Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 26 Jan 1928, p. 3

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: th Be Royle Sut ft fon roont) EEE them.' A drink was Sotmeod While a cafe tgble O'Hara Is sald to havi informed his new friend that he was on his way to Rome to present to the Pope oD: pat} of an Anberitance 0 "The terms of the will" provided "that he must give £60,000 of the for- tune to charity, and a newsp produced containing a brief mention of ithe inheritance, . O'Hara is also ~ said to have displayed a wad of Eng- ! lish bank notes destined for the Pope. At lunch O'Hara {is alleged to have "offered to give to: Anderbon and Mr. Brandein £1,000 each to distribute in their pespective countries," HESITATION. " As a token of good faith it was asked that each man should an equal sum. Anderson agreedj<the Canadian hesitated. Anderson. ret 'utes with his '{money, and O'Hara} imen } m on being an honest Eventually for his' bank, ever tried tod 1 hopelessly fai dog possessing fidelity that it ha.l censed that be a In certain pata fo res. He had become old. Life. was a burden to him, it seemed. He had difficulty in breathing. be was a real géntleman, and when hig:trouble, whatever it was, threatei. ti od to reach a paroxysm, he would waddle to the door #0 that he might not eimnbarras 'But he seamed '40 Bet worse al a 'and the man about the place was commissioned to put him down. - He, isout ny in. tentional cruelty, asked me to _ job, being then but upg ie took him on a string, and-in my other | hand I carried a weight, and so we reached a lonely place by the side of a canal. (Whenever I read that trem- endous story in Genesis about Abr bam and Isaac traveling alone up that| -- mountain side, I bave tried to put pressure upon my. own , for 1 want to elit down and weep, thinking of that evening fn my boyhood.) I tied .the weight to the other end of the string, witli the dog sitting Jost ently. As I was kneeling to mak ~~ the stone. secure, "bis old face: i "devel with my young face; and he lick- ed my check. That Sopsigter tT produce rned n'a few min-|- a it almost seemed the and decided to try me By ithe Tine T1ied meed they boxes foit much better, and continuing the use (of the pills it was not long before I felt better than I had been before the influenza attacked me. My rapid re- was! covery, surprised my friends, and Was! 3 hen asked "What did you do?" I d proudly say, "Not my doing, 'but Dr. Willams' Pink Pills." To me, at least, the pills. have been worth their weight in gold." against winter ills Pink Pills now. ne-dealers, or sent 'box by The Dr. Wil- Brockville, Ont. by mail at 508 Hams' Medic | the t to |seas 8 Overseas --A plan is being energeti- ed to acquire the buildings of the Foundling Hospital in ary for a residential centre on's 1800 overseas students. ple who come from all gorld to study here, and \ London University, tion of that |! tive. ual fanagement to remain of the resident students, pan is being iE supported by the ing: state Pro cla- _ which is largely responsible for Pre enting the site being used for the removal to it of Covent Garden mar | t. The need such a student centre this would: provide for is keenly | felt in London. New York has Imter- 1 House, founded in 1024, and 3 has the new Cite Universitaire, ters tha, reo ecently opened Canadian ted. The London plan is to devote I the entire resources of well-being of over ents. BN Push wists wanted to play a trick on their teacher, so they painted the face of a my "on the back of his coat as it hung on its hook. The master came into the room, and seeing the ¢aricature, 'exclaimed: "Who cleaned his face on CH NY overountY". Shab business' 55 neal: more: 'selr- the' troduce economies i of Distees and to exercise the: necessary caution by _accumulation of exces sive inventories, It adaptability ven Sa as Throughout the year employment was steady; wages were maintained at a high level; living costs were low- ered, due to 'declining commodity prices and the purchiising power of farm products e! 