Nowhere Town is a station fair, ld On a raflway that's always in the air. None of its train - are scheduled Stop-over tickets will always do. Without Medical 1 Examination Hl Select Male Risks, ages 13 to 45, may obtain insur ance up to $2500 without Medical Attention Street is narrow quite, And its dwellers work with all their might. The worst thing about a competitor {18 that he won't let us sleep in the daytime. ; Being crooked never gets a person anywhere--and neither does a merry. _|go-round. - Here is a sample of the way the Chinese alphabet works. They have a 1 Excetsion Lire INSURANCE co. «Excelsior Life Building, Toronto STEALS bol for "roof" and a eymbol for "The bination of a roof over a woman spells "peace"; a roof over two women spells "war." "I'm going to marry a pretty girl and a good cook." "You can't. That's bigamy." Bruté--"So you have never attend: ed college?" Brutus--"No, 1 got my knowledge through the mail" X .Brute--*1 see." Brutus--"Yes." » Here's Good Advice. Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, "In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To ali the people you can, As long as ever you can. It doesn't pay to save money for a rainy day and then blow it all in on a wet night. S---- Some people turn up their sleeves at work, others turn up their noses. The vay to r w old gracefully is to be able. to chong our minds easily. - Mrs. Brown--"When are you going | to get that fence mended 7" Mr. 'Brown--""Let's walt till George He whote the other day % & "The doctor A sald the nurse to the patient as she helped Mm on the operating table. An 'optimist is a man who jumps ~ levery time he hears a cork pop. nlp re The Tree Crop. With all the attention given to the farmer and his troubles, only a few people are turning their thoughts i 0 what may well become before long the fundamental problem of crop raising. The tree crop has never been treat- wil see you inside" | 'ithe blood supplies the whole body, new life is given to the entire system. Better sleep, steady nerves, improved appetite, increased vigor--all these can be yours by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Begin today. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Wil 'Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. RE ar a se. Quest and Conquest. A raflway worker, a lover of wild They feed the sick ;the poor they pity,| And finally get to Somewhere City. *| plants, recently told the writer how he walked thirty miles thrice for the purpose of finding a particular species of fern. He bad heard of it growing in a certain district and, being of rare occurrence in the neighborhood, he set out on the quest. Twice he returned empty-handed. On the third attempt he found his treasure, He had walked ninety miles for it and thought himself amply A great lover of wild birds «nd a skillful photographer of them has for years given almost every hour of his leisure to that hobby. He has been out at as early as two or three o'clock in the morning to make his observa: tions. Some of his photographs were the reward of almost endless patience. For birds do not pose for the photo grapher. If they know he is near he gets no photograph. He must needs hide himself, : But how great the joy when after long and patient seeking, he gets his pictures--birds on the nest, birds feed- ing their young, sometimes even stand ing on their backs to feed them! A man must be prepared to put heart and strength into his quest. That is the spirit behind every discovery. All great discoveries have first of all been seekers, passionately keen and invincibly patient. Sir Willlam Her- shal, for instance, famous among other things for his discovery of the planet Uranus, used to continue his observa- tions of the sky the night through. For some years he observed every sin- gle hour, when the weather was clear, and his observations were all made in the open air, Midwinter or mideum- mer he was there. The coldest nights were often the finest opportunity. His sister Caroline helped by writing down his observations as he made them. They were keen. So was Burbank--- so is Edison, so was and is every one who does anything worth while in any sphere. Discoveries are the crown of patient and prolonged quests. They that seek find, That is the royal way. od Volce. From College. "My missus jes received. a letter | trom her son saying he was about to ling how to fish | fishing. ly. He-was later appointed Fire Chief, Docks, 1 BE 1 at Angus and police Inspector of the Investigation Department. His first ald promotions kept and after winning many awards was appointed instructor of St. John Ambulance work. Under his direction the Angus First Ald Teams have many times car ried off the honors. The First aid team of the C.P.R In- vestigation Department, under In. specor Mansell's instruction, won high '| the girl problem and dis Ei : : Expert Advice. Elmer, thirteen, was puzzled | "Packed in the best | found for tea--Aluminum. his pal, Joe. "I've walked to school with her three times," he told Joe, "and cerried her twioet. Now, do you think I ought to kiss her?" ¢ "Naw, you don't need to," Joe de- cided after a moment of deep thought. "You've done enough for that girl al- ready." Artem am---- There is a fortune