She ? Mois g to her 'usual babit, lt, So lo Took under the bed." Well, her bed at the time happen- ed to be an upper berth in a Sleeping when use beegmi of. ihe good old: days?" Feeling too lazy to go to school, Johnny told hig mother 'that his tam: : 1 "It was so dark in a room that I couldn't ste whero the the pain was." "William, don't Tt you know it ds Micked to sall Jour boat, In, the 'bath- tu of Be : "Dapit, worry, omhen "you ask for a match, p-- ugg you are soni to marry? Have pa ; te hi ee a py sor, phat kind of a a Oh." sald the gentleman, "that 1s native of Australis." "Good hivens!" exclaimed Pat. har "Let him? Arar} : wally had to help him," she . oar, this' ain't a : x x Better "sleep, ne nerves, proved appetite, increased vi; |these can be yours by taking Dr. mall post paid Brockville, Ont. "The Hard-Boiled Egg. to chief on Morning 'Post: count in the indict itatlons, It would be for imstance, to reproach the clatipg a Greek t in the original Gree r perform |mot responsible for public usengibility; or it is t! . [of the good fo attain the *}Be it meme thet touch the univeysal heart. TT A |Mams* Pink Pills. Begin them to-day.' Sold by all medicine dealers, or by 50 cents a box from The Dr. Willams' ~ Medicine Co, he's: tougl--cally him. t amvect, he's yel: 08): "The t of the leritic against the public is that it is {irtesponsive to the highest art. Is. 10? Allowance must. be made] and according to the conventions of the Greek theatre, -It is the unfamiliarity ot the form that is more offen than what seems to be ig oul us [that knows how, to on in ove Se ire 20 mm Be Special Correspondence to The Sun Copyright, 1927. All Rights Reserved. popularity of "0 Canada!" as the ional anthem instead of "God Save Certain imperialists have and have besought y to leave their hats on when "0 Canada's is being played: "The arl of "O Canada!" is ch Canadian, and the French n | Canadian is to-day ruling the domin- fon. "More than that, the French Cana- dian race may be the dominant ene in {Canada in another fitty years by virtue of their great natural increase. 5 'At present the French Canadian peo- Ble control 101. seats out of the Federal House of Commons, In Que- bec, which is. their province, they con- trol 62 out of 65. In the great Eng- lish province of Ontario the French are creeping in. To-day they control 18 seats out of 82. Amazing Growth The French Canadian laughs at race icide. A recent census shows that the average French Canadian family numbers ten, 'The French Canadian colony in the 1758 num- bered 60,000. © To-day that band has increased to about 2,500,000 in Canada and 1,600,000 in the New England States. Canada's population is = hovering around 9,000,000. Despite the fact| that they are in the minority, the 11 which was taken from thelr angestors centuries ago by the English, The reason is simple: The French Cana dian and the farmer uf western 7,da are allled potlitieally, and despit an pleas Stisk to their union, with the result. that they dominate, Incident ally, it may le pointed out thatss per cent, of the farmers of western Can- ada are foreign born. Canadian race is thel: ability to sur. vive. A striking example Is that of "The Miracle of the Acadian Race"-- immortalized by Longfellow in "Evan- .geline." In 1762 the little French set tlement of Acadia in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick was disperesed by the English. Still Retain Language Years afterward their descendants Lreturned and settled on the same farms from which their ancestors had lbeen driven. To-day they control 40 ] per cent. of the total population and they have élected Peter J. Veliot, one of their compatriots, as prime min! ter of New Brunswick. The French Canadian has masaged {o retain his language and his school, where religious instruction is given. 