Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 7 Apr 1927, p. 7

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¢ not when i hay (it rmerly the prefixed "Mac")-- 1s traceable b an old Irigh given name not unlike the 'Teutonte Godfrey. It is "Gotherith." a truly Irish pame, thought vou might think it old Germi;, or Danish. Its meaning, however, was quite different, being compounded of of some such form as ""O'Hostigan" or a compounded of | "Ogtigan." 3 thie ancient Irish words for "straight" | "The Clanw Ostagalix took te name ¥ toh 3 <fand small". ; fein from the given name of its founder, a S , . » Th eGuthrie or" Tith" | chieftain named "Ostagan," who lived, 5 i oe nw TOUS by» hie re | Chica tktied "Ostagan who dived, Now packed only in Aluminum. FT {name who was Killed in the year 1161. | middle of the fourteenth century. the risk, Sie who! EE 2 SH Cath i _ This clan was a division of the| This elan wasan offshoot of the Mao . nents: : "been reduo 8% and the . | O'Retllys, clan fn its turn was a | Gliapatricks, who came later to be| 10%0id and the Prevention | Classified Advertisements. : Dusstbig Droits ave inlmited, || yelled a boyish voice from the rear. ' | : 4h O'Rourkes _ originally, | known as the Fitzpatricka of Ossary, * of Diphtheria. AGENTS WANTED, y ~an exceptional offer : = py ees i igh later it achieved great promin- and this clan in turn came more an- r GENTS--120 PER CENT.-- POWERFUL N hoa s- should -'ta} ay The Good Gentleman. ie - i : oi For centuries diphtheria has taken ' : Tt ne a. This 18'a world of sorrow, {oucsus an independent entity. Slently from the Falyl 0'Connors. Us toll of lives and left countless Amo tin Woo Boaren. 33, New Gosuow : Likewise a world of stn, ae Ch tn mrmayy | (l0usands handicapped by ite after- TE = : m2 || But just about tomorrow ~~ +4 A Tragic Fire. THIS SPRING TIME effects. Thirty years ago this dread TP DN a a ny annous ) i: CLT Ls TT oeteInly hola mE The fiesting 'antiual. tra | = malady was yearly claiming 90 deaths with pronunciation of every 'word. A : 'and the find experts I made Your Opportunity ']| To renovate this mundane sphere = gedy that 0 in Toronto in tor every 100,000 people in Dulario. 1 Alem 2 120 angute in hive bre, ig With An Investment | 5, folks 1 me can stand it here. a Jong time was' the destruction of foe to two many little children ss di sd. ste: ondeed seme of Soc Re According to one sully. Of $3 and Upward 4 -- . a ha dy of the trained] choke to death, or fade out under tho | bss, Dept F. Mesaat Fo : = or cone wheat, wl ' ; 2 : . ; poisons of this terrible malady, to "the most prolific of all the va 15, Agauirs. & ry office ore should be hung in| horses of the Royal Canadian Dra- think calmly about the medical help- . " ANYARD PISTON RINGS MAKE OLD of the cereal. Other experts, how- | Valuable Share Option || eve'y office where salesmen congre-( goons, when fire broke out in the re. Something is Needed to Quickly lessnesd of that awful time," says Dr. | specialize on Ferm Engioes and Tractors. a ¢ gate. a sign, etched in high and | gimen ¢ . ard Piston Company, 83-34 Front Street We ever, say That ft i SOpuon wheat, or Without Liability | re] fo Jotters Mi wud Simoni. gd Feorags 7 The| Improve Your Health, ARR rine dein Le 5 > most highly developed of all the kinds ET Jou make a customer?" fie wag Fiscovere! shartly Nefore rol With the passing of winter many! 000 of our population. And this fo | FT come bime oe: Sunitord 5, Our brea fd ner n arracks n . i ete beset. = ang of A . For a plots Information 1 Some men think it smart to be able rushed' to the stables and rai ple esk. peptone] ind sadly id " De ta a th ey DD a InEATE wheat dates back to 8,500 B.C., so: oupon. to write sach a poor hand that nobody { ints the blazing, smoke-clouded build- | but the system lacks tone. You find | practically the same for both years, |™t Ingredients or fire gallon Jouk on_ reosivh that it is now roughly 5,500 years | ~~ |joan read it, but it ten't, ing and rescued. as many horses as|yourself tired, low-spirited, often un-|~ How was © Possible to save 80 many | th 2k P. Ken. V8, Takeo Out old. 'Its discovery is considered as { NATIONAL OIL SECURITIES sould be reached. Thirty.four ter-|able to get sound sleep af night. 