Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 29 Mar 1928, p. 4

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Personal Items "Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey will not receive) again this season. COMING--F. E. Luke, 'Optometrist, at A.J. Davis' drugstore, Thursday, April 26th. NOW is the time to get your Easter Hat. ' Call and 'see our display, M. G. PALMER, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Carnegie are expected home from Florida this week after spending some week there. Mrs. Wm. Real has been very ill; but latest reports state that she is recovering nicely from her illness, Mr. Humphrey Roberts has been commissioned by . the Horticultural Society to secure members. Those who are interested will do well to notify Mr. Roberts, Miss Evelyn Alex- ander, the secretary, Miss Grace Davis or leave your fee of $1. at the Star Office. Option lists will be given on request. Miss Mae Cockburn, of Toronto, was home over the week end. Miss Marguerite Jackson is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Jackson, Mrs. E. B. Walker will not receive again this season. Mrs. John Borland (nee Jessi - ton) died at her home in Imlay City} on Tuesday, March 13th, 1928. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES St. John's Church, Port Perry-- Public worship at 11 am. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Prayer service, Thurs. at 7,30 p.m. Y. P. S, on Monday at 8 p.m. Breadalbane Church, Utica S. 8S. at 1.30 p.m. with Public Wor- ship at 2.30 p.m. C. E. on Wednesday, at 8 p.m. Mr. Jesse Peters, Engineer on the C.N.R., Toronto, is visiting with his brother, Mr, A. D. Peters. Mrs. A, H. Wesson, in sending in her subscription to the Star, from Pambrum, Sask., says: "We are hav- - ing a wonderful spring out here, with lots of sunshine." LADY'S BICYCLE FOR SALE This wheel is in excellent condition, Apply at Star Office. Send in Surprise Soap Wrappers or Gillett's coupons to Mrs. S. Baird, or Mrs. John Bradley, for .the W.C.T.U. Travellers' Aid work. --( (-- The ' final meeting of the High School Literary Society was held on Thursday evening of last week, and was open to the public. There was a good attendance and an enjoyable pro- gram was given, The prizes to Annie Farmer and Edwin Mitchell for the Public Speaking Contest held in Feb- ruary were given by Miss Sine and Mr. Farmer. The historian, the poet, and prophetess, all made notable con+ tributions, a pretty folk dance was given by some students of the First Form, piano solo by Dorothy Davey, piano duett by Marion Williams and Ethel Tummonds, two excellent vocal solos by Mr, Follick, "with the Irish Poets" by Annie Farmer, quartette by Francés Christy, Norma Armstrong, Edith Lucas, Florence McMillan. Forbes Nasmith, President, occupied the chair, and gave some valuable suggestions-for future meetings. UU PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, April 1st, 1928-- vices under the SusSpices of the M.S. 11 a.m. Mrs. Tsen, Chinese Bible Woman. 3 p.m, Sabbath School. 7 p.m. Miss Hambly, returned mis- sionary. Mondaseat™ o'clock Y. P. S. esd! Sek 8rd, Old Tyme Vil- Page Quariette Concert. hursday at 8 p.m., Mid Week Ser- vice for prayer, praise and meditation. Prince Albert Church-- 1.30 Sabbath School, 2.30 Worship Service. 4 (Note change of hour for this Sun- a y- 4 000 WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Woman's Misionary Society of the United Shureh have been very fortunate in having Miss Laura Ham- bly, returned missionary speak here on Sunday, April 1st, who is home on furlough, and will be remembered as formerly a Port Perry girl having graduated from our High ehool here. She will be accompanied by Mrs. Tzen, a Chinese lady. Mrs, Tzen will deliver the address at the morning service in her own native language and Mies Hambly will translate. is will be a rare o portunity for all who can possibl present to hear Mrs: Tzen, as this is the first time you have ever had the pleasure of listening to a real native of the country. Both Miss Hambly and Mrs. Tzen are leaving again for China in a couple of weeks, The W. 8. also wish So announce that the Thank Rerne Bb vel opes will be col-| lected on Easter Sunday. LO. DoE. = Sengog Cha r LODE, will meet Monday, Ap 2nd, at 3 22 hm, in the ToOmS, will sn and the resale ope hat members will be present. 