ing with her mother, Mrs. McKnight. COMING--F. E. LUKE, Opt. D., 1167 Yonge st, Toronto, at A. J. Davis' drug store Port Perry, on Thursday, August 18th, 1927. , Mr, and Mrs, John Gates and Mr. Keith Lee, of Barneveld, New York, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Brooks. Mrs, Lee accom- panying them home. Mr. W. J. Trenouth, Principal of Napanee Public School, and Mry. Tre- nouth, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Mills, at the orchard. Mrs. M. Baker, of Pontiac, Mich, is visiting her cousin, Mrs, Robert Town. \ Mrs. E. P. Wood, of Boissivin, Man, is visiting her brother Mr. C. Taylor and her sister Mrs. D. Town. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells, Scugog Island, have returned from a 1600 mile motor trip through the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey, visiting the cities of Niagara Falls, Baltimore, 'Washing- ton, Philadelphia, New York, making a call at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lee, of Barneveld, and return- ing home by way of the Thousand Is- lands and Kingston. They viewed the Atlantic Ocean, Albany Park and Longbranch, U.S.A, Mr. Bert. Peters and family ar- rived in town on Wednesday, after motoring from Atlanta, Ga., a trip of 1126 miles, He will visit with his parents Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Peters. rrr Yee PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Rev. W. L. Atkinson, Minister. Public Worship and Sunday School at St. John's and Utica at the usual hours throughout August. Rev. Arch. Blue, of Royce Ave. Presbyterian Church, Toronto, will supply during the pastor's holidays. C. E. at Utica every Wednesday at 8.30 p.m. The Garden Party of St. John's Church was a splendid success, due to the hearty co-operation of the congre- gation, the efficiency of the commit- tees and the excellent programme rendered by the artists. The patron- age of the community is appreciated. Se A BIG FISH Mr. Fred Schell made a good haul on Thursday of last week when he landed a muskalonge that tipped the scales at 18% pounds. rn ST. JOHN'S CHURCH GARDEN PARTY While the evening was cold and windy it did not interfer with the friends of this annaul event from turning out. "Dundrennan" made an ideal spot for a garden party and the row of evergreens to the north made an excellent wind break. The crowd was large and they enjoyed the sup- per and entertainment. If was pleasing to see the way Chief Nesbitt handled thé motor traf- fie. © ; CUT FLOWERS at Brougham on Wednesday, the '10th of August at 8 p.m. SI MRS. W. W. HOLTBY The funeral of the late Mrs. W. W. Holtby was held at the family resi- dence, Manchester, on Friday after- 'noon, August bth, conducted by her pastor, the Rev. E. F. Swayne. ' The gathering was one of the larg- 'est ever seen in the community show- 'ing how widespread was the sym- pathy and revealing the - esteem in 'which deceased was held. The floral 'tributes were many and beautiful, in- "cluding were those from Manchester "United Church Societies of which she 'was a member. Of splendid character high ideals and gifted with a pleasing personality, Mrs. Holtby was loved and respected by all who knew her. In her home she was an ideal mother. In the activities of the church, an active and faithful worker. In the social life of the community, one who impressed others by her cheerfulness and kindly spirit. Interment was in Pine Grove Cem- etery. "How they so sweetly rest All, all the holy dead Under the cypress--softly, o'er shadowed Until the angel calls them They slumber." en mimes. DIED At Toronto, on Friday, August 5, 1927, Mary Elizabeth Ralph, beloved wife of Wellington Somerville, aged 66 years, 14 days. The funeral took place on Monday, interment being made in Pine Grove Cemetery. mate OH amen "THE BOWLING TOURNAMENT Like most postponed events, the: Bowling Tournament, concluded last Wednesday week, was not so great a success as the opening event. Of the 82 rinks originally entered only 18 returned to finish out the tournament. The day was fine, and the players had a good time. The results were as follows: Miller, of Uxbridge, took first, the prizes being club bags. E. H, Purdy, of Port Perry, came second, the prize being car rugs. McNab, of Uxbridge, third, the prizes being umbrellas. There are no better sports come to Port Perry than the bowlers. ' The Ladies of the Church of the Ascension served meals for the lawn_ bowlers and this service was greatly appreciated by the visitors. \ re (rene. SERVICES AT THE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Reuben Stillwell, of Uxbridge, preached morning and evening at the United Church, Port Perry, and at Prince Albert in the afternoon. His addresses were much enjoyed and were very helpful. cut Sw Answering to their country's call; Keep him far from deep distress, Grant him health and happiness, (Mrs. S. Frances Harrison, in SERANUS (Mrs.S, Frances Harrison in the Globe.) ta (J (re. AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE. W. E. N. Sinclair, KC, MPP, Mrs Sinclair and Miss Minerva, at- tended the garden party at Govern- ment House, to meet H.RH. the Prince of Wales, his: brother, Prince George and Premier 'and Mrs, Bald- win. They also attended the state dinner given in honor of the distin- guished visitors at the King Edward Hotel --Oshawa Times. re (Up CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Capt. Rev.'S. C. Jarrett, Rector. Sunday School at 10 am. and Matens and sermon at 11 am. mee 34th ONTARIO REGIMENT. WILL . _VISIT PORT PERRY. Suggested Program of Events, 1. Advance party arriving on Sat- urday . afternoon, Séptember 3rd to set up camp on the Fair Grounds. 2. Troops arrive on Sunday After- noon at 2 p.m. to an assembly point, marching to Fair Grounds with Port Perry Veterans, where service will be held. Following the service, inspec- tion and march past, followed by an exhibition of guard mounting, when a suitable guard will be mounted, ac- companied by the band, 8. Supper, After supper a sacred concert by the band, accompanied by vocal selections. -- $ Monday. Parade in the morning; followed by an inspection by the Brig- For choice Clover Honey call on Frank Franklin, Port Perry. Aug 18 rere UMP BOARD AND LODGING FO! Lai» d Pider Pontiss Six has ALL of. LO with the public, and production. yh g See the even greater Value at Lower Prices, in the New and Finer Pontiac Six. : Ars