Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 24 Jan 1929, p. 5

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carrying ove 3, Gare hn 's, and ; real 1 Shorthori iiractona2e 'others, Lady Laura's, May- ce ne mo ETE Ho Lad: Fanny's, Stamford's, Marchioness'. 'They are ri ii in I th loot pl Douro Audis 3s Guinsiord Ma A staff, Browndale, K Knight of Collynie, Sec Gold, Secret. C ynic -- show peer of Waterloo Princess family contributed 'inspector pots that this is one of the best selections offered at any County Sale. ~ . TERMS: Cash, or twelve on approved joint notes; all rate of 7% per annum from date of sale. of Ontario, terms cash. Apply for catalogue to eax Wm. M. Graham, Geo. Jac President, > 0% Auctioneers. Reserve the date. months' credit will be allowed notes to bear interest at the To non residents i M. H. Winter, Secretary. kson & Son, SPECIALS = AT THE SUPERIOR STORES , Our Annual January Clearing .Sale starts Monday, January 7th, and will continue for 30 days. goods will be slaughtered. of money you can save. All winter Come i in and see the amount Our motto is "not to carry goods' over from one season to another." new goods in season. We have a lot of broken 'winter rubbers, wool sock We would sooner take a loss and: have the lines in shoes and slippers, : s and mitts, windbreakers, macina coats, included in this sale, that will be sacrificed. Also men's one, two and four buckles oveishoes; women's two buckle and two dome, and some four buckle overshoes, and a 16t id goloshes that will be cleared out at half their value. We will have lots of winter yet. Now is your<chance td pick them up at bargain prices. Don't overlook our new Bran and shorts, cracked "lines of feed. 'We handle corn, mixed scratch feed, cruched oats, mixed chop, and Aikens and Burns Laying Mash for poultry. This mash has proved a wonder. Give it a trial and be convinced. and grit. closed in. We sell oyster shell Your hens must have this in winter when ~ JAS. McKEE & SON PORT PERRY, ONT. SCUGOG NEWS Mrs. Robert Jackson entertained the 'Ladies' Aid on Tuesday. There was a good attendance and everyone en- joyed the first meeting of the year. Mrs. C. Lu Fralick, the new president, occupied the chair and fulfilled her | "duties to the satisfaction of all = Supper was served to about sixty, _some remaining to spend the evening. A. Box Social and Concert will be held in the Hall on January 20th, under of the Ladies' Aid. "Come and have a a good 'time wtih He crowds, ' aM John Burnham has secured a position in Toronto. "Mrs. R. Burnham spent a few days in Toronto last week. - Mrs. McLaren and family Hove the sympathy of their many friends in _ the death of her brother John, who died in Vancouver, where he has lived | for a number of years, . ; Miss Bing. Clerk is spending 8 few weeks th he aunt Mos, Hutcheson, Mrs. C. Hardy and daughter Clara, spent Saturday with their cousin, Mrs, A. Martyn. Misses Reta and Hilda Milner, of Oshawa, was home over the week end. We are glad to see them so often. 'Arthur W. Lynde : TEACHER OF SINGING. Studio at the home of Mrs. H. H, © Stone, Phane 77 Friday Afternoons (Drs. Jeffrey & Rennie PORT PERRY, ONT. * Medicine - Surgery » X-Ray ~~ Phone 12W Mr. and Mrs. Norman Phair, of Oshawa, weré visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wilmot Walker. © Mr. Wm, Munro is suffering from nt We_wish him a speedy Tecovery. . Sorry Mr. I. Vernon has not im- proved much in health since the last | report, but hope to soon hear of some improvement. Mr. John Johnson has |- for some time been spending a short while each day caring for his live stock and any othér chores. Mr. Clarence Wallace, of Oshawa, visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnston. Mr. John Betts, of Saskatoon, and Mrs. John Johnson, have returned after having spent a couple of weeks travelling to various points in Ontario. Mr. Betts and Mr. F. Johnson visited relatives in Greenwood. Mr. Fred Lamb visiting friends in Toronto last week. Miss Blanche Reesor attended a re- ception given in honour of her brother and his bride, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reesor, who were married the 1st of December. * Mr. and Mrs. Steinway and son, of Windsor, are visiting the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Boyes. Rev. Mr. Merriam, our pastor, and his daughter Robena, were invited and had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, on Sunday, before taking the service at Prospect. They were with Mr. and Mrs, E. Holtby the Sunday before. We are pleased to know that Mrs, Merriam, who had blood poison in her finger for