'All| lives? The emer ios pu no, A he TR TLL Dread making. wheans wane SESH L Northern Ontario Building, [| comes. "Tr 1" E°0% Um® DeVer| rorptricken animals rushed in panic | thi js the result of closer in-door con-, that a bread-making wheats 'was in Meso- | Toronto 2, Canada : 2 potamia. The historical botanists have | specific cure--antl-toxin--was | Avan, Ont. to the streets, and tore madly in|finement of the winter months, and | discovered in 1800 and the victims of | CATCH FROM 43 TO 60 FOXES IN FROM J rap---- ry direction. Th n! | i 1 7 Please send me full particulars A Barking dog never bites; for. how i 04 hy morninY were all shows that the blood has become thin | the disease in Ontario have, during the [| 4108 weeks' time. Can teach any. veader of long believed that this was the case, Eight were|and watery, New, rich, red blood. is lust few years, been given this treat. hs mesasine how ry iat, Write, fur pase but they edi Vance fades) of your proposition, can a dog bark when he 1s biting? trapped in 'the burning stables and | what you need to put you right and| ment early in the disess. Our ie | eutare W. A. Hadley, Stanstead, Que. definite proof until this find hy Pro-|| - Ye Moray ta dled, in 'the flames, among them there is no other tonic medicine can ents have learned tlie. wisdom of call. | Fair Return. fessor Langdon: : NMG. mie. iiainariiiicnss never realiZe how many a8 | "Billy," the Shetland pony mascot, | give you this new, rich blood as sure-| ing the doctor at once if a child shows Irate Nelghbor--"Your hens have : oT of giggles tute are until ik de oa the pet of the regiment. Others were ly and as speedily ab Dr, Williams' | symptoms of diphtheria, The discovery | yoon in my garden and. eaten very- Canada's Share. 3 Address 0. cual a Pullman with a flock of college girls. blinded and so badly burned that! Pink Pills. This new blood goes to| of anti4oxin is one of the greatest ad- { thing." < they were destroyed at once, and a'every part of the body and quickly vances in medical science the world | " raal. Auckland 'Weekly News: Mr. La- Anapvaetie es sasha ans saan is A case 'showing extreme, dissipation | g, = developed pneumonia and Wore amen the general health. The di-|has ever known. pic onsiderate Tndivicual- foie Tight. pointe's ungracious 'attack on "dis ~a potato with dark rings under its destroyed. gestion is toned up, and you have! Following the discovery of a cure, | gs. tinguished visitors" --he evidently had Ena ay eyes. : The training of the horses repre- better appetite, the nerves are! has come within the lost tow years tho | ~ TL Mr. Bruce particularly in mind--has sented years of work, and added to!strengthened and sleep is refreshing. | perfection of a preventive. Inoculation | Automatically controlled heat fs an interest for others. He is A wife worrles as much about the| their value, 'and it is distressing to| The special value of Dr. Williams' |of a child by Toxold (two doses of 8 supplied to the new reptile house in becanse they: have ventured to voice Iona Sacred Isle of the wrinkles 'coming oun her face ae-her| yofiect' that, had they been confined, Pink Pills at this season is shown by|drops each into the-ekin of the arm) the London Zoo, so that the snakes, What they think about Canada's share, Hebrides husband does about the vanishing of | in fire-proof stables where the flames the statement of Mrs. Elizabeth given four weeks apart, means that the alligators and other inhabitants will among others, of responsibility for Im- . the hair on his dome. could have been quickly controlled,!Clarke, R.R. No, 1, Hastings, Ont., child will not contract diphtheria. live in an exact imitation of their perial defence. They have not vem-| No ome spending a week or more in 3 wh :--*I know Dr. Williams'| Th hi h hout On. native climate. tured to dictate what precisely, on her | Scotland should leave without making the Teulis Would not have been so who Pill n Susans of Shilaren thioushou 8 Wi Pink Pills are a great blood builder T 71 E PS i ill 1 part, Canade. should do. It is enough, | an effort to go to the Island of I : A GREA PUL tragic. The stable ere old and n 1 g i have been given this protection ] built of wood, and the flames devour- because I use them in the spring, |within the last three years; thousands in ot his Minister ot Justice he fasted isle of the Hebrides oft the : ed them like tinder. {'when one naturally feels Jango, of parents have been relieved from A 1 EN T w= seeking. . a D; A tribute was paid to: the heroism after our long winter. Last spring, | worry and anxiety as a consequence, - Taveutiont "and Pull have made any reference at all to Can-| This is the birthstone of Scotia's na- TO CAREFUL PARENTS of the troopers by Major Baty, who I was feeling weak and easily tired, and hundreds of children have been A aii Fres on Roqusts i in this Soanestion, sven in a gen- Houalley, culture and religion, and the| said that "the boye worked like Tro. and again used the pills with the re- gaved from the tragic aftermath of The Ramsay Co. gt 218 Banker. 