bE ~~ WANTED We will highest market Pe Give us a trial. pd THE LAKE SCUGOG FROM THE for for 'Appleant FUR FARMS PORT PERRY MILLING & LUMBER Abia nn. EE North half of lot 18, con. 10, Reach, : : gen CHRISTMAS TREE AT R. R. 1, Seagrave, Ont. For Pastry, or Lily White for Bread. The numpgen ---- ; : MANCHESTER =~ | of users is Fo daily. Our customerziare i BOXED | vod = The annual Christmas Entertain The Creamery pleased with our flour. Try it: be convinced. % « Joxes % | ment in connection with the United |is paying 4le, 40c, and 87. for Mr. William Causley, rec 7 wit ; wo es 2 oR Chueh Sunday Schon ¢ Manchest | utter Fat. You can save abor AL ME PC |CHINAWARE.L 2 A Ta on re Svonink of Thur and make more 1oney by send- hou rives ot Port Perry and district to J. A. HETHERINGTON | every go : 3 come, Admission 25¢ and 16¢c. decl3 "SORT PERRY CRE AMERY lI -- use his flour. Good Mixed wood for sale. in belel uss Epic ONE i; Bester and Saturday from 8 to 5 pm. and by| ~~ Fancy Vi Fen appointment. : " OFFICE IN PURDY BLOCK | TAPESTEY. - 3 priced at A. GOODE & BON, Proprietors Arthur W. Lynde DR. J. A. MURRAY TEACHER OF SINGING. DENTIST THE ; Office upstairs in Leonard Block : a t| SPECIAL SHALING) NEEDLEW( Studio at the home of Mrs. H. H. | Ho 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 98 H { § sii js rae ae va 4 Stone. Phone 77 Friday Afternoons | PORT PERRY ONTARI i COMING! WS rom owe Targe Sulection of. specially Family ShoeStore|:; =z # Yonge St., Toronto, to be at his § It's just a matter of days|i™ "Sttasin puresend. | and Christmas will be here. - |i Stamped Linen Towels and Checked Tea Towelling, | pach Hemstitched Towels with blue or pink borders, 48¢ each. ~~ Stamped Night Gowns, made of good quality nainsook, 95c. ls Stamped Pillow Cases, at $1.35 per pair. Stamped Vanity Sets, at 50c.-and 75¢c. F. E. LUKE ; : Stamped Buffet Sets, at 45c. to 75¢. : 4 7 le clears At the Family Shoe Store|} us vou si tonoros f| © ricci Beles Cm Summ tor its. of | Yvon |mmesssnnsessssss oe 5 Pra q the you can can get suitable and W. A Sangster Week End Prices for Groceries a] " Hes ap ro riate ifts " 7 Granulated Sugar. 35:10" Tbs for 60¢.| Bee Hive Syrup........ ..5 Ibs 8fc. Ba 2 LI N E P P g 4 ; ; Sugar Crisp Corn N es, 3 for 2c. : } 10 hs 68c. - Our Holeproof line of Hosiery with : Bulk Date... ooRE Tor Boe Con a P A 0 oe ise : fancy Jndividusl boxes aks a nice mre Hon 147 EL 9 gf oly Fowden aivisvarici A or 06 EY N THE TELEPHONE BUSINESS this ift. have them for $1.00 & $1.25 M TLE mer 552 E54 5g BP | ores Com Bim 28 Th 4 man is called a "trouble-shooter'," which a e ave em for 4 Vegel7 = F 1le. | Popping Corn, ........ A ? = may sound fie 1 il pe hr him. and full-fashioned at $1.50 & $1.95 in: : k. ic! a : YL a 4 Any hour of the night he may be roused from all the latest shades. : : ELEV ATO nt ; sleep. Somewhere the line is down and it is up to him to fix i. Right sway, We have a splendid assortment of |riovr. rsp or aL kms, Usually the line is down because there has 3 : FEEDS, . been a storm." It isn't much fun to cling to the fancy slippers that make suitable ifts, Highest prices paid for Grain and top of a pole with a zero gale taking your also smart shoes patent, "3 lac & Seeds. Let .us clean your grain and breath away. brown ki d We 1% h the las oment seeds and pay you the better price. ° 6.0 % 3 a 5° % ONTARIO GRAIN COMPANY. INDING THE BREAK in the line is not line in goloshes.