~--Link p With Western Pools in different parts of the the U. F. 0. added his benediction' sprung many surprises in; by lauding it as one of the real big way during the past 20 or Jhings the ' organized farmers _ stores, farmers' clubs, ing wap over and some questions had i Sperat! perative companies, large and been Answered, one of the audience r ve taken a place in the, suggested that those assembled should farmer's affairs. Some still survive have a chancé to show by standing ~some have gone out of business, vote 'whether or not they approved of Many of our readers have heard, this new system of marketing. Prac- about the "achievements of: the or-|tically every farmer rose to his feet. - ganized grain growers of Manitoba,| FARMERS ENTHUSIASTIC Saskatchewan and Alberta through| A number wanted to sign 'cons their grain pools. Few perhaps have, goo then, but they were principle has been accepted by "On- o4")old themselves: in. readiness to tario farmers. ; sigh later when a canvasser would MANAGER GOES WEST call on them in the quiet of their own It is only six months since the homes. A few insisted on directors 3 The United Farmers'| "That was the firing of the first 5 'any idea of how this same marketing urged to. study. the various clauses| "pool: "This ig the mistake." Co-operative Co., Limited, began a 8un. The campaign was geclaimed nie the object of which was With enthusiasm by the Srowsls to place before Ontario farmers the themselves. Since. then over general principles of pool keting meetings have been held and over and the success that follo pool- | 250 canvassérs have worked in nine ing in the Canagian West. When counties under a county or a district the directors became intemested in captain. Mr. Burnell sayed for ten this new form of marketing, they days and later came back for another decided to get first-hand information series of meetings. W. A. "Amos, " . Clemes, and the manager & number of the meetings. Many i hosel 3.78. Jot. of the gatherings toalled 200 to 400, frey, west to make careful enquiry with an average of aroun 100... Pool and report om the feasibility of a Principles and pool Rely. Were pre- grain pool in Ontario fashidned after ®ened in a quiet way. The growers the pools of the prairie provinces. themselves "have organ 4 A favorabie report from them led to Strong, banding themselves together definite arrangements being made in an effort to control as far as pos- for an Ontario campaign designed to bible the marketing of their grain, to give all possible 'information about ©liminate unnecessary tolls Jetween pooling and to place before Ontario.-the grower and the Foner, farmers the opportunity of deriving avoid a 'glut of ths market with a what benefits come from this system consequent declining quotation at a of marketing. The services of J. Al. Teason of the year when many far- bert Hand, who had organization ex- mers must deliver their crop in order perience in the Western provinces, to meet pressing obligations, to re- were secured for th> organization move the need for guessing the best . department of the company, special time to.sell and to get better Sarme energy to:be devoted to the pool. from financial and transpor ati on NOW 8.000 MEMBERS concerns. Now they can deliver their 4 grain" to market when it is conveni- "There are now 8,000 pcol mem: {gu . they get an initial payment on bers in Ontario," remarked Mr. Hand jo)ivery, further payments as condi- to the editor of this page recently yong warrant and a final settlement while we were discussing CO-OPera-| ,¢ the erd-of the pool year. Every ago," he continued, "I enjoyed or- | came de." ganization work among the farmers | gra of Western Canada for a time and METHOD OF HANDLING really 'thought they were more éasily| "And how are you going to handle persuaded to adopt co-operation OT this grain," was asked. pooling than Ontario farmers would! "Oh, there: will be no difficulty on be. However, the result of our ef- ihat store," was the reply, "A few forts during the past six months in-! elevator men and owners at first difates that the producers of Ontario seamed to take an antagonistic stand, are as ready as any agriculturists in put that attitude was not general the world to give this new market- Most of them agreed that the pool ing idea a chance to function in their] would de in the best interests of he interests. Just think, 8,000 farmers | ,rovince. Their 'executives met. the tion among farmers. "A few years. ..he pets the same price. for the| . r oI company on the general policy| GROWERS ORGANIZATION £ AT i of 2 . (] 8 OE cluded Mr. Hand, "we had intended (Puht Tefuge amo organizing in only four or five coun-' ¢ AT or Wi ties (Erpsex, Kent, Elgin and Lamb- west of 'Bethlehent. ton