Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 19 Jan 1928, p. 8

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OVER 200. STORES ; ; ECIALS gRinRY ay January 20 and 21. : 10 Younds Granulated Sugar dh Lan0e Royeroft Creamery Butter, per Ib .....40c. Sliced Breakfast Bacon, rind off Tan 4 Ibs, per-Ib voll aE a 800 Silver Leaf Lard, 1 1b prints verve 300: Grapefruit .. 3 for 25c¢. 8 Oranges, per dozen .. ..40¢.; 50c., 6bc. B Aylmer Tomatoes, large tins . 2 for 1c. Aylmer Corn ........ "vasa: for 29c, Aylmer Green Refuge Beans, per tin ..20c. 'Harvest Yellow Peaches, per tin ou i 200, Post Bran Flakes .., .2 for 25c. Grapenuts, per pkg. .. «110. ~ Tiger Cohoe Salmon Aas '19¢. Clark's Pork and Beans 2's ......2 for 23c. Superior Tea sardines 14's 3lec. 1's 65¢. Shelled Walnuts, %'s ,...............blc. Lemon and Orange Peel, per 1b ......23c Seedless Raisins ............2 Ibs for 27c. Fine Cleaned Currants .........per 1b 18c Magic Baking Powder, (cash & carry) 1b 34e. Beehive Corn Syrup ..........5 Ib tin 38c. Infant's Delight Soap .. .++3 for 2b¢.. Comfort Soap, ..... .per bar Be. Superior Corn Flakes .. Jutland Sardines . Kippered Snacks . viva «3 for 25c. .3 for 29¢ .2 for 1bc. Wonderful & Somme Naptha Soap 4 for 23c ; Crosse & Blackwell Chow. .50c size for 4lc. Good Cooking Apples, per bushel . Evaporated Peaches ...... ..$1.50 § per 1b 25c. JAMES McKEE & SON | Superior Store, St Charles Building, Port Perry. : WELL KNOWN UXBRIDGE MAN SUCCUMBS TO INJURIES Edwin Hillson, of Uxbridge, was was struck by'a motor car at Jerome and Dundas streets, Toronto, Sunday, while rushing across the road for a street car, died in the Western Hos- pital on Monday, of a fractured skull. The body was removed to the Morgue. An inquest will be held. Mr. Hillson was a well known drover of Uxbridge and was in his 63rd year. He was born in the town- ship of Reach and spent his early days on the farm. He was a member of the Masonic Order. He is survived by his widow, and five daughters. -- OO e---- FAIR ON MAY 24th. The Uxbridge Agricultural Society held its annual meeting in the Fire Hall, Uxbridge. The report of the auditors and financial statement were presented. It was decided to hold the annual Spring Fair at Elgin Park, Uxbridge, on Thursday, May 24tn. The following officers for 1298 were elected: Honorary Presidents, A. Claughton, H. J. Gould, W. 8. Ken- nedy, Charles Fairman, W. H. Smith and C. P. King; President, J. Walter Gould; 1st Vice President, William 1. Hogg; 2nd Vice President, John J. Christie; Secretary-Treasurer, V. M. Hare. RE 1 ATI LIVESTOCK MARKET CONTRACT Farmers throughout Ontario will be given an opportunity of marketing their cattle, sheep and hogs on a strictly co-operative basis. The share- holders of The United Farmers Co- operative Company, Limited,. at their annual meeting a few weeks ago, gave the directors authority to arrange for meetings at which to discuss the Hog Pool anid Live Stock Contract, and then approve of this new system of marketing which has been adopted with such satisfaction to the farmer in recent years. The Directors met December 20th, and decided to ask each county to send a representative to confer with the Company directors in Toronto on Jan. 24th. In the short time that remains before the conference it will be im- possible to give assistance to all counties, Arrangements are being made, however, for meetings in Duf- ferin, Grey and Simcoe at which to discuss this method of marketing, and answer questions. Leaders of the farmer movement in other counties are urged to see that their county 1s represented by a strong delegation at the Toronto meeting on January 24th, 1. Details will there be worked out for local meetings and a campaign for membership. ne IMMIGRATION FACTS Total Distribution Since 1901.-- Maritime Provinces, 189,192; Quebec, 625,683; Ontario, 1,181,426; Manitoba 562,786; Saskatchewan and Alberta combined, 1,086,406; British Colum- bia and Yukon Territory, 488,495; unaccounted for, 13,396. Phone 152 | GOES TO THE ARCTIC 'W. H. B. Hoare of the Northwest Territories and Yukon Branch of the Department of Interior, will shortly leave for the frozen north to survey the existing conditions among the herds of musk-oxen. This hardy animal is believed to be 'in danger of extinction. THE FIFTH CLASS The Fifth Class is a regular part of the public. or elementary, school sys- tem. If there are any pupils in the school section who have p d the There are three grades of Fifth Classes--A, B, C. Grade A--Where there are at least entrance examination and desire fifth class work the school board is under obligation to provide it. The teacher has no alternative but to teach the class. School boards have in this class an opportunity of providing higher education for those pupils who desire to remain at home. The course of study is designéd to meet the needs of those pupils who desire a general education, 1. The following subjects are ob- ~~ ligatory -- Reading and Literature, Composition and Spelling, Canadian History and Civics, Geography, Gram- mar, Arithmetic. 