'a8- measured | in terms of non-agricultural products. Al} of this results a sustained pur- chasing pawe on the part of the pub- 'lo ge , which contributed to [the stability of business and Industry. Interest rates declined on industrial and government securities and also on farm lasues, while banks showed. large | increases in loans and estments and ample credit wgs available for the legitimate need "of this country and foreign LoWwiwers. Certain factors .whi ercised a deterrent influence in 1927 may be expected to disappear in the coming year. For instance, the decline in the. automobile industry, with a re- sulting effect - on hte steel industry, wag due to special causes, such as a. temporary curtailment of output in automobile production. The normal expansion of these major industries, which may Teatohabiy be expected from now on, should have a favorable effect on business in 1928. All of these circumstances justify war dto, continued progress in the year ahead. I [WOULD TAKE EM OFF "it you were In my shoes What, would you do?" "Take 'em off and pair" & put on a DL --, el Short But Sweet. 1 heard Prince Arthur of Connaught encés when servihg as Governor ad eral of South Africa, He had ms a journey up the Zambes! to some the; paramo "| made & speech of welcome which took || '| three-quarters of an hour to deliver. When he had finished a native inter- preter came forward to explain the F ing to the chief, the in- terpreter: discharged his task with a single sentence: > "Him say him dam pleaded to soe you." epee "You were no spring chicken when 1 married you!" "No; but I was a 80080." 2 us in the bellef that w may look for- Ineo, Siam, China, Ja] "oxen's voto - - Lesser workmen might never heed Nor guess the lowly toller's need. made the ox and yoke-beam, | ee the loads the wearer drew; And His heart of love and hand of t Made easy yokes and burdens light. Master-Workman, of Galilee, Burden-bearer for such as we, Give us the heart and hand to ease The galling burdens of such burdens of such as these. IS THERE A BABY IN YOUR HOME? Is there a baby or young children Ha-your-howal If there is you should not be without a box of Baby's Own Tablets. Childhood sllments come quickly and means should always be at hand to promptly fight them. Bayb's Own Tablets are the ideal home remedy. They regulate the bowols; sweeten the stomach; banish constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fovers--in fact they relieve all the minor ills of little ones, Concerning them Mrs. Moise Cabotte, Makamik, Que. writes: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best remedy in the world for little ones. My baby sufféred tgrribly from indi gestion and vomiting, but the Tablets goon set her right perfect health." The Rablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 26c. a box from The Dr, Willlams' Medi- cine Ca, Brockville, Out jmchers' tour, to be held during the mer school vacation next year, A «and interesting program of gia rranged. The usual Jurroundins will dpred by a Mediter- #2 ar as Italy, includ- If to Rome. The return will bp by way N°, Magseilles, to Paris, hence to Cherbourg, where boat will be taken for the voyage home to Canada. A separate itinerary has been ar- ranged for a trip to be made by stu- dents, taking 73 days. The tourists will land at Glasgow, touring Scot- land, England and then crossing the water to Zeebrugge. A trip will be made to Paris, then back to London, where the visitors will spend the time from August 9 to 25, being housed in he university hostels. The trip' back home will be made in the company of 3 ers, on 'the Empress of Pca German Cutter Belts Globe, Ce Miles, in Two Years _Berlin.--Greeted by the authorities and aneenormous multitude, Captain Karl Kirchelss, who two years ago started an adventurous eriise around the world on a small cutter from Hamburg, manned by himself and four sailors, returned to the mouth of the Elbe recently. In honor of the successful sailor all vessels in port were fully flagged. ~ Captain Kercheiss began his voy- age in January, Bo yi Spain, the Medits India, Sumatra, Bor- , Honolulu, Mexico, the Panama { inal and New York. Sailing from the last port of call on Nov, 16, the daring navigator met adve: eathey which delayed him Altogether he covered san miles. Can Buy Odd Glove Rr odoy in Subway London. -- So many t hand é lost in the London under- g a business has | "And so T'll dress the part, 1 guess," To her boudoir she promptly hies And there proceeds to partly dress. The Wife--"There's a burglar try- ing to get into the flat." Her Hero--"Eh! Where? I'll get! would up and give him the fight of his lite." "Aren's you afraid?" "Not a bit. Any burglar who thinks this flat can hold three of us must be a little bit of a fellow." It is difficult to belleve that exer. cise will take oft fat when you study some people's chins. "Gertrude Ederle is suing her busi- ness manager." "Ah, I see, a swimming suit." A meddlesome woman, riding in a trolley car, began sneering at a young mother's