Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 16 Aug 1928, p. 4

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Lom Personal Items Miss Marian Farmer, of Hamilton, and Marian and Annie Farmer, of. Port Perry, enjoyed a trip to Niagara on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. A. D, Peters has been in Grace Hospital, Port Perry, where 'he under- went an operation for appendicitis. He is doing as well as can be ex- pected. The Misses Violet and Marjory Grieves, of New York, are the guests of Mrs. Geo. Heusler. Miss Marguerite Jackson, of the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jackson: Mr. E. B. Walker is visiting friends in St. John, N.B. Mr. John Hayden is holidaying with friends in Victoria Harbor and Port McNichol. The United Church Sunday School picnic was held at Stephenson's Point on Wednesday afternoon. The weather was fine and the children had a good time. Mr. Wilbur Chapman, of Uxbridge, mechanic at Beare Bros. Garage, is seriously ill at time of writing, and it is expected will have to undergo an operation. Mr. A. J. Carnegie is building a house on the corner of the Rolph property. Work is being carried for- ward, and the house will likely be completed this Fall. Mrs. Robt. Jenkins is recovering as well as can be expected after an operation last week. Mr. Warriner, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, underwent an operation for appendicitis on Tues- day. His condition was quite serious Mr. Thomas Blight is holidaying with friends in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs, J. W, Mackenzie have returned from a most enjoyable motor trip to Quebec. Mrs. Jas. Swan spent three weeks. with friends in Montreal . She had a very pleasant holiday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Christy, and daughter, Francis, are taking a motor trip through Eastern Ontario, Quebec and New York State. They will he gone two weeks altogether. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, Rochester, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, H, Roberts, on Monday. Mr, Geo. Hunt, inventor of "Save- Your-Time" attachment for gas stoves, Rochester, formerly of Port Perry, was in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Martin have re- turned home to Brampton, after visit with relatives in town. a Miss Florence Graham, of Oakwood, is spending her holidays with her friend, Mrs. R, Town. Rev. Victor McLean, wife and daughter, of Peterboro; Mrs. McLean, of Niagara Falls, and Mrs. Baird, of Orillia, called on Mrs. Robt. Town one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Case and son William, of Toronto, spent the holi- day with 'R. Town. ene YI prs CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, August 19th--Holy Com- munion at 8 am. Sunday School at 10 am. Morning service at 11 a.m. ennirsmsmmnn YY rnin CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION The service on Sunday morning at the Anglican Church was taken by the Rev. F. R. Fisher, in the absence of the rector who took the services at St. George's Church, Oshawa. Mr. Fisher, whose home is Geneva, N.Y., has been visiting with his par- ents, at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Munroe. He has only recently been ordained and will soon be commencing work at his first charge, in the diocese of Western New York, whose Bishop is a well known Canadian of world i .wide fame--Dr. Brent. Mr. Fisher is a young man of great PI and we wish him every suc- "cess and blessing in his life work. .| Spotten, M.P., If Your Eyes Bother Y ou-- come to-us and see if you.require glasses, and get our price. We can give you just as good service at bet- ter prices. ~ See our stock ole gog- gles for driving. OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS -- I. R. BENTLEY Optometrist PORT PERRY ONTARIO \ SITUATIONS GUARANTEED Many young people are now faced with the "Great Decision" upon which their whole career depends. If you decide upon a profession we are of very- little service to you, but, if you decide to enter the greater field of business we offer you the best and most modern commercial education. Young lady stenographers with six month's training, are receiving $1300 per year. fntrance standing. Enter any day. Home study courses free. Individual instruction. A situation guaranteed every graduate" Toronto's greatest school of business. University trained staff. Costs no more thay an ordin- ary business college. A. H. Snel- grove, B.A, Principal; Miss E. San- dusty, B.A. Vice Principal; Miss G. MacEacheran, B.A., Registrar; Geo. President. Write to- day for particulars (then compare) to CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, College and Spadina, Toronto. (Af- filiated with the Oshawa Business College. aug 16 ee (Hn GOLDEN WEDDING On Friday of last' 'week Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Morrish celebrated their golden wedding. They have lived here Lall their lives, and have seen many developments in Port Perry. Many | presents and expressions of good will were given, and the immediate friends of the family made the affair one of rejoicing. