Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 23 Feb 1928, p. 6

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B: 2227; 3236, 41, Thy faith hath _ ==Mark 81 34, SUBJECT. NOW HUMAN FAITH CO-OPERATED TO PRODUCE THE MIGHTY WORKS the results are summed up in a pamp- Legume Inoculation 'written: V1 iiip---- by the Dominion Agricultural Bacter- fologist. In some cases the increases in yleld resulting from inoculation OF JESUS. =~ G " - R Alberta Coal comparatvely slight but in many in- or orp { stances they were strikingly large. a a en Plans Are Still Under way to At the Kapuskasiig Experimental now comes before us turns on his Supply Ontario Users Station two years after seeding, the | xirsordinary power of instilling! Fresh efforts to find a way of man inoculated alfalfa seed produced 3 faith into the souls of men, and on | keting Alberta coal in Ontario were tons, 1,465 pounds of dry matter : in spring 28 \§ introgen is not in so readily avails x tes, For th reason, in a bulletin on Modern 4 chard Practices, distributed by} Publications Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, 'orchardists are uct of the work carryec - Central Farm, at Ottaf awarded the Wilder ( the highest award of Y greenhouse man will lad to Second Chamber of the States Gen- sell some. Molsten the oath then eral and of the Provincial Council of mark off the rows, which need only be Friesland as long ago as 1018, en one inch apart, sew the seed, and deayored to address the latter in tha cover the top of the box tightly with Frisian language. a plece of sacking or burlay. This{ Poet Prefers Dialect DAMAGED ARTICLE «'m sure | possess Charlie's heart." . "A damaged article ls scarcely worth having." . x "What do you mean by that?" "He sald | had broken 1" fotly been madd 1 of Friesland grant" off 600 4 fo 7,600 courses vised to depend upon Pomological Society. folle the part which this faith played in the under way in Ottawa recently, when | against 8' tons 967 pounds produced Advise yan Hl he Hoe closely on the eloty. ard gained re weeks: ! a hich os power : Zr odusel. B. W. Beatty, President of the O.P.R.; from untreated seed. = Results at the pate ag found dn commercial fertill- cently at the International Horticul-|rectly in the op PR re pther of its aspects Howard Stutchbury, representing Al: Beaverlodge, Alerta, Station, Were gorg to supply the necessary mineral tural Exhibition at Brussels, Belgium, |of many Yo Jesus: in | Perta, and others, were.there, {much more striking. On areas cliD- gloments of plant food. and is the eighth medal received by jcabbages, va. 27, 2 sick woman| The Government is reported to be | ped in the year of seeding on that A: the same time orchardists should 2° rticultural Division of the Cen: few touches his clothes; in vs. 88, 54, I TAVOF of & $7 freight rate, with the station the aggregate crop of Wo gyoia * the "or complete 1F8L Farm for meritorious varieties where the same woman confesses to |loss being mage up to the rallways by years from inoculatéd red clover seed 3 apples. aia Os fertilizers for orchard mse. For ex- her act, and Jesus says, "Daughter, | Federal and Provincial subsidies, Was 4,162 pounds per acre 8s 00M amule nitrogen contained in the aver-' The Melba apple is an open pollin- thy faith hath made thee whole," and Price of coal at the mines averages Dared with only 320 pounds from un- moo mixed fertilizer is not dn a v ated seedling of the famous Melntosh.. i Vv. ee Jesus "ence $4 per ton, With a $7 freight rate inoculated seed. For alsike the com- guckly available form. ABA Seed of the McIntosh was saved airus to b lieve despite the sqit {and $2.60 per ton for cartage and parison was 4,268 pounds with 640 goqo 15 probably the best form in Ottawa in 1898 and sown in BO help oJ hive oan overhead, the cost of Alberta fuel in! pounds and for sweet clover 5,860 cyich to supply the nitrogen, For Loon of that year. The seed fendered powerless through human Ontario cellars would be $1350 por pounds with 1,520 pounds per acre. oq orchards, meld phosphate; the ated the following spring d the - lack of tal Here we have memor-| ton, with the exception of Toronto The pamphlet may be obtained from ,,e readily available form, should young trees were Set out In fruiting able instances of the contrary. dot to 50 cents per ton would be ad-|the Publications Branch, Department y. y5eq, but for orchards tn' cultva he i ih Jesus appears in this lesson as, iiyjded for bagging. / of Agriculture, Ottawa. tion b He } 1k : these call spite of the nation's unbelief and in- EE anivantags that AL-| Retetiee Vales of Fresh and' HOMO Homes any aR TI anaes th aided Vi frutted {a 1308. and, 68 1t was go itude. the G P a ed quirements as it possesses the added oyceptionally promising, it was er a Je, the Great 3 hysician uf a parts fuel is not equal to Pennsylvania : Manure LR E/atagS of SORAInInE. some Hme. oxo pro! A y Pi 2yiDa al oarivily on Jp pease Tiny Weight for weight rotted manure is' Murlate is probably the best form of Propagation was begun {ff the win- that there must be trust in him and more valuale than fresh manure as it potash for orchard use. ter of 1008-9 and trees were sent out obedience to him if he is to be our made tests. . , Sects for eason. | CONtaIns percentages of plant f00d| Methods of Feeding Meal to Pigs [to expermenters for test in 1911 and Saviour. % Ju net a Suse of Christ plover I per 8 107 8.3 Fail and has these elements in a more| myat it pays to give pigs warm|since that time. It has now frutted in yofus ng Jus help a ne po fal, avallale condition, However, accord-'g 4 i (old weather was showir in a {many parts of Canada and some parts s vidi ing to a new bulletin on Manures and cannot help where there is not: a a ire Lr TT Shuts. Do lost madev ut Bi entvills, Nota % he alten ee a a ro trustful disposition. His spirit ean- J i ' Scotia, . Hxperimental Station, The |Very promising under eren! "| keeps the seeds from washing away t allowed to do so, ho Te. not. work on ours if ours is not sur minfon Chemist, and L. B. Wright, the 100 were divided into four lots as|matic conditions, and hastens germination. It is best ol tug ol and his tongue by ine = rendered to him. Even the Son of losses in rotting frequently outbalance gou.1 in weght as possible, Tach lot| The Melba is a summer apple offi; gtart the seeds if a warm, dark AE Tretbe on God is yowsriess if we sev our Wille the benefits. Generally speaking, the yoegived an equal quantity of meal, ppearance, in season be-| piace, and when they have pushed up iain ee rbot, ne i Jairus is named as one he hg Jarme it Tere hn entt roots, and 'milk, and had access to , oss of Oldenburg and | (hough the sofl, FEROS the buslap, | gu before largely attended gather: of the presidents of the pd S a or es 0 opi he water as required. The methods of 43 quality as the Mcln-|4nq give them fulf Right. U ings spoke that language and that we may assume that he was a ot v 4 i °% | feeding the meal, however, were dit. | tosh. 10 ¢ 0 there 1s & storm Wwindoge on outslde |, o.oo alone. Another politician, ood edueation, and of high saudi when the rolling of Tare oan, |forent for each lot. Lot 1 Tecelved |W woll- sould With bright ermine | yep the box back at ledit elBE inch Ploter Jelles Troelstra, the leader of fa his ow religious SOWOn, The and Be soils as It tends to a {men} fed dry and lo! 2, meal in water vr dolor : it no being to 8 es from the glass to avoifi drafts and the Socialist party in Holland, is also act of such a man coming to Jesus . slop fed cold. Meal soaked from * "|low temperatures. Se a Frisian and an enthusiast for the 2 fk « tims when the Teligives amber: BE a RL toed to the next was fed: cold to fie NEIH 4005 10.100 tira amet == Making the HoygBed. Janguage, and is moreover a-poot Who, s declar i 5 . 0 i . i 7 sign of his faith, The same quality fresh manure is best as-it improves | 1% 3: and warm to dot 4 Jie in in climates as severe as that of Ot- Where one has a largqr garden 1 tke "Bobby" Burns, prefers. lis ik Series Olt in his falling ot Jury feet thelr physical condition by opening... ya fed slop. Lot 4 did best tawa, bears when young, and 1s pro- | Wants to got off 0 = : oy pa Ji is tho forum] Janguase hich . ~--an Oriental expression of reverence. them to the air and making them i ' | ductive. Pp is better uild a ho po 8 10 spe: PH] V. 23. Jairus' reasons for coming to more friable. 'Fresh manure is also indicating that for col weather warm- try and grow the early ple gts 1 purposes. _ -- Jesus are now declared, and his faith pretordlie for crops: - which have 4 ing the feed is profitable. (Issued be Secure a supply of fresh horse ©| The revival of the Frisian literature comes cut again in his complete eon- Jong. seadon of growth With-erops the Director of Publicity, Dominlomr] which has been tarned gvery® (3 OF Lh in fact, proceeded more quickly Sones SE wo Po he having a short period of growth and Department of Agriculture, Oltawa:) 80 to prevent burning, and store his {han In revival of the Frisian lan- ng : 0 his little daughter, now lying at where early marketing is. a consider. . . in some sheltered spot until rea to guage as a popular tongue, and at death's door. ation rotted manure with" its quickly Immigration and Settlement use, e hot bed should be log 1| Leeuwarden, the chiaf town, is a Ii- Va. 24-27. Jesus at once sets out to available plant' food is best. It| Manitoba Free Pres (Lib.): = No where it will be convenient the | brary of old and new Bpoks under the go with Jairus, and he is on the way should be remembered that when rot | Canadian need be . jubilant when a attendant, and ft must be prglcted- pare of the learned Dr. G . Wumkes, when an eraoniihary Incident oc- ting manure in a large heap the mass | European family is placed on from north and west winds bfifences, | a philologist of considefble reputa- Sirs The fact of his being occupied should always be kept compact in| from which a Canadiey ly buildings, or shrubbery. Mi ple tion. hil th airye' ease does nok Preyem: an- order to reduce losses to a minimum, |. moved itself. Yet thi of the manure: eigh A gow move has L by the way. A woman, suff 2.8 Sure The bulletin may be obtained from | ing on in some parts of and be sure it § 5 | p ny a distressing col laint, comes behind the Publications Branch, Department { The original Canadian sto 1f drainage 1s gog 2 him, touches his clothes, ana is healed. of Agriculture, Ottawa. ing the land and getting and the manure Mixing Fertilizers on the Farm towns and cities. The top of the ¥ of wood any ed. size he feels that among the crowds fol- ng Jesus, her furtive act and her mb ing hand will escape detection. Her faith is plain by many circum- stances: (1) she had suffered for twelve years, yet still hoped for better- ment (2) she had tried all the doctors in vain, yet still hoped in Jesus; (8) she had grown worse as time went on, not even now despaired. To all is must be added (4) the unquestion- By in which she expressed her- Tif 1 may touch but his clothes 1 shall be well." Ve. 82, 88. It shows how sensitive our Lord was to the touch of the hu- man spirit that he was at once aware of the woman's secret act. It vexed him that the poor sufferer should A farmer may save as much as 26 [is going on in many sd per cent. in the cost of his com-| United States and is mercial fertilizer by buying the in-|alarm by students of tl gredients separate and mixing them |in that country. The at home. Besdes, by this means he | Europe prizes, the land] {will be able to prepare the mixture ga great boon to dn the quantities and proportions | yun dred acres { which experience has taught him are, + regards the best suited to his soil and crops. The this Country. Yep { operation of home mixing is fully de- scribed in a new bulletn on Manure and Fertilizers, distributed . by the | Publications Branch, Department of | Agriculture, Ottawa, It may be per- 'formed on a floor with.a shovel, a | screen, and a mallet for breaking Ownership means little d@ many cases -he~®ould prefer makin his living somewhere else. $ lp arin od Bank ment " would be foolish to imaging®that ] show Jtitying balance sheets. = While adians are justly proud of the re- of their financial institutions, g | there'{s a little country across the At-|iater lantic that the pessmists tell us' from u s only in Canada that bs Door] time to time has had its day and fon so far as its financial greatness concerned. 2 te- now slipping down the path to obliv- tightly with & window sas) this a few inches towards which must be south. ure with 'three or four soll. The bed will heat, first; but by the fourth' cooled # down / sufficlentis tify. "To cold wey days grow Warm transplanted once, and harden in a cold frame, which is & the 'hot bed only 'without the mand is 74 d old. 3 lv for Dr. Wumkes Rslasts, the whole leussed and detalls fp arranged, Dr. Pha statement for Piicerned in which 1s. set out, includ- courses a ing "m | teachers, teachers, for gymnpasia and high schools and for children in the prim- ary schools. ¥ He also proposes the formation of a Council of Education with 'the special think to slip away even with the cure which she had . He wished for her a i not obtained by stealth, but with own frank consent and bless- fng. Therefore, "Who touched my bn The Poe of Christ works before béing set outside. : Watch the Lawn. A careful inspection of the lawn Is advisable as soon as the frost comes lout of the ground. The past winter ) nas been particularly severe on win- tering grass and clover, some of the on July 1. coldest weather weourng oan ae Other States Interested was little cover of snow. a resi : ; 'there has been a good dal of freezing While Dutch Fiealyus 3 thie Sole 2d thawing, which alternately con- ing center of this movement, it is not boon 'ond Toleasing the top layer of suggested that it should in any way the soil ts off many ame tytn und Be RoRiued hb dis i " thus kills the grass and clover. To Fortune Teller--"Your husband will correct this condition, it {s adyisable also is interested; for the dialect thert be braye, generous, handsome and to go over-the- lawn in<early spring is he same p in Frisalang ard fhe rich." . people are of the same ancient Frisian . ith a heavy roller or pounder. Hare a "How wonderful. Now tell me, how | w seed | origin. On the other side of the can I get rid of the one I have now?" and hin wu le ts Bae River Ems is the Getman provinse of Sat snowtall is a good-planespscial-| Bast Friesland, while on (he long 70% Jy when the snow. is melting and will | of islands that stretched from West whe A od | Schleswig to North Holland, as well disapooar In a Tew hours. The seed 0 "oo sonlegwig itself and in into the soil and ger- WIL ork pig Rd Southern Denmark, are also somes 30, ¥ 000 or 40,000 people who speak the ml : dialect. ~All 03 together bring up The annual report of Barclay's Bank of London, England, which Yas just been published shows:-- Profits for the year ..