Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 30 Jun 1927, p. 3

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s . ol Jot fn 2f Wave training for Sharkey," | "to exercise contro} «nearly 800,000 rupees, ~~ In the villages bas become more com- _ torily arrive at terms. will haya * /In olden days when every village i In Was p y a self-con- "tained unit, the management of wil- lage affairs was conducted by Pan- chayats, But since then. many 'changes have occurred and life even plicated. The village is no longer an isolated unit, but is 'dependent for many things on the neighboring towns and villages. ' "It will be in- teresting and profitable to see," aso the Bombay Govérnor who performed' * the inauguration 'ceremony observed, "how. the new Panchayats face and overcome their difficulties. They will wel and strong. of us Pink Pills for indigestion, | neural and other nervous troubles. 18 | Take them as a tonic if you are not in the best physical condition, and cul vtiste a resistance that will keep you > You can get these | ps from.afy dealer in medicine, of by mail at 50 cents a box from The 'Dr. Willlams* Medicine; Co., ville, Ont. © . 'rheumatism, HT HEL lh The Choice of An Airport New York World: An airport must not be éncompassed by wires, nays and tall buildings; it must be crowded reside 'tial areas; #t ment. must be free from smoke, and, at least, pending the invention of the helicopter, it must 1: roomy. selection should not be left to acci- money at this stage is gambling in need the wise guidance and careful | dent. gontrel. of the Central Panchayat." Hiteh i in Fight Contract for © Next Big Bout. Los Angeles, Cal--Only two people stand between the Shatkey-Dempsey fight announced by Tex Rickard for July 21. They are Jack Sharkey and Jack Dempsey. ~ Dempsey received an answer to his "financial demands for the fight; and 'there is only one small hitch in Rick- "ard's offer, he said. In meeting his requirements for 40 per of the 'gate, nsked Dempsey for an option on his services to meet Gene Tunney in Sep- tember, providing the ex-champion de: | feats the Bostonian, 'Dempsey sald, Meanwhile Johnny Buckley, mana: | _ ger of Sharkey, left liere for the east, "expressing complete willingness to have Sharkey meet Dempsey, but in- sisting Sharkey must Bet as much for | the bout as Dempsey does. Dempsey told the United Press he hoped the whole thing would be set- tled soon, that: he dent Gus Wilson, his trainer, east to prepare a train- industry rewarded. sipa on the hack until he géts down to work. + 5 ehim- Smit} ers Consider the wasp as an example of He rarely gets a INT Tr m-- "If sometimes the tea you are using does not taste as good as it used to--just kind of a SE IF isin paper tha 'Rickard hus | Al ing camp, and that he himself has-his| __ things packed and is ready to leave 'the 'Instant he and Rickard satisfac: ~ "I hope for some definite Silotia) rp tion from Rickard soon, for 1 want to" 4 Dempsey said. "But I do not want to i give Rickard an option on my ser- 'event I whip Sharkey, as 3 am; pont. "tive T will. "My motto is one contract for one fight at" a time. Rickard has made the money end right, but I ne : what amounts to a double contract," "ices tor a fight with Tunney in the| see what 2 Bh in. See |of these inexperienced mine llams' Pink. Pils a now ot sir medicine -Brock- Its 'judgment of the "management at' this| - _-- tive, the latest pro- National Railways, nufactured in Cana- @ capacity of 11,300 ing order the total new position of the ir the stack. This is« for power at speed ith a heavy train, How to Invest in Mines "Knowledge There Are Three Essentials Which Must be Known. and Followed to Rea- i certain unashamed and outward appearance! there is nothing to Sanu he rd face of our province the other provinces, if there is oot allurement. Nine- flemthe © our posters, placards, notices, .. are in English, This'is a niin and disturbing feature. A GREAT PUZZLE TO CAREFUL PARENTS One of the greatest puzzles to the sonably Assure Profit AN EXPERTS STORY | BY DRAPER DOBIE. _ PART TWO. Mr. Draper Dobie, Secretary of the J Standard Stock and Mining Ex- | change, outlines the amazing credulity i of the investor in mining stock in his S first article on the above subject. § ol ? 1.--RISK. A--The prospect or wild cat stage of development. B--The gambling stage of invest- rf Every mine is a wild cat in its be- ginning. It must be considered as such until proven otherwise. Investing {18 seized with 'cold or fever, refuses 'there is not a suitable medicine in {the house. {give him to set him right quickly. careful parent is to know just what medicine to give the little ones. When the child falls ill with griping pains; food or vomits what he has taken, when he cries a great deal and can- not get the sleep so necessary to the growing child, the parent, 1&8 in a quandary. What is to be done on such occasions? As often as not The puzzle is what to It is to meet such emergencies that Baby's Own Tablets were designed. These pleasant little Tablets quickly reduce fever, break up colds, relieve constipation and indigestion and al- lay teething pains. Thye quiet the nerves and promote restful health. restoring sleep. = They are guaran- teed absolutely harmless and safe the market sense. It is betting the rospect will prove to be a mine. That is no place for the unsophis- ticated investors' money. 