Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 19 Jan 1928, p. 4

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January 26th, 'from 4 to 6. 'will receive tn the home of David Archer, on Thursday, Mrs. | John Armstrong and son Wallace, of Toronto, were in Hamil- wedding of her son Charles. "They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A E. Blateh; and son Bobbie, of Oshawa. Some of citizens were wondering last week if spring had really come. Mr. Fred Ferguson brought a sprig]: of a tree to the Star Office, with all buds quite green and ready to burst. Mrs. Geo. Hal reported that she saw dew worms in her garden. Mr. Jos. Burton is home from the West, and is visiting with his brother Mr. E. C. Burton. Ontario County Council has award- ed J. Mitchell, 50 Winnett Ave. To- tonto, contract at $3,264 for the con- struction of an 18 foot reinforced concrete bridge on the Seugog. 'Road- way. 4 Mr. W. H. Doubt, of Qa was in town on Monday, visi friends. . : Se. Mrs. John Swan is suffering from a badly wrenched ankle, and is at pre- sent confined to her home. Mrs. Cecil Beare spent the week end in Brantford, visiting her brother who is very-ill. Hear Miss Daisy Barker, the child wonder, in the United Church, Jan. 30th. eee Or On Thursday evening last*January 12th, the Colonel and Officers of Un- tario Regiment (34th) held a dinner in the officers mess, Oshawa, Dr. J. A. Mathers, Bert MacGregor, and A. L. McDermott were invited guests from Port Perry. During the course of the evening many compli- mentary and thankful words were spoken of the visit of the regiment vo our town on Labor Day, and many in- deed were the regrets of officers of the regiment at not being here on that date. No doubt this occasion did more to make good-will and bring the people of Ontario County together thap any event for many years. Capt. the Rev. S. C. Jarrett accompanied the party. ee (Yeates: W.C.T. U. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. John McClintock, on January 25th, at 8 p.m. A good pro- gram is being provided followed by a social half*hour with light refresh- ments. All ladies interested in the work are invited to attend. ? Here's a Chance at OUR risk, use Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis, for Cough, Bronchitis, Croup, Oatarrh, Whooping-cough, Quinsy, Sore throats and all tonsil troubles. Results good or money back. At A. J. Davis' Drugstore. ~ TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received at the Clerk's office up to Wednesday, Jan. 18th, for the position of A for the Village of Port Perry, for 1928. The lowest or any tender not neces- 'sarily accepted. E. H. PURDY, Clerk House for Sale or Rent. we offer. ou yeu 7% ASS E Sat $5.00. Spheric lenses only, Prescriptions filled. I. R. BENTLEY Optometrist DIED At Port Perry, on Sunday, January 15th, 1928, Florence Evelyn Brown, dearly beloved wife of Thomas Bower- man; in her 33rd year. --- Funeral took place on Tuesday. rr (YY rein BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Alix. Gilboord, on Sunday, January 8, 1928, a daughter. mere (YY DIED The death of Frances Perry, widow of the late William Atkinson, and mother of the Rev. W. L. Atkinson, of Port Perry, occured at the home of her son, D. Atkinson, Georgetown, on Monday, January 16th. Interment at Boston Mills Cemetery, on Wednes- day, January 18th. rr PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Rev. W. L. Atkinson, Minister St. John's Church, Port Perry January 22nd--Public worship at 11 a.m. and 7 pom. Sunday School at 3 p.m, The annual meeting of the Sunday School on Thursday evening at eight 'o'clock in the basement. No prayer meeting this week. Y. P. 8. on Monday, at 8 pm. The pastor will be absent from the charge until the end of the week ow- ing to the death of his mother, Breadalbane Church, Utica-- Sunday School at 1.30 p.m. with public worship at 2.30 p.m. SUCCESSFUL EUCHRE A successful euchré was held on January 11th, under the auspices of the Port Perry Hockey Club. There were 28 tables. The winners were: Ladies 1st, Mrs. Wilson Gerrow, 2nd, Mrs. Mac. Beare; consolation, Mrs. B. Brown. Gents lst, Mr, Wright, 2nd, E. H. Purdy, consolation, Mr, W, Me- Kinley. ninemsn REDUCED NUMBER OF COUNCIL The ratepayers of the town of Ux- bridge voted on New Year's Day to reduce the number of Councillors in 1929 from six to three. It was purely an economic measure as the Council- lors in that town receive remunera- tion for their services. The by-law, approved by the ratepayers by a sun- stantial majority, must receive same- tion of the Ontario Legislature before it. becomes law, vert (0 Ones SALE REGISTER Wednesday, J: y 26th--Auction sale of 35 fresh cows and springers, 25 Durham steers and heifers, year- lings and two-year-olds, the property of O. Denny and J. Vincent, at lot 24, Con, 4, Whitby. Tp. Sale at 'one p.m. sharp. See bills. Geo. & Ted Jackson, Auctioneers. Sy ANNUAL MEETING The annual convention of Ontario Fairs and Exhibitions will be held vn App Ho fo . P. Rolph : ort P oy: ity Mr, Re Rose; ¢ Steward, Mr. Jan 'Waddell; Mainten- ance and Extension Fur ; Geo. Stone;.. Sunday School, Mr. John Me- Clintock; Ladies Aid, Mrs. G. Coates; W. M. S., Miss L. Stovin; Ladies' Bible Class, Miss G. Stovin; Young