* Pure Wool San Toy $1.35 yd. San Toy Dress material made of pure wool yarns. This material ig popular for dresses and can be had in Navy, Wood Rose, Marine Blue and Green. 40 inches wide. _ Per yard $1.86 " tal Buckle Trimming are being sed for trimming dresses this ; 7 {Fall and we ave showing some very pretty styles - at moderate Peleen, 26¢: to 65c. Men's Felt Hats of fine qnlity Fur Felt in light 'or dark Grey and Fawn. They include the newest shapes for the coming season. Sizes 6% to 7%. _ Price $4.00 Large Shipment of Men's SUITS and OVERCOATS $14.50 to $25.00 We are now fully stocked up for Fall Business in Men's Suits and Overcoats. The materials in the suits are Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds and we are showing a large range of qualities and prices. Come in and see our range of Overcoats in the popular Blue material. ! Men's F all Combinations $2.00 Men's medium weight combination underwear made of cotton yarns. Has long sleeves and ankle length. Per suit $2.00 "Pick your new Cap Now. We have a large range of snappy patterns and new shapes at $2.00 v Fall Butterick Quarterly 25c. September Delineator 25c. BUY YOUR FLOUR FROM THE Revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said List was first posted up at my office at Port Perry on the 18th day of August, 1927, and remains there for inspection, and I hereby call of all Voters to take immediate action to have any errors or omission cor- rected according to law. Dated this 26th of August, 1927. E. H. PURDY, Clerk. re Mt. AUCTION SALE 8. J. Wooldridge, lot 1 con 1, Mari- posa, (1 mile north Seagrave) has rented his farm and will sell his farm stock and implements on Tuesday, Sept. 20th...Seé large hills for par- ticulars, ; Geo Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. a BROOD SOWS FOR SALE * For quick sale, twenty Yorkshire sows, due to farrow this / month. Come early and get your choice. Jno. W. Crozier, Port Perry. Sept 5th, 1927, 2 mt WANTED Girl or woman for general house work. 'Apply to Mrs, Jas, Swan, Port Perry. . nn erent FOR SALE First Class Range for sale, coal or wood, good as new, also good barn 25 x 40. Cheap for cash. Apply at Star Office. -- sna: WANTED High School students to board in country. 156 minutes walk to school. Apply at Star Office, TRO OR RE YOUR EYES If your eyes bother you in any way consult LUKE, Optometrist, for examination. Artificial eyes fitted. F. E. LUKE Optometrists 168-167 Yonge St., Toronto (upstairs opposite Simpson's) 'You should order your taken i it out engine Vibra the world over, hailed triumph. with Hydraulic Shock supply. far greater smoothness BEARE BROS, MeLaughlin Buick took dbraicn out of the engine--Now it has of the road EN McLaughlin-Buick made its us six- Hinder, Valve-in-Head d belief, millions, this startling advance in motor car performance as an engineering Now McLaughlin-Buick for 1928 has followed with another great contribution to motoring comfort. MeLaughlin-Buick has taken vibra- tion out of the road by by equi pping every model bsorbers, front and rear--an added luxury that the savings of McLaughlin-Buick volume have been able to McLaughlin-Buick Hydraulic Shock Absorb- ers--made an integral part of the car by re-designing springs and chassis -- provide than Shock Absorbers which are added as "extra equipment". ...0 DEALERS PORT PERRY, ONT. MCcLAUGHLIN~-BUICK Jor 1928 When Better Automobiles Are Built -- McLaughlin-Buick Will Build Thém L metamaterials, psSr-------------- SUIT NOW line of OVERCOATINGS We have special lines in blues and greys, also in faney tweeds. We will be pleased to have you call and see our We Do All Our Own Work. Cleaning oii Pressing Done. W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailer Over Tel. Office Port Perry _ HAIRDRESGING AND BEAUTY PARLOR '| and Children's hair cutting. { Waving, Curling, Shamposing sealp treatment, ete. made into switches and See our attractive Mes. Spears W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Ofice Hours--0 a.m. to § pm. Office over MeKee's Shoe Store. W. J. COOK Real Estate Bex 47, Myrtle Station Property quickly and satis- factorily bought, sold and em- reasonable terms. The PORT PERRY Every BEST PICTURE HOUSE Tuesd'y Photo TOWN HALL Plays | mdults 25¢c. coe Children 15c. | Saturd'y PORT "PORT PERRY MILLING & LUMBER Co. or Pastry, stry, or Lily White for Bread. The number == n -- ve on nn f apes re il Satusday, September 10 ; M COLLIER Minn HE ne hh the Galt: i pM MA Tuesday September 13 | THE PARAMOUNT HIT | Everybody's Acting ¥ - MARY ASTOR