of the land is a it ne upon the people there. Without it there is no. crop. Throughout . Canada agricaltural | object lessons 'stare one straj the face wherever one goes. ee 2 'bushels to the acre on one side - the road and not worth cutting on the other. The free translation of this means, summer-fallow on one side 3d stubble crop on the other. And not .alone summer-fallow, but good summer-fallow, completed within the pers season and kept clear of weeds. And I am pleased to record the opinion, that the lesson has sunk Into the minds of the farmers with a vengeance. It is commented ony ver farmers meet together. The contrast between good and bad While farming this year is so obvious that it t bo. mi Aavatnod we are only having a fair crop year, the aggregate return to the Western farmer is going to be enormous. He has absorbed a lesson which could only be learned through experience. ~ The past unfavorable years have weeded out the weak brethren on our Canadian. farms. Those men who remain are of the type upon whom this year's 'le Jessin_ will not will not be lost. * Wood Lot Famishes Important Annual Crop anit 14 RN ne n SHILOH LLL A rr C3 SE RIT Ro Wyandotte. 12¢and live delivery guaran: today for FREE CHICK SCHWEGLER'S HATCHERY 2t NORTHAMPTON, BUFFALO,M.Y, The New Fi Jelrlationing Shaving Stick ForTender go EMOLLIENT MEDICINAL ANTISEPTIC Few farmers realize the p 1 . value of a possible income from a well-locatéd wood lot. The reason for this is probably because that, . while they appreciate the shelter and 'convenience of the wood lot, they do not understand that it can "be made to yield a direct profit year by year ' just like any other crop. The last census showed that the total value of forest products pro- duced from the Canadian farm wood lots was | $72,000,000. Compared to ~ other farm products this was: over 11 per cent. of all grain crops; over 82 per cent. of all forage crops; nearly three times the value of all fruit crops; and greater than the to- tal value of the egg production. It might also be pointed out that about one-third of the pulpwood used in Canadian pulp mills comes from farmers' and settlers' holdings. The wood lot properly handled can "be made to provide shelter for stock, gardens and buildings, and to yield a perpetual crop. of considerable va- riety, namely, firewood, fencing, lum- ber pieces and frames for machinery, puinps, wagons, etc, maple syrup sugar products, a variety of _ediblé nuts and in some instances products of medicinal value. It is estimated by one well-known author- || "ity that the average farmer makes - 'use normally of about 2,000 pieces of |. lumber each year. 'If: this is not grown on the place, it has to be pur- chased and often enough freight paid 'to-have it delivered. A wood lot of 20 acres, properly the . handled, will provide all fuel 'need on the farm for all time. will provide fuel, fence-posts and timber and will leave a surplus to be d of at a profit. The inclu- It) Answered. "Why," said a tall youth to a little person, who was in a company that numbered six hig men, "I declare you are so small that I did not see you be- ore." "Very likely," replied the little man, "Im Hke a gold dollar among six cop- per pennies --not easily seen, but worth the whole of them!" -------- Oak From the Victory. Made of the original oak and copper from Nelson's flagship, Victory, a gavel and block for use at council meetings have been presented to Portsmouth by Rear-Admiral Thesiger. rele A stamp of approval may carry one's message a long distance. " Rheumatism in Every Joint "' This New York Warner's relieved her. rheumatism in every joint in my bedy and had to be turned und lifted in my bed. "This was followed by yellow "jaundice. order," was so improved tinueg with excel I had no appetite and felt low spirited. wanted to' sleep all the time. I was then persuaded to try Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. Sold by all drvgists. "Price $1.25 per bottle, 'Warner's Safe Remedies Co., Vom ears rate in cultured homes h « iiedabiiniay Ngaio bd families to one puppy dog in every ten. A better knowledge of dog Thygiene, as taught by Radlo, is thought to be the reason. "My wife's main subject of conver "|sation is clothes." "Well, after seeing her no.one could 'accuse her of being wrapped up in her' | | subject." If he has that hunted look, his suit: ease may contain