Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 22 Nov 1928, p. 4

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Philip Tus rather 4 uniqui iden of arranging a girl's room, Katheriné aud Masi appreciate It anyway--so mises to be i why worry. Town Hall, Nov. 30th. *| the Class, The following The Young People's Soclety of the| the special a United Church attended the meeting of the United Y. P. 8. at Blackstock, on Wednesday evening. We regret to hear that Mr. Arthur Dowson has been compelled to give up his work owing to ill health. We hope he will be his robust self soon. Mr. Frank Woodley leaves this week for Entrance, Alberta, where he expects to make his home, Mr. J. C. Cockburn moved last week to his new home in the Bates pro- perty west of the school. A deputation of Port Perry citizens was in Lindsay last Friday looking for the fish slide that should be in the dam on Scugog River. As yet they have not found it. The fire alarm sent in on Friday night reminds one of the story of 4. A County store and A cooking sale, . 6. A "White Elephant" Booth, where you can buy useful articles in good condition for a mere fraction of their original cost. 6. The "Pick-pocket lady" who will provide lots of fun for the kiddies. 7. An Antique Shop (admission 10 relics of several generations. 8. A very dainty candy booth. 9. An excellent supper--only 86c. for adults and 26¢c. for children. The orchestra in attendante. Everybody cordially invited to at- Mark Twain, who saw an t of | tend B g at 4 pm. his own death in a newspaper. He in-| Supper at 6 p.m. until all are served. formed the editor that the account|G:. STOVIN, B. RUNDLE," was "greatly exaggerated." President. Secretary. Mr. Geo. Hall, lately with Mr. A. R. Wilson, of Seven Mile Island, has taken p ion of Cook's R: which he recently purchased, and is ready for business. Call and see him. Every branch of farm work, farm machinery, stock, ete., has an expert writer in the Family Herald and Weekly Star, the recognized first writers in Canada. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Ney is improving in health and is able to return to her home. Mr. W. J. Mackenzie, High School Principal, has been quite ill with sciatica, but is somewhat better, we are pleased to report. Rm | ¢ | ER OLD ENGLAND LODGE ELECTS OFFICERS FOR 1929 At a meeting of Old England Lodge, Sons of England, the following officers were elected for the year 1929: President--Bro. Thos. Blight Vice President--Bro. A. Wilkinson Chaplain--Bro. T, J. Widden Secretary--Bro, T. J. Widden Treasurer--Bro. Geo. R. Davey Committee--Bros. Middleton, L. Bond, H. Robert and B. Smith. Inside Guard--Bro. P. Lavington Outside Guard--Bro. Stabback Trustees--Bros. A. W. Allin and H. Roberts. Auditors--Bros. Roberts. Marshall--Bro, Middleton. Grand Lodge Delegate--Bro. Allin Alternate--Bro. Blight It was decide to have installation on Tuesday evening, December 18th, Bro. Barrett, D,D.S.P., of Oshawa, will be here to perform the duty of in- stallation. The Supreme Lodge will be held at Vancouver in August, 1929. RSA 1 | SARI] CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, Nov. 26th-- Sunday 'School at 8 p.m. Evening Service at 7 p.m, Friday--Week-night service at 7.80. --00 mc PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH' Sunday, November 25th. 11 a.m.--"Some Inadequate Views of Jesus Christ." 2.30 p..m--Sabbath School. 7 pm.~--The Way of the Trans- gressor," Thursday, at 7.80 p.m.--Midweek service for prayer, praise and medi tation. Prince Albert Church 2 p.m.--Sabath School. 