chairman, pointing out that $5,000,000 A year was spent in the interest and or { publicity of trade within the Empire. mulation and development, | "And," he said, "we hope to join in| that] a to regard this: the celebration of the fiftieth anni- «concepbion of Imperial co-operation in| versary of the Toronto Exhibition this tradd., Han coming fall by displaying what "we 4OUR are doing through the Empire Mar- vy Bow Y J a keting Board ko develop Empire trade outs. y after all, sid Mr, oral, 1 DAI | Greay ht ( Applause.) 3 te i ¥ a en SOME 7} By EVEN GREATER 'were many products which could only| In conciyfsiom, he said: "We are go: be grown in other climates or more! ing to buifd up on the foundations of advantageously grown overseas, weqthe Empitg that has been glorious in decided that we should grow for our-|the past s@mething that will be far solves in territories under our owr{myg ing ' that will play an control, if ible, by. most of eure part for the good of its own race, and so build up a wider to- the good of mankind, : egonorhic. community. that 'will raise political, pi ing with) u actual life." We can gether to develop our boundless hic. resources to a greatness ich Bamed, but of which the deyelop- t of the great United States so you may, at any rate, give you gmall inkling." (Applause.) RR Sn none of us perhaps have ) Scene in England during the re | JR : Paris Court Rules It Is Not Modern Necessity The jazz age recently got called to order by the courts. £ Instrumental noise and boisterous «frivolity were held to be a necessary 'part of modern life by lower courts in a test case to oust\"The(Bul} on the Roof," one of the Wall down- town cabarets. Th urt of Ap- peals, less sympatlig with after. war manners, gave plage fifteen days to vacate and condemmed it to pay damages for disturbing neighbors. "Even the most respectable places," sald the lower court fn justifying the Jazz practices, "have heen compelled by changing modes of life to satisfy the demands of thelr customers from the musica] and choregraphlc point of vigw." ¥ This decision, bowevér, has been re- versed and many suits are threatened to oust noisy night-life places, ee fete Canadian Poultry Registration The policy of the record of perfor- mance of poultry--the official certi- fication of private records of laying | [hens by a system of -periodic inspec. i J e poliey Whith® was intended to be one of internation- , al co-operation, but which we. have learned more years has i led 'bo much economic Sevelopmegt a aL the id that after abandon- He OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS! An English maiden giving her dog rest while-on shopping tour. rough Three-Quarters 2 Mile of Sewer When 3 ow 'While Bernard, interest was engaged in clearing the" snow from the sewer, located on St. Olivier Amery, street, which . n doned ed with snow dumped in through Up- \to Can-' per Town manholes, a miniature dam than of snow which was holding back the being water suddenly gdvo way, and eters , in the he could spring to'safety(the onrusl A 4 and By ck him and erlying | tion by the Dominion Department of the Record of Performance hi swept to one side. It has unheard-of success to the po dustry. It has established some won- derful strains of birds and given them magnificentr ecorde over all' the breeds and all countries." -- pine nett Can Claim a Fox Shot me Property A° If another man shoots, traps or fetches a red fox on your property Yyou can claim it, i "This is the ruling passed down|by the first appellate division. wh that of Eugehe Rheaume, of bury, convicted by Magistrate of stealing a red fox belonging Thomas Sullivan, Rheaume fin nd $20.95 on 'become nearly block- |. {tom and PRET 4 Beau Geste American 'Donor Restores $10,000 Sculpture to France Through the generosity of an anony- mous Ameriean donor, the Luxem- bourg Museum in Paris has just ac- quired the "Grande Eve," a life-size bronze statue by Despiau, one of the outstanding modern French sculptors. The statue, for which $10,000 was paid, is considered one of Despiau's most important works. It was shown at the Exposition of Modern Decora- tive Arts in Paris in 1925 and was in- cluded in the recent exhibition of the sculptor's works at the Brummer Gal: lery, 26 East Fifty-seventh Street, | where it was purchased for the French Museum. One day while visiting the exhib | tion here, Mme, Henry Lapauze, As! sistant Director of the Luxembourg! + ! | THIS 18 NOT THE MISSISSIPPI FLOOD : cent startling weather conditions that have worried the Mother Land this oo ake Pang. 3 Rj sin 06 Wireless Progress All of Western Europe Will Soon 'Be Linked Up Via Wireless Telephony With Canada and the Uni- ted States London. --The most far-reaching de- velopmeénts in the history of wireless telephony were put into