Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 23 Feb 1928, p. 7

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~~ mceldent or propinquity were able to i and the collection ot This caused moment a ore, and the, Norwegian Government; i its envoy in London, Promptly in-! formed the British Government that "( Bouvet Island was "annexed" by Nor-! way on Dec, 1 last, when it was visit: ed by the Norweglan Antarétic Ex: pedition, which had hoisted the Nor- weglan flag and begun whale and sea] bunting. . Bouvet and Thompson Iétinds fig- ure on thé map of the South Atlantic about 1,750 miles eouth of Cape Tewn. But is there a Thompson Is- land or - did some ancient mariner have a pipe dream and deceive him- © gel into the belief that he saw such an island? Norwégian whalers de- clare that they have never come ecross any trace of this island, and even at the Hydrographic Depart- ment of the British Admiralty its also "surrounds Bouvet Ts- | Its French" discoverer, who gave his name to it in 1739, was not, sure If it was island or part of a continent, and he Was unablégto 20 ashore. More than thirty years af: terward: Captafn Cook twice failed lo the islan | Which Bouvet had -charted ince discovered the ian and rechristen- ed- it" "the Norris got a men were g blizzard~and W a week theps The famous selled Th the fo find the island. | Moore in 1845. -Alld as to whether su, existed. Later explorati Bouvet Island Small in area, it ice-bound eliffs' ail protably the tip of Ost sub- merged volcano, two €ldes of whose crater rise to peaks some 3,000 feet shove sea hn Haig's Ord Order Historic "Backs to Wall" Admonition May Survive With Nel- son's Signal : London--Earl Haig's death and fun- eral ceremonies are now in the past. Not only by his record in the war, but by Hs work on behalf of ex-ser vice men since peace, the late Field Marghal established himself solidly in the respect and appreciation of his countrymen. on both sides of the Tweed, and the tens of thousands who day by day passed by his coffin ropresented only 'the molety who by Pat t is pay thelr . personal tribute to the memory of a man held in honor by the whole nation. It has been well sald that the un- derlying feature of this great populag dembnstration is that Ji s a mark of esteem aod admiraf] he oar 'acter of the man rat] hh - Wervices alii a soldle ereat qualitios and Jatter apect are to 2 Hams' Pink Pills, A few boxes prove that 2% they 'were helping me, but I con wed taking the pills until I had used' bpp boxes, by which time I found: myself a completely restored woman, !able to do my work without fatigue, a better appetite an da"sense of cheer- fulness, where before I had been des- pondent. For all this, thanks to the health-glving qualities of Dr, Wil Hams' Pink Pills." If you are feeling run-down, give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and new health wil be yours. You can get the pills from any medicine dealer, or by mall at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Wiliams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. The head 'put up a notice that on the JRTAMEE day he would lecture on "(fEEdEyes, and How We See Throughlh Shortly after- wards he wat fastonisnea to find an al 'written underneath! {ana How They See Ih woman is a famous a8 regards her speech. France," asked a friend, oy the most, Mrs, ----?" ik," said the lady, "it was nch phéasants singing the "" ey ated Iron ty ASK oR Tn Ro D of. over SiS inch of sur- REP cofrugations. us, stating size of you want to cover. PAY FREIGHT BAIN, LIMITED George 8, Togonto 2 "ra 2 C Cnet Meer Tho New Brantford Wonder Mixer PE init for descriptive ares 3% Jun. GOOLD, ---- now in order that 'more self-indulgence un him by one of his boy came to the door and 'Said nobody was home. 'What is your father's religion, my | little man?" asked the minister. "I'm not sure, answered the boy, "but from what mother says every little while he is a Seventh Day Ab: Sentis 2 . Ars It has been discovered that cabbage is a valuable ingredient of a new fuel and this doesn't hold out much of a promise that the world will grow more fragrant. "Now," remarked the business man to his steno as they circled round the hour, "Let's get down to business." Inspector--"That new man will never make a detective." | Chiet--*"How is that?" /= Inspectotr--*"There box of soap stolen from and he arrested a trafnp.' The teacher was doing her very best to instill the rudiments of na. tural history into her young charges. She held up before them a picture of a deer, but no one could tell her what it was. "Now, Tommy," she said, pointing to one small boy, "surely you know what this animal fis called. Come now, think. What does your mother sometiriés call your father?" The child's eyés beamed with intel ligence. "Well, mum," he said halt ingly, "it don't look much like a jack: ass to me" 69-pound oad car, Ever Notice It? Sailors are contrary folks, And hard tg understand; How fs it they're at home at sea And "all at sea" on land? ---------- LN They are now -at low levels, and there are several which show splendid profit possibilities soon, Write, wire, or phone us for information. "is. Mining Brokers "Mail Bldg. ELgin Toronto. 