Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 23 Feb 1928, p. 4

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-, # a . 7 TN fates LATTE i 2 s pleasing to know that the x re- port that Mrs. W. H. Letsk intended town i is 'incorrect, ; NEW MILLINERY PARLOUR Miss Mildred Palmer wishes to an- mounce that she will open a millinery parlour about the: 1st of March, one "door east of the Star Office. We regret to hear that Mrs, Chas." Whimsett had the misfortune to fail - and break her arm. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook, of T\ ronto, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Cook. Mr. Frank Woodley is leaving for British Golumbia, § and will spend some months there and in Alberta. We " wish him safe Jie Ye. Among those who went up to To- ronto last Friday to hear the Me: mdel. sohn Choir were Mr. and Mrs, Jam McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Christy, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris, and the Misses M. and E., Harris, ee Our South Ontario Hockey team have won nine games--no losses. One more game to play at Claremont. Port Perry and Claremont play home and home games. 3 RS a PICTURE SHOW PR SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25th-- Billie Dove in ns 'Sensation Seekers." 2 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Te Hoot Gibson in "Painted Ponies." THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd-- Bebe Daniels in "Senorita" also "Blake of Scotland Yard." a ---- PORT PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWS At present the interest in the hockey series is at a high pitch. The three teams entered in the contest have each played two games at the rink. The teams are very evenly matched and the results of the games played to date have netted each team one victory and one defeat. In the first game the "Pirates" captained by F. Switzer, won a very match from the "Black Hawks" led by Archie Farmer, by a score of 3-2 In the second game th. "Blaci Hawks" were more fortunate and took 3 goals as their share and only allow- ing a single tally for Robert Willan's "Tigers." Monday 20th, the "Tigers" detested the Pirates with a score of 4 to 0 This gives each team a standing of a win and loss in the score column. The tie is to be broken by repeating the round with threé short games on Mon- day February 27th. In case these games do not alter the standing of the teams, the team which scores the most goals is to be declared the win- ner of the group. y Lge AN EVENING IN FORMOSA Those who were fortunate enough to see and hear that trip to Formosu given by Rev. Geo. Williams before the young people of the United Church on Monday evening, were amply repaid for any trouuble they took to be present upon that occasiom. Rev. Mr, Willjams is a returned Mis- sionary who has that rare gift--a fitting sense of humor. The pictures he showed of Formosa were excellent, and his descriptions of the country, and the life and customs of the peo- ple held the happy attention of the audience, so that time did not seem to count, The young folk greatly appreciate this visit from r. Williams, and will ever have a clearer idea of life in Formosa, ----_-.-n. a rt W.C.T.U. The regular monthly meeting of the 'Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be held at the home of Mrs. 8. Baird, on Wednesday, February 29th. The February meeting is held in memory of Francis Willard, Suitable readings will be given on her life and work and also on the work of the Traveller's Aid Dept., after which a 'social half hour will be spent. We trust that all ladies interested in + this good work will be present. A as cordial invitation | is 'extended to all. an Sh HI YE GRANDE LADIES' AID toh CONCERT N To, be 'held in the basement of ye _+ United ; Church with memories of ye os olden tinie, for ye refreshment and pleasure of ye olde people ye edifica- tion and: instruction' of ye rising gen- other gude things be- at earlie candle light, which is 'about 8 pm. by ye town clock on i Wednesday night, 29th day of Feb- "Tuesday, 6th of March, 1928, for the a Cream! has just 'arrived. This is the io ~ It Skims Closest greatest Separator, becaus It is easiest to turn It is easiest to clean