Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 29 Mar 1928, p. 7

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= _. which : na mulet way by indi foughott 'the Province who, actuated by selfish or unselfish mo- tives, are seeking to preserve the trees or seeing to it that the trees destroyed are beélng replaced. On- _ tario has an elaborate system of what are known as municipal forests, vary- ing in size from two to 100 acres,.and the popularity and effectiveness of _ this' plan of actual reforestation is "rapidly growing, Purely provincial or Government. work is being done on provincial lands, five counties now taking part 'in the scheme, 1,000 acres being planted in each county. "The new policy of the Ontario Gov- ernment is directed at securing the Pp fon of icipali- thes and farmers.of the Province to aid in the work. These ai vited to set aside tracts of land for esta? tion purposes, farmers belng asked to devote ten acres, the poorest on their farms, to this purpose. The Govern: firing ih the growers three options. Af- 0 thirty year the t entirely from ter into-partn ment in the turn th Th, 'The Quphtc ily expariding nection it initial 1908 a Governm was establish, : municipalities, etc.as well as ernment plantin Provincial Governm! own reforestation plafl more than 1,600,000 trees, nearly dou: ble the number of previous years, were planted by the Department of Lands and Forests. In 1928 the pro- gram calls for the setting out of 3. 000,000 tr by: 1929. it is ex- ual plantings will run to. 5,000,000. sapplings a year, "a cotiple of yours since ew | Cation out apo, a pro-|' the Govern-| tion 'the University | "ment 5 iain of New iam in preparing for- est nurseries at Fredericton. . Work has been prosecuted vigorously and the nursery now contains many thou- sands of transplants and seedlings. A "commencement at distribution was "made in 1927, and henceforward it is ; , this will grow steadily un- til the nursery is able to supply all the needs of the people willing to en- 'gage In reforestation as 'well as care for Government requirements. "During 1927 the other two heavily the present capacity of te "| form is e arrived at the pi 0es not matter two Pence Il a word p umstances of 'would ruin Mrz 3 The latter, continued Mr. Nurse Sabed Faiikerita the symp- almost the same. The suf- pale and is easily tired least exertion. The appe- 8 the patient loses in times there are head- "inability to sleep becomes thinner become more pro- 1 there are fainting shows that the blood , And at the very f 5 m of this condition the patient uld take Dr. Williams' Pink the most reliable blood-builder and nerve tonic known. The sole mis- sion of this medicine is to enrich the blood, and when that is done all the vehemently denied being canfronted with the 1 any bables of to- little fretful spells ents that used to pugh the day, and the night? fnow the answer, you ed pure, harmless t-to the taste, and fle stomach. And its seems felt all through tem... Not even a distaste tor ofl does so much torfa i= purely vege- "may give it freely, at colic; or constipation; or "Or those many times when ie't know what is the mat- o kness, call the doctor, her Spey; a few drops you to do just Fletcher's. just as it from dangerous lt wh Deriment? Besides, on care and feeding of comes with Fletcher's h its weight in gold! Ye nei WS (0 of defendi in court or pay- ing a sum g y, chose the latter course, which in ded thes e signing of of gy the case was ic Kon} Selina afters Fro ward Burnett. was sent to prison, be- came a bankrupt, and then died. His , Henry Crossley, meanwhile took charge of hia pavers and, among them, found the t signed by "Mr. Z" He got into communication with "My, 2," writing to him, 'according to a. letter produced' in court: "I have no doubt that you would like to have those papers, particularly one document which might be very in- jurious if jt got into the handy of certain peoplé™? Thus tiati d into which ended, it is whiny by Crossley offering to turn over the document to "Mr. Z."" in exchange for a tertain sum of money in a private room in a eeds hotel. The men met in the pri- vate room, the exchange made, and then Crossley was rested by two detectives concealed ifthe room and taken to the police ¢ 'Whe... New England' Saw Many Whales Back in the early "80s finback whales were found in great abund- ance off the New England coast. Shooting them from tugs and steam- ers was a regularly organized busi- ness. A veteran Fulton Market fish dealer used to recall that the tugboat William H. Clark once towed four whales at éne time into a Maine port. The whales averaged about sixty-five feet in length and were utilized by the factories that converted porgles and ether varieties of fish into ferttilizer. These plants were in their heyday half. a century or so ago and scores of New~England coast ports maintained from one to half a dozen of them. The porgy factory owners estimat that each whale netted them abaut | $400 in fertilizer and ofl. handikd more than 100 whales Mn a single i. One little steamer, the Fauny.. Sprague, brought in twenty- | five latge finbacks in three months. | These fsh-tguderiug, works were a ighly