1 have been told that if the Greenhorn's money was. not available many prospects would never be developed into mines, and I believe hat. But on the other hand, if so many thousands of thoughtless of ill-advised people had not been misguided into throwing millions of dollars into hopeless min- ing. schemes, the industry would to- day 9 mmand 2) Teapact and apprécia- Rose. more worthy of its accomplish- ! 2 ments when sound practice has been Worthy and pecessary industry. It must be said, however, 2--~--PROFIT. that recent history in Northe ern On-| A---The proven stage of develop- tario gives, much justification" to the ment. + | investor, wh taking the pect under proper management and "technical advice. Furthermore, re- for consideration of mining as a field | jcently and greatly increased knowl- for investment. A property has been | | edge of northern geology, gained from proven to contain a body of commer- development operations during the cially . profitable ore, sufficient to last ten years, tends to reduce the risk, justify, and repay for, theerection of when employed. a mill and all costs of mining and' JOB FOR THE PROSPECTOR. |milliag. From an investment point of | As a matter of fact, the finding of | view the principal is safe. But will which 'are the basis there be profits? Will there be divi-| Will enough additional ore natu lin milling capacity and dividends? | call is blood marked the one| There you Lave the ideal time to make ol de to the ed ui a speculative mining investment. 'Having found his prospect, the ideal Safety and return of principal from course of procedure is to have a large' the ore already proven, with the al- exploration .and development or min- luring possibilities of great additional : jing company take over the next step' "ore bodies and profits. Only one ques- lof proving whethdr it is a mine or tion arises at this point. Are t This management and administration Ip the company's affairs in responsible of hands? Are the officials able to handle the problems of mill treatment, ete." And if they are successful in ri 8 Draper Dobie Just as a lady at a race "track wins on a long shot, selécted by the hat pin method. - But that is too infre- quent to make the risk advisable, In any event, it may be safely said that no man or woman should buy mining stocks of companies whose properties are undeveloped prospects unless they are able and willing to lose without inconvenience to them- selves Of prejudife against' a great, ore afford to lose, for| men tho apeculifive phase of in- of gambling on a"pros- vestment. ing a mine much richer and greater than now indicated, will they judi ciously and honestly conserve and | £00. manage the shareholders' property in' an individuals the best interests of all the share- without the proper a of holders? : money, and technical Xperience ATTRACTIVE, SOUND AND knowledge are able to handle. The PROMISING. Answered in the affirmative, a mine, at this point, is one of the most attractive, sound and promising spec- that many ulative investments that could be de- mine develop- sired. Observers will have noted it' 'lors sometimes unwittingly deceive | sometimes occurs that shares of com- Shemaelve and thousands. of other panies guning properties in the shove. ito "squander millions ox] descritnd_ en ndilon are available at » below what they were selling aa: Dyices, below what they aware selling © even started the was upon them: ~The water is out, : age means so much. UNWITTING DECEPTION. , The most serious point is This is the truly interesting point | for 'even the youngest and most dell cate baby. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. | | ' He--""Were you brought up around these parts?" come here of my own will, do you?" Prince Albert National Park Is here illustrated. The map of the southern part of the province shows | the locatisn of the new park and its | proftmity to Saskatchewan's principal |' cities. Tle park, designed as a great sosnie playground, has an area of 1,877 quare miles, Its creation is in con- hi of the policy of the Dominion | Government to preserve greas of out: standing natural beauty as national re- creational reserves and wild life sanct- uries for the benefit and enjoyment of Canada generally. : "Three Rivers Bien Public (Cons.):] Let us remain French in heart, 7 Spit It the foliage of roses is injured by fugects aad disease, wot only are. the nywhers, free. 8 very much disfigured and the MEMORIAL HOBPIT, general SHlect of the roses greatly re- T Yoon" a ut the