21364 ffi 1 during the spring rush when time is at a premium, Because D W Fertilizer is double stre , you save in bags, freight, teaming, and Double Worth Because one Yon DW ~ 8168 = two Tons +4-84. LC GUNNPMLTD. ve., Toronto, Ont. 0 CANADA arse Sd carried FR FREE, Chili Asle'at once for detstls 'of the British' Nomination Scheme from ay office or ageat of the CANADIAN Fh is sald the guide city in his plane during the lunch It is not an easy thing to shoot a moose but there are plenty of them in the Big Pogamasi district of Ontario over the lines of the Canadian Pacific" Railway. Bob Becker, the sporting mY | editor of the Chicago Tribune, this district during the present winter and he was successtu] in accounting for a magnifitent specimen of a bull moose. "How these big boys are travelling," to Bob Becker the morning after he had arrived in the district, "Papa moose and all the GIVE CONFIDENCE By Always Keeping Baby's Own Tablets in the Home, A simple and safe remedy for the common {lls of babyhood and child- hood should be kept in every home where there is either a baby or a young child. Often it is necessary to give the 1Mttle ones something to break up a cold, allay fever, correct sour stomach and banish the irrita- bility that accompanies the cutting of teeth. Experienced mothers always keep Baby's Own Tablets in the home as a safeguard against the troubles that seize little ones 80 suddenly and the young mother can feel reasonably safe with a box of these Tablets at hand and ready for emepgencles. Baby's Own Tablets a mild but thorough laxative t act without are absolutely guar- or other They are sold by at 25 PP represents a store ble "lean days." The Mittle creatu pill use hay in i their houses as winter comes on, then by degrees eat down the house and rebuild it .with other grasses, If you live near a lake and desire to help the muskrats during a particular- ly, bad winter, cut a hole through the ice and place an inverted box over it. The muskrats will do the rest, daub- lng the sides of the hole with mud and go it will not freeze over, and lin- e box with bedding. muskrat really prefers to It dil be a service to him if you break théice along the shores of the lakes and streams. He can drill through the ice, but sometimes every moment counts, If the little animal is desper- ately hungry. A food famine in winter, the arpa tion. of the supplies in the hiuuse, brings out the Intelligence of mig rats. Working together, with a co mon purpose, they swim under the food. 'When food is located the muskra's build a store-house on the ice near it. No matter how thick the ice, they will drill through it, and each "rat" must do his share. The animal that refuses to take his turn at drilling is ostra- cized, driven away by fhe others to shift for himself. The muskrat is well equipped to live under the ice. In addition to his warm coat, he has a pouch of reserve air--to draw upon when he works un: der the ice. Breathing against (he under surface of the ice causes little | bubbles to form, and these are allow- "led to oxygenate. The air is breathed "jegain, minutes. 2 : Don' and this repetition can he * indefinitely, though the quently when 'Other animals | they, work as 'a unit which can be rdached comfortably] TO YOUNG MOTHERS | fee and search the stream-boitom. for} family are looking for winter quarters as the heavy snow and low tempera- tures are warning signals that fall has gone and winter is here." At that time Bob Becker and his guide were in a snug log cabin on the shore of Big swear to him?' "I aid," r Metagama. Suddenly there | complaintant eagerly, "but he only visited was a rustle near by and a big bull swore back at me and drove on." Pog Lake, moose hove In sight. Bob Becker's 30 rifie spoke and down went Mr. Moose for one of those long counts which usually follow a knock out by a 100 grain bullet, so there was moose meat in the frying pan and all was set for a celebration