Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 17 Jan 1929, p. 3

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: | deal with facts and facts only. i Wiiisatod. by mmebut]. airplanes lent by the Government, In-| cluding the control car from the Brit! ish airship R-33 in charge of Flight Sergeant Hunt, who was aboard when the famous vessel went adrift in the North Sea and who climbed out of it Bnd effected repairs in midair. ; ~ Sir Robert urged. the boys ta fol- low the example of great inventors; of the past and work for humanity. "Don't let England be behind anyone 'else," he sald, "If you're up against a bard job that seems impossible, kick out the 'imp' and work heartilr and cheerily You know you're going to do something good for other 'people. Help in your own way to bring about progperity and peace in the world. If you du your work well you get to like ft. It makes you hapy. Moreover, it is a goud education, "Here you have a splendid exhibi- tion of handiwork done by boys. 'Study It, then see it you cannot im- prove it. You may strike some very good idea while you are at it. Re. member the world 18 getting smaller avery dny You wre in close touch with foreign lands aad anything. vou invent will quickly spread ita Lenafits all over the-world, so that you can 32 bridge which was found to embods number of new ideas in engineering, | "A German Boy." he sald, "invented a very great, though small thing=-the mouth organ, I play {t myself, and £ it is a very fine Instrument, The i.) Pony father told him to get out of the OL ouse and he went up {nto a pigeon loft where he manufactured the first harmonica. Fifty million are now sold annually in every country in the world. There is a chance for every one of you boys to invent something | good--something better than a mouth organ." 3 eer b-- 'Radio in 1928 Outstanding Developments and Achievements Dur- _ ing Last Year Aviation The most outstanding development in radio as a flying ald during the last year is the perfection of the visual "Indicator, which enables pilots to "see" regardless of night, fog or other obstacles, by watching the fluctuations of a vibrating reed mounted on the in- strument board. General Railroads adapted radio for com- munication between cab and caboose on long freight trains. _ Transoceanic telephone service bas been expanded during the last year now making it possible for any sub- scriber on the North American con- tinent to talk with persons in almost. any country in Eurape. .. Radio played an important role in locating the lost Nobile party attempt- ing a transpolar flight in the airship Halla. Radio amateurs are credited with _ successfully operating transmitting and receiving sets at wave lengths of ten meters and less, and have suc around the world on thes se High fre. encies. 3 hurricane had struck the West Indies on September 20, 1928, and was ad- vancing rapidly toward the east coast * - of Florida, all available radio appara- "tus was pressed into service and sup- plied the only means of contact with the Isolated regions, ; ald in flood reltet follg of the ving the break- Som in Sos Sata Clara = world work even though sou are boys." Sir Pebsee sng? G0 bao suid thee f Orns "antes Ingenu ait tee: won by a 'Boy Scouy wha made i | intermingle. "1s tions of the world." 5 TC Heraio The visit re King Alin to ! Great Britain early in the year gives added interest to the bitter campaign ; "he is waging in his own country 'the Imagination; avery. letter must against those who are opposed to the { i { Le THE PRIZES 3 The Dr. Willams Medicine Co., of Brockville, Ont., will award a prize of $25.000 for the best letter received on Oe Alay of Sunuary' Afghan monarch's determination to the subject: "Why 1 Reccommend benefit his people and improve his Dr. Williams' Pills." A prize of 0Untry," say the Daily Telegraph. $16.00 will be awarded for the second forms will suffer complete defeat, "There is much to admire in the best letter received: a prize of $10.00 2 turbulent nation by keeping his And the Dog Derby is on-- February 21:22-23. for the third best letter, and 25 -prizes throne for the past ten years and sup- in three laps, with, perhaps, men whose names were famous last year--St. i Godd of $2.00 each for the next best 25 Pressing numerous insurr - There was great consternation in the canine world a few days ago when it was decreed that no dogs in harness must roam the streets of Quebec. ! {reforms he is anxious, after his Eur- There was a rumor that the great classic, the Eastern International Dog Sled | opean tour, to impose on his own peo- Derby, was to be cancelled, that the Chatean team was to be banished from ot'Ple. The latest news rather implies the terrace--all sorts of horrible rumors; but, as afterwards developed, the punish radio specialist, Prof. P. O. ¢ that those who oppose the King's re- edict was not directed against any other than the small hoy who, with a dog Pedersen, is very enthusiastic about he may or may not bo able to control, dodges under the horses' hoofs and Prof. Carl Stormer's and Mr. Hals's car wheels, thus endangering