8 war. oy sou 8 miltd Hgie own | Ch hi of St Columba might be called One of. the greatest puzzles to the |jans. They punged into the smoke sult that I have had splendid health | diphtheria, damaged hearts particular- Canada's Duet wig Is it? ™ £0 o it Sotuingter yo he careful parent is to know just what [20d fire to save the horses, and noth. since. The pills also restored my ily, and even from death itself. FREE BOOK I, I at is a oe , § royalties of Scotland, medicine to give the little ones. When | ing could stop them. It would be daughter, Mae, who was badly run-| With Toxold to prevent it and anti- E n Som Bao Baron by oe aes hat ; "The alo ont rhe id a haig|the child falls ill with griping pains; | Unfair to mention one to the exolw down, and seemed almost bloodless. toxin to eure it (both supplied treo to SENT on REQUEST 3 " ion of others. Every man of them She used the pills faithfully for a! physicians by the Department of Tells cause of cancer and what to do a comprehensive way, with reference long by about h: i is seized, with cold or fever, refuses! Sion o 5 : : : | to ne int ip in way i hg OY abou ail. a ifls broad. food or vomits what he has taken, | deserves the Royal Humane Society's time and has since enjoyed the best | Health), no child in Ontario need con- for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for x » jof health. Naturally I never hesitate pan less it to-day, mentioning this paper. Ad- of welcoming home a Prime Minister ------ when Je rice a great deal and ig | medal. ia [to recommend Dr. William Pink Pills! st ree lee die Som dress ae Cancer Hospital, who participated sympathetically in al If you want to make your rooms Sot de a Crp ny a ne These Composers Didn't to people who are run-down." | necessary, preventable, and sufficient Indianapolis, Ind. discussion that resulted in recommend: | Jock larger, as well as more restful to er! What i to bed 3 { - You can get these pills through any matter for official investigation. ing to all British Governments a policy the eye, use a large rug instead of dry. ' ay ee one boy Such oc | Waste Much Time. dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50, : of common detest cern duestions" | the scatter size, and plan for border a suitable medioine In the house. Thy! "Abide With Mo? the music of cents a box from The br. Williams. AR aon ge Ee Snide go of painted wood or-parquetry. Carry- puzzle is what to glve him to set him | Which, Dame Clara Butt states, Mr.| Medicine Co., Borckville, Ont. | He is Wise-- Bricish Empire Whit oho me 3 oe ing the carpet: to the base hoards of a right quickly. | Samuel Liddle wrote for her in two | Produce at Home Who hesitates before he interferes' matter 1s of very vital int to | oom dwarfs its apparent size. It is to meet such emergencies that days, is not the only famous song . ; Baby's Own Tablets were designed. | composed in-double-quick time. Bou-| Three Rivers Nouvelfiste (Cons.): ft. Thy are much time as- | These pleasant little Tablets quickly | cicault took the words of "Killar- Long experience has demonstrated the | suring himself he is wise, - reduce fever, break ub colds, relieve ney" one morning to Balfe, who fact that sheep-raising is both Basal ee tra trust of his wife | constipation and indigegtion and allay merely glanced - through them, then &nd practical in Canada. It is a profit. | Ja ¥ ; i ' i dertaken fi | above the flattery of others. | teething pains. They gullet the nerves | sat down at the piano and excitedly @ble industry undertaken for the pur- ; ing' every other part, and an avowal of that interest might reasonably be ex. X = pected to have a welcome, rather than | [BE a smanling rebuff, from a member of fhe Crpedizs Goverumen:. But per- and promote restful health-restoring | played the melody which all the world Pose of producing wok. . . For =u ppalees Es pal mit °| [Teach Children \ ; TE Be a, 8 as bela sleep. They are guaranteed absolute- | was soon singing. Tito Mattei had Some Jota dn Lavsnatrs Sampaign le) Whe ordi hy a before To Use usth been said ly harmless and safe for even the a similar inspiration in regard to been wa | beva-th i . . or Latics which. % haw and opon- youngest and most delicate baby. | "Dear Heart," striking out the air on ©On-imported woollens in order to pro-| he obeys them: Cu ticura Baby's Own Tablets are sojd bythe piano immediately after reading tect the Canadian textile Industry | --Hh hag learned Wo learn even hig Soothes and Heals 'medicine dealers or by mail at 25!the words, while the music of "The 88ainst foreign competition and to " Who'ean 'save 'hlinscH by using | Rashes and Irritations 'cents a box from The Dr. Willams' [Holy City" came in a flood of inspir- able it to go ahead more rapidly. , . . | | mouthed, that is, to hear a little and | ipeak much." © : | i Outiou oup p Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. atibn to Michael Maybrick (Stephen | (The Canadian Textile Journal is 9ther men's ins el FR : ---- | Adams) on the receipt of Mr. Wea- Quoted to show that less than half the Minard's Lini o : 4 . 