2. The following subjects are op- tional--Physiography, Algebra, Art, , Grants for Grade B-- two teach the Principal giving in- struction to not more than the pupus of the Fourth and Fifth Classes, Grade B--Where there are at least two teachers, the Principal giving in- struction to not more than the pupils of 'the Third, Fourth and Fifth Classes. Grade C--Where there is only one teacher for all the classes. ! Grants for Grade A-- Fixed Grant .............$20.00 Grant of Salary ..........$80.00 'Grant of Salary ..........$60.00 . Grant on First Class , Certificate cewaae vs. $25.00 Equipment cries $20.00 ELE County Equivalent .... Total .. $155.00 $1000 Frsassrbiaastanaa, Fixed grant .............$20.00 Grant on salary ait x Class teacher's salary. By doing so a secondary school of a very practical character could be established for those who have not passed the en- trance examination as well as for those who have with very little m- crease of the trustee levy. The com- munity would of course bear its share of the t p and ty tion. This has. to be borne any way. for those pupils who leave the com- munity to attend a high school in the town and when the cost of transport- ation, board, and the more expensive |- school are taken into consideration 1t is possible the Fifth Class or even the 'Continuation Class might cost less in} _ the end. A Questionaire was sent out in the Fall of 1927 to the secretaries of the| 205 schools in the provirice of Ontario ; where a Fifth Class is conducted. | total enrolment 95, in the Fifth Class g| two years of high sehool work, S. 8. 6 Township of Ancaster, Wentworth 'County, total enrolment 122, in the Fifth Class 6. Union Section 8, Township of Ama- bel and Arran in the County of Bruce, 12. Those having' four teachers are sit- uated as follows: +8. 8. 8, Township of Monck, Mus- koka, where total enrolment is 75, Fifth Class 18, S. 8. 7, Township of Hay, Huron County, total enrolment 105, Fifth Class 11. S. 8. 12, Township of Tay, County of Simcoe, total enrolment 188, Fifth Class 10. MEASURING EYESIGHT A test will prove at once: 'Whether the eyes are causing that nerv- ous let down-feeling. Our most careful advice is yours for the asking. Don't delay. It's dan- gerous. F. E. LUKE Optometrists : 163-167 Yi St, TORONTO 2 (Opposite pson's, upstairs) One school veported as having six teachers, with a total enrolment of 226 and 8 in the Fifth Class. This school is situated in the village of Callander and is a Union School Sec- tion between the Townships of North Himsworth, Parry Sound and Ferris of the District of Nipissing. One school reported as having eight teachers on the staff with a total en- rolment of 280 pupils and 22 in the Fifth Class, This school is situated in New Toronto, South York. The secretary of the school board of New Toronto, Mr. C. Lu Wood, Te- marks that the t 48 the means of retaining the y people in the "community, thug de community spirit. There are 316 pupils taking Fifth p © Class work in the 77 schools reported per. school, varyi the seventy seveny Quite a numben have. Fifth Classe school ranges from} 2 The Third Question asked was-- Has your teacher any objections to teaching a Fifth Class? There were only four cases reported where the teacher had objections to teaching a: Fifth Class, and the rea- son in these cases was a lack of time. In looking over the statistics of the four schools where these teachers are engaged, it is found that the attend- ance was 30, 86, 38 and 40 which would seem to indicate that the teach- er had enough to occupy all her time without the addition of the Fifth 4 Class. The Fourth Question asked was-- Do. you_ consider 'the, futur rads Over Tel. Office Pert Perry! neglected on account of the Class? Four secretaries Yeplied in The af: "to 40 pupils. | Pressing done. Two well bred Yorkshire sows, due about January 26th. Apply to Oscar Gilroy, Phone 109 r 2-2, Myrtle Sta. MARS WANTED A Capable woman for the Port Perry Hospital. Wages $30. to $40. per -month according to ability. Apply Mrs, Jas. Swan, Port Perry. ecial Prices for Ee i Our prices' are greatly reduced-- With the arrivel of new goods there] is a splendid choice. Get your order in early. IEE Be All Sr of Dry "ry n 5a, Ladies' fine thoroughly cleaned by our New I Cleaning Precess at 'very A Mcrchact Tailor the tt four takeup one one yeas and to nok ya Selly A good stron Pant i in Grey or Brown, Tweed. Sizes 33 to 42. . k | Shaker Blankets in the large size. Clearing at $2 egular $3.50 to $4.00. Clearing at $2.95. t and 'heaviest quality. 1 2 per pak. It will be here for | demonstration soon

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