$- Turnover ....... 'Deposits object of promoting Frisian educa tion as opposed or supplementary to general education, "The scheme will be put into operation in 'the autumn terms at the schools, which will be preceded by a holliday course starting lumps. The sacks should be emptied separately and, if necessary, the mate- Th A Monisi Roo hic ria] pounded fine with the mallet, ¢ a ar simp het y 0% - ds. then passed through the screen, which ae nati appeal a og 8: ne I should have about ten wirds to the ana ing aan, : . BE gt linear inch. The ingredients having jaba : sad pd nae nd e and Deen thus prepared in separate heaps, Ee Ta axe chig.|lne one to form the largest Proper. DE eT Lena aliases: ani Lon. of. the mistuse, usually. the | phosphatic fertilizer, is first spread is in sizes 1 years, 36, 88, 40 and 42 los the floor and the other ingredients bust. Size' 88 requires 43% yard 86-| t ¥9°| super-imposed in successive layers. tor," which he here uses in reply. He inch, or 2% yards bHd-inch material. myo paten 1s then turned by shovel- wishes her to know that he has really | Price 20c the pattern. ling, first to one side and then to the N . She| Our Fashion Book, illustrating thei wy. our or five times After "will remember all her days not only |newest and most practical style, will turning onve. the. whole Datel should that he healed her, but that he blessed be of interest to every home dress- yo passed though the screen to en- hee act of faith and, legitimated its| maker. Price of the book 10c the copy. |g 0 the absence of lumps and facili: Va 85.36. The interest of the nar.| HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS, |tate mixing. One ton is generally rative-now returns to Jairus and his| Write your name and address plain- {enough to mix in one batch. It is daughter. The sad news arrives that|ly, giving number and size of such|best to apply the fertilizer within 24 the little girl has passed away, It is| patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in| hours after mixing but if it has to be 100 late for Jesus now to come. "Wh 7 | stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap | kept a while it fs well to add a certain Te the Jeacher any ther d it carefully) for each number and|proportion of filler, such as fine dry had not heard it. He encourages address your order to Pattern Dept, |loam or sand, In order to check the Jairug not to fear, but to go on be-| Willon Publishing Co., 78 West Ade- {tendency to cake, Basic slag is best i ' Inide St, Toronto. Patterns sent by used alone. At any rate, neither it retdrn mail. nor wood ashes nor other substances Heving. Ve. 41, 42. The laughter 'which is a A an individualizing love which ngles out all its recipients for spe- clal, personal blessing. Hence the re- cipient of his healing here has to confess her act Vs. 834, We may well see: the pur- pose of Jesus in obtaining the wo- man's confession by the word "Daugh- , Chairman referred' without ng to the revival of British de. The showing of the bank would geem to ondorse his optimism. BE Willing to Trade In. THE LATE WIFE Ordinary But Rich Mortal: | would lke to have you paint a ~ portrait of my late wife, Great Artist (Inatter)'vely): Like most women, | suppose. But she will. have to be on time--very prompt with her sittinge--it she wants mo to do the works t meet PIO s3e04 000'g SI 31 1IUIH JO SPB WHM DOOM JO QPBUL. SBM IUNASDIY BPE 0UI 18 JIGIuXs eds 2 jo Jed AQjusder sem JPR 'OINoIs YV | Manageress. "Im sorry you don't like my cakes, 'This business has been built up almost entirely on my cookery." Customer: "I don't doubt 'it, madam. With a few more buns like those you could build an hotel!" An American just returned from a tour of Russia says that all the lles told about the soviet government are true. . x Catherine--"Did she make you feel} yo ooulation ofjthis potential dislec- "at home?" Isabel--"No; she made me | 400 op philological nation to mors "wish 1 was!" oe "tin "= 8 put forward on be- ge is that It 1s nal Anglo-Saxon, ert. by the majority es, than any other, * Butler | Mutt Comes In Contact With a Fine Man. BAR JOVEL \ | x . GH, WoT ¢ --ent FAWNCY, 01D THING! - =--.- YAS, RAWMER IRREGULAR: == VAS, EXTRAORDINARY! 7 i THINK TUL CALL UP MY TAILOR AND ASK Wim To Have 'YEA WITH ME! Haw: RIPPING, SERV spelled and sounded diff Dutch and German, take t!

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