either a payroll or a quart. Music lives forever, jazz dies in a day. No Compliment From Mildred. The girl for me is Mildred Bliss, She always greets me with a kiss. It seems to us, 'tis most unkind To take advantage of the blind. The girl is desperate, we fear, But Christmas comes but once a year. That love is blind I've heard from some, But now I know it's deaf and dunibe --r If an apple a Gay keeps the doctor away, maybe two would keep the doc- tor and undertaker both away. I sing? Don't you like to hear mé sing?" "It isn't that" I want the nelghbors to see that I am not beating you." Young Mrs. Perkins is so lazy she puts popcorn in her.pancakes to make them turn themselves, Half a loaf is better than working all day Saturday. Spiritualist Medium--"I am now In communication with the spirit of your wife. Do you wish me to speak to her for you?" Widower--*Yes, I wish you'd ask her where she put my lght under- wear." Personality is something else that's born, not made. etiam The Reason. . "Why do8s the judge charge the jury?" asked Tom's father, Tom smiled, got down out of his chair ready to run, and then, laugh- ingly, said: "Because he couldn' ¢ make them pay cagh, 1 gress." woman suffered untold misery until Read her letter;--"I had My liver and kidneys were.out of 1 1 after taking one bottle that 1 con- lent results." Name on Tequest, Toronto, Ont. "Why do you go on the porch when, that after 1 'short a Sin Soe of marvefouws. yan: 1 slept well, had a good appetite, felt well and strong. s who was in an anaemic condition and feeling quite miserable, and in her|" case, 100, they restored health. I'hope my experience may help some other weak person." Dr. Willams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 60 cents a box by The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A little book, "Building Up the Blood," which contains many useful Health hints, will be sent free on request. Open Wider, Please. "Oh, Oh, doctor! Can't you get t' work onany mouth quick?" "Yes, Just a minute now dive right in." -------- en "I Am Music." Voice of the Universe, Priestess of Earth, Life's Lyric of Love, am I. Song of angels in the house of good; the snare and delusion of hell. 1 whisper of passion; I breathe ro- mance; I am the inspiration for work and play. Though I am a balm of peace, yet on the battlefields I stir men's hearts and urge them on to greater deeds of valor, I dwell in the peaceful chambers of content, but I am present always In the pits of war, I lead true lovers to the altar, I muse by the cradle, --I-stalk by the open grave. I am the incense upon which devout prayers rise heavenward. Know me, and I will comfort you always. It my-song be in your heart, yon will hear my voice in the babble of the brook, the chant of the birds, the rus- tle of the leaves, and the billows of the sea. The wind and rain and the flowers 4nd the dew all speak to you of me. The rumble of traffic, the clat- ter of hoofs, the hum of the motor, the song of the mill; ah! I change the very air, Down through the ages I have walk- ed with men, yet none have ever fath- omed me. With the prince and the beggar I roam the earth and all men love me. For I am the spirit of the very best that is in them, and they praise and strive for the best that is within me. I am the soul of the art. 1 am Music.--Robert L. Shepherd. seine Sur Take the pep from your dyspepsia with 1510 30" drops of Seigel's Syrup ina glass of water us directed on the bottle. Any drug store. Coal Still King. Experts in all parts of the world are tackling the problem of how to use coal to the hest advantage. | Professor Berglus, of Heidelberg, has reduced coal to a paste, and com- bined it with hydrogen at a very high temperature 'and pressure. . The re- and I'll ,| sulting fluid has all the properties of crude petroleum, and can be treated in the same way to produce petrol and other oils. Another scientist reduces eoal to a "tgaseous form and then lguefies the gases. He has produced methanol, ! which seems to have all the properties | Ana things, for buttons, buckles and other { country add to the supply. around the little town, Ul stab the | "bells ot Homing teams cheerful veloos li as rises soon The stately, golden galleon of the moon, : gs --C. G. Wilson. 