8 p.m--Worship Service. W. Davey and H. ean NE Marion is a "Star specimen of a yachtsman" see her sail her boat at the Town Hall, Nov, 30th, mm-- LOST Waterman may Foumain Pen, without cap. Finder please notify Florrie Figary, Port Perry. PRU NOMSIY |, | WE Patty says Aunt Rebecca "has cats on the brain" but Jenkins says he 'can't see them--can you? Try at the Town Hall, Nov. 80th, at 8 pm, at I. 0. D. E. play. The Woman's Missionary Society met in the Ladies' Parlor, on Wednes- day, November 14th, with a splendid attendance. It was decided to have a "Christmas Gift" at the December meeting. During the programme, which fol. lowed the busi and devoti exercises, Mrs. Leask and Mrs. D. McArthur, sang a duét which was ap- preciated by all. em---- -- High School Play and Concert, December 18th and 19th. BR my GL Seagrave Frise-McDonald A wedding of interest to many Sea- grave people took place on Wednesday afternoon, November 7th, at the home of the bride's parents, Seaton Street, Toronto, when Elizabeth May, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, W. McDonald, was 'united in marriage to Mr. Elwood Bruce Frise, son of Mrs. Lidya Frise and the late Edward Frise, formerly of Seagrave, Little Britain. "The house was beautifully decorated with palms, roses and 'mums for the cere- mony which was performed by Rev. Harold Lang, of Park Road Baptist chureh. The bride who was given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a gown of pale pink taffeta and orchid tulle with hat and shoes to match and carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses and lily-of-the-valley. She was unattended. The wedding march was played by Miss Doreen Egan, cousin of the bride. Following the ceremony a reception was held. Mrs. E. Frise and Mrs. W, McDonald received with the bridal party. Laterwthe happy couple left on a motor trip to Detroit and other points. The bride wearing reindeer flat crepe dress with hat, shoes and purse to match. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Frise will reside on Roncesvelles Ave. The groom's friends join in wishing them many years of happiness and pros- perity. Mrs. H. Wanamaker and son Glen spent several days in Toronto with friends. Many from the community attended the special meetings in Uxbridge, and report these meetings wonderful. The church being filled to capacity. The sudden change of weather has caused many to be laid up with bad colds. Sorry to report Mrs. John Mark being under the doctor's care. Mr. Edgar Butt was in Toronto this week on business. Mr. Chas. Neveles left for Toronto where he will reside for some time. Mr. Angus Wilkinson of Oshawa, visited friends over the week end. Mr. and Mrs, A: Orchard, accom- panied by Mrs. James Shunk, visited in Uxbridge on Friday. . The Young People's League are having a meeting on Tuesday evening of this week to organize for the com-| cents) where you will seo 'family |V ----000---- W. M. 8. of the UNITED CHURCH | Maree] Wan mun Hair Cut . i Shampoo . 2he. PRS tesdesans The Rite "Hat Shoppe Showroom jn the Nem ot Author Block ter Wave ...... ; hud Wave... .: 75¢. A To CREAR Li ope Pes jist Y § Sra Overcoatings. quote prices. We have a choice range of very low prices. your inspection. MERCHANT TAILOR . NEW SUITS AND OVERCOATS We have a full range of Fall and Winter Suitings and See these goods for yourself and let us They are right. Satisfaction guaranteed. ready-to-wear 'Overcoats at We feel that these coats are worthy of We have them because We Jmow they are right in price and quality. It pays to have your suit dry cleaned. Let us do it. W. R. WILLAN 'PORT PERRY ALIX GILBOORD UTICA NEWS (Too late for last week) Mrs, E. Kendall spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall in Toronto. Miss Verna Bailey,-of Toronto, with her sister, Mrs. C. Geer, on Sunday. Miss Edith Lakey, of Toronto, with her