operation recently when the service to England from Canada and the Unitad States was extended to Brussels and Ant- werp, as a preliminary to further ex-| tensions linking the whole of Westorn| ronto. : "What I would like to 'say in regard to the whole matter is that these Con- versations at Malines with the late Cardinal Mercier prove that the Anglo-Catholics have been willing to tacknowledge the supremacy of the Roman Catholic See, thus invalidat- ing the Order of the Anglican Com- munion," he said. "The See of Canterbury is as an- cient as the See of Rome, and yet the Anglo-Catholics would be willing to betray the ancient character of their own church, acknowledging the supremacy of a foreign church whose authority had beén violently flung ide by the wonderful Reformers of the Anglican Church at the time of the Reformation. WILL PRESERVE PRAYER BOOK "There is mo 'doubt but that t exposure of these conversations wi do more than anything in the wide world to keep the English Prayer Book in its entirety as at present cop~ stituted. . "There are only two true Sacra. ments, Baptism and the Supper of the Lord, and the five commonly called Sacraments, Confirmation, Matri- mony, Penance, Orders and Extreme Unction, which are not recognized by the Anglican Communion, nor can thay be as long as the Church of En land pains truly Protestant and des mands the right to interpret the Scriptures along its own lines, "The public generally o member that these conversatic carried on on the part of the Cl of England by men who represent the extremist section of what is called tha | are preventable. Another element of cost 1s the greater expense of edue- ating a blind ohfld over that neces sary for one with sight. On the average it costs not two or three but ten times as much to provide an educa- tion for the child who has not the use of his or her eyes. All this leaves reduced efficiency The National Society for the [Prevention of Blind- ness (of the United States), which began in 1007 as a committee with t members, now numbers twenty- my thousand "men; women and chil dren, ghd spends $100,000 a year in the work of conserving eyesight. Mo expended in a cause like this Is 2 #med manyfold in the saving of 1 loss to individuals and the But, of course, the greatest satis on in connection with it is the vention of one of the most dreaded of human flls, RTL Big Business Newfoundland Paper Pulp Equals Fisheries in Value 8t. John's, N.F.--For the first time Ane the history of "Newfoundtand, pulp paper products have equaled the total value of the colony's fishing enter. prises. In the year just closed, fig !ures announced by the Government recently disclosed, the two industries approximately $18,500,000 each. | The increase in pulp paper produce Europe with the whole of North Am-{ Anglo-Catholic party, and their ideas tion was attributed to the fact that erica. Simultaneously it was announced] that successful fests in television be- tween London and New York had| have been alteady semi-Romanized." . Two of them at least were alrcady Roman in their views, he pointed out. "They can hardly be taken as rep- the Grand Falls Mills, owned by the Rothermere interests of London, oper ated at capacity, and that the Corner brook Mills, recently acquired by the and editor and publisher of the Maga- | brought this latest sclentific marvel yesenting the great church which ab. International Paper Compiny, at 98 appreciably nearer the stage where it| solutely refuted these doctrines at the POT cent. of their capacity. zine, Rennalssance{de I'Art Francais, met an American friend also interest ed in the work of Despiau. Mwe. Lapauze mentioned the re-| gret" felt by o g of the Luxem- : not have funds to h rande Eve" and that ould lose the work. The Inquired the price of the! Frangey Ama nd offered it as a gift to the |, possible to conclude deals verbal-| = sapiens Britain the Benevolent Toronto Globe (Lib.): Great Britain pnts a striking phenomenon for | the world to-day. | can be operated commercially, mgking it possible for London to see events happening in New York or vice versa. | The expansion in 'trans-Atlantic| telephoning, however, is more import- ant at the present time because of the trade possibilities it fosters. Tn this connection it is pointed out that it is ly between merchants, say in Dantzig, Vienna or Budapest on one side, and merchants in Vancouver, San Fran- cisco or Havana on the other. This remarkable achievement has led to the appointment of an inter- Reformation." I The total customs revenue recelv- (ed by the colony for the year amount. Traffic in Secrets So Get Ten Years oviet Spies Get Short Shrift From the Lord Chief Justice ANGEROUS GROUP London.