Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 29 Nov 1928, p. 8

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Notice is here section 61, of the by, ives erat go Pg a Ra ee ers, ha or against the estate of the said Selena! Cochran, who died on or about the; 18th day of April, 1928, are required on or before the 19th day of December A.D. 1928, to send by post, ; or deliver to John A. Shep; ew market, Ontario, the Administrator | with the Will annexed of the Last Will and Testament of the said de- ceased, their Christian names, and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And take notice that after such last mentioned date, the said Ads trat- or will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having legard oply only 3 the claims of which he sh: notice and that the said Ball shes Save will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof of any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received time of such distribution. Dated this 6th Jag 2 Nov., 1928, NORMAN L. MATHEWS, Solicitor for said Administrator, vhelstian pames and surnames, ad- and descriptions, the fall par-| , of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, and that after the day last aforesaid, John E. Harris, will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased among the ies entitled thereto having re, only to such claims of which. notice shall have been given as above uired, and the said John E. Harris hi not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any per- son or persons of wl cla claims_notice shall not have been re- ceived by Wm. Heard Harris at the time of such distribution. Dated at Port Perry, Ont., this 9th day of November A.D. 192! 8. WM. HEARD HARRIS, Solr, for Sarah Elizabeth Lansing Estate, Port Perry, Ont. For Pastry, o Lily White for Bread. of users is growin daily. Our custo pleased wit our. Try it: be €onvinced Mr, William Causley, recently with the Galt . Milling-Company, is anxious to have the house wives of Port Perry and district to use his flour. Good Mixed wood for sale. | BoxED J. A. HETHERINGTON | DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER | CHINAW/ in Port Perry, Tuesday, Thursday, every Bi and Saturday from 8 to 5 p.m. and by better . appointment. 3 OFFICE IN PURDY BLOCK Fax TAPESTR# ON TOPS n eight aod COMING! § oA a cient i * #! SPECIAL SELLING OF ART NEED) if A. J. Davis, Druggist, Port § gifts from our lrge selection of $8 Perry, has arranged with Dr. § #8 F. E. Luke, Optometrist, 167 § work. ## Yonge St., Toronto, to be at his § it store, on WEDNESDAY, DEC. § i 19th. Satisfaction guaranteed. H 4TH THE Family Shoe Store We are pretty well settled in our new quarters, and are in shape to give the public service at low prices. Christmas will soon be here, and we}. W, A. Sangster Hope have our usual smart lines of Women's ES am. to 6 pm. Shoes and Slippers, also the newshades as MeEee's, Shon Store in Holeproof Hosiery, carefully selecté him at the Stamped Pillow Cases, at $1.35 per rn Stamped Vanity Sets, at 50c. and 75¢. Stamped Buffet Sets, at 45¢c. to 75e. ~~ Corticella Boil-Proof Stranded, 3 skeins for 10e. F. E.-LUKE : Optometrists H i# 163-167 Yonge St., TORONTO 2 # 5) the Telephone Granalated Sta Rice, good qual Bulk D: ates, Sifto Salt @ Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes Arm TN HIS YOUNG LADY'S JOB is to "clock" Ja. the telephone service. She sits there with her decimeter stop watch and measures to tenths of a second the time tdken to complete a call, Other "clockers" record the errors made, the speed with which "trouble" is re- paired, all the items of telephone efficiency. If speed and efficiency are not constantly on the climb these are the people who know it first and then there is a grand hunt to find out what's gone wrong, with skill and taste. These make nice Christmas Gifts. In Men's wear we have smart lines of 1Shoes, Dress Shirts, Ties, Gloves, and Socks in the latest patterns and winter weights; Scotch wool gloves,etc. In heavy wear we have Work Shirts, {8 eralls, Socks, Mackinaw Coats, Mitts, and the famou bers, with the usual guarantee. It is a good game. It gets results. That is why your telephone serves you better this year than it did last year, and next year will serve you better than now. That is why it has contribut- ed its share to Canadian progress. OR EXAMPLE, seven years ago the aver- Fe interval from the time you lifted your telephone receiver until the operator answered was 5.1 seconds. Today the clocker finds the interval cut to 3.7 seconds. Tomorrow it will be still less. : Seven years ago there were 95 slow calls in every 1,000-=a slow