8.0.8. NOTICE 3 There will be no meeting of Old England Lodge on, April 3rd, 1928. The next regular meeting will be on April 17th. Thos. A. Blight, President, W. Ettey, Secretary. MISSION CLOSED The Evangelistic Mission conducted by Rev. G. I. Campbell, in the United Church, Port Perry, was closed on Sunday evening last and as a result of the mission some thirty persons have signified their intention of joining the church. errr Jerre Ye Oldé Time Village Quartette have been bidden e Ladies" Bible Class to give an Olde Tyme Nyghte in ye United Meeting House, mn ye Ancient Towne of Port Perr rn ® Nyghte of April 3rd, MCMXXVIII, which falleth on a Tuesday, at Eight of ye clocke.. A Potpourri of Old and songs and sayings. ane) (ere FORT PERRY PICTURE SHOW Saturday, March. 31st-- George Bancroft in Sweeny. Tuesday, April 3rd-- Jackie Coogan in "The Bugle Call" Thursday, April 5-- See Bonaparte, the wonder dog, in "The Thirteenth Hour," Ee) OO "BACKBONE" April 4th--is-- the day set for the presentation of that famous play-- "Backbone" by the Manchester Com- munity Club. See Willie Scott--he lets well enough alone, and plods along in the belief that he amounts to nothing--until--But what is the use of telling you all about it? Come and see for yourself at the Township Hall, Manchester, April 4th. Admis- sion 86c. Children 25e, ----000---- MYRTLE STATION Rev Mr. Foley, of Fraserville, will preach in Myrtle Church next Sunday evening. Mrs. Florence Ferguson of Owen Sound, is visiting at L. Tordiff's. Rememebr the play "Eyes of Love" to be given by the Greenwood young "Tell it to , people on Friday evening of this week under the auspices of the League, ~ Birkett is under the doctor's care. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. B. Beacock was a visitor in the village this week. Mr. T. R. Price and Mr. James Cooper attended the hockey match in Toronto on Munday evening. The Community Club held their final gathering on Friday night when an oyster supper was served after which progressive euchre and dancing were indulged in. Mrs. Wilfred Graham spent a few days last week with friends in Oshawa ie. RAGLAN NEWS Mrs, May of Goodwood, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Andy Pilkey. Quite a number 'from here attended the funeral of the late John Hobbs, of Enfield, Sunda, afternoon. Mrs. Frank Ting spent a few days in the city last wee We extend a hearty welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Luke, of Myrtle, who] have moved to our neighborhood. Mr. Luke has been in charge of Mr. J. Hortop's mill for the past few months. We are pleased to report that Mr. Slute's family are better again after their recent attach of the' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Squench of Osh- awa spent Sunday with his parents, Mr_-and Mrs. Robt. Spuelch. Mr. and Mrs. J. Evans and family recently visited at Clarence Cook's, of Prospect. ; The Ladies' Aid held a business meeting at the home of Mrs. George Bray last Wednésday afternoon. e ladies made arrangements to hold a hot supper on the evening of Good Friday, April 6th. A spl endid pro- gram is being prepared which will consist of a pageant play entitled, "A Crown for a Life" which will be given by seven young ladies, Miss Edna Me- ee, Manchester, reader, There will also be choruses, duets, pantomimes, mouth organ selections and instru- mental duets. Admission 26¢ for adults and 15¢ for children, A number from here attended the funeral of the late Gordon Cochrane, of Oshawa, on Monday afternoon. errr QO Orie 4 EGGS FOR HATCHING White" Single Comb. sre at We are sorry to «xeport that Mr. J, I. R..BENTLEY Optometrist PORT PERRY ONTARIO reir (YO MYRTLE COMMUNITY CLUB WEEKLY SOCIAL EVENING This interesting weekly event has weeks, spending an evening playing progressive euchre and Lost Heir | The finances of the club were always kept so well supplied by the members; that at each meeting we gave a worth- while prize to the winning lady and gent in each of the games; never for- getting those to whom the consolation was due. At the.close of these meet- ings a dainty luncheon with coffee has always been served by the ladies, after which an hour. was. devoted to dancing. supper. Mr, Cook, our councilman for this district opening his home for the occasion. About 80 were present and all report the event a success. Later in the evening, Mrs. Cook was 'presented with a pair of French Kid Gloves and<Mr, Cook a genuine brier pipe, as tokens of appreciation for their kindness to the Club. The danc- ing floor was then 'crowded until the wee hours of the morning, there being round, square and novelty dances in which. some of the elders showed an unusual amount of activity, eel) ere HOUSE FOR RENT on Mary Street, Port Perry. Apply to Ben Bushby, Port Perry. Ot GIRL WANTED for general house