particularly), but the farmers brothers and of themselves were so anxious for the him, "and every or rool that we have gone into Middle distress, and every (sex, Perth, Huron, Bruce and Simcoe debt, and every one as well, We haope. to. be able to show {Sh Fathaved.... a as canial the members that they have made no a band of out] about. four 'hun R dred men. With these he went ! The organizer, J. Albert Hand, into Moab and left his father 'and. B.S.A., graduated from the 0. A.) C.' mother under the tection of in 1905, and has spent his business king of Moab, remembering no Gonsht A Ruth, ' i life largely in the West. He was in- that his great grandmother, j terested actively in the organization Was (2. oman that country. , of the grain growers' companies in turning to udah he distinguished him- the West, having left. the editorial Sof there by ing gud drt chair of the Farmers' Advocate at were besieging the little town Winnipeg: to undertake this organiza- Keilah. There r the Pri by sending their general manager, president®of the U. F. 0., addressed. tion work. rd A Pris f The Ontarlo United Farmers' Co. slaughter at the priesto.at Nob, chap operative Company is to be congratu- 22. Yih his lowers, now increas lated on securing the service of a man ed to six Hun iso well . thought of throughout agri-- f |joined him, Ra Siug enenpul frou A nt -into" the "wilderness . a, the of - Ziph souf cultural cireles as Albert Hand. Hebray, toward the Dead Sea. It is signed dp in less than six months directors of the farmers' company to contracting to allow the Ontario giseuss details and arrive at a basis Grain Pool to handle what wheat, oT | on which they could co-operate inl oats, or barley they market during making the Ontario Grain Pool a' the next five years--a voluntary con- gussess, The result was that con tract signed after due deliberation graots were drawn up--one for ele: and without any high pressure sales yators and one for mills--and prac- i aanship!" , [tically every elevator owner and "EXCEEDED EXPECTATIONS miller in the districts in which the "When the campaign was opened," pool has been organized have con- 2 "remarked Mr, Hand, 'ét was the in- tracted to handle pool grain. 5 3 "tention of the directors of tho far-| , \ WHERE IS MARKET? at the 1% yrds 36-inch mers' company that only four or five "Do you expect all the grain from counties in the south western corner| ee right. here of the province should be srganized in Ontario?" was the ve question, UNE 8 other counties would not be denied. i ie aT Int 6 uch EE or The rim, mesting. whe bold in'l tL BCE OnE ren fortn. sized hall was engaged and very few Wes 1 tard hich | . the tern pool family, whic figured it would be full. But farmers Hist -- fn from 20 miles or more, with! Means that we have all the facilities the result that some could mot get Of Canadian Co-operative Wheat Pro-| £ s {the Central Selling Agency), at our numbgred Sround 3%. Ts He Dar disposal, This Central Selling Agen-| nell, Ts t in to toll of what ¢¥ has representatives in all parts of yliast pool, was down (o.tell of what, J") id'and is in touch with world seam] : Gilroy; iE conditions as regards Supply and de- , !mand. Market experts direct their ot Th uited Farmers Daropers Ye, sales, They have done the selling | ji od to father an ics cam. | for the pools of Alberta, Saskat-| paign, J. 8, Jeffrey, manager of the shewan and anishs snd vil ol grain department, spoke of his ob. | 0ntrol a ror yD servations while on a trip of inves. | Uario members. x tigation 'through the prairie prov- - ALL INTERESTED 'fnces. J. J. Morrison, secretary of effectyely trimmed with : ribbon or x bands of contrasting material. No, 12h (2 Sam. 2:18), wore Gghting 15680 is in sizes 1, 2, 4and 6 years. their rho, Toved their courage and Jere our lesson finds him (see chs. 1-26, y I. SAUL's PURSUIT OF DAVID, 1-6. Saul was still making his home and holding his court at Gibeah, a lHttle to the north of Jerusalem. To him there came Ziphites, no doubt i ing a reward for the betrayal of David. The hill of Hachilah, where David and his men were hiding, has been identified with a ridge east of Ziph and overlooking the Dead Sea. David's 'spies kept him informed of Saul's movements, and in that wild a rugged country it was easy for him, under cover of the night, to ap- proach Saul's camp unseen. The story tells us that Saul lay in the trench, meaning within' the circle of 71 wagons which formed a barricade {about the camp, Abner, the captain ~of his host, appears have been Saul's cousin. ch. 14:50, 51, Rev. Ver. Margin. Ablshai, Moah's brother, who was with David, was David's nephew, his sister's son (see 1 Chron. 