his own life and others, including that of his successful experiments with penetrat- dog. So once again "Mountié," veteran Mounted Police dog; will, as leader of "He has shown his ability to rule the Chateau Frontenac team, wag his tail as the winter tourist pats his bead. Ong hundred and twenty miles dq, 8 letters. "He has engaged foreiom experts : to reorganize the administration, and JHE CONDITIONS he has devoted special care to the new The benefit derived from the use of schools that he has set up for both Dr. Williams' Pink Pills described In 1,0 and girls because he. recognizes the letter may be in the Hg OWD that Afghanistan needs modern edu- case, or that of some. one the cation and mot merely the material writer's home. ivilizati ! side of estern civilization, More than one case may be deserib-| «yins Amanullah would seem: how- ed in the letter, but every statement .,o. t; have created difficulties for | must be literally and absolutely true. yim a1f by his unbounded enthusiasm. | Every letter must be signed by the He seeks to transform Afghanistan, full name and correct address of the go primitive tribal community! person gending it. 10/it deseribes the 3," ; oc). fedged modern. State case of eomia verson other than the writer af the Jeter. I must also be within 8 few brief years.' signed by the pen ' RRETES 1 dascribed, us 0 Tos n wah of the stuicmonts mae. The writer of sack letio the name aud date of Yer. that the path of reform which ned for: Afghanistan was | via he has been' Paper mn which he or abi saw. this announce ment. Fine writing will not win the prize § uinss vou have a good case to des-' The" strength of the recom- Ragy Guardian, "The young men of Kabul may be content tn» he Ewnropeanized and to niecdation and 9a the. style'.of the fot, anh 4 tiey have Sgedny shown vr afor Jorser will be the 9asts of the award. "heir view of the royal reforms The "Dr Willlame Medieine Co. organizing a full-dress vebellion rainst the central rer fal have the right to publish any "UAINCt he central power letter entered in this, contest, if they Dy InGIa MOLGING, WH H desire to do so, whegher It wins a HP almast impregnable cefuge, they prize or not 4 still remain as stuhbornly rod The wontest will slose on and ay formidable ax were their an. 3 0 and tho: o ; costors whe pave «nek cronhie So 26th, 1929. and the prizes i ela Thnitlreat a chats har awarded as soon as possihle there. after. Do vot delay If voir know of a good case write your letter NOW Observe the -abova conditions ara. fully or your letter may be thrown out. Address all letters ax follows: The Dr. Williams Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont, ny Letter Contes! Deparemeny Japan . and Nature "It seems to me ie Si at the founda- tion of the traditional Japanesd soul is respect--a subordinating of person- ality to the object considered, deferent recognition of the life and of the things which surround one. Religion in Japan. has not thite fgr been the worshiping of a transcendent Being, but is specifically associated with na- ture and with that society in which it exists," writes Mr. Paul Claudeh' in the Dial Magazine, "The Japanese belongs to an iso- lated unit that has shown throughout! centuries its abil'ly to forgo contact with the rest »f the world. Hig coun-! try is a kind of sanctuary. built and adorned, in which he watches a bril- | liant, sighificant ceremonial progress throughout successive rites. from one year's end to tha next, Tron January snows till the shoots make their way up out of the earth under the warm rain of the nynbai, from April's ex- ha'ations of the ese to Autumn's con- flagration. Life for him is participa-| tion in this august calendar. { "He .allies himself with nature rather than subjugates it; adjusts his life to her ceremonial, observes her, {follows her, renders ter speech and her detail more perfect; their lives In no country is there more acute understanding vevween man and' nature or a more evident reciprocal impri yanlines cher have vaticiem, and it is ag rue faith and the old wavs that they oppose their King. To suhdua ther, even with the modern ' which Amanullah has 'at will not be easy, and it for, some time Afghan. s the <cene of long and way "Rut the forntiersmen fignt a los. ling battle They fight for a couse already lost, and whatever initial suc. cesses they may gain, in the end thev will meet the same .iefeat as their fellow-conservatives in Tierk wand in Persia, Amanullah they bay. but they cannot for long sug course of history." fieh A Moston BY devateps of are moat > | : WAS TURNING GRAY Patron: You say my hair is begin- ning to turn gray? Garrulous Barber: Oh, yes; turning gray rapidly, I'd say. Patron: Well, may 1 hope to get! out of here before it's entirely white? re re a No Second Helping Inquiring Elder: "And did you PE i Toy Articles advertised on this page have a good time at the party? may be used In the fimerick contest Bobby: "Not so Jory, 1 sald 'nd' desoribed elsewhere In this lssiie. When they asked me more {ce to' have' 'some thi cream--and Send in " 8 ur imerieks and win ca Dominion Status Opposing Factions in National in the National Congress have reach- Tf Ring Amanullah ever had any oq an agreement in the discussion of says the Man- favor complete independence, agreed swear top-hats. collars, and ties, but {s maintained to the goal of in the young wen of the frontier are g.,.,dence and propaganda is con © teas ! 