work. Apply to Mrs. A, J, Carnegie, Port Perry. ----OO FOR SALE 6 octave Bell Organ in good con- dition, also feather tick. Apply at Star Office. mr QQ Blackstock Miss Florrie Parr and Mrs. Howard Bailey are visiting in Toronto. Messrs Wallace Marlow and Thos, Smith were in Toronto and Hamilton this week. On Tuesday evening last a return aie of hockey was played in Port]. between the (Bankers and our Blad stock team, The result was a tie. Misses Dorothy Bellman, Sybil Smith and Kathleen Phoenix spent Saturday in Lindsay. Miss Annie Archer, of Port Perry, is visiting with her parents Mr, an Mrs. Jos. Archer, An terderominational Teachets'|. Training Class will be held in Unjted Church on Hebivary = 2,8, 4. o tee was held on Wednesday night ot last week at the home of Rev. Mr. {Powell in the interest of the new rectory which is to be built in the| near future, Don't: forget to come and hear Miss Ldura Hambly, yeturtad Missionary and her Chinese friend, Mrs. Tzen in the United Church on Friday ev 80th of March, at 8 o'clock. The M.S. has extended an invitation to the W. A. of St. John's Church to be pre- sent TR sday evening last Mrs, lone Parr entertained a number | of friends at her home to a sive Euchre in honor of her Miss Kate Mec soon to Hos; ital, A Hamilton "and Mrs. Ho Daley ier) an and 1 Me Fred He TE Cae been conducted here during the past] spent rh the week end -with his brother, hdd Last week's special was an oyster | eherp For on, Greenhdn as, Luke's farm has x is being welcomed 4 his neighborhood. A very heavy thundred storm poss. 'ed over here early Saturday mornipg and another one on Monday night. No local damage has been reported, Those skilled in the weather forecasts claim 'this a sign of a cold backward spring, 4 others that it is a very fruitful year. 'ime alone will prove. Mr. Will Quinn of Whitby,' John Quinn, Mr. George Collier has moved into Mr, W. J. Lawler's house south of the village, that was recently vacated by Mr, Ted Ganmow, Mr, Collier will continue to work for Mr. E. Whippey. Mr. Will Cook visited with friends in Toronto last week. A number from here attended Mr. Frank Fisher's sale at Ashburn on Friday, = A number bringing back purchases. ~ Re Mr. Andrew M, Lawrence of the College of Pharmacy, Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lawrence. Mr, Russell Decker visited his sister Mrs. Albert Moore, of Prospect, last week. Tapping trees is quite an industry 'around thsi neighborhood just now. Mr, Tom Beverley, who has been living dg the Mitchell farm west of here for Jome years, is moving to the Leask fa near Greenbank. Mr, xbridge, has leased the 'Maw, are amon, cars this spring. this district made his last week. As Mr. Devitt-has be route for a number of years he be greatly missed by his customegs, ¥ Messrs, Stanley and Carman Ro 'were on a business trip to Toronto 1 'to, Mr, Frank Fisher's farm west of Ashburn. Games and music were en- joyed until ter o'clock when Mr. J. E. 'Beacock called the gathering to order 'and asked Mrs, +E. Mole to read the following addres while Mr. Will Cook 'presented Mr. and Mrs, O'Boyle with two rattan chairs. Dear Mr, and Mrs. 0'Boyle-- On hearing of your rémoval 'Ashburn, we, your friends and neigh. 'bours decided it 'would be an oppor- the 'tune time to spend another socia 'evening in your-home, and express you in some tangable way our appre- 'ciation of your general kindness to us -all-in-the past. When appealed to; to finance any worthy cuase, you have always responded very generously. For the past two years you have thrown open your home for the an- nual church garden party, which meant a great deal of extra incon- venience to you and which meant more to usthan we can express. While we regret your ' remgval from our im- 'mediate neighborhood, we are glad you} will still 'be very near and able to mingle with us, ond 'we trust you may| 'Miss | enjoy contintied success and happiness | iis 4 On behalt of the community we ask | "Establishing a New Standard in Auto: = ¥ " eA po Va te d) *"L".head Motor .: . . its remarkal 1 . + + then ADD a larger, Durant built, piu 3 higher radiator, of a design exclusive to Dura es + « + refinements in equipment the Durant "55". oT Rugby Trucks, Four and Six Cylinders; Capacity % ton'and 1V/, tons Retin is , scicntifien MILK FOR L 2 Quer D MO lates to capacity th on rod ~ 7 rebuilds pais ducing ergans ind constantly Keeps the cow in good dition b restoring minerals and fats she oe ate, the ilk ; Oe her he dra ae nile y balanced TO PRO- "MONEY. Stimu-

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