banquet in camp that night. Period Piece (From The London Spectator) Long ago, when ~~ Good Queen Anne Sheltered Europe 'Neath her Fan, A modish Fury Swept St. James For India stuffs with Prodigious Names. There were Cherriderrys and Allejars, Ginghamg, Mulmuls, Aubrowahs, Mahmudhiatties, Beguzzees, Tainsooks lined with Beerbettees: Peniascoes and Callowaypoose Swept the tiny Red-heeled Shoes: Chelloes, Taffatles, Succatums, Graced all Truly Stylish Drums: Vastly fine it Must have been, Long ago, when Anne was Queen! Margery Sharp. Sea-~*I say, what makes your yacht jump so?" Blck--"Oh, the poor thing is on a tack." No mother in tfils enlightened. age would give her baby something she "1 did not know was perfectly harmless, especially when a few drops of plain Cawtoris will right a baby's stomach and end almost any little 1ll. Fretful- ness and fever, too; it seems no time until everything is serene. That's the beauty of Castorla; its gentle influence seems just what is needed, It does all that castor oll might accomplish, without shock to the system. Without the evil taste. It's delicious! Being purely vege- table, you can give it as often as there's a sign of colic; constipation; diarrhea; or need to aid sound, natur- al sleep. ' * Just one warning: it fs genuine Fletcher's Castoria that physicians recommend. Other preparations may |. be just as free from all doubtful drugs, but no child of this writer's is going to test them! Besides, the book on care and feeding of babies that comes with Fletcher's - Castoria is worth its weight in gold. IF you wank the very Best, ask oo No ------ of dancing." you meap, madam?' -- Woodemen--Keep Minard's handy. In clean, bright Aluminum _ Lady--*Sir, 1 wih that you could introduce a little change in your style Her Partugr How do Lady--'You might occasionally step on my left {foot instead of the right one!" POULTRY RY -- JOIN CANADIAN REB---A NEW BOOK OF POU ons. an Guild. % Sons, M 'sisson ines CLUB. Ad ox 1738, Calgary, Alberta. Rockwood, Ont. "Is Modern Woman Gaining on "You tell me," said the magistrate, | Man?" asks a- contemporary. She's "that this {s the man who knocked outstripped him already. {you down with his motorcar. Lan you a the ' Suffer Rheumatism when Min- Compulsory Vaccination Sle for information at once Pe pk we want your in fod List of "Wan and Full In Invoemanion Sent Free on Ri ¥ CO. Dept. W, St. Ottawa, Oat. Soothes and Heals es and Irritations nticura Soa v i N24 chi OIL AAW Druggists . TOLSER ABOUT AA/MESS "ON REQUEST. S2sRORARRS Vik ba Don' t Neglect A PY box Colds | Neumonia, "Flu" and other danger- maladies develop from common Sota, 'To prevent trouble taka Buckley's Mixture. It guiekly relieves the Cough and removes the cause. Different trom old-fashioned syrups. It's a scientifie combination of ven virtues. Sold by all druggists and guaran W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 uc! KLEYS Toronto 2 ) Ie Kl a r- MX a single slp proves it S26 OPERATION LEFT 'HER VERY WEAK Letter Tells of Wonderful Relief After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoun Coniston, Ontario~--"'After a se- vere operation and a three weeks' reer stay in a hospital 1 returned home % |so weak that Iwas = |unable to move a "|ehair. For four ~ {months I was al- * most frantic with : [pains and' suffer- ing until I thought sure there could not be any help for me. 1 hadvery 4 [severe painsin m i left side and suf- ere: Agony every month. One day when 1 was not able to get up m mother begged me to try your m fcine. My hushand got me a bottle of Vegetable Compound at once and I took it. I started a second bottle, and to my su Write and joy the pains in my side left me completely and R am able to do all my work without help, Iam a farmer's wife, so yon sec can't be idle ong: J Jn all, 1 have taken six bottles of Lydia E. Pink- ham"s Vegetable Compound, fiva boxes of the Compound Table bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's ood Medicine, and have also used the San- ative Wash,"'--Mrs, L. LAJEUNESS! Box 103, Coniston, Ontario. FOR. RueuMaisM| Perha you didn't realize that 'Aspirin tablets are made to relieve the deep-down rheumatic aches as well as dispel the occa- sional headache. They do! In cases of neuralgia, neuritis, lum- | bago; for those pains that penetrate one's very bones, Aspirin tablets offer oh . Aspirin, with | Wirections inside. Yan druggists. relief. Just be sure you are getting the real r on each tablet and on the bis proven - Physicians hc NO fet gag.

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