8imon now ls In India studying the | aptire gituation and will prepare a re- Chevrette and Dupuls. APERFECT MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets Should be! in Every Home Where There Are Children The perfect medicine for little ones is found in Baby's Own Tablets. They are a gentle but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach; drive out constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and promote healthful refreshing sleep. It is impossible for Baby's Own Tablets to harm even the new-born babe, as they are absolutely guaranteed free from opiates or any other injurious drug. Concerning the: Tablets, Mrs. Alex. J. Perry, Atlantic," N.S. writes:--"I always keep Baby's Own Tablets in Asked for Indi 1a Congress Have Reached Agreement FULL INDEPENDENCE Calcutta, India---Opposing factions India's independence. Shrinivasa Iyengar, leader of the younger group of Nationalists who to support Mahatfna Gandhi's pro- posal to accept the status of a Do- minion until 1930, provided adhher- tinued in the name of Congress for complete independence. Jawahar Lal Nehru and Subash the house for the children, as I have Chaudra Bose, the latter a Bengal found them a perfect medicine for leader, remaincd neutral Httle ones, . The ceport presented by Moti Lal Baby's Own Tablets are sold by Nehru, which was based on the Dor Medicine dealers or by mail at 25 wiinfon status and re ded ac. cents a box from The Dr. Williams ceptance of it a ard Pr Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. independer endan- | 1 - garda bowever. siuce the Ting lead- | ery are opposing Moslem demands for! 028 Progress one-third. of the seats in the Central] } The developments In pure and ap- Legislature It Legisint plied science during the year of 1928 Non-Violent Methods are: uandht was in favor of the Nehru! melevision and cinema broadcasting. report, wxeept that he asked for inser | Carbaloy (tungsten carbide plus tion of # provision that if the British Government did not accept the constl- tution by 1930 [ndia should resume its cobalt) machine shop tool metal. Aluminum plating. Corr paper used commercially [is good ted" RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good Electron Strata Radio Reflector Is New Theory Danish Professor States Sun- Radiated Electrons Cause Aurora Borealis Copenhagen. -- The Getting on Trial marriage, television, Taxes, taxis, prohibition, Propaganda, profiteering, Radio and racketeering, Boards of Temperance and Morals, Modern-Fundamental quarrels, Speed fans and synthetic food Halitosis, Hollywood, Alienists and aviation, Sex and Shaw and sanitation . . . Heavens, who's this Orful Ogress? Hush! She's calmly christened "Progress." a £ Senator Lad said at a lunchecn in Fargo: "The world really does ned a pact outlawing war, for when war comes every people is as blindly obe- dient to its government, no matter how blameworthy its government may be, as was little Willie. * "Willie, said " world:famed ing so far into the ether with the radio, and explains how the echo has n thrown back. _It is not other celestial globes which have been the cause of the echo, according to Prof. Pedersen. The distances, however im- posing, up to 1,500,000 miles, are too his teacher, 'suppose, Willie, that a short for that, nor can it have been| E¢T Wa8 to com® rushing at you to from the moon, which is too near a Fou phat would you do?" The learned professor is of opinian | 0LLDE teacher, said Willie. "What? that the radio waves on their way into | Nothing > You wouldn't even shout space have encountered electrically for help : os 30: JLeacper, 'Good- 4 loaded bunches of strata of raye, that] co5 We: hy not? "Because my pop says 1 musn't talk at meals.' Los Angeles Times ATENTS is, electrons. It is those which are the cause of the signals being thrown back. They must have crossed or have presumably crossed at different dis- tances from the earth. which explains : : : : List of "Wanted 1 the difference in the time of the etho B10. Full. Informa or Byentions? ] reaching the sending station: 8, 44, on Reagent. ! conde AY ©O., D b, 8, 13, 15 and 17 seconds. = 273 Bank Bt. Sant. Ww, Professor Pedersen states: "These electrons undoubtedly emanate from the surface of the sun. They occasion- < ally radiate from there in immense 'uticara discharges and only & very small por- tion of these electrons reaches the carth, and they are the cause among other things of the Ayrora Borealis. These radiations are not continuous but appear suddenly and disappear again equally suddenly in connect with the sun spots. "The radio of the earth has ar calculable length of penetration; t this is the case with the short wav is plainly proved by their being re- pulsed. Our length of reach is not