plants are weakened and i" Medicine. sug Pediatrics s women ah | Tow will not be as strong nor, {the required Srtminary cation whe sre were ag good as if the leaves are ma" adres mr i ae rab tens he LE, allowance for uniforms. books and Tae starting to protect the plants before | JF vou RE SANTEARY nn ated the harm fe done. There is a very J "ite 0 Seulogus and rics. Nat, good mixture which will control both {Steet Montreer Wa, Jt. Wh uu disease and insects, the formula for ey Jar=Pinely ground sulphur dust, A Ol a & parts; Arsenate of lead dust, 10 . parts; Tobacco dust, 10 parts. These ' pen. hue "vais, gon wo commons ia should be thoroughly mixed together wii fn Yor on lane tutes - and dusted on-the plants beginning as | 2 soon as possible and at Intervals of about three weeks or less, if any | Jury is noticed, throughout the season. | The sulphur dust controls the di ih especially black spot, the arsenate of. lead the insects that eat pleces out of the leaves and buds; it helps also In controlling disease. The tobacco dust controls the aphis or plant lice which | suck out the sap and can only be kill- ed by contact with the dust, Briefly, sulphur for disease, an arsenical for biting insects, and a tobacco prepara- | papers are the only reading matter of tion for sucking insects, applied in many adults. Children who learn to ®ood time, will keep the folage in good read newspapers intelligently, dis- condition. eriminating between the important Roses need an abundance of avall-| and the unimportant, have acquired able plant food, hence the soll should the basis for a liberal education which be manured each year, preferably with will grow broader and richer with well rotted stable manure, but, in order every passing year. They have ao- to get the full benefit of this, the sur- quired the habit of really thinking face soil should be kept loosened to about what they read, discerning from permit air to enter and to help make it the trend of history, the march of available the plant food there. This sejence and the progress of the art loosening of the surtace soil will also of living. belp- to conserve moisture. - Careful atention to all these things will ensure deep, green foliage free from blemish, which will set off the bloom to best advantage. ABY CHIC) VERTISING IB he a Roe na, RORSOUC Holbrook's Bradford. -- Oreck s Bradtord ALESMEN INTEGRITY NANTED Reliable Fonthill Ni GENTS TO INTRODUCE our improved utility sument, Clothing experience unnecessary TA ilu or part tim, RB 200 Bay Bt. JAMOND JUBILEE CELEBRATION-MAKS $30 per day sellin sutomoblle owners our Holder with five flags. Agents, Garages, Store- keepers, otc, send for circular and wholesale price lst. Sample' postpaid 8c. Jubllee Flag Ce. 101 Queen West. Torpnto, Newspaper University Cleveland Plain Dealer: News- Loveliness A Clear y Healthy Skin Insiired by Everyed Use of Cuticurs Soap ea et co Ease sunburn with Minard's Liniment. -------- ey A Nation Without a Flag Quebec Soleil (Lib.): Australia, | snmp busts is smart despite her loyalty, has had her own flag these many years; South Africa SENTonREQUEST has just chosen 'one; Canada, which Tells cause of cancer and what to do was a long time ago the champion of | for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for responsible government within the it to-day, mentioning this paper. Ada Empire, has not yet thought fit to | dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital choose her colors, because a oo {Indianapolis, Ind. ~~~ =~ Ind. of agitators has taken every step in| RELIABLE! recent years to hamper the declara- Minard's has been a household FREE BOOK tion of Canada's personality. remedy f or generations. iim Doctors recommend it. hs 3 The Yorkshire vicar who also acts as organist and caretaker will have to | mind hie keys and pews, [oe EXPECTANT MOTHERS | Read Mrs. Menard's Letter. Her Experience May Help Chatham, Ontario. -- "I want to tell u how much good your medicine has done me, "lfore my baby Jeame I felt so weak and run- down that I could hardly do oz "work. {ached Red _jand I was so dis~ couraged that I could cry fro n morning tillni had anot baby justone or] and it gave me a lot to tI. auld try Lydia egetable Compound, op so much about it in the ot 1 Found a difference righ my head was relieved an ng and sister | You see it everywhere the rl enameled ware med ' Ee long service and real, old-fashioned satisfaction. This splendid kitchen ware, SMP Pearl Enameled Ware, defies wear and tear and its surface, like all SMP Enameled Ware, is so china-smooth and clean it harbors no taints or impurities. You need no seet wool or clesinsers to keep SMP clean. and al might set me ng iY started it again. It sure did Spied me 3 2 i had taken just two bottles when baby came. Hes. a fine big boy, now nearly five months old. Iam or gaz Suenr Metar Prooucrs Co. Co. is' MONTREAL TORONTO EDMONTON VANCOUVER "oven

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