Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 5 Apr 1928, p. 4

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COMING. E Luke, Ovtomettias, at A. J. Davis' drugstore, Thursday, April 26th. Mr, Mungo Nasmith leaves on Fri- X day of this week for a trip to the Old Country. He expects to be avy for about three 'months. Mr: and Mrs, Keith Lee, of Barne- veld, N. Y., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Brooks (Mrs, Lee's mother and father). Mrs. Brooks has been quite ill but is getting around nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Lee are comfortably situated in their new home and like} the place very much. Mr, G, W. Hern, of The James + Ramsey Co. Ltd, Edmonton. will be sailing very soon for home after a three month's business trip abroad. He has been buying in England, Ire- land. France, Germany. Italy and Switzerland. Mr, G. W. Hern is a son of Mr. Wm. Hern, Port Perry. Mrs. W. H. Doubt of Oak Ridges, also Reg. and Margueritte and friend | were visiting relatives in town on Sunday, We are informed that Rey. Wesley Elliott has bought the property from JA. W, Allin, on Shanly St.,"now occupied by Mr. Causley. We are | gla to know that Mr. and Mrs. Elliott have decided to make Port Perry their permanent home. Mrs. H, G. Hutcheson left on Wed- nesday to spend Easter with her daughter in New York. Miss Ethelyn Hutcheson is nursing there. Mrs. Hutcheson is accompanied by Mrs. (Dr.) Rundle, of 'Oshawa, a niece of Mr, Hutcheson. Mr, Jakeman, Township Clerk of Manvers, has been visiting with Mr. Fred Ferguson. Mrs. Rundle of Bloomfield is spend- ing a few days with Mrs. W. A, Christy, Mrs, N, Ewers will not receive again this season. The Entrance Examinations will. be held this year on June 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29. Mrs. John Nasmith will not receive again this season, The Young Women's Auxiliary of St. John's Presbyterian Church are | having a sale of home-made cooking Saturday, April 7th, from 3 to 6 p.m, at McKee's store. Mr: Alex. Woods, of Ridley College, St. Catharines, is home for the Easter holidays. Mr. A. E. Rogerson has returned from spending the winter in Toronto. nimi WANTED Comfortable room with board in private family--modern conveniences. Address Box 64 Port Perry. ---- Omer A VERY PLEASING CONCERT The ladies of the United Church Bible Class are to be congratulated upon having secured for Port Perry one of the most pleasing concerts given here for some time. The artists were "Ye Olde Tyme Village Quar- tette' of radio fame. At the concert uit desday evening every et was good, and rarely have our people enjoyed music of such excellent harmony and melody. a 5 St Mary Port Perry a PHONE 94 AFTERNOON TEA AND SALE OF . COOKING The W. A. of the Church of the Ascension will hold an afternoon tea and sale of home-made cooking in the 'Parish' Hall, on Saturday, April 14th, from 4 to 6 pm. pp) CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Easter Sunday, April 8th, morning service at 11 a.m. ee QP. GIRL WANTED Girl or woman to do light house work. Duties to start April 1st. Good wages. Apply at Star Office. ae AMM rmtmnin EGGS FOR HATCHING Bred to lay Barred Rock Eggs for hatching, 241 egg record, combining 'the strains of Webster and Fowler. Price $1.00 for 15 eggs. Apply Mrs. 'E. Jennings, Phone 189 r 3, Port Perry ame (ini PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH <April 8th--Special Easter services at 11am. and 7 p.m,. Easter music will be rendered by the choir, At the morning service. there will be a baptismal service, also reception ser- vice for new members Sabbath School at 3 p.m, Monday, April 9th. Young People's Society. Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, mid- week service for prayer, praise and Bible study. Prince Albert Church, 2 p.m.--Sabbath School. 8 p.m. Worship service. mi) (Heian MRS, HUGH JACK DEAD Mr, T, Beare received word on Tues- day that his sister, Mrs. Hugh Jack, (formerly of Port Perry) is dead. The funéral is to take place to-day (Thursday) at 2 p.m. in Toronto. aime Me "TRADER HORN" ON TOUR Mr. Aloysius Horn, author of "Trader Horn" also known as "The Ivory Coast in the Earlies," one of year, the sale of which has already exceeded the 350,000 mark, has ar- rived on this continent on a lec- turing tour. this book Mr. Horn was a poor man peddling wire goods in Africa. the most remarkable books of the |- Previons to writing South Beware of Bright| {Sun on the snow. protect your eyes. Eyes tested and glasses sup- | plied if necessary. right. I. R. BENTLEY Optometrist PORT PERRY ONTARIO ree) MP. FOR SALE 6 octave Bell Organ in good com- dition, also feather tick. Apply at Star Office. - < 00 EGGS FOR HATCHING Single Comb White Leghorn hatch- ing sges from hens sired to cock birds of 225 egg and up. Between April 10 and 20 and during May at $8 per 100, or $1,650 setting of 16. Coulclif Farm, ort Perry, phone 221. WE INVITE YOU to come and see our display of MILLINERY also our line of Fancy Work and Coat FLOWERS. We havetheright styles, and prices to suit, Mildred Palmer Rolph Block, Port Perry Blackstock in Toronto recently. Rev. and Mrs. P. G, Powell visited at the home of Smith Bros. on Monday last. | On Wednesday night of last week the A, Y. P. A. of St. John's Church met at the home of Mrs. Fred Bailey with the new officers in their respec- tive positions. At the close of the business session Miss Kate McLaugh- lin on behalf of the choir was presenit- ed with a beautiful Prayer and Hymn Book and the following address: March 28, 1928 | To Miss Kate McLaughlin: Dear Kate--We, the members of St. John's Church Choir