It is the machine with the longest life. Inspection invited. Come in and talk over your Separator troubles, and let us prove the above four claims. Substantial Allowance on Old Machines. Second hand machines always on hand. GEO. JACKSON & SON Agrl. Implement Service Station. PORT PERRY MANUFACTURING PLANT FOR 'enders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clack noon, on purchase, en bloc, of the followi assets of the estate of RAYMOR! MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, Manufacturers of Electric Heaters, Port Perry, Ontario. Stock-in-trade, (manufactured, in process, parts, etc., as per inventory ........ vay es $8,366.42 Plant and machinery, as per inventory io, 489.89 Less lien to be assumed by purchaser .... Plating Outfit, as per INVENUOTY iv oivvviicvinvasssin 200.00 Pulleys, belting, tools, etc. as per inventory ........ 190.00 Land and Byilding ......... 4,000.0 $9,509.42 Terms: One-third cash, balance in two equal payments in one and two months, bearing interest at seven per cent per annum, and secured to the satisfaction of the Trustee. A deposit of ten per cent should ac- company each tender, which will be returned if tender is not acce The highest or any tender "not necessarily accepted. Stock and inventory may be inspect- ed on the premises, Port Perry, or inventory may be seen at the office of the Trustee, McKinnon Building, To- ronto. G. S. HOLMESTED, Trus red} (en NEW MILLINERY hr FaELOR FOR Miss Annie Martin REY Mrs. L. G. Hall, will open a millinery parlor in the 'Archer Block, next to Gerrow's Bakery, and will be ready for business on March the 5th. . Miss Martin and Mrs. Hall are well known in the millinery business im Port Perry, and will be in a position to serve the ladies of the district with the latest and best in millinery. RAGLAN NEWS Mr. Lloyd Hughson is visiting with Telativee in Toronto and Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Squelch of Osh- awa spent Sunday as the guests of her father J. E. Nottingham." Misses Fleda and Beulah Dring of Toronto visited with their 'parents here recently. Quite a number from this vicinity attended a dance at Columbus Hall on Friday evening and all report a splen-| - Mr. J. May visited over the end with Torine in Goodwood. The Joung Deople | have been invited |: did time. to visit Myrtle League on Tuesday evening, Feb. 28th. Mrs. Frank Dring is spending a few days in Toronto , and Mrs. Noah Luke of Toronto were recent Suests of his parents Mr.| and Mrs. Wm. Luke. Miss Gilbank spent- the eek end at her home in Bowman The Ladies' Aid held their monthly | business meeting on Wednesday after- noon of last week at the home of Mrs, m, Luke. next social evening at 29th. A dainty lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. D. Thompson and Mr. AJ. Grose visited in Toronto recently. Mr. and Mrs, chester visited her Mrs. F. Dring, recently. The sympathy of the community is m in his er-in-law, Caron, His death occurred on extended to Mr. Wm. Kellin, loss in the death of his brof the late Jos. L. Hod Saskatchewan. Sunday, Feb. gson, of 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Lotne XKuapy and 3 ay a family of Burketon spent Su J. E. Nottingham's, We are sorry to report Mr. Orval ck of Lyle is suffering from ap atta . quinsey. ee. Oe Yad Mrs. Robert Squelch visited lin one day |. at Mr. Garfelt"s, at Broo last week. Miss Nellie Ormiston has returned | to Whitby after spending a few days as the guest of Mrs. I. Ormiston. tren) (mines CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev. 8. C. Jarrett, Rector. Sunday, Feb. 26th, Evensong and sermon at 7 p.m. Sunday school at 8 pm, Ash Wednesday, Evensong at 7.30. Wednesday--Junior W. A. at 4.15. Friday--Confirmati at 4.30 and 7.30 p.m. Saturday--Men's Club at 8 p.m. eee) () reemme: If you are interested in don,t miss the pictures at Hall on Friday evening. No charge. 