a long time, is getting bet- ter and able to use the finger. Two errors occurred in the news of last week which I would like to cor- rect. First that Manchester gave $5 to the Circuit Parsonage Fund and Prospect gave $4 mentioned as for improvements. Second, the late Eliza Jane Moore's stepfather's name was Thos. Martin in place of Thos. Moore. Mrs. Harvey Dobson, we are pleased to report is improving as well as can be expected, after her operation. Mr. W. F. Crosier is kept busy trucking live stock to Toronto, also Mr. Howard Dobson and son, who are employed by Mr. Grosier, to run one truck. Mr. W. Simpson of Utica has also taken several truck loads of fine live stock from heré recently. Miss Verna Mitchell, a pupil of the school here,who has been sick, has re- covered. "Quite a number o¥-our Manchester fans enjoyed seeing the game of hockey last week played betwen Port Perry and Stouffville. We are looking forward to their next tilt, when they play Whitby. . We enjoyed reading in the Star the article regarding the fish depletion in the lakes and streams. I believe the oil and gasoline from motor boats may be another cause. The wind driving the oil to the shores where the fish spawn and feed. We were also pleased te hear from Mr, J. C. Cockburn. Our boys bad a good game of hockey from eight to nine at the Port Perry rink, on Tuésday evening. Sorry Mr. John Johnson is quite ill from an attack of the flu. We hope for a speedy recovery. January with its changing weather, {ice and thaw and high winds, will soon be a thing of the past for another year. Then comes February with its snow and winds, sometimes blocking the roads: We notice that one of our Man- | chester readers of the Toronto Globe, | remembered the Welsh Miners with a 'donation. We would be pleased to a 17. + a Be ee bt DEE ORS Slover di is retiring from farming has pur- and| Croswelrs on Tuesday, 'February 12, at one o'clock. . Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. eae GREENBANK Mr, D. W. Luke, of Cresswell, who Down in chased the brick residence from Mrs, Jas. Leask, at Greenbank. He ex- pects to take possession March 1st. We welcome Mr. Luke to our com- 'munity. He is getting back home. Miss F. E. Phoenix in Toronto last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Parker and friends of Toronto at Miss Harmon's on Sunday. Miss Fisher, Toronto, visiting Miss. Marjorie Leask. "The Young Peo e's Society had a skating Darty to ort Perry on Wed- nesday evening. Mrs. T. Sharpe is visiting with friends in Toronto. COG MYRILE NEWS Mr. Oscar O. Downey left for the West last week in charge of a car of mixed stock. Mrs. Dr. R. Clark, of Cleveland, was called to her home here last week ow- ing to the Serious illness of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Tarvis, : The iéy condition of the Yoads of late; has made travelling rather dif- ficult,and a number of cars skidded into He difch and had to be hauled out by other power, Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Jabez Leach, of Ashburn, in the re- cent death of his brother Will, of Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. James Cook have been visiting for a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Will Ellins, of Col- umbus, Ont. g Mr. H. Roy Bright, has purchased a new Chevrolet Sedan car. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Graham and baby visited the former's home in Claremont, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bradley were on a business trip to Toronto on Monday. Mr. Cecil Wilson has moved to Oshawa so that he will be more con- venient to his work at the General Motors. Mr. and Mrs, Dave Leury have re- turned from a three weeks visit with the former's people near Bonar Law. EI BLACKSTOCK A number of our hockey fans motored to Port Perry on Wednesday evening of last fk to enjoy the hockey game betwen Port Perry and Stouffville, Messrs. Osmond Wright and Thos. Smith, were in Peterboro on Thursday ast. Mr. Albert Wright has recently A special Bargain ina pure Down Comforter: heavy quality down proof sateen cover, with satin panels filled with purified down. Regular value $13. 