7 ni 1 SIMPLE TREATMENT "TOR CHILDREN'S Couns Cold In the head is very common at this time of year, especially in the very young. Neglect of a cold is prone to lead to serious consequences. To relieve all congestion of une system is the first step in treating a cold, whether in infants or adults. For the very young, Baby's Own Tablets are the ideal means of doing this! Con- taining no narcotics or other harmful drugs they soothe the child's fretful- ness, relieve its suffering and ensure convalescence. i Baby's Own Tablets are without an equal for relieving indigestion, consti- pation and colic. They check diar- rhoea; break up colds and simple fevers; promote health-giving sleep and make the dreaded teething period easy. The Tablets are the one medi cine that a mother can give her little ones with perfect safety as they are guaranteed to be free from injurious drugs. They ire sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. a Drop the Minor Key. That the smile is mightier than the frown, and "Do" a far better soldier than "Don't," is a lesson which most reformers are sadly in néed of learn- ing. It 18 easier to &cold tham to in- spire, but only the fuspirers lead for- ward and win humanity's battles, Words of warning are needful, but when prolonged into lectures of pes- simigm they defeat their purpose by driving the audience away or putting it to sleep. Take the matter of conversations] The country was impressed when told) that its natural resources were being destroyed and wasted so rapidly that ruin would result unless there was a change for the better. Buf after that had been dinned into our ears for a decade, we would have preferred to let fate do its worst than listen longer to the prophets of despair. The effective conservationists are those who, leaving the negative for positive lines of thought, bid us feast our imagination on the glorious pros- pects in preserving and increasing the treasures with which nature has en- dowed our land. . . In all concerns of the Commonwealth, and of individual affairs as well, it will profit us to get out of the minor key and to think less of the lions in the way than of the re- wards ahead. Keep Minard's Liniment In the stable. a English Woman, Engineer, Finds Way to Color Steel Many of the fittings and ornaments about our houses, instead of being of brass, copper, stiver or gold plate, may hereafter be made of attractively col- ored steel, now that a&*woman engineer, of Birmingham, England, has found a secret process of coloring said to make the manufacture of colored ornaments commercially praeticable. The new product will be used, among other personal ornaments, furniture and door trimmings. ecard ria World's Labgest "Bughouse. » The Smithsonian Institution in Washington comes nearer qualifying as the champion bug-house of the World than any other. It has a collec- tion-of-113,000 species. . Every day bug country ad dto the supply. Having enriched tselt many times | by. borrowing convenient and expres- sive words from the French language, the English language is now paying a good share of its debt by making France a present of one of the most valuable and cherished words it pos- sesses, A word dear to the heart of every English-speaking "home." Singularly, considering that the French are a home-loving people, for "home." The nearest she came to it was "foyer," meaning hearth, or "ohes nous," at our house, both of which fall short of the significance of home, English-speaking people have often remarked the lack with comml- seration. But now the phrase "le home" is ap pearing in French newspapers as a caption for domestic apd women's news and in advertisements of depart- ment and furniture stores. At first it was used in quotation marks, bit, hav- {ng successfully passed that probation stage, it appears on an egual footing with any French word--home, just like that. If we had had to get along without home when France adopted it there would have, been some prompt and vigorous objections. We could no more dispense ayith the word than with what it stands, for. But, fortunately, there {8 plenty of home to go around, and the more the word Is used, the bet- ter. You're welcome, Pned tp -- | "Will you pleeze baby same as I give ya?" HEADACHE, COLDS, COSTIVE BOWELS, TAKE "CASCARETS" Tonight! Clean your bowels and end Headaches, Colds; Sour Stomach name my Get a 10-cent box now. You men and women who can't get feeling right---who have headache, coated tongue, bad taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bill- ous, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have a bad cold. Are you keeping your howels clean with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passage every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oll? Cascarets work while you sleep; cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the Hver and carry out of the system all the constipated waste matter and pois- on in the bowels, A Cascaret to-night will straighten you out by morning--a 10-cent box from any drug store will keep your stomach sweet; liver and bowels re gular, and head clear for months. Don't forget the children. They love Cas- carets because they taste good gripe or sicken. 1 GOITE ZUR) WORST "INWARD" KIND PREFERRED (Fast pulse, trembling, ete.) Home treatment, thoroughly qualified physician. Drawer 4, Castleton, Ont Be of "wood -alcohol; «synth valent to a high-grade y etrol; sng a substitute for benzine. General Patart, a Frenchman, been experimenting with - coal-pro- duced synthetic alcohol, which shows a saving of 15 percent. in calories over petrol. The temperiture of the radi ator in which it is used was consider- '1ably lower than in cars using petrol, Soon it will be possible to distil coal at the pit, racover the valuable prim- aray olls and gases, and then transmit by long-distance piping to where ey are wanted. Estimates' 'show that | the cost of transmitting thermal units wonld be slightly over three farthings for seventy-five les, Si Aw 'intelligent wo: king man as a vocabulary of 5,000 words, while an educated man should know from 8,000 to 10,000 words. ¥ has | STOMACH 'MISERY, GAS, INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin™ Corrects Sour, Upset Stomachs at 'Once "pape a qurest relief for ndigestion, | flatulence, heartburn, sourness, fer- mentation or stomach distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost immediate stomach relief. Correct your stomach and digestion now for a few cents. Druggists 'sell williens of packages. a iapepsin'" is the quickest, Headache Neuralgia Colds Pain France has never had any equivalent _ never mm S00T DESTROYER. LEANS CHIMNEXS WITHOUT 13) anything but the soot. Wil extinguish and Co, 308 Notre Dame BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. EAVY BLATE-COATED ROOFING. $3.98; House Paint, $3.45 galion: Doors, Windows, Tames, Flooring. Wallboard. Thousends of Bulld- ing Bargains. Free Catalogue Maliday Company, Box 281T, Hamilton, E BELL 10000 JIORSKS A YEAR TO satisfied customers, Send fu Catalogue; it wil) save you money. 10 Nelson Bireet, Toronto, GENTS -DO YOU THAT BELLING Cressy Guaranteed Products will met you 00 to $70.00 per week, ull the year vound. . 150 fast welling lines, Write for full partienlars. Pept, C. John R. Cressy Co, 200 Gladstone Avenue, Toronto, KNOW | CATCIE FROM 46 T0 (0 FOXES IN FROM 4 10 5 weeks' time, Can tench any reader of this magasine Low 10 get them Write for yar- ticular, W. A. Jiadley, Stanstead, Que. RABRITE OF QUALITY. delivery, sll agen Write foe tooklet and prices. ASSOCIATED RABBITRIES, P.O. Bax 206. Arnprior Ont, Member Arnprior Chinchilla Breeders' Asaxdation. Member American Chinchilla Breeders' Association. ATENTS A List of "Wanted loventions" and Full Information Sent Free on Reguent. The Ramsay do. Pum... 273 anki. HINCHILLA ; Immediate Ww. Neglected bronchial colds are dan erous, Stop them instantly with uckley's Mixture, Its action in re- lieving cough and clearing the tubes is Amasingly swift--and sure. All druggists sell "'Buckley's" under a positive {iaArantee. Buy a bottle today, and safe, W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St, Toronto 2 BUCKLEYS s22 Acts like a flash-- a slogle sip proves it ATHLETES! Minard"s wil limber up stiff muscles and sore joints. Use it for a rub down. DENI mre MORE. MONEY IN POULTRY AND 8TOCK When You Feed VITA BRAND | Cop LIVER On. Vitamine Tested Send money order or cash (no cheques) for trial % gallon ean. Postpaid $1.75 To Your Address Lower prices on quantity. Yocum FAUST, LTD. Dept. Y¥ London, Ont. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Lumbago Rheumatism Neuritis Toothache | DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART. Minard's Linimen! Tor rheumatism, ; xX ¥ Teg 5 -- T1esuE Ne. an hs om Accent only "Bayer" packats Ww contains proven direc "Bayer" boxes of 12 of £4 and 100