sister, Mrs. H. Davis, over the holiday. Miss Cora Christie in Oshawa over the week end. My. and Mrs. Geo. Lyle, Miss N. Hortop, and Mr. M. Winters, of Osh- awa, at the home of Mr. and Mra. Frank Hortop, over the holiday. Mr, and Mrs. Quaker Hill, at Mr. and Mrs. Chester Geer's. Mrs, James Ackney, of Epsom, at Miss P. Jones' on Friday. ; Mrs. T. Evans in Toronto on Thurs- day. Mr; and Mrs. Thompson, of Oshawa, have moved to the farm recently sold by Mr. Thos. Lane. We welcome Mr. and Mrs, Thompson to our midst. A number from here attended the Church, Uxbridge, on Sunday and during the week. The Ladies' Aid of the United the church on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Henderson, Miss Yona Henderson and Mr, and Mrs. G. Henderson and Joyce, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. C.-W. Takes on Sunday. ---- Oliver Yaker, of: Evangelistic services in the: United: Church was held Oe sack ob PORT PERRY {Dominion Store WANTS TO RAISE -$3,000.0@ IN A SHORT TIME--PRICES Mig" CUT VERY LOW TO DO THIS Come and see the goods and low pric --- "5 ~ Ph A 77a Mr. Gordon Philp, of Toronto, his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, J Bentley, over the holiday, Miss Margaret Jones, of Tq her home here over the holiday. Miss Elsie Gibson, Mr, Ryerson Gibson and friend, of Toronto, at-home on Sun- day. » -- A concert will be held on the even-¥i'q ing of Friday, November 80th, Memory Hall, under the in We sell the best-----Lehigh Valley to your residence if desired. Myrtle Elevator "Lucile B. Leask | A T.C.M snd A. 0. C. M, WANTED ! Girl for general house work. One who can do plain cooking preferred. Apply Mrs. E. B. Walker, Port, Perry. GOOD FARM FOR RENT Immediate possession, 100 acres on Scugog Island. Apply to D. M. Jack- son, R.R. 8, Port Perry. DR. J. A. MURRAY DENTIST i Office upstairs in Leonard Block Hou ep, Phone 98 PORT PERRY ONTARIO Arthur W. Lynde TEACHER OF SINGING. Studio at the home of Mrs. H. H. Stone. Sohal? Bridey Atiersosta , at of the hall, the following well how , high class talent have been engag: Miss Jean Simpson, vocalist; Miss Elsie Bush King, reader; Miss, Ethel Clowes, violinist; Miss Jessie Cameron MacGregor, pianiste and saxaphonist. This will be the treat of the season, as any of these artists is worth the price of admission. . Mr. T. W. Horn, the donor of the hall is expected to be present. Admission-=~Adults 06. Children 28c. The committee are doing their best to raise funds to the hall they trust that thif concert will ceive the patronage that it merits. A financial statement will be pub- lished after the close of the year. Dance after the concert. sii g and Solvay Coke. We can deliver ft] Fuse 190 + § Hythe Sais, Out] CHOICE QUALITY BEEF, LAMB, rORK, VEAL - Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, at - - PURE" LARD EASIFIRSTY BACON [) - WE BUY CATTY RO 2 a He Shortening HA AMS @OKED MEATS PONE | 20w "JOSEPH Pp. MANGAN, een) () en NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of Samuel M Pursuant to Sec. 66 of Chapter 12 oF ihe ies ame, of Ontarig notice ere ven cred and ig Solicitor for Applicant: |! WOOD. Always SOUR ORDERS - the h da Say AD, 10%, ate, on of L BUSI ABLAG 15¢. per Can COTTAGE ROLLS Tors. Te SCRANTON | DL. &W. received ; s week. spply on hand. W. G. W. PYATT Phones: Yard 94. Uptown Office 233. EIVE:OUR BEST ATTENTION. PORT PERRY COAL YARD 6th da; 3 1 to" t, og and by Bort sore Got, solicitors for Thomas James McCon- executor of the last Will and t of the said deceased, their names and ad- 3 jo RESOLVED WE Sanp, BEHIND MAKE GOOD tN EVERY| DEAL- OUR G GOOD. We Took MAKE DS AND WE i: 7 i: g HiT CARE To GET THAT. KIND SL

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