take this op- portunity, at this our gathering to- 'night, of the members of the A.Y.P A. /|'to express"to you in some tangible Smart Easter Hats will delight chic of the hats ou by the exceeding themselves--and by the convenient angdecharmin way in which they are presen for your selection. There are sheer hair hats, soft affairs in crochet, or novelty Showroom in the WE SELL t, 2 for 15e. , sweet and juicy, per dozen 40c., 50¢., and 60c. straw braids. Some are irresistibly feminine, with flower trimming; others are simply tailored, using the chic brooch or the cleverly manipulated ribbon. These come in a range "of colors, in small, medium, and large head sizes. The Rite Hat Shoppe New Archer Black FOR LESS. Lemons, best kind, glozen 30c ¢, or 2 for 26c. way our appreciation of the help you have afforded us, for so many years, as one of our number. Not only do 'we think of the number of years you were a member, but of your regularity |' and faithfulness at all times: We all wish you our very best of good wishes when preparing for the noble work you have chosen for your calling in life. We therefore ask you to accept this token of our feelings toward you as you leave our midst to go in training and that you will take | this Prayer and Hymn Book with you that is may be a link in our chain of affection towards you, and a constant reminder when using it at all times or a church on a Sunday. Signed orf' behalf of the choir, PG Powell : Jor 8 Shetr gift in: "a fev well ghosen, last week. 'received Get a pair of Goggles and| Prices|n Mr. Jack Smith spent a few days| "| set by the Order for the past two able reply thanking the choir members | g 'business and social ening for the year on Thursday of ih re Susi] 'Memorial to capacity on Saturday, March 17th, when many friends gathered to wit ness the marriage between | Miss Eve- lyn Viola Rodman, young of Mrs, Jas. Rodman. Port Perry, and Thomas Charles Shaw. The Church was beautifully decorated with ferns and spring flowers, The bride entered the church to-the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Olive Heron, leaning on the arm of her brother-in-law, Mr. Bert. Mills, who gave her away, She was becomingly attired in a bridal gown of ivory flat crepe. Her lovely veil was held in place by a coronet of pearls and orange blossoms and she carried a shower bouquet of yellow roses. As maid-of-honour Miss Viva Briggs of Oshawa looked handsome in Peach georgette over satin with a hat to match as also did Miss Margaret Em- ery of Toronto, the bridesmaid in can- ery yellow georgette wearing a hat to match, Both carried bouquets of pink roses. Little Doris Senior made a charming flower girl ina pale pink crepe-de-chene dress dutch bonnet and carrying a basket of sweet peas. The groom. was. supported by his. brother Wilfred Roy Shaw. During the sign- ing of the register. Miss Edna Shaw of Weston sang "At Dawning. Rev. W. W. Wallace, pastor of the church officiated at the ceremony, The ushers were Mr, Lindon Sharpe and Mr. Car- low. After the ceremony, the reception was held at the home of the brides sister, Mrs, Mills, 52 Guestville Ave. About sixty sat down to the delightful wedding breakfast. The happy couple cipients of many wonder- friends, including a floor lamp to the bers of the departmer worked prior to her stainless steel carving set department, both members of adian Kodak Co. Se After a short honeymoon spent & Port Perry they will reside in Moun Dennis, On March lithe Mrs, Price, 5 merville Ave. en of friends in Miss E. V. Roos guest was showered beautiful china cups expressed hes after which all entered into the spirit of the evening, spending a very happy time together, meen ()() (perme EMPIRE BUYING WEEK TO BE OBSERVED BY SCUGOG CHAPTER LO. D. E Empire shopping week in Canada 'will*be held this year from 21st to 28th of April inclusive. ~ This move ment was inaugurated in Canada two years ago by the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire at the sug- the British Women's Patriotic Leaghie: The burden of the launching of the scheme this year has been lifted | from the Order, and an Advisory Council has been formed, of which the Honourable James Malcolm, M. P., Minister of Trade and Commerce of the Government of Canada, is Presi- dent. Miss Church, National Presi- this Advisory Council. The Advisory Council decided to fix the date of from the 21st to 28th of | trade point of view, to the week in which Empire Day falls--the date ; iy Miss Ferguson 19% able speaker." You will | 'her, At 7 pm. an Easter s Easter musi. Communion service on April 16th. Christi meeting on Easter Sabbath at 6 am, hanks most suitably, : gestion of Lady Cowan, President off] dent of the I.O.D.E. is a member of 2 , this| befng considered preferable from al End sunrisd All invited. '"Establishing A Chen VOU "DRIVE THE 'DURANT ~"65" 9 1 brakes, the safety features of the full Jin and the litde effort fequired to hand the Durant 65" in traffic. 5 'our passengers will be equally enthusiastic regard. ing the comfort of rear-seat riding and the quality of the two-tone upholstery and intetiot appoint. ments. Go to your nearest Durant dealer . . . the Durant "65" . . ea eins Sve e + o and see if your impressions do not agree with this Tore OF dhaan 5 _Buile by Durant Motors of Canada, Limited Toronte anade Nine h dain f Bo FUL-O-PEP CHICK STARTER THE cs Passenger Cars Fours and Sixes from $725 10 $2198 = 1.0.8. Leaside, Ont. Taxes Extra No Wonder Baby Chicks Thrive on Quaker ° "The be BE En foals astmesl of of Quaker Ful-0- thing forthe Starter in jut She thin forth

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