2: 13-16). oi 2y II. DAVID IN BAUL'S cAMP, 7-14. The night visit of David and Abi- shai to Saul's camp wae a daring ad- venture. To have been caught would have meant death for both, Tt is difficult to understand why no watch was 'kept and no sentries posted, but Abner evidently had no idea that David and his men were so near and A CHARMING NEW FROCK. felt Dimself Juite secure, (See David's This little frock is a style that will taunt in v. 15.) 5 appeal at once to the woman who en- ,. It has been said that "at the camp- Joys, waking dainty clothes for her INE STORE of the Bedouin Atabs a small daughter. There are tucks at "Fo the front and back of each shoulder, a round neck, and short kimona similar reason for the spear at Saul's sleoves, while the front set-in panel is bolster, that is, at his head, as a sym- entrance distinguishes the tent of the cheikh." There thes 'have been a bol of k_ and authoril jp. and. may-be David's nephews, the sons of Zeru- loyalty to him many. times over. Size 2 requires 1% yards 27-inch, or It seemed now to Abishai the right material and 1% end proper thing to smite the sleap- yards 1%-inch ribbon for trimming ing enemy whom God had deliversd View: A. Price 20 cents the pattern. :into their hand, v. 8. But Dasid was Home sewing brings nice 'clothes OTe than a Jere soldiers He Pas : in « : "within the reach of. actual y a higher motive. To him in 1927. But the grain growers of No, we are anxious that as much ote HL gl and it ean pe' Saul was the Lord's anointed, ehosn nd set: apart by God to be Israel's done 0 easily and economically, by King, The Tord shall spite kim, he Chatham on January 27 last. A fair nate in being accepted a5 a member | following he styles pictured in our said. but he himself 'would, not. lift up A chart aecom- his hand against ths king... Nothing | panying each pattern shows the ma-'oould have shown more strongly how terial as it/ appears when cut out false were Sau' suspicions, how Every detail is explained so that the false the accusations which David' difficulty n attractive dress. Price as Propated to take over the king. which he had besn appointed ; of the book: 10 cents the copy. © iby God and anointed by the prophet HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Samuel, but not until God himself ovened up the wav. In this re- i Write your name and address plain- | spect his -Drotestation of 'intecencs in ly, giving number and siz: of such Pealm 7:8-5 1s fully justified. That Patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in| none of Saul's-company Ralened. di or | stamps OF coin (coin preferred; Oe iu hose of the visit of David and of his it carefully) for address your order Wilson Publishing tide St., Toronto: "Have contract-signers any say in, return mail. iis 1 wonder wro He L StumaminG | 2 2 ¥ 8 'each number and; ¢8ITYing off Saul r of { , is said by the writer to have to Pattern | a Bicaitre a y daw to Te Lord was fallen unon them. i he On the other side of a deen ravine. | Co., 73 West Ade- Patterns, sent by N Sf ', 7 ¢ In add gn with 1 t toes. of immediate da called loudly to : anderoys ace! uliand to Abner. . The captain, 'such men. It is quite ng to the in crop startled and suddenly awakeped out. ideas of thoss tir however, to be- ductivity 'and q of of his sleep, heard the voice but lieve that such enmity. and suspicion of vi reould not see in the darkness who was as was in Sauls heart calling, No ' | the [UL . oo "dn. Those who heard the addresses! ducers, Limited (commonly known as, inexperienced sewer can make without enemies were makino against him. He | with Min beat them into ese. cucumbe ber cubes or (add ola Ger ont -- When the & Broak up a small can.of tuna fish, : ey and 3° od out. Bind with boiled salad dress.| «+ RR : ing. Sprinkle the filled cups goner- Hot Meat Ples' = © ously with salted w. A 3 fill the wells with the following mix- oral { nent, that a Ho ~ Stuffed Eggs. | ture, or. distribute 'the mixture aingns ton wis Psat. Bl Boil hard for 20 minutes as many Sal baking with: 'go oy & fresh eggs as des! with cold water. . Filling: Mix-tcgether 1 cupful each | when the membership was but 16 in. cut into halves and put the yolks int 3 : membership was but 16 in - abou 10 he mamta ho. Joi filing Of cooked chicken: and bolled Mam, all The sutoess. of Roh atidl the centers of the whites, 2 halves LO Meat bing cut into small pieces. | marketing 'soon attracted additional may be put together, It desired, roll. 24d 2 cupfuls of cooked new potatoes, fine a small bottle. molag drained from the all can. {18 dissolved, strain the stock over! or al quantity of diced cel: the chicken and wet aside 15 become; INE. OF one, com Ty ar Nasponnie Sty firm' he Shine 'Sefve-in thin a aut part of the tomatoes that was scoop: 'garnished with colery TY tops 1 'or