43 "Give me ten minutes a week 'and r | knock dollars off Yous tire bills" The meeting was well av- tended and all business matters were transacted. It was decided to hold the the home of Mrs, Wm. Avery, on Wednesday, Feb. L. McKee, of Man- rents Mr. and at She Farid ny at the time of the was to supply lumber Nor their construction system was at its height; and many a family was car- ried on the books for months in those days, Then there was a wide field for profits or lasses in the buying of farm 'produce. Butter and eggs, apples and potatoes, and many other products took the place of cash. There is u whole history of store-keeping that should be written before it is forgot- ten. There were not any 'Grocer- terias" in those days. | Elizabeth Heatlie of Darlington on February 27th, 1868, and during all these years she. has been his true help- mate. Three children have been born to them--Mr., Harry Willard, who now carries on the store business in Port Perry; Dr. Elmer Willard, a Dentist, of Toronto; and Mrs. Harper, of Ed- monton, Who for years was a leading figure in §the musical life of Port Perry. All who kyow Mr. and Mrs, Willard their lives have ness is richly rese: C.P.R, ins five | Mr. Willard was married to Miss | r | Horses, Implements. 1 particulars. 6 p.m, and will followed at 8 pm. by a concert with the following talent: Miss Daisy Parker, of Beaverton, Mrs. | the choir and local talent. en Qn + FORT PERRY UNITED 'HURCH 'Sunday, February 26th--11 am, Series on the Lord's Prayer. 8. The Will of God. 8 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 pm~--Special Song Service. An evening with old familiar hymns. > Wéinesday nln, Feb. 20th. at 8 o'clock--Social evening under auspices of Ladies' Aid Society. Prince Albert Church. 2 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m~--Worship Service. -- On AUCTION SALE Monday, February 27th--The pro- perty of W. & G. Fowlie, lot 15, Con. 4, Reach, % mile east of Manchester. Register and high grade Cattle, Pigs, See bills for Besides list on bill there 'will be 2 Wedding Gift cows calves by side and 8 months' old Wed- ding Gift Bull. Geo. and Ted Jackson, Auctioneers. and now stan Profits for he | J an increase o the previous year, gy 2 the rate of 12% haverbe n paid, $100 000.00 has "been written. off Spank Pr t, and a bal of undivided profits, amounting to $418 853.16 remains in Profit and Loss ac- count, an increase of approximately $5,000, 000 or over 56% of the liabilities tv the public, while commercial loans show an increase of over $5,000,000 and now stand at $45,101,169.94. The following figures relating the growth of the bank during past years should prove interesting. They refer to the Total Assets in each of the years mentioned: Year We 1875 ....... sons 1886 ..... 1805 .. Total Assets 1,419,632.00 saserass 1905 1916 .... 19256 1926 ..... 1927 86,569, 056.00. © 90,439,637.00 Liquid assets amount to $48,639,671 The Y. P. 5 Have accepted the in- tation from the ¥. P. 8 of -the| 'United Church to a skating party on 'Monday evening, Feb. 27th. There will be no Y. P. 8. meeting. Prayer Service, Thursday, at 7.80 p.m. _ Women's Day of Prayer, undenomni- national, in St. John's Church; qn Fri- day, at 8 p.m. ; Dr. Kannawin's services wi Sunday Schools and Y. P. 8. 'highly appreciated. Good a Sunday School at 1.80 with Public | Worship at 2.30 p.m. The Women's Day of Prayer, which is now observed by the women of all denominations, both in the United States and Canads, will be held in the Presbyterian Church at Utica on Fri- day, February 24th at 8 pm, The program for this service in Canada| BE. C. Currie of Lindsay, assisted by | with] - W. G. W. PYATT 2 Phones: Yard 94. Ustown Office "ams, : Let Us Make Your New SPRING SUIT or OVERCOAT ; arriving, we are able to offer to the public hoose from--blues, grey and fancy worsteds. ial low price in greys. It will pay you to look re going elsewhere. : IT- TAILOR ===PORT PERRY PORK | BEEF lity at the lowe t price kind to suit yo ooked Moats a soiaity pr on ) omatess vi S d Cured Meats. bf all kinds r Ib. 20c¢. VKER BRO 5 Wiutohors 'MID-WINTER CLEARING SALE 35000 WORTH OF WINTER GOODS TO. CLEAR AT COST. "A Few Specials for This Week Ladies' Flannel Skirts, rogue $8.95... Sale prise 1.95 Ladies' Flannel Dresses, reg. $5.00... .Sale 835 Pure Wool Stockings, reg. 75¢........... Men's Wool Windbreakers; shiecked, es for FR Men's Caps with ear laps, "Men's Overcoats, regular Men's Fleece-lined Ul Underwear... Men's Wool Underwear ;

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