5 : | ; ! wool is produced to-day in Canada that | For distemper--Minard's t Sh Five Q Animals therley's poem. Trotere, too, used to, 1 ves 'als e ive Queer Animals. tell' how he was walking home from W28 produced 25 years ago.) That in Ere COLIC | fos | pw. The sloth has four feet, but never | the Aquarium one evening, when the file condition of aires Sho Weollen fn Beautiful Buxton. ; ¢ 5 3 " iq im 3 fi 8! es Used to Hatel [onsite t mpufiubr™s 6 0000 SR 100 da A aR" | Best Ba tv tn Eo. | gare mons ge ques Never discard a garment because |a marked feature in the feet of other into a shop, seized a paper bag, and the State to save it from ruin is, not | lang, sud wlfords » aE iwi drench. you don't like Its color. Nor because | animals, { lin two minutes scribbled down the SUIprising. It is perfectly fair. We ot al ot 3 feet in a doep| it's dull or faded. In less than an hour, | The ant-wear has not-a tooth in his whole melody. | 0 60 far as to say that it is in alley, the approach to which is by | [fi Es rm you can make it a brand new, fashion- head, still he roves fearlessly on, in' rp the best. interests of the country. There T e of a River Wye, and surs A 4 D | abie shade! ., |the same forests with the jaguar and Dou' let indigestion after meals, bilioancss, | O83 bo UD profit in our spending | the g0 EV the Tovehont ct Eragon women. | yom dyelng lets you dress better, |boa<onstrictor. The vampire . does | heartburn. or dvepepsia take the pep out of you, | money abroad for all our wools, es. |Tounded by the loveliest o £ all be. | [| 18 | But In another winter a Paris manu- | and have the nicest home furnishings, | not make use of his feet to walk, | "x Seigel's Syrup. Any drug store, pecially wien We tan produce *and/aceners, ii charms the'eyes o | : / 0 3 1 | eer ta promises to be supplying the | without spending a lot of money. It's |but to stretch a membrane, which | . Tres - market with sports coats end entire easy to dye anything--right over other | enables him to go.up into an "element | Buried Chamber Once Home How easy it Err benevolent| If v ant thing done right suits made of snake skins. These will, | colors--but whether dyelng or tinting, where no other quadruped is, seen, | of Fairy Folk. oing 0 rr Sd one herevolen H ou wan ; someth ing. done Hatt bi : 5 Siw esd § m;!and in ' Bh ES Co Bu os Sa Bo 0 Con oe ie he tL ot dg on Be ® A J os massing Sy Roan 48. County Meath, Ireland, is what Dr, R. {tain of gladness making everything id design X . their wearers. 'colors, 8 true oy " ristles, " . icini SS Lp Wherever thos, Pte Of Attention | | FREE at your drugstore, now: the but in liey of them has rectivel oi A Masalifter Sis She vost vimein Vo culty tn freshen fnto smiles, : ee ayclopedia; tull of sug: | movable shell, on 'which are. seales PretSive relic of antiquity in Western! --Wa L N dire Europe." From the outside it ap- ; r Ee -- a ace gon ir I a as Shs Re ibd pears as a hill overgrown with tress! Fe oO ID 24 VS ISTH ST-V | { eral manufacture them here, holders. | / book Color any appearance of "hair, and and bushes. The mound was origin {Craft -- -- address g Compe surrounded by a circle of thirty- | DYES a or dress. Ont OND) obliged to accommodate itself to sly stones, only twelve of which now | DYES, Winder, Ont shell which is quite hard and inflex-| = SOMH OY the mound is a at, fible, and, in no' point of view Whats) champ: "twenty fost fo height. ing ever obedient to will 'or pleasure twenty-one feet across, reached by a p of the bearer. The egg of the tor- narrow passage sixty-two feet in toise has a very hard: shell, while | To I comer. that of the turtle is quitecsoft, = | So hy rie. ===! In anclent Irish history these hill LIFE INSURANCE |/ chambers were known. either as the ad VIVAINCE g burial places of He. kings or the USE KIDNEY: TROUBLE dwelling places of Sidhe (pro- USE; OF KIDNEY: 7. ||mounced Shee) or the Irish fairy|| Pp gon stem sar | Pe Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 3 Colds Headache Neuritis Lurbago q Pein Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism ; . DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART work undepmined my constitution. I pald Heat From the Stars. x after ied to mae There is an fo SC LE oni act as a "bu: Ange" and ie vive wo Se ingtrumen 'measured. Accept onl "Bayer" package IC! Sos proven directions. boxes of blets es of 24 and 100--Druggioce

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