parsley. con ea a ball ase rg und baa mers to work together in the Lf hu : o oly I ae ay aad, the good work of Mr. F. H. Bukar, canned peas and serve with Line patty pans with puff paste and district foultzy promotergof the foi c 3 rew dishes: and cover. with l manages, with go business. ability ir6d, drain and cover De Paste; bake the patties with a top and possesing fine salesmanship, was Remove the shells, Tush too | appointed. That was four years ago members, who, on receiving tha bege- & ed ina small square -of oiled paper CAFFOLS Or peas.' When the pief are fits of selling on grade, began to en. Ham Mince enough with pepper and J Shrim Mash the yolks wl of curry powder; a' lawed out. sthen filled with chopped a tablespoonful of mayonnaise and yn y 1 to "tas ough shrimp paste to suit the taste. |and pepper and moistened with a lit. | and the ends of the roll twisted. done, do not remove them from the large their flocks and take: bother {pans, but cover them. with similar' éare of their birds and deliver their Filling | dishes Inverted; stack one cn: top of eggs with increasing promptness and cold bolled ham to another and wrap them well in news care. Farmers now marketing make % oupful and add the minced Papers it the pies are to bs served through the Circle number 160, who . yolks of 4 eggs. Season to taste hot, If they are baked the lagt thing last year made a gross turnover of 2 salt. | Add enough' before leaving tle houes, they Will'yo nearly $20,000 in eggs. The growth : salad dressing to give the mixture kotsome tims later. | of this Circle has gone on in e quiet o oed Seusistesey and fi the centers ; Chicken oy way without canvassing for member. | Thens are vnyr 's théhos chip, The 5y on "of h Hin r eggs 4 x B Filling : [1a alameter, either of bresd or baking 12 een improved from time to time. - of 4 hard-bolled sggs powder biscuit, with the centers hol. LSonHY '& 1éw style of smiall "egg . for use "are designed * © ¢ to avoid breakage during "transit, ou. ickens seasoned to 'taste with salt» 0 ed» which kad hitherto caused annoyance =, Chicken Filling {tle cream. Cut the top of each ; =. wu. i ar of ha ThE / Minced" chicken or veal should Be! roll to forma lid. Ht Dain wrap by rolling the and 'mats. of mixed with the grated yolks of hard-. each roll in ofled paper. boiled eggs and a little salt to sult] : the taste, and moistened with cream. motor cars, The Circlo is owned and arated roducess them- } Salads ; Buy commercial "Btrawberry los tem and always ready to have its With" frult salads, 'sérye saltines put together with some tart jelly, like : ny the: § 4 : currant. Tiny sandwiches with chops. |, 6 Cake is cw and ¢ach diner Poultry industry, ped green pepper inside, the filling 9 fant 4 RS TANCE Of held together with salad dressing, are. Sroam la assed, all mut ty Yery ut TIPQRTANCE, OF fine, with salads that contain meat. . Potato and David's taun been very annoy Jas clearly ver oeping £0 ca: person of his royal master. better nature is touched as he Ii 'S a be n to anger, or it is at the instigati men, of wi Cur or valley, far enough away to be out before the ] ngor, David stood and more icked, indesd, can be aonceived Mok 0 & serious 2ORATY | RECONCILIATION, that 8 sacrifice or, oge he says, : : : opera by the p : § Ice Cream Sandwiches | selves, who are proud of their sys. «+ ° i ° cream In the brick and put slices be- methods: mada known to "adjsininy tween thin. slices of angel food cake, | neighborhoods "who are interested in'. \ takes two slicos" Just before the ice | ery EE HE URITY OF tle picnickers can male thelr own 2 ai OF BEIY - « sandwiches while the ico cream is stll{ = The Importance of using seed Which Tongue Salad hard. This matter may be simpltneq i$ PUre as to variety is measured to Cut ito dice 6 coll cooked rote, even more if the cake is sliced at 8 considerable sani by oe piirposs Put through the. fc : ny x i enough cold bolled tongue to make 1 nest package bound with ofled paper tended: If the crop in question is t» 7 food chopper home and two slices ppt into each for which the resulting crop is in- cupful, dnd 1 large onfon and a stalk 'or a Paper napkin. This gives cachibe vede for feeding" espe- of celery 'Mix all together and add one a ol p on' wh = light salad dressing to bind the mixture. | bis sandw] at the en 1 rm, 'a slig en. a 'considerable, mix- or varieties may | A matter so 1 Pood inds mature with Eo a otis Sr indd mature ith cially onthe: be mon mist or. Ra eo people who were than the Lord {chs. 16:14 and 18110), and (o. Tuatiats Rats She Vi | ght Sot eve speech must have poo IF ouering 'have ag to. Abner, who fear an' approach to God. much to tis ing is . right blame or Ss over & a guard aalls . SAY JF Son CVENTH GRecnl kJ 1S ™