrs, H. Eagleson Cor. Secretary--Mrs. A. Bruce Treasurer--Mrs. C. Sleep Asst. Treasurer--Mrs. A. Martin. Pianiste--Mrs. E. Butt. Devotional Somnitise sim C¥chard, Mrs. Butt. Visiting. Committee--Mrs. J. Holder- shaw, Mrs. S. Wooldridge, Mrs, A. Martin, Mrs. F. Watson. Flower. Committee--Mrs, W. Moon, Mrs, T. Couch, Mrs. S. McCoy. Manse Committee--Mrs, R. Scott, Mrs. Roy Scott, Mrs. Wes. Frise, Mrs. H. Eagleson, Missionary Committee--Mrs. A. Mar- tin, Mrs. H. Leask, Mrs. J. Shunk. The * meeting closed with singing, A. Li S. Reynolds, Mrs. E. Be a a '1 Mr. W. Crosier's office. MAY BE SENATOR < H. J. Logan, former member of the House of Commons for Cum- berland, N.S., whose name is mem- tioned to succeed the late Hon, W. B. Rass in the Senate, "Take Time to be Holy" followed by prayer. Lunch was served by the committee in charge. is to be held at the home of Mrs. A. Bruce, Conde early and do not for- get your thimble. Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Sleep have gone to Toronto where they will re- side for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Crosier of Oshawa, visited with friends recently. Miss Edith Coolidge, of Manitoba, Zion. Miss Mina Balfour, of Penille, was the guest of Mrs, A. Tanner, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs, Heyward Short, Mr. and Mrs. A, Short, were in Oshawa, on Saturday. Miss Vera Tanner, who is spending a holiday in Penille, was home over 'the week end. Quite a ber attended the hockey matches at Port Perry and at Lindsay last week. The many friends of Mrs. J. Lamb and Mrs. H, Mitchell are sorry to hear of their illness and a quick recovery is hoped for. Mrs. J. Blight is visiting in To- ronto with her son and fwo daughters Mr. and Mrs. T. Watson of Toronto visited friends over the week end, The passed away at Seagrave on Thursday morning, January 16th, Barbara Brown, wife of James Me- Dougall, at the age of 79 years. The deceased had lived in Seagrave all her life and was very highly esteemed and beloved by all who knew her. The funeral took place from her late residence, thence to Wick cemetery for burial. The service was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Douglas, of Sonya Presbyterian Church, of which the de- ceased was a member. He was assist- ed by Rev. Mr, Davidson of the Sea- grave United Church. Mrs. McDougall leaves to mourn her loss her husband John, all of Toronto, who were pre- sent at the funeral. The friends of the deceased have the sympathy of +|the entire community in their bereave- ment, On Tuesday evening last a meeting was held in the United Church to elect the officers for the coming year. 'The attendance, not being large as expected, many being detained home through illness. Last year's officers were re-elected fo rthe coming year. Mr. A. J. Dance was elected to fill A full report will be given later. ------00 . CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, Jan. 27-- 8 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening service. Friday--Week-night service at 7.30. Monday, January 28--Annual Vestry meeting at 8 p.m. Ey use his flour. b : Everyone was invited to the February meeting which is visiting. friends in Seagrave -and} and three sons, Morley, Lorne and}: The Bell Telephone Company and the American Company Company of Canada and the American Tele- Too relationship between the Bell Telephone phone and Telegraph Company consists of :-- 1. stock--the American company owns thirty-one per cent of Bell Telephone Company shares, 2.. contract--the Bell Telephone Company owns a contract by which the American company sup- plies research products and other services on a sliding" scale of payment. The stock relationship has existed since the Canadian company began in 1880. One-third of" the $400,000 nceded to form the company was not available until the American company agreed to provide it. The contract was made in 1923 to put dealings be- tween the two companies on a definite business basis. It may be terminuted at the end of 1932 if the Canadian company so desires, effect of stock relationship THE telephone system in Ontario and Quebec today is owned by 15,300 shareholders. Of these, 95 per cent live in Canada and' own 62 per cent of the total shares. The largest individual holding is 1510 shares which is one quarier of one per cent of the total. The average individual holding is 27 shares, avhich yield an income of $216 a yecr. The Bell Telephone Company is thus a great enter- prise which hus become thoroughly democratized and to this the Ame.ican relationship has contributed: two definite advantages: First, it has been a source of new meney for devel- opment, The American company, as a shareholder has never failed to respond, in good times or