for the man who will invent a hog made up entirely of pork chops; such a hog would fully meet modern city demands. honors at the recent American Red Cross Competition at Chicago, | Mortality Among the Classes. { Sir Arbuthnot Lane, in a review of Mr. Bllis Barker's work on "Health" published in the English Spectator, speaks as follows: -- The author gives convincing proofs of the advantage of plain living on na- tural food, combined with outdoor ex- ercie. Farm workers and clergymen are the healthiest classes of the com- munity, doubtless because both lead simple lives, with much exercise in the open air. Butchers and merchant sea- men are among the most short-lived people. The mortality among butch- ers is twice as great, while that of merchant seamen is three and one-half times as great as that of clergymen and agricultural laborers. Butchers and seamen live largely on meat, pre served meat, preserved vegtables and other stale food which is only eaten sparingly or not at all by the clergy and rural workers; hence the high standing the bracing alr of the sea. Many think cancer i# an old-age dis- ease. If there were a cancer age, can- cer modtality would be higher among farm workers and clergymen, among whom longevity is greatest; but ac cording to Mr. Barker, the cancer mortality is twice as high among the short-Hived butchers and seamen. ye Wouldn!t Open Him Up. Young Wife--" I'll make that hus- 1 want to know! I'm going to put the screws on him!" Her Mother--"That will only tighten him, my dear." ---- rs -------- Smallest Republic. The quaint ceremony of the payment of fribute and taking the oath of fidelity to France has just been.ob- served at Perpignan by the tiny repub- lic of Andorra--the smallest republic in the world. . The annual tribute amounts to 960 francs, but as thé expenses of send- ing a deputation to Perpignan would more than swallow "ip the amount of the tribute, payment is only made every two years, The money was duly paid in the hard cash of the republic, which has no financial troubles, and, not having had to resort to inflation, is one of the few countries which have managed to keep on a gold basis. = © BRE nL Keep Minard's Liniment In the house. PSSA AARP : He Always Did. Two autolsts recently met in an al- Jey too narrow to permit them to pass each other. One of the autoists rose F | from his seat and shouted in an angry voice, "I mever back up for any Dblankety-blank fool." y The other driver quietly put his car in reverse, backed out, and replied: | "That's all right. 1 always do." EE Having the right tackle and know- constitute luck in 3,000 Norway Maplés nd Americas Elms. & to 15° 8100 to $14.08. Boson Im--40 to ibe 2.00 mortality of the sailors not ey DROPSY Thousands of people suffer with Dropsy and Brights Disease. If your limbs are swollen or you have any symptoms of this disease we guarantee that Cressy's Indian Herb Compound will give permanent re- Hef. Money refunded if it falls. Information and testimonials sup- pled. free. Write for particulars, JOHN R. CRESSY CO. 296 Gladstone Ave., Toronto, 3, Ont. In 'the BARN. ZS XR Ointment VY car deh, Promote Hair Growth No medicine chest is without Minard's. Fine for collar ile, chaffed spots and colic. [MINARD'S] <I> LiINtmMeNT band of mine open up and tell what | . It is highly recommended for the prompt elimination of all skin affece as Pi impure or below - par known as a Doctor's pre- obtainable at most Spring Time Is CELERY KING Time Brew a cup of this fine old vegetable tonic, It is all the spring medicine you need. It drives out wintzr's poisons, improves the appetite and makes you feel right away. Y KING is good for the whole family. At druggists, 30c & 60¢, CARRIED WIFE TO BED Suffered So She Could Not Walk. Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham"s * Vegetable Compound Minesing, Ontario, -- "1 am a prac- tical nurse and I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound to suffering women. For three months 1 was almost helpless and could not sit at the table long enough to a cup of tea. Many a time my hus- band carried me to bed, I would be so weak, Then he read in the popes of a woman suffering as I did who fot better after taking the Vegetable mpound, so he went and got it for me. When] had taken three bottles 1 was just like a new woman and have had splendid health ever since, When I feel any bearing-down pains 1 always take it; sometimes a half bottle or whatever I need. Itis my only medicine and I have told many a one about it. Any one wanting to know more about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com und, I will gladly write to her. Ido all I can to rec- ommend it for I' feel I owe i life and strength to it."' -- Mrs. NEAL Bowser, R.R. 1, Minesing, Ontario, Do you feel broken-down, nervous, and weak sometimes? Do you have this horrid feeling of fear which some- times comes to women when they are not well? Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege etable Compound is excellent to take at such a time. It always helps, and if taken regularly and persistently will relieve this condition, 0 Headache Neuralgia Colds. Pain Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fos Neuritis * Toothache = Rheumatism Lumbago DOES NOT AFFECT THE