Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 23 Feb 1928, p. 1

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5 Morrison s Drug Store: FREOrrY «ool iim. Ontarte Yarke hoice, clean, sxamiaton of bro the 1a big factor, Hh be thoroug eh enough to give reasonable. al. - re ahold be co be con. fe censing brokers and agents and salesmen filing of full information of any. offeri pus details that are Suceesafully. hidden now. The laws against ud should be strengthened, and quick action should be taken. In Manitoba a mining engineer's favorable company a mining promotion before it gets official ng, making d ort must ac- nection, but Lo of the man endorsing promotion will always be 8 jp. Character is pre-eminent here as elsewhere. In the meantime the public has been sufficiently warned to be very careful in the matter of investment. tect those who are anxious to get rich quick, and whose optimism - and-greediness overcome their caution." Dealing' wi persons and buying securities of known value--these are prime i!l factors for ordinary' investors who do not know the market, and who have only a smal an No law ean fully pro- responsible to invest. e Speech from the Throne. Hansard has been coming to the office, and if we 'had nothing else to do but read that valuable document, we should be well posted as to the facts'and fictions regarding Canada, her people, and her problems. Unfortunately we have to eat and sleep, and do a few chores about the office, so that we can only dip in here and there, and catch an idea on the fly so to speak. Evidently the Speech had the same qualities that are usually attributed to this opening address. It was heralded wit a great flourishing of trumpets, and read with due cerem and cir- cumstance. All the details of parliarhentary eti were car- ried out. The mover and seconder of the adg 'ormer--had a streak of fat and selves with due dignity and honour, and the 'bacon; the debate-=limited to~ for ty supporters complimenting everyhg 8 lence of the loving and the Opnos , the Government upon the excel- ig to see nothing 8 and plans con- b ate. The speak- Will do the ei ¢ Clover. The season is here when ve Shonit be thinking of your Een of clover seed. Those who buy early always t what they want, but those who neglect to do so frequently have to take an inferior qualify. This will be Tar true of Alfalfa this year as the crop was very poor and those who leave off buying until late in the season will have + to take a poor grade of home grown seed or resort to im- ported seed. Prices are almost sure to .advance as the supply becomes exhausted. Early buyers almost always save money by so doing. We have a good supply of all farm ses 'on hand and will be pleased to serve you. * ! Qur stock of Groceries, Crockery, Boots: & of the best we ok aa history. They give discourses on, ing terms of the wealth of this Tg an -of that wealth. They stand aghast at fi Te ensue if an ambassador is appointed to a foreign coun ry, instead of the usual trade commissioner. country is reviewed, and we find that one man is a director in 136 is reaped of good or What a pity it a bat our more trouble to read Hansard and xe _jous members as they are given, 1a¥ bias to all that is said and done, even distorting what is already partizan. There was a pretty good turnout at "the Port Perry Carnival on Wednes- day of last week, The opening event--- the bottle race--was a novelty that required some skill and a steady hand, | Each of the events of the evening was well' contested, and there were quite alt to compare, une. reat with but 8 Eo of costumes ¢ Panada (only 25% 8 the Jpages of v-4€ll in glow- fic development ons that may The banking system of the After awhile this free and easy debate comes to a close, but the speakers have had a chance to bring out their hobby horses iring, and they grasp the opportunity to have their facts ed on the pages of Hansard. Frequently that is as far as gets for that year, and indeed for many pears; but they their idea going, and, times takes root; ad while th after long years, the {dea some- wer is forgotten, the harvest newspapers do not take rt the speeches of the var- J her than giving the political ---- 000 | The Port Perry ful cannons. Doubtless this hint will produce results on some future oc- cagion, but mind the crackers don't shoot backwards. The old ladies, the gentleman, the ear of gorn, heralds, minstrels, Uncle Sam, the bride, the Port Perry Star, the "kilties" and the little tot--Doris MacGregor, these with many others that might be men- tioned, made a pleasing display, and 'nobody envied the judges their task of 'the winners. -- = The boys races were well contested, but the girls did not finish well. It 'the: 2 Sam Naple. Bottle Race--1 Wilfred Stevens, 2| . Jevin. Contes. a Tew He that gti Phe weak feature from it makes a pretefice of Government ¥ BLACKSTOCK Mr. Percy Hamilton, of the Peter- boro Normal School spent the week] roof. gravel