bad, when money was needed to extend the system to meet public demands upon it. Secondly, it has been a safeguard against exploita- tion. Attempts on the part of prbmoteis to secure control of the telephone system have failed because the American holding of the company's shures has been in the hands of men who are interested in the telephone business for the progress of the industry and pot for its financial exploitation. effect of the contract HE Bell Telephone Company has secured three chief advantages by the contract-of 1923:-- First, it obtains all products of the Bell laboratories, which are the largest industrial research laboratories in the world, with a staff of five thousand. No single company could hope to support such an organization. It is possible only by co-operation of many associdied companies. One example of research work is the "loading coil" which has eliminated the need for heavy wires. in- creasing in size with distance. This hus saved mile lions of dollars. Similar discoveries have saved other millions for the telephone user and given him a better telephone. The research clause of the contract alone mory than balances the contract fee. Secondly, the Canadian company has rights to 'the use of all inventions. The American company Bow owns more than 5,000 patents essential in every phase of telephone operation. The contract gives the Canadian company use of these patents and rlaces the American company under obligation to take out Canadian patents on any new inventions the bh dian company wishes. Thirdly, the contract gives the Canadian company a steady supply of reports and statistics 'regarding new operating methods under trial by the associated _companies of the American system. 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargrave 0990 IN. PORT PERRY Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 to 12 am. Phone 258 1t is advisable to be very careful about your eyes. "We will tell you what is wrong. Consult us. Artificial-eyes fitted. F. E. LUKE --~ Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St, TORONTO 2 | Eyes Examined Regular $1.65 yard. 25 inches wide. Blue. Regular $1.50 yard. W. iy Sangster " DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours>-9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Office over "McKee's Shoe Store. dice Hive Sy p. : De vey. ae ; Bulk Dates, .......s P. & G., and Oomtort Soap . Castile Soap . . ELEVATOR FLOUR, POULTRY FEEDS, SALT. a carload of Western Wheat. ONTARIO GRAIN COMPANY. Chas. Pilkey, in charge Phone 120 r 6 PRICES Di Pressing done. Ladies' fine thoroug Slesning Process at very moderate Merchant Tailor Dangerous experiments are thus avoided. When the Sunadisn company wakes @ shatige in Tossiod it is ' FEED OF ALL KINDS, All kinds of feed in stock, including Gluten Feeds, Carload of Corn, and Myrtle, Ont. ON MENS SUITS and Overcoats and essen cleaned by our New Dry W. T. Rodman Over Tel. Office Port Perry Teacher of Piano, Vi Bee Hive MONUMENTS JOHNSTON & CRANSTON Monum Phone Hyland--2081 ents. S P E C IAL '1849 Yonge St., Toronto. Representative-- J. E. DISNEY Phone 178 _ Whi YOU BURN OUR to 'your residence if desired. Myrtle Elevator of DRESS SERGE, 85¢c. PER YARD. 2 pieces only Dress Serge, 54 inches wide. Manufacturers and Importers of Canadion and Foreign Granite thy, Ont. YOU WILL NEVER GET COLD IF COAL We sell the best--Lehigh Valley Coal and Solvay Coke. We can deliver it | Phone 190'y & Myrtle Station. Outs Lucile B. Leash: sept 20 AT GHa40.CH classes' now forming for Fall term. Phone 241) Port Perry | WOMEN'S BLACK CASHMERE Hose: 59¢. PAIR | They are made of fine Llama wool, full fas 91% only. Regular $1.00. BOYS' HEAVY RIBBED WOOL HOSE, 59%. PAIR They are made of good worsted yarn, will give i wear. Sizes 8 to 10 only. Regular 75c. pair, SAL PURE LINEN CHECKED TEA TOWELLING Regular 85c yard. oud ALE P te snd PRICE 59¢. SALE PRICE 28c. » Colors Green and SALE PRICE 85¢. GROCERIES AT SPECIAL, PRICES ; 10 pounds Granulated Sugar I Ra kt + ui vv ieassneev.2 pounds for 26c¢. J S101 17¢ per pound, or 2 Ibs for 82¢. Huron Toilet Paper J SII rolls for 26e. pound pal gc. LIS pone We will pay highest rg A . prices. Give us a trial. THE LAKE scucdc FUR FARMS Nerth half of lot A con. 10, Reach, R. R. 1, Seagrave, Ont. The Creamery is paying 45c., 44c., and 41s. for for Butter Fat. You can save labor and make More ouey by send- FORT PERRY CRE AMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors FOR SALE Tenders for the purch of Mrs. Miller's house and double lot in the ; village of Seagrave will be received " up until January 16th, 1929, The highest or any tender not necesarily accepted. y to Charles Moase, 61 Victoria y, Cor of Nancy lot, ox to: bis Harris & ocal and Theory.