pro, though" unsavory, in- ustry for many years." - i -----« - = Onkirman--<s When: -dd--you first know that thé" maf was followirl you?" Motoriss«§When I saw; him in front' of 'mes' Yo te PIERRE Fe EN On fishing trips take Minard's. # 'R educe =| the. Acid 7 A * 4 ts 1 Rh) Fs sour and indigestion usually mean excess acid. The stomach nerves are over-stimu-, "\lated. ©. Too much acid makes the | stomach and intestines sour. Alkali kills acid instantly, The best bid Milk of Maghesia; be: cause One harmless, tasteless dose neutralizes many times its volume in acid. Since its invention, 50 years | ago, it has remained the standard | 4 » hey SE 7 @ = - 3 a spoonful in water and your unhappy condition will probgbly end in five minutes. Then you will always know what to do. Crude and harmful methods will never appeal to you. Go prove this for your own sake, It may save § great many hours. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prdscribed by physi- clans for 50 yelrs in correcting ex- cess acids. Each bottle contains full directions--any drugstore. with physicians everywhere, the D Hi ORETIC EEE TIC Li "direction d '| tion with iam those "who have reason to praise this medicine is Mrs. M. E. Patterson, Shanklin, N.B., who says: --""About four _years ago I became very much run down; I could not eat, sleep nor rest, and I grew so nervous that the smallest things would annoy me. Eventually' I grew so weak that 1 did not have strength to move about without help. I was just a miserable wreck, and became very much dis- couraged as I had tried many medi- cines which failed-to help me. In this wretched state a friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I did so and before long found they were help- ing me." Gladly I continued taking the pills unti]"t filly regained my health and strength and have since con- tinued in the; hest of health. Later my daughter became anaemic and six boxes of the pills restored her to health, strength and color. Naturally I consider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a blessing to weak, run-down people." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 60 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. lp Gabby @ertie \ 7 { sion for self: en the room Three confidence men one day ap- proached a likely-looking stranger in an restaurant and got into conversa- him. The talk Inevitably drifted to the question of his placing some of his money at their disposal, "Excuse me," said the victim at that point, "are any of you chaps interest- ed in music?" Yes, "they all were! ¢#*Well," he continued, "we're think- ing in different keys, you and I--A JF, "And, (rawing two key-signa- fires on' the tablecloth he asked. "Get me? Three sharps and one flat." e meeting closed, abruptly. --*"Why?" The Man--"Begause I'm out of work." The Friend-- 'But why are you out of work?" The Man-- "Well, because I'm on the dole." "Within a Tes ol speaking to a girl, I can read her 'mnermost thoughts." "How very unpleasant for you." in. an oa -- * "Waiter, tell the chef that the din- ner would have been excellent if the ages of the chicken and the wine had been reversed." Do You Get Hp Tired, Gross? Look out. It may be kiheys. Try Warner's e Kidne; ~~ and Liver emer Y vehicles. Modern low-pr iced eHiges | cars traveled some To them last " year, however, and it is believed that where one car can go others will follow. FAMOUS PAINTING GOES FOR $15 AT TES Size of "After t the Battle of Sedan' Hurts Price London--"After the Battle"uf Sed- an," once the talk of the European art world, and a copy of which is in many a Canadian home, sold for only three guineas, about $16.00, at =a Cliristie auction and other paintings nearly as large realized but little more. The Sedan picture reached the height of its fame in 1900 at the Paris International BExbibition and in the art world was considered to be worth a small fortune. The paintings is five feet by nine, and was the work of John Charlton, who won renown for his remarkable knowledge of horses as he depicted them on canvas. Sale of the Charlton Sedan art work at such a low figure, size considered, has: been eclipsed at Cbristie's only on one other occasion, that being some years ago when "The Deluge," seven feet by ten, by Henry Fuseli, R.A, was knocked down to a lone bidder for one guinea. FIGHTING FOR BABY'S HEALTH Is the Constant Care of Every Young Mother. The young mother has a constant care in looking after the welfare of her little ones. Childhood ailments come on so sudden--sometimes with- | out a minute's warning--the mother may have a very sick baby on her hands before help can be obtained. That is unless she has a remedy in the house which she can safely give the baby for any of the many minor ailments of babyhood and childhood. | Such a remedy is found in Baby's, Own Tablets. Thousands of mothers | throughout the country always keep | a box of the Tablets on hand and they | proclaim them to-be without an equal | for sweetening baby's stomach; regu- lating the bowels, and thus driving! out - constipation and indigestion, ! colds and simple fevers, and making | the dreaded teething period easy. . Baby's Own Tablets are an