for the ni plans fo or Which are in -- hands Rens 1, of Gordon & Helliwell,! ahi Toronto. Visitors to out of town places last week are: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hamil- 1on and Miss Olive Bailey, to Toronto; John Hamilton je Branttont; Miss Ivy Wall, to Qalovill ednesday being "Ash Wed there will a, an evening servi An ficap Church, port that Nes. ® (Rev.) Griffith 1 is Soul seriously hteen of our hockey fans motored to itby to enjoy the hockey mulch, he. Women's Day of Prayer is be- ing held on Friday afternoon of this week in St. John's Church when the ladies of the United Church will meet with the Anglican ladies in a session of prayer. r. and Mrs. Harold Larmer enter- tained a in of friends at their home on ursday ni ht of last week. The W. A. of St. John's Church met at the home of Mrs. John Forder on Thursday night 16th with a splendid attendance of members and visitors, The correspondence showed a letter from Mrs. (Dr.) Fred Marlow of To- ronto, thanking the members for their gift of flowers to Dr. Marlow during his present illness. Having been con- fined to his bed for the months, his man; Qarswright Telatives and friends wil in the On Friday evening last ei be that he is surel Ie Deated So Bb dd Dr. Marlow made for himself a lastin, memorial in the hearts and minds o the Anglican People when he placed in St. John's Church ten beautiful windows, one being a memorial and the other nine leaded. Last Thursday night was the scene of a very interesting hockey match on the rink here between the High School boys and the town boys; the score being 6-4 in favour of the town. The United Church League visited a brother society in Port Perry on Tuesday evening last week, The nieeting was conducted By "the Black- stock members, the topic "Success" being taken by Miss S. Smith, one of the High School teachers. The Port : Perry members then concluded a very pleasant evening with a social time and refreshments. Miss Laura Hambly returned Mis- sionary from China took the services for Rev. Mr. Griffith on Sunday last, speaking in Cadmus, Nestleton and lackstock. She is also to give an address in the United Church on Mon- day evening 20th. Miss Hambly is-a former Cartwright girl having been born at Purple Hill, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hambly. At the closing business meeting of St. John's Church for the year 1927, Miss Jennie Prout was presented with a purse of $60. in grateful apprecia- tion of 'her efforts in helping to save the church when it was struck by lightening during a violent storm in the summer. iss Prout who lives next to the church and who has a key to the vestry rushed there through a pouring rain when she saw smoke is- an rom the power house where the gasoline tank is stored. Enterin ihe Vestry she hurried the length o church and rang the bell. She Bi unmindful of the rain and of the fact that she was unprotected by either coat or umbrella ran up to the village to give further alarm and assist in carrying water. The United Church villagers worked as heroically as the Yi oni and their united efforts saved the church. The damages amounted to $100. > Spl in SCUGOG NEWS Social grenin at the home of: Mr. and Mrs. A. Ploughman, on Friday ' evening, Fe are looking for a good crowd and a good time. The Ladies' Aid meeting held at the | home of Mrs. A. Ploughman was a pleasant event even if o Wa3 was a den. or ane. of. day. gic. and Mr, a gave an interest-| P® talk on "Hymns: = The mi with music and singing Junch. war Sak Seclal at the Hall last week e Box at the - CURRENCY , OUR ownership of a Savings CREATE YOUR own Bank Account rceates a currency all your own. A cheque bearing your signature jointly with that of the Standard Bank adds the prestige of our name to the integrity of yours, | a combination of inestimable value to you from a business and social stand- point, while offering other practical 'Switzer, / : Boys' nr apeticd Thos, Maret hes also from her residence in Greenbank. On Wednesday of last week, Mr. Rae Ferguson, of Uxbridge, and Miss Ella Clyde were married at the par- sonage here by Rev. C. E-Dyer. Mr, Harvey Real and Mr, Harry Bewell were elected elders of the United Church, and will be inducted at the service next Sunday morning. There will be a Congregational Social in the basement of the United Church on the evening of Friday, February 24th. The W. M. S. day of prayer will be observed on Friday, February 24th. The meeting will be held in Baptist Church, at 2 p.m. Mrs. Jas. McMillan, who has been ill for about a week, is still confined to her bed. Her daughter, Miss Net- tie McMillan, is home from the States- six] to care for her mother. nnd ARE YOU MAKING A GARDEN THIS YEAR? Arrangements are being made for a meeting of the Horticultural Society on the evening of Friday, February 24th, when an illustrated on "Making a Garden" will be given. All inter- ested are invited to attend this meet- in the Parish Hall. A---- (-- IN MEMORIAM Marks--In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Walter G. Barks, v who Passed away February 26, Christ will find the broken ehain Closer when we meet again. Wife and daughter. we re YO pre HARRY CLARK AT CAMERON, VA. Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Clark are con- ducting evangelistic services in Cam- eron, 'West Virginia, in conjunction with Rev. Elmer C. Miller. They re- port wonderful success in the work. All the, churches of the town are co- operating. rn He SOCIAL The Ladies' Aid of the United Church will hold a Leap Year Party in the church on the evening of Wed- nesday, Feb. 29th. You may expect a thoroughly good time and some- thing quite unique in the way of pro- gram. Put a red mark on your cal- endar at February 29th and keep the date open for this pleasing event. ------ UTICA NEWS [This budget of news was side- tracked last week through an over- sight. We regret the accident.--Ed. | ¥. and Mrs, Rickman, of St. Cath- arines, with her sister, Mrs. B. Jones. Mr. Alfred Clark is in the hospital in Toronto to undergo an operation. Mr. Gordon Lane is hame from Oshawa for a few days. A mumber from here attended tne dance at Balsam on Thursday night. Mr. John Stewart has bought Mr. Alfred Clark's farm. Mrs. Geo. Howsam and Milbert, of Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howsam, Mr. Geo. Ward and Mr, E. Kendall were in Brooklin on Wednesday," The Ladies' Aid at the United Church was well attended on Thurs- os Annie Thompson spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Foksam, at Epsom. t nda here with their rents, Mrs. B. Jones has gone to Detroit to see her brother who is seriously iil. Miss Bernice Goose, of Ashburn, with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Bentley. a . ---- PORT PERRY PUBLIC LIBRARY eeting of the Public advantages of in The deposit of one credit in the nearest Standard Bank Branch-will lay the foundation for a currency all your own. 3% H. G. 'HUTCHESON A Port Perry. Branch To Frank Kernidall "and| ~~ "| man, ble number ollar to your . Blackitack, Litile tion, Sunderland itain, Nestleton former, _ Ph e property is being paid for in yearly ye with a met balance of $200 and accrued interest to com- plete the purchase. A plan to build a War Memorial Library was inaugurated a few years ago but other more urgent necessities delayed it, however, the realization of the plan is still fostered. "THE FRUIT OF HIS FOLLY" is the name of a play to be given at Myrtle United Church, on the evening of February 22nd, 1928. It is given under the auspices of the Young People's Society. There will be songs and instrumental duets between acts. Admission 35c. Children 16e. (HG -- vor MYRTLE... Mr. Wm, Tarvis has returned from spending a few days with his daughter Mrs. Flett, of Cherrywood. An enjoyable time was spent by the young people of the neighborhood at Mr. Will Cook's Hall, Myrtle Station, last Wednesday evening when Messrs. Stanley and Carman Rodd, gave a dance toa number of "their friends, when the fleeting hour was tripped away until the wee' sma hour of the morn. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Swayne and daughter Marjorie spent the week end Assets $3767; liabilities with. Mrs. .Swayne's.. parents . near... Shannonville, Mr. John C.<Lawrence visited his brother in Toronto during the week. A goodly number from here attend- ed the play given by the young peopie of Burns: Church, Ashburn, on Fri- day night. and are giving the Ashburn artists much comment on their skillful per- formance on the stage. The second case of Mumps. Was #8. ported in the neighborhood over the week end. Rev. Swayne attended the Presby- tery" meeting in Whitby last week. Mr. Bill Heron of Brooklin pressed two car loads of hay for Mr. Jonn Elsom and Mr. Arthur Maw, last week which were sold to Arnold Bros., and hauled to their farm near Pickering by Mr. Speers of Brooklin. Mr. Roy Thompson, mail carrier, of Myrtle Station No. 1, has been able to make the round trip via Ashburn, Balsam, Glen Major and across the town line, nearly every day this win- ter although the roads were heavy at times, he always managed to get back to catch the 5.06 p.m. train. This 1s rather. an unusual thing as parts of the road are especially bad after a storm and other winters it has been impossible to get through. Farmers are busy getting in their ice from Mr. Claughton's pond east of the village, Mr. Norman Claughton, of Stouff- ville visited his brother Mr, J, Claugh- ton, last week, 000. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Charles Prescott, deceased. persons havi the estate of William Salus aginst cott, late of the Sownshin of Darling: ton, in the Sad ho! Du ham, gentle. epi] ut deceased, ie ih day of L 7 re Signed Solicitor for the a oder tors, on or bef oi ore the 20th day of March, Togs, All report a splendid time .

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