'Religious Instruction {s not permitted by the Jaw of.the country, but there 8 Ir, | lic y %o | no politician who would dare imperial his politica] life by attacking this with the exceptun: of leaders of the Orange order. - The French Canadian is not only a ploneed, but a great settler, with an undying love of the latd. Théy. plo neered- in 'Manitoba long' before the Canadian Pacific railway was built. They bave blazed new trails, and by ter | i rtue of thelr atavistic disposition they have followed the path 9. the old "coureurs-degpois." Question of foyalty Answered Be French Canadians control the country! The main feature of the French --Charlle Lynch, 3 juplen the an who writes the "Sun Dial" Charlie's unconscious humour caused. a bigger laugh in Canada than the "Sun 'Dial" ever got, when he wrote the article "French Canadians Gain Power," in youn Sunday edition of the 17th, " We haven't two kinds of Canadians in Canada. The Canadians of today may have different origins, but they are Canadians First, and their origin is Ancient History. Figures can't lle, but Charlie #5 meing- his own figures, and you know-sGharile better than we do, HII" view. of 'the politica] situa tion Iu 'unique 4n conception, but faulty in fact. We have two and a traction political parties in Canada, Tories, Grits, and the other fellows (usually called Progressives) but to introduce 'a French party is to laugh. , 'The French-Canadians are strongly Grit, and the 'Tories are busy now | looking for a Moses to lead them, who can attract a following In Quebec, But Charlle, more or less, lumps a few of the Grits in Ontario, and the Progressives of the West, together with the FPrench-Canadians, to make bis 101. 'We Canadians wouldn't line them up just that way, but let Charlie have his smile, Perhaps Gharlle doesr't know that Canada has two official languages-- French and English, and has had since 1791. Bilingual Schools, (where 'French and Bhglish are both taught) are. usual, and always have been in 'Canada, whete the interests of educa. tion gan be bést so served. But the educational matters are handled by the provinces, not by the Federal Gov- ernment, so you will understand that Sere can pot be a Canadian law, gov- erntug whether or not religious teach- ing JM carried" on therein or not. Charlie can't know that the Premier of Orange Ontario, Hon. G. Howard KFergnson, (he an Orangeman) sent this year, over 100 Ontario school teachers to Quebec to learn French and acquire local color. Because of this British a of goyernment, with- out coersion, we can, French or Brit- ish, heartily' join in singing "God Save the King," and all take our hats off (and:by the way, we don't know who ¢omposed "God Save. the King"). Our Canadian statistics show the average French-Canadian family to be 6.34, not 10, as Charlies says, and the French element must look to natural France cannot spare immigrants, worse luck, while Britain sends us thousands yearly. The French in Canada com- prise about 28 per cent.-of net populs- tion, not 40 per cent, as Charlie says. The British, 55.4 per cent. The foreign elemént in the West Is i about 82 per cente-not 65 per cent, - stated by Charlie, and part of tlie 32 per cent. came from your country, the U.S. Charlle does not know that all Cana. dians will agree that one of our great est statesmen and Imperialist was & French-Canadian, Sir Wiltrid Laurier, and his period of government (fifteen years) did nothing to weaken the ties with the mother land, but rather strengthened them. Tcu won't find British-Canadians disagreeing with the nice things Le said about our French- Canadians brothers and their charac: teristics of thrift and abilily to sur- vive.and settle our new country. We wish we bad more of them. d you hear our Canadiap anthem, "Q Canada" broadcast so often at the time of our National Birthday cele- bration & while ago? Westhink that's a a imighty fine song. Makés the run (up and down your back when you hear it well sung. We all like singing it. But there { spirit bebind "God Sav or Mothers are quick to praise any- + ithing which brings health and com- fort to thelr little ones--any medicine that will make the baby well and keep Bim well will always receive hearty JJecommendation from the mother, iThat fs why Baby's Own Tablets are 80 popular. Thousands of mothers, "throughout the country, not only use them for theirwwn little ones but are 'always delighted to be able to recom- 'mend them to other mothers. Thous- 'ands of mothers have proved Baby's {Own Tablets to be without an-equal In relieving their little ones of any of the many minor ailments which arise 'out of a derangement of the stomach 'and bowels. Baby's Own Tablets are ithe ideal laxative--easy to take but thorough in aqtion. They 'banish -con- ,Stipation and indigestion; break up 'colds and simple fevers; expel worms 'and make the teething period easy. |The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents'a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, OB a 18 Hours Save Saved By Air Delivery Mail + Brought to 'Montreal Well Ahead of Time by , Airplane