75. "ELIE $10.50 TABLE LINEN Pure Irish Linen Tabling, 72 in. wide. A good L duality cloth for general use. . Reg. vi $1.25 per yd. Sale Price 98c. » 3 LINEN TOWELLING Pure Linen Towelling in extra good weave, 26 in. wide. Striped design. Reg. Price 25c¢. per yd. Friday and Saturday Special 5 yds. for 98c¢, "SUTCLIFF E & SONS, LTD. Friday -- WEEK END SPECIALS ---- Saturday MEN'S WEAR AT BARCAIN PRICES : FINE SHIRTS Fine Shirts of good quality broadcloth, iu Novelty or Plain style. Just the line for general wear, Reg, $1.69 ea. Friday and Saturday Special $1.39 each Men's Overcoats Now is the time to save on any Man's or toys Overcoat in stock. For Friday and Saturday of this week any coat will be sold at reduction of 209 off regular prices. Navy Chin- chillas and Grey or Brown Tweeds. Sale Prices $14.20 to $22.50 LINEN COLLARS A large stock of thin collars to clear, Reg. 25c. lines in broken sizes and odd styles. Now is your chance to save. 6 collars for 980, Now on Today you can see the most sensa- tional automobile ever introduced-- the Outstanding Chevrolet of Chev- rolet History, a Six in the price range of the four! This amazing new automobile is now purchased the property of the late Dr. owe. Miss Florence McLaughlin, of To- ronto, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. McLaughlin. | The Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church held the Tonthly meteing in the basement of the churc on Wednesday, January 16th. The meeting opened with vou ex- | ercises followed by the reading and adoption of minutes and the or 1 eall. The remainder of the meeting was | spent in discussing plans for the New ear. It was decided to hold the meetings at 2 p.m. during the winter: months, the next meeting to be held | at the home of Mrs. John Jobb. All! members are cordially invited. The: meeting closed with prayer. Mr. and Mrs. A. VanCamp, Mrs. M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. S, A. DeVitt, Miss Florrie Parr, Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith, | Messrs. Norton VanCamp and Jack, Smith, enjoyed a fowl supper and fogial Sveaing at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. W..VanCamp, on Friday evening of las week. Our congratulations ae Sniendod to: Mr. Chas. on successor of the late Mr: BB Mont- gomery; as our Postmaster, . We wish him every success in his new office. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richardson, Mr. John' McLaughlin and Florence, spent Sunday at the home of Smith Bros. Mrs. Bert Thompson, .Mrs. Leslie Faucet and son Bernice of Woodhouse, have returned home after a visit with relatives and frignds in Blackstock and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Smith and Mr. Jack Smith spent a very enjoyable Svening at the hgme of Mr. adhd Mrs, ascoe, Enfield, on Monday last. The following is our Public School R Terive IV--Bobby Smith 77 (Hon); Donald Graham 74, Grace Mountjoy Boe IV--Marion Stinscn 87, Leslie Beacock 63, Hazel W: ee Sr. LI--Jean n Wright 83 (Hon), Eva Graham 73, right 60, Vi Powell 60, Dl Taylor RB sos gene fa yles 72, Orval tinson 88 A Graham 63, Anne Gatti 62, BE ur on display in our shewroems and we cordially invite you to come in for a personal inspection | Come in today and inspect the Out- standing Chevrolet! See for your- thrilling performance is now avai - able at prices so amazingly low! Learn how Chevrolet has established an entirely new of motor car value! The Most Complete Array of New Display . in our Showroom | Pory | TroigheT In, he bf ecludip, ©, any o!Mper 41 Kes, ap, Whe, qUIp ed Cover, arog, sail (ox, P= Ppl Features ever offered in a Low- Priced Car New Smoothness-- 329% More Power 1. 2: 3. 4. 5. Faster Get-away-- Greater Speed Advanced combustion chamber High oF aad gout ratio, 3.8 to 1 ump on Sdrburytor i. ited 2. 3. ficeslerating s Hot-spot nine . Smooth sl Now on and Convenience 1. Longer roomier Fisher Bodies New Dependability Poe abaraon "te 'al motes Automatic Jubeiewiva to valves lise clutch Sltadjusiag dry . Adjustable driver's seat in all closed hodies 2 3. Cadet 1 sun visor 4, Fisher VV windshield 5. Deep comfortable 6. Indirectly lighted instrument 7. Water temperature indicator om axle lige 3 dash 8. Semi-elliptic shock-absorbing 9. springs . 107-inch wheelbase New Safety : fon outed es bon BY head Theis pros electro lock . Ball sarin worm-and-gear steer Safety gasoline tank in rear . New 4-wheel brakes, safe--positive ----quiet c.20.12.28° Ceme in and see these Beautiful New Cars on Display in Our Showroom BEARE BROS. DEALERS PORT PERRY, ONT. "RODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA LIMITET . "TENDERS FOR CEDAR Tenders . will be received by the undersigned until the 7th day ef February, 1929, for supplying the o. Township with 3000 feet of bridge Wee ar bid Ww. F. Dobson," Clerk, | ek Manchester, Ont.| The prompt Sri of your hg covering 18 feet long, 8 inches thick, | Ane LOST : Six months old Collie Dog--black with some white. Reward. Elgin White; R.R.2, Port Perry. tion will Notify

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