limited to the electrons which repuls- ed or threw back the signals from The Sanative; Antiseptic Healing Service Uneacelied Tor fifty years Soap « Ointment + Talcum « Shaving Frick 2B0. each st al) Draggivis ~~ Acts Like 2 Plas That's why so many "Huckley's" to end Co TR chitis and ail Thro at Chest sud Lung troubles. It's intent, pleasent, guaranteed You'll note its un ne powers in the very first dose Einbooken. Short waves will pene- | AR SAT cent bot ny ; , « ciley's", trate space and will be able to pero | W. K. Buckles Limited, numerous problems which bhithertc 142 Mutos) £1, Toronts EVE NJ ta 2 have been Insoluble." aT BUCKLEY Imperial Deferce | i Acts like a flashes Toronto Globe: Canada has not ® single p proves iy been doing: her share in Empire fence. It is not for the mere layw to suggest what form that = should take. Alr forces will play domindting part in any future flict. Tt 1a possible that Cans most effective and acceptable co bution would be in the creation of air de poliey "nf "non-violent pon-co-opera- ggg ate fert r hand-made tion." com lly from sodium carbonate Nehve nas thveatencd to vesIgh Ho .4 eo aeld. his liberty of act! 8 K > made synthetically from repo fructose. and glucose, bringing closer { the commercial synthesis of carbo- Ei Ea pationallsts pegrg Aro of pendence An quione, raw material for trong geo Nehrd many ile dyes ade cheaply by cn andit + and Dr. Annie Besant. disagreement over the future using turtur al as dire a solvent and by t oxidation in the presence of a The poltical status of the country brought Coal tar products multiplied Without cease. Coal conference at Pittsburgh, which made businessmen realize more than ever pure science's money value. Wilkins' flying across the Arctic. Nobile's rescue in the Arctic, post for the Saverment at London. Byrd and Wilkins' separate expedi- tions in the Antarctic. Andrews', Roerich's and Filchner's Cash Prizes ~~ . Beparatg expeditdons in Mougolia; ex: "For Limericks peditions on all the continents. Digging in Egypt, Palestine, Meso- potamla, Greece and Mexico. Artificial lightning of 3,600,000 volts. Electrons shot outside of coolldge tubes, Helium and nitrogen atoms collid- ing and producing fluorine, the fluorine eploding into hydrogen and a leaders which to be pro- a deadlock among threatened for a while longed. A commission headed by Sir John Readers of this paper may win cash | prizes while spending an enjoyable hour at-home by composing limericks shout any of the well-known articles advertised on this page. Limericks are quite easy to write as the follow- ing example will shrw: | new kind of oygen. There was an old codger named Daws | Hydrogen atoms colliding to form Who 'twas sald knew alot about saws pqt only heliuin, but oxygen and nitro- For tecth éutting like diamonds gen. There are none equal Simonds, | "Primeval microbes found alive in | Said the experienced SAW-EXDeIS, Bill | pre-Cambrian rocks. ~~ Daws. & edie For every Tmerick accepted we will : 3 pay one dollar. There {s nothing to Social and Personal do but write the limericks and send Sheth th wale and address and' 'to Limerick Editor," irish oi Tabi Suds Rooms 421-5, Adelaide Magazine: Most society gossip 1s whom they are writting who merely tir out & fatigued, méchanical series Beverley Nicholls in the London written by weary young men and wo-| men who do not know the people of | fleets, which are as useful in peace- time. . But that is a matter for the experts, Always Keep Minard: s Lini m ment han It was a sm and the English "At AN pa - Bi ABOUT HEARS" ON REQUEST 0. LEONARD, ne, 10- LF AVEL NEW an was paying his first visit there. He stop yed {o make a few enquiries of place. After a few remarks he said to him: "I suppose you have a pro- vost here?" "Ay," sald the man. "And does he wear Insignia like our mayors?" enquired the Engiighman: The man looked at him in amazement "Insignia?" he enquired. "Well," sald the other, "does he wear a chain?" "Na, na," was t "He gangs loote; but -dinna-b ared, he's quite, harmless." - Frost Bitten. Relleve the pain of eold nip ped cheeks or ears with Min. ards; It will soethe and beal Try Again Punster: "I write these jokes, you know, and send them in to the papers just for my own amusement," Friend (looking over rejection slips): "So it would seem." '| of Mttle paragraphs, all of them a terms of fulsome adula- th these tion, according to the rank of the per: whom they are Sess ibing. Grippe. | rd's Liniment fg for ripe} ae remained the standard with physicians cla What many people call indigestion Jess alkeli ib wates will neutralize fo- very often means excess acid in the slantly many sis du uh acd, stomach merves have ihe symptoms disappear at once. {heen over-stimulated, and food sours. |-will never use crude a 1 : The corrective is an alkall, which|once you learn ihe eff "Who George Wash neutrons sci mani. And the (Go get a small best alkali known to medical sclence| Be sure to gy v hose wife {s Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It hae { Milk = ) of bottle get the

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