People's League, Forbes Nasmith; Mission Band, Miss Mary Smallman; Young Worshippers League, Miss M. Farmer. ; The total receipts for the year 'were $6656.26, which includes $1485.25 for the Maintenance and Extension Fund. This amount is for nine months end- ing December 81, 1927, the financial year having been changed to coincide, with the calendar year. During the year the church has been renovated and the auditorium nicely carpeted, and some improvements made about the parsonage. The total membership is about 420. At the annual meeting Mr. 8. Jef- frey was elected Elder, to take the late Mr. W. J. Coultis. Mr. Robert Somerville was elected to the Board of Stewards to take the place of Mr, Alvin Hunter, who is a member at Prince Albert, and Mr. Fred Taggart was elected to the Board of Stewards to take the place of Mr, R. B. Small- man, who has recently been elected to be Superintendent of the Sunday School. The ladies served refreshments, and a social half hour was spent. te) ( (rete. JEFFREY-HANSON The Colonsay United Church was the scene of a pretty wedding Friday afternoon, December 9, at 3 o'clock, when Miss Stina Hanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hanson, became the bride of Mr. Harold Britton Jef- frey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jeffrey, both of Colonsay. The bride was beautifully attired in a gown of silk georgette with silk fringe and crystal trimming, 'with shoes and ' stockings to' match, the customary veil with orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of rosed.. Miss Betty Stevenson as bridesmaid wore a dainty - frock of blue georgette with silver trimming, and carried a bouquet of carnations. The bride was attended by four little flower girls, Marjory Roddick, Marguerite Roddick, Jean Roddick and Lois Parrish, nieces of the groom, who carried baskets of carnations and fern, and were prettily dressed in peach crepe de chene. Mr, George Hanson, brother of the bride, assisted the groom. : Miss Mabel Roddick played the wedding march as the bridal party entered the church and played softly during the marriage ceremony, which was performed by Rev. G. Marshall. The bride was given in marriage by. her father. During the signing of register Mrs. J. B. Pendleton, sang sweetly "At Dawn." Messrs, Andrew Kirk and Dwight Pelkey were ushers. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the bride's home, about sixty guests staying for the wedding dinner. The rooms were beautifully decorated in color scheme of pale pink and white. Six girl friends of the bride, the Misses Viola Smith, Effie Smith, Gladys Strutton, | Annie Templeton, Evelyn Muill and Olive Churchill served the guests. The bridal couple left on the wesi- bound train for a short honeymoon, the bride travelling in a dress of md- night blue crepe-back satin, and a brown coat of eriished plush trimmed THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY th fur, the : February 1st and 2nd, at the Kinp . or, the if of She groom, aud. | Edward Hotel, Toronto. Scales, Pot Parry. a--e QO Oe OULD YOU MARRY ,000, inherit $20,000; d / Photos and de- rip! free. Club, Mrs, Warn, 8377 W. 4th Street, Los Angeles, Cal. 20 x 12, frame house, 9 rooms, good repair, owner, Alfred G, Clark, lot 1, con Reach, R.Ril Port Perry. The annual meeting of this Society was called last week, but so few were present at the meeting that it was decided to adjourn it until a later in a Well watered. Appry| VV date. We have about 180 members, and they have shown their interest in the work of the Society by making good gardens, and by taking good advan- tage of the option list. In addition to this, many members availed theni- selves of the opportunity of buying special plants and shrubs. When it ¢omes to the annual meei- ing most of the hundred and thirty persons think that the others will be there to do the business required, and the result is that it is not done. There should be a keener interest taken in this very worth while work. The objects of the Horticultural So- ciety are very important-to a place like Port Perry. When the next meeting is called, it is hoped that a practical speaker will * be called who will discuss the Making of a Garden. Of this adjourned meeting due notice wil be given. In the meantime, pleasé remepiber that the fees are due, and Jou are requested to pay the treasurer, Miss Evelyn Alexander at an early date, When the option list is made up, De supplied with one, and you will privileges. pes gM nt. Hon. L. C. AB, Secretary of State for Doninion Affairs (al aievel ¢ now in Canada on an Empire tour. He will confer at Ottawa with 'Ilon. Robert Forke, Minister CHURCH GF : Sunday School at 8.p.m. Evensong of Immigration and Colonization at 7pm. (below) and foresee§ an era of prosperity for -Canada and an in- Vestry Meeting at 8 pm. on the (roused number of British settlers. 23rd inst. Soelal time following. .. With the srival of new goody we are able 1o-show a to choose from. Blues, Greys-and Fancy ds. Satisfaction guaranteed, quality at the lowest price any kind to sult you oked Meats a ApPecialty 4 Big} Manufacturer' s Sale of | High Grade 5 $5,000 Winter Goods Clearing Port Perry Dominion Store s ¥

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