--An Old Bailey jury re- Q jth labor disputes national advisory board to standardize | cently convicted two men of traffic in her borders, burden of and overcome the difficulties in inter- | interest of Soviet Russia, and dealt a equipment, co-ordinate development | British official military secrets in the ihe has suceeded, so far, I national wireless telephony communi- | heavy blow to what the prosecution | ng questions at in paying "on the nail" every penn tothe United States. At the same cation, It is predicted that in future this will supplant the present telegraphic termed 'a dangerous spy organiza- tion against the safety of Great Bri- y of her. war indebtedness form of intercourse between countries|tain." Wilfrid Thomas McCartney, varl-! | Walt, ed 'to $6,777,000, as compared with $6,260,000 for 1926. Exports totalled $30,000,000. seme. % Loud Speaker Fire Alarms Installed in Edinburgh London--Novel loud speaker fire alarms have been installed in the streets of Edinburgh. Any one wishing to report a fire breaks the glass and immediately the door opens discloging two apertures. ve one is painted the words Fireman Will Speak" and above the other, "Reply Here." The breaking of the glass also rings an alarm bell in a fire station duty room. Althouglr the fireman repliet through an ordinary telephone trans- mitter his voice can be heard twelve time she has widened the scope of her methods now in use throughout Eur-|ously described as an Englishman and feet from the alarm box. When the pensions scheme to include another half-million of her population and in crease' her expenditure by a million and a quarter dolar a week.' Thi New Year's gift of the Old Country | to her subjects is a fitting answer to | the pessimists 'and detractors who! consider Britain effete and dentined, shortly to go under. pe. London will thus become the uropean centre of telephony, a sort f clearing house for communication ith North America. tere rt tn Fisheries Leading Position | Canada's fisheries carried on in the | waters of two oceans; tbe Atlantic] by emptor 'NTeacher--"What is the interest on and the Pacific, and upon a system of | | £500 for one year at two per cent? great Inkes and inland waters, stand Moses, pay aitention!" 'Moses--"For in both quantity and value among the two per cent. Fm not intereste | leading fisheries of the world, as an Irish-American, and George Hanson, a youthful German, were each | sentenced to ten years' penal servitude on their conviction. McCartney was accused of being the chief spy and Hanson his aide, in! obtaining and communicating in-| formation useful to opponents of Great Britain in warfare. While ad- mitting that not all engaged in the| spying organization had been trapped Attorney-General Hogg declared that! the activities of the arrested men had | been stopped hefore material damage could be done the country. Summing up, the Lord Chief Just- tice said that the accused had been | convicted of "terrible" offences, and denounced them for trafficking in offi- | cial secrets for gain, uninspired apy thought of serving their own countries. Solved at Last Mystery Flares Seen On Lone- ly Isle Reflection from Neighboring Town Quebec.--The mystery of the fire signals which were believed at first to have been sent out from Hare normally uninhabited stretch of land bout eighty miles below: Quebec, was [solved by residents of St Simeon-du-| Charlevoix, which is on the shore of the St. Lawrence river and north of the island, Under the direction of' dyupls Gudthier » group of siti- age and, tions and | was 2 time. + |gendable through the fireboxes. by! the Empire fireman answers the person reporting the fire gives the exact location. Police and ambulance calls also are One advantage of the new system, it fs said, is that it.reduces, temptation to send in false alarms, 7 Ta nim Empire Settlement Toronto Mail and Empire (Cons.): The problem of migration is not the problem of Great Britain alone or of Canada alone, It is a joint problem. The British Government is anxious to find homes within the Empire for the surplus population of the British Isles and tas secured the passage of Settlement Act, under which it is spending large sums of money, Canada requires -population and it wants, most of all, immigrants of British stock. The King Govern- ment should realize this, but it has -- not taken the initiative as it might have done in formulating migration schemes in co-operation with the Gov- ernment of the United Kingdom. RE --_"---_np 100-Passenger Nearly Ready for N.Y. Flight "London == Commander C. D, Burney, M.P., managing director of the Airship Guarantee Company, recently sailed for New York to complete arrange ments for the first flight across the Atlantic of he Burney-Rolls-Royce air- ship Rio, which is nearing completion at Howden; Yorkshire. Go It is asserted that it argest ever bullt, having a | 8 AE