call being one in which the operator takes ten seconds or more to answer, Today there are only 33 in every thousand. The number of errors of all kinds has been reduced from 40 in every 1,000 calls to 16, which is over ninety-eight per cent perfect, IVE YEARS AGO you ran 27 chances in every 1,000 calls of getting the wrong num- ber. That is down now to 13 chances in 1,000, or nearly 99 times out of the 100 right. There are only two chahces in a thousand now that you will be cut off. There were five chances in a thousand, five years ago. There used to be eight times in a thousand calls when you would break in on somebody else's conversation, Now there. are only two such double connections per thousand. HERE ARE "CLOCKERS" at work in other directions too and here are some of the things they have recorded. The time taken to repair "trouble" on a line now has been cut to one-third of the time taken five years ago. The time taken to install a new telephone used to be three hours and forty-five minutes. It has been cut now to one hour and forty-five min- utes. That means something in hours saved, with 139,000 telephones installed in Ontario and Quebec this year. Pry GOOD results. But the clocker isn't satisfied. Nobody in the telephone business is ever satisfied with today's mark. The system to- A » morrow must always be better 7d hs with the " E¥ Bl ht. popular p priced Shoes. tel PIGS FOR SALE A number of young pigs. Will sell reasonable. Apply to D. E. Ianson; Greenbank, Phone 108 1-1, Port Perry. Le OO FOR SALE Oxford Stock Ram. Apply to H. L. Mitchell, R.R. 2, Seagrave, Phone 247 r 8-8. ° Utica News Mrs. C. Hogarth, of Napanee, with Mrs. E. Kendall, on Friday. Master Clarence Butson and Mel- ville Lakey attended the bus trip'to Toronto last week. Mrs. G. D. Bentley spent several days with Mrs. J. E. Beacock, Port Perry, last week. These are just a few of our lines. » Call and inspect our gos. '{the attendance wag gram at oi Christmas Tree the council. Owing to the sudden cold weather, PRES your friends, if we do Ter -- i : We will rectify mistakes, prompiy, I got sd the seco mprovemd Thank Offering servic terian Church on Sup The scholars of the School will present : on Monday, December 17th. Don't| forget the date and everybody come. }/ Mr, and Mrs. Harold Kerry were if, Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. Gee "Ward returned home with them. eee) OO WARDEN TENDERS BANQ TO COUNTY OFFICERS" Warden G. M. Forsyth was the host to his collegues in the County Council, and other officials of the County at tue conclusion of the November session of There were 150 present. The County Councillors pr ted the Warden with a gold watch, A The Least gives so m The Greatest Service-- There's no with so little attention That's why y ing Windmill Attention iece of farm equipment that service over so a ion as a windmill, recommend the Toronto Self- of Toronto 'With the arrivel of is a splendid choice. Get your order orn Pressin, thoroug! Cleaning Process. at very moderate prices. W. T. Rodman| (RTLE: ELEVATOR FLOUR, FEED OF ALL KIND3, POULTRY FEEDS, SALT. Highest prices paid for Grain and Seeds. Let us clean your grain and seeds and pay you the better price. ONTARIO GRAIN COMPANY. Chas. Pilkey, in charge Phone 120 r 6 "Our prices are Freatly J, new g ere n early. Al kinds of Dry done. Ladies' fine . cleaned by, our New Merchant Tailor Over Tel. Office Port Perry | big. + Beedies Su Wd Rh wr No fen, lithe and After ¢ e bazaar lunch was served {olloweq Mav a splendid conkert given inthe ch The P! amounted to net. Well | done Seugog. Mrs. D. Hope, and Mrs. A. Martyn spent last week in Little Britain with relatives, Mrs. O. Jeffrey, ad son Clem, of Enniskillen spent the week end with Mr. and Mts, W, Mark. Miss Doris Milner spent a few days in Oshawa "this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ploughman and family of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. C. Samells and family, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. G, Samells. MISS LUCY CROWDY. The 30-year-old daughter of James Crowdy of Ottawa, Assistant EN. WILLARD'S STORE NEWS We are ready for you with the most conte stock of high grade groceries and cholees') products that the sun parlor of the world can p roduce. Real honest to goodness quality, flavor and completeness, displayed in our store ready to meet the jicreasing demand son's requirements. MALAGA TABLE RAISINS, in pd "These The raisins are excellent raisin very best under the Su Demoiseller Spanish, they seg + For their complex; VA ANCIA, MUSKETEL and § \ CHOIC E TABLE FIGS

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