awkwardness in hold- ing a fretting baby. "1 declare," she snorted, "as woman ought never to have a baby until she knows how to hold it." "Nor & tongue, either," calmly re-|§ sponded the worried young mother. Mrs. Reddy--""Why don't you let your Willie play baseball with the other boys?" Mrs. Greene--"A part of the game is stealing bases, and I'm afraid it 'might be a bad influence." "I bave been told many times that a road of federal aid specifications can be built cheaper without than with federal aid. Is this demon- strable? If not, why Is {it § Sonstantly repeated?" Isn't it strange That princes and kings, And clowns that capper In saw-dust rings, And common people Like you and me Are builders for eternity? Each 1s given a bag of tools, A shapeless mass, A book of rules; And each must make-- Ere life is flown, A stumbling block Or a stepping stone. Nothing 1s useless, and a husband never gets too ornery to come in tandy as a-tople of conversation, Yes, some people do speak "straight from the shoulder"--too bad they can't originate their talk a little high- er up. "I'm crazy about this place," sald thie lunafic as he ambled about the asylum. - The leader of the jazz orchestra probably figures that dodging, side- stepping, and similar antics will make him hardey, to hit. Gladys washed her hair with dog soap and then wondered why it dried out all snarly. "Well, how are you this morning?" asked the passenger. 'Fare," replied the conductor. A wife has some advantages over a husband but she can't win a quarrel by regching for her hat. Some women with a past aré so pleased with it that they are always living up to it. Flapper's Motto--A fool money are soon petted. and his Heat and inhale Minard's. 'Al so rub it on throat and chest. The great preventative. le rs vores wane ae ton : " chance-- my ten i the best : IN 80 calmly wait your Pedestrians have the right of way When in the ambulance. "oson Tramene, | The King of Pala=-Minard's Liniment ' Major (inspecting th the morale of col- Me ored troops for their baptism of fire) --Sam, what would you do it on par- ade you were dd with the enemy?" Sam--'I1 sure| would spread the news." "You haven't the spirit of a mouse!" "Qertainly not, my dear. If I re- sembled a mouse in any respect, you might be afraid of me." OPERATION LEFT HER VERY WEAK Letter Tells of Wonderful Relief After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoun Coniston, Ontario.--"After a se- vere operation and a three weeks' ; stay in a hospital I returned home 80 weak that Iwas unable to move a 4 fchair. For four "|months I was al- +. jmost frantic with pains and suffer- ing until I thought sure ' there could not be any help for me. 1 hadvery severe painsin m: left side and suf- ered agony ey month. One day when I was not able to get up Janther ged me to try your DY usband got me a bottle of Vegetable Compound at once and I took it. I started a second bottle, and to my su prise and joy the pains in my side left me completely and X am able to do all my work without help, Iam a farmer's wife, so you see] can' t be idle long. In ali, T have taken six bottles of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Com boxes of the. Com) ablets, two bottles of Lydia Phekban: s Blood edicine, and have also used the San- und, five No mother in this enlightened age would give her baby something she did not know was perfectly harmless, especially when a few drops of plain Castoria will right a baby's stomach and end almost any little ill. Fretfuk ness and fever, too; it seems po time until everything is serene. That's the beauty of Castoria; its gentle influence seems just what is needed. It does all that castor oil might accomplish, without shock to the system, Without the evil taste, It's' delicous! Being purely vege. table, you can give it as often as there's a sign of colic; constipation; diarrhea; or need to ald sound, natur al sleep. Just one warning: it 1s genuine Fletcher's Castoria that physicians recommend, Other preparations may be just as free from all doubtful drugs, but no child of this writer's is going to test them! Besides, the book on care and feeding of les that comes with Fletcher's Castoria is worth 1t8 weight in gold. Children Cry for. ative Wash," -- Mrs, L. LAJEUNESSR, Box 108, Coniston, Ontario, 9 Headaches may be swiftly iy ately relieved tablet. A most efficient remed use avoids much Dt sue soon its soothing Tnfivenes Is TE ust as helpful Heat a, ; on fry bit i 0 ne eo re end BI a Cy Tl

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