INAUGURATE 'SERVICE 500 Pounds of Letters Deliver- ed--Flier is Welcomed Aerial transportation of some 500 pounds: of Royal Mail from the 8.8. Empress of Australia to Montreal saved 18 hours, The mail was taken from the ocean liner at Rimouski and inqugurated Canada's' air mail ser- vice. The machine, which carried the mail, was an H.S.2L. flying boat pilot- ed by Albert Robert Fergie, with Major H. 8. Quigley of the Canadian Aigways Limited as passenger and relief pilot. It left Rimouski at 9 o'clock Friday mornipg and arrived at four in the afternoon. Half an hour was spent at Three Rivers se- curing fuel. The actual flying time was thus six ahd a half hours. AVOIDED DELAY. The rail journey from Rimouski to Montreal takes from 12 to 18 hours depending upon the choice of trains, but the mail from the Empress of Augtralia arrived at Father Point too late to catch the mérning train which arrjvés here at 9 p.m. daylight saving time. It would have had to wait the departure of the evening train which arrives here at 10.10 'a.m, daylight saving time. The use.of the air machine enabled the postal aythorities to sort the con- tents of the 87 sacks and have 'the letters delivered Saturday morning in Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and other more distant points. RUSHED TO OFFICE. After the 350-mile hop from Rimou- ski the landing was made at Canadian Vickers where he sacks were taken ashore and rushed off to the post offiom Canadian Airways Limited ba four machines, two being H.Sj2L. craft and the others a Curtis Seagull and a Norman Thompson. For all palns--Minard's Linjment. Auto-Syggestion "Safety First" was the subject of the Jesson. After the teacher had spoken of the imagimmtion needed by A | the motor driver, he asked: "Now, can | you suggest something else he re- | quires beside foresight" e, sir, four-wheel brakes," find 'their past"an &ver- nt dimes . led by ble John "(this means King's Coun- "Knight of Columbus). Just _of Charlie's little jokes ht Charlie 'meant what | sang the reply from one bright, youth, lo bf in Ay Over the Wall, "well, well, if it ain't Mike himself. How did you git out 89 soon? Were ou pardoned 1"* "Naw! Yuh see I had charge of the Sipletion in the Pen so I jes organized a pyramid team." Se----p Lights Out! "Heavens, how hard it is to leave you!" he sighed "Oh, light of my days, light of my thought, light of my very existence, light--" "Lucy," interrupted a bored voice, from the stairhead, "put that con- founded light out at once and come to bed." -- re lf niin. Father--"Don't you want to grow up a.good man?" Wille d don't mind hetnie & good man after I'm grown up, but I want some fun while I am growing up." NATENTS List of 'Wanted Inventions" and Full Information Sent Free /00. Dept. W, 473 Bank Bt. Ottawa, Ont.' Try the New Cuticura Shaving Stick Freely Lathering Medicinal and Emollient In the Woods Hunters find Minard's an excel lent remedy for sprains, cuts and wounds. Pack a bottle in your MIAH Wr nae Ter LTRAPHON RAM W Us selections Xn for. W oo B anteed. Polss heed. | sson, 840 Mounts yal East, EERRR CATTLE furnish the choicest lection ocker and feeder steers of all on | hook, heifers of ay weights, = also ow calves for baby prod Den Wr! te for § Jetations. Unlon A Se BRE roxss $2.00 Given cn Simpl ply a sell 50 Sets of Sur Fambus V en t t til Xmas, S300 rust you Co., Dept. 604WL, corn ¥ gle; seal Life is a game of giving and taking | and loving and losing. AVOIDED . AN OPERATION Mrs. Dayman Gives Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound the Credit Colborne, Ontario. -- 'When I was first married 1 was very, thin and weak. The doctor said I was weak and would never beable to Rave a ; but I.did, bot La my baby came he elp me, but m husband was o d 3a that. I eg seen Lydia E. E. Pink Na medicine advertised, go I told my vb band that I Toe YT would try i that I might get some relief. had not taken one bottle when I could feel it helping jms, Iitook five bottles and had better health. Now I have three ng and a boy and have done ny work up--to-confine- ment, I am now at the Change o ite and owe my goodhealth to tia E. Pinkham's Vegetable pg take a bottle when I think I n A --Mrs, SUSAN DAYMAN, R. R, No. 65, Colborne, Ontario. Sold by druggists everywhere, 0 Colds Neuritis Pain Toothache Headache Lumbago Neuralgia Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT eA GT Bowes f Somietd There is only on "ASPIRIN" let is 'offered as f i