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Morrish and child- ren, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Carruthers and family, Oshawa; Mr. Will Benson (who was groomsman at Mr. Morrish's wedding); Miss N. Ben- son, and Mr. and Mrs. Park Benson, all of Rochester,; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Watts, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Morrish have been good citizens, and the Star congratu- lates them upon attaining the golden jubilee of their.wedding. We wish them many pears of health and hap- piness. emma) () (wantin PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Sundap, August 19--Services at 11 am, and 7 p.m. conducted by Rev. A. M. Little, B.A., of Dalkeith, Sunday School at 10 a.m. Utica services as usual conducted by Rev. A.-M. Little. 0) (anion MAID WANTED Maid wanted for general house work, Apply to Mrs. R. D, Preston, 92 Burke St., Oshawa, Phone 15660; 1 FOR SALE 10 sucking pigs. Apply to "A. R. Woodley, Prince Albert. rn ve ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Spencer, Port Perry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lena Frances, to Mr. Norman H. Gilbert, son of Mr, and Mrs. Henry T. Gilbert, Oshawa, the 'marriage to take place thé second week in September. Some of these had only{ ICE CREAM SOCIAL Utica United Church will hold an Ice Cream Social on the Church lawn on the evening of Wednesday, August | 22nd. Good program. tL e----000-- BORN At Grace Hospital, Port Perry, on Safurday, August 11th, 1928, to Mr. | and Mrs. Earl Beare, the gift of al daughter, Megan Gloria, Ee a ali-- LARGE EGGS eggs laid by Rock hens. One mea- | sured 6 x 8 inches. and the other 6% x 7%. Can you beat this? YO: AUCTION SALE _ August 18th--Property of the late John Evans, at lot 5, con. '2, Brock Township, horses, cattle, implements, furniture, etc. The farm will also be offered for sale. See bills for terms and particulars, W. F. MARQUIS, Auctioneer OO CHOICE RED RASPBERRIES FOR SALE call Mrs, Fred Raines, Phone 189 r 4, Port Perry, Price 15¢, quart, DO en ' SEAGRAVE Mrs. John Bright and daughters | Miss Lizzie and Miss Lillie, and son | Edwin, Miss Lottie Mark, daughter-of | Mrs. Walter Mark, attended the an- | nual re-union picnic of the Mark Family, held at Grimsby Resh, on Saturday. gi SE a1 SE . HOUSE FOR SALE Frame house, seven rooms, all modern conveniences; situated on | Queen St, Port Perry, in excellent condition; large lot, garage, fruit trees, small fruit. Will sell at very reasonable. price if taken at once. Ap- plp to Norman Stuart, Port Perry. rrr WY ---- CANADA'S MUNICIPAL YEAR BOOK The current issue of the Canadian Municipal Directory has just come to hand and this annual is of the great- est value as a work of reference, It is serving a most useful purpose as a valuable work of reference, and as there is no such other publication, is serving a most useful purpose. The book is divided into three chapters, the first being an alphabet- ical directory by provinces, of Muni- cipal men from coast to coast, the larger places having a full Municipal personnel included -and the communi- ties, the chief officials. Part two deals with. particulars of a reference and comparative nature, and provides the best and most com- plete information on the financial standing of communities, as well as leading articles that supply a fund of |. useful knowledge on several subjects. |' The third part is.a buyer's guide, for the use of municipal officials., and everything that they have: oceasion to 'require is listed, together with the dealers. In the capable hands of 'this well. Municipal will indeed | The Rite Hat Showroom in the New | Grace Moase brought in two largef the new fall shades--F ] Cognac, Brown, Red, Grey and Bla C 7 ed Wy a light lunch. The girls were] 'very well Pleased with the evening's proceeds. Mr. James Shost met with a vary 'painful accident - a short time 'ago, 'while assisting with a drive' belt on a threshing machine, he had his hand | caught,, severely cutting three of his fingers, * Mr, King has disposed of his farm "on the lake shore, and will be moving his family to Toronto shortly. Mrs, Fred Bellingham and children who have been visiting relatives for the past 'three weeks, their home in Toronto on Sunday, Mrs, Ed. Frise, of Little. Britain was visiting friends here cn Sunday, Mrs. Wallace and family of Toronto are visiting with the former's sister, 'Mrs. S. J. Wooldridge. Miss Marjorie Harrison, of Latéh- ford, New Ontario, was visiting her aunt Mrs. Roy Scott during the past week. Mr, Ellis is