® 92% A % Chas, Pilkey, In charge as bad as it used fo be. B used to mean that ANA 0 Phone 120.7 § Myrtle, Ont. men had to trudge along through the storm, I y 2% 1% 5% : a perhaps for miles, pntif Yhe bad spot was n mens wi ON > p = found, Today there are delicate instruments 5 [] 0% ® 4 b y i which can locate the spot within a few rods going into the Li) Lo* ay bis jie 7% 7 : from an office many miles away. nice variety OM "i550 4 RARER ; . bac" n % ou ; 3 (4 i 4 Rs i ' " They are so accurate that if there is a break in = JY RERDLEL ARE SLT i Rak { BUST o CRT 0 our pulper, grinder, the "80 miles of line between Toronto and gloves, spats, dv', 2 ra fy [of LH 308 GH pp "parator, fannll ill or pump, It's a Sarnia, a man can sit in a building n Toronto and our line of ma Gay i : ' s economically on and locate the spot within a pole's length or o 54 RE ; so. Or a man can sit in a building in Montreal the best makes in i 3 . and find a break anywhere between there and mn Fs : SON He can tell the trouble-shooter almost the very JAS. McKEE & pole to go to because every pole now is num- : s e ed... NOTICE TO CREDITORS LOST" ' Of George David Prentice, deceased.] A black, tan and white hou PP UT THE TROUBLE-SHOOTER has to Pursuant to Sec. 56-of Chapter 121 | vicinity of G a J do the actual job and it means more than of the Revised Statutes of Ontario a oy \ mechbank Anvo ne hav=iy, Sng Josi 1 braving bad 'weather. It calls 1914, notice is hereby given that all please notify J. Matthews, SINE S'ecp Or braving i y creditors and others having claims|76 Yonge St., Oshawa. 1 a3 for very high technical skill. against the estate of George David : : Prentice, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, 35th day of October AD. 108 are, on y of Oc Tr , 1! are, on or before the 8rd day of January AD. F E E D D ; Re 1929 to send by post, prepaid, to d ; a Er #2 | W. T. Rodman administratrix of the estate of the AND | Merchant Tailor | Over Tel. Office Port Perry g done. Ladies" fe >. __a Bega fl Bo 0 A lh ORR SHUNEK i AGENT, SONYA, ONT. Big cables are simply lead containers holding hundreds of tightly packed wires, each fine as a hair. When the cable is burnt out for a stretch, opened, there is a fine looking mess. It looks like the stuffing of a hair mat- tress. . said deceased their christian names and surnames, addresses and descri tions, the full Darticulars of the G E T claims, a of their - and the nature of securities (if any) E G G S ; Each of these hundreds of fine wires has to be connected again to its mate in the other half of the cable. If you can imagine youself finger- ing 'those wires at two o'clock of a stormy wintry morning you will realize how good the held b; Shen and that aller the day, -- : trouble-shooter has to be at his job. owt gi gg Sell the | Rie 2 vathe Iant of assets of the said d d the! bol egg-makin ial TORMS COST MONEY as well as dis- Parties entitled thereto having regard' | goep BLAT Egg Mash comfort. The telephone system has over rd Bh given as above re.| J before your hens all the time-- 675,000. miles of wire strung on poles stretch- Juired, and the said Eleanor May| J| THEN COLLECT THE EGG! \ Ba ing across 23,000 miles of country and every wn will not be liable for the said Sold and Recommended By We are ready for you with the most storm hits some part of the system. A big assets or any part thereof, fo anyi; p ycClintock, Dealer, Port Perry ll products that the sun parlor of the world ean produce. Real honest to storm can do a great deal of damage. ERASE and completeness, displayed in our store ready to meet the increasing Sleet has cost the telephone company as much OX son's requirements, s i : = as a million dollars in one year, Sometimes je Sc > 3 ; ; MAL A i RAISIN ad one § gloria means spending more than $100,000 Sunday a ; -hool al 2 AGA TALE RAIS H 5 In pec without delay. 'Anniversary (I = The ver best under the There is no time to call thé directors together. ET 3 3 D ler Spanish, they ~The job has to be done and the mon t ae 28 ces iy -, For their complexion ari * The money is ready because the telephone hp NT \NDIED C company has followed a policy .of making ER 2 definite provision for such emergencies. 5g y Sy pad the job is done because the telephone ~~ business has men and women, like the : "sho alive so the meaning of dE and ik front ras of in