abso-| tutely safe remedy. They are guar-, anteed to be free from opiates or any | other narcotic drug which are so harmful to the future welfare of the! baby. Mothers, if you value the life of your little ones give him Baby's | Own Tablets when he isl], or, better still, give him an occasional dose of | the Tablets to ward oft illness. The | Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or 'will be sent to any address, post paid, at 26 cents a box by addressing | The »Dr. Williams' Medicine Cos, Brockville, Ont. Music 'Memory Contests The music memory contests are growing in popularity, and town after' town tests tb echildren of its schools in this Interesting form of mental ex- For two or three months be. fore a contest pupils of the schools, ercise. who Intend to compete hear and learn particulars of many pleces of music, of pianofortes, gramo-, --by medium phones, singers and teachers. Local contests in the various schools ell-| minate a number, and the survivors of these contests meet in a final contest in a local hall, where either an orches- 'tra or solo instruments play a selec- tion of the music WHICH has been heard In the precedislf dnonths, and the listening ¢hifiren note down on score-cards as" TAFE fev they can the name of the. piece the composer's name, nationality gand century, and make remarks on the significance of the music. Prizes aréygivgn«to the children who comig out 1best, and to the schools which gain hpgniehest Te | aggregate of marks. DISTRESSING HEADACHE ard's. Also inhale. Brings soothing relief. - INARD © T "Miss," Vegan the polite agent, "could I sell you a patent v ho a cleaner?' "No, sir," r d Hew maid forcibly, & vacuum here." the "We don't keep RIT LAR Use Minard's Liniment for Corns. Singer (wearily): "That long song that I sang left me quite exhausted." Bored Listener: "It ought never to have left you at all." The home is to be falling in its greatest duty--but at least it keeps a place open where children can return GOVERN: "ORS FOR A 0 ENC Oo. St. Cathazines, Out. STAT ONARY OR PORT J. C--8. gov, Qos AN ENG SCHWEGIFRS LIVE AND LAY Our breeders are ey for Se igh egg production. White, Brown Buff Leghorns, Barred and t Rocks, R. I. Reds, Ans gran, Bok Orpingions, White Orpl Wyandottes 12¢ snd op live delivery guann! today for FREE CHICK BOOK. SCHWEGLER'S HATCHERY 230 80a ™iAuP Ton, BUFFALO.N. Yo "THORO-BRED _ BABY HICKS Crop Profits depend upon yleld and quality. Bumper crops inust be well fed. Use D W FERTILIZER-greater profits with less labor and cheaper costs. DOUBLE WORTH One Ton DWiNe equals Two 3-12 D. W. GUNN, LTD. 200 Vine Ave., Toronto, Ont. _ Acts Like a Flas. " In Relieving Colds That's why so many Deople buy Buckley's" To end hs, Bron- chit and all Throat, Chest snd Lung troubles. It's instant, pleasant, guaranteed. You'll note its unique powers in the very first dose--and there are 40 doses in a Toecent hottie Ask your druggist for "Buckley's". W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St, Torento 2 BUCKLEYS on AED vu a single sip proves it ULTRY AL SY TOO pena | Lr of Yio a "T, 'Roc jo WEB tab Fou BE EET Pd Biter, Granto on, On MOVING ea STORAGE. I THE MOVER--P) ES a 30 Tita wre ar Bhd Alb oad insu ffice Hamilton, Ontario, [2 ; oe 0 Canada: 1 the Mover. WANTED PARTNER, BITHER SILENT OR the oat 2 ne or ti yours look better; an investment of from required. Write Fost Office Box 243, 'Windsor, Ont. SICK ABED EIGHT MONTHS After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Could Do All Her Work and Gained in Weight Melfort, Saskatchewan: -- "I had inward troubles, headachesand severe pains in my back and sides. I was so sick generally that I could not sit up and I was in bed mostof the time for eight months. An aunt : came to visit and £2 [help me as I was ss |unable to attend and me rE ydia . Pinkham' s Vege- table pon; and after taking two bottles 1 could get up and dress my- self, I also took Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medi zine, When I first took the medicine I on weighed seventy- eight pounds. Now I weigh twice as much. If I get out of sorts or weary and can't sleep I always take another bottle of the Vegetable Compound. 1 find it wonderfully good for fe- male troubles, and have recom- mended it to my neighbors, I will be only too glad to answer any le Jetters I receive asking about it.' WiLLiaM RITCHIE, Box 486, Metts, Saskatchewan. APPLICATIONS | Are Fliled As Far As Possible in the Order in Which They Are | Received p The Co Department of Agricu number of Experienced M and Famili Married C ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Farm Help Supplied lonization and Immigration Branch of the ilture for Ontario will have avallable a arried Men With Their Wives APPLICATIONS Offering Annual Work Are ~ "tnvariably Given © Preference ples Without Children-- File Your Application at Once Toronto, Also Single Men. armers requiring help will be well savisea to make early application to Geo. A. Elliot Direator of Colonization Parliament Biden, HON. JOHN 8. MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture All 'Men Placed Subject to Trial Period ont. thn,

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