relieving agent at the C.N.R. Station during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Dance, who are on their |: holidays, Mys, Fred Skarrett, of Toronto, was visiting at the home of Mr. C. W. Clarke during the past two weeks, re- turning to her home on Sunday. Congratulations to 'Gregor) on the recent secret like ,this is too g 3 Rev. Norman J. Woon : Woon, of Hudson, Mich., former Weg dents of this Diaee, are spell] La Bheir community. Th of which Mr, broadcasting ovi Sunday in September. ena radios will know doubt be iy Mr, and Mrs. 8S. J. Wooldridge, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MacMillan and Mr. Frank Smith, were visiting in Kirk- 'field on Sunday. A good number turned out on Sun day evening to hear Rev. Mr of Port Perry, who had charge of Wg service in the absence of our pastor Rev. Mr. Davidgon, who is on holidays, 2 MYRTLE Mr. Eli Harnden, of Whitby, visited with friends here. Ifist Mr. Andrew Baw spent the week' Mr. and Mrs, Je Mr. John Quinn k appearance of bis, Sutherland, ord shi brush in his usual' "Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Collier and children visited relatives 4 ats Coboconk names of the manufutburers and}|- returned tol trip to Rainy River. ' _ Dr. Arthur Lee and wife, Toronto, at e Lee's last week, Mr. ¥ Miss Forsyth has Tetdrued from Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs, Repath, "ot Toronts, Frisiting at the home of Mr. Cuyler California,' last week. The Dept. of Public Highways Tins bought a gravel pit from) Mr. "John Somerville. Ivan Beare, Walter and Marjorie Phoenix, were ful in their lower school examinations. Rev. J. A. Miller and' family, of Toronto, at Wm. Phoenix's, last Wed- nesday. 'Several in this locality have pur- chased new Ford Cars. Mr. Jos,' Stone has bought a new have bought an oy 'William Real; to "school ground. . Phoenix, of- Togontd, at 'ori Sunday. Miss Reta Beare, of Uxbridge, is visiting with Miss Marjorie Phoenix. Mrs. Bagshaw, of Hamilton with relatives here. Mr. H. Wannamaker od family; of 'Seagrave, at Wm. O'Neill's on Sunday Murs. McGavin, of Toronto, at the home of Mr, T. Sharp, on Sunday. Mrs. Ryerson Brabazon and son 'Robert, of Vancouver, and Miss Hazel Gregg, are Visiting. Mr. and Mrs. W. Phoenix. Mr, James Wells, of Buffalo, and Mr. Robert Wells, of Niagara Falls, at the home of Mr. Harry Hickman, on Monday, : heen (YI) trerre CLERK: S-NOTICE OF FIRST POST. ING OF VOTERS' LIST pters' List 1928 "Seugog, County of t - Notice is hereby given t! 5 A Lawson and Miss Alma Har. man, in Toronto, two days last week. Whitter, after an extended trip 19] : Are Tai hove, af Folie. 17, wan} the guest of her sister, Mrs. Phoenix, | ence of Weston, with his. jarents, garage | nicipality at Municipal Elections and for members of Parliament and | sons. entitled to vote in the se funicipality at Municipal Elections spection and I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law. The last day for appealin the 30th day of August, 19%8 Dated at, roeos, this (9th y's of August, 19 2 THOMAS GRAHAM, Clerk. CLERK'S NOTICE .OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERSS' LIST - Voters' List 1928, Municipality of « Cartwright, County of Durham Notice is~hereby given that I hive complied with section 9 of the Voters' List- Act and that T have posted up at my offce at Cartwright, day of August, 1928, persons entitled to vote in. the said that such list remains there for spection and 1 hereby call upon all | voters to take immediate proceedings that such list remains there for in- a = NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of Wiliam George Patterson, deceased | _Puftsuant to Sec. 56 of Chapter 121 of the Revi Statutes of On 1914, notice is hereby given Ontarils creditors and others having claims] against the estate of William George itterson late of the village of Prince: Albert, .ingthe County of Ontario, Gentleman, , who died on or about the First day § of Oe "As D. 1927, are, on or bef of August A.D. 1928, Fs Sound b; Jost, prepaid, to Messrs. fails & ort-Perry, Or lotte Edd of the E their christian na AS addresses and desd ue particulars of their \C&in counts™® ion: them; and that after the d aforesaid the said Charlotte Patterson will proceed to distri the assets of the said deceased ap the parties entitled thereto havi gard only -ta_suclf ¢ notice' shall have Been given required, and. the saittGld Patterson will not be 1 'said assets or any part th person or persons of wh 'dlaims notice shall wo ceived by Harris. & Ha of &uch EO Datta Port. Pe day of y A, 19: e 16th day Oren in Tine. FOR SALE. Hain case. Also violin, bow and . ease, Ay at ar-{ Star Office. 72 ; hose' presented Eat ln of Se, preset bears letters CEF,/ Finder please wosity § Star Office. leave at the pod cement fruit, bply at Star

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