Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 3 Mar 1927, p. 3

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True Kindliness is ingrained in the Scot, Gracing his character's stern granite! "Tis found ip the heart of Mid-Lothian, 'the afr, with fant 'maintenance of comfort. That is, the effective tem- perature wae lowered ten degrees. They also determined that the child- ren's inclinatfon to work was increased | 36 per cent. by the cooler atrhosphere. . In an industrial investigation this com- mission proved that excessive heat promotes premature fatigue. Subjects 'under test, working on plecework, re- ceiving a bonus for quantity of work in nddition to flat vate, did 18 per cent. more work a" 68 degrees: than at 76 degrees. . Fuel saving. ' "Ihe excessively - high temperature required for comfort in dry air, wastes considerable heat, Temperatures of 5 ¢ COMITION | in houses with low humidity, whereas only 68 degrees Fahrenheit le neces sary for-eomfort in a properly mols.| tened atmosphere. - In houses, particularly those mot in sulated, the raising of the tempers. ture from 70 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenhelt is usually difficult and requires forting of fires with o subsequent loss of eficlency in the burning of coal Although the evap- oration of water to produce proper humidification requires some heat, @ 'considerable over-all fuel economy is effected owing to the lower tempera. ture required for comfort. - Considerable controversy has arisen between various authorities on humid- ity conditions as to the actual amount "of fuel saved in this way. Some in | vestigatorg contend that very little - 8port | applies localities and which fits the different 'conditions wieh obtain in widely | 'regard to winter sports, even 1 British Columbia the differences. in to be. Sister' Du Wh Io 1s lofig y~--When the sty! 'hair and dresses. 8 'Baby's Day--When mother 1s away | and father is Yutse. . z Gladys says that quite often some of the men who are "held up" really need 1S . ¥ 5 A i Truth is about the only thing that | ss never hires a press agent. X Ome flapper lost three sholks by using | |Had No Ambition and Had to quinine by mistake for face powder. © Timely Truths. . It's seldom pae-time to get up. A man of the hour never wastes a | minute. ~ 'Wait a minute for a woman--be a man of the hour. Watches do. not tell time--you must 'em; Watohmalkers do not object to work- ing overtime. There's no present like time. 'Use 'Being late {s not pastime--it's tard ness. - Use the epur of the moment to speed up the hours. Kill time and you wil mourn the Time comes when many people de-! cide to dye, You can take a-day off, but you can't put it back. Time mengds most ai tu "leaky" roof. Time 8 so fleeting no one ever caught it, Time makes no round trips. Figuratively Speaking. With Charley T8 K8 made a ds, for which she w8td until 18, Then. when she lieard im slam the £8 har tittle heart was filled with 8, Ang I am merely here to st8 (although 'tis.painful to-rel8 She b8 the p8°of the poor ek8 until he ran at fearful rs When he his lungs 'ould not infi§, down by the road he sadly s8 And said: "Gosh, how she can bers! © Bhell never, never, never, be my m8!" Azood task well done reveals a part of the same divine glory that ia seen An e beautiful sunset. One Million Gathered. On the four-mile route from the pal ace to the Shinjuku gardens fully 1,000,000 Japanese, crouched on their! Japanese from all parts of the empire had gathered in the capital, although the public took neo direct part in the ceremony. ~FELT VERY WEAK Rest Frequently. Mrs. Wm, J. Griffin, Tehkummah, Manitoulin Island, Ont., is one of the many thousands of women who was run-down and bloodless, and who has found - new health through Dr. Wil Hams' Pink Pills. She says: --"For a number of years I felt very weak and had nd ambition. I found it very ficult to do my housework and had to rest frequently. As time passed my condition grew decidedly worse, and my feet and legs were badly swollen. My husband told the doctor of my condition, and he gave me medicine. Then my baby came and the doctor attended me. He said I had scarcely any blood: in my body--that It had turned to water. I continued taking his medicine for a time, but did not feel that it was doing me any good. Then I started to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, In a short while 1 felt better, and after taking the pills for a couple of months I felt Uke a new person. Where my work used to be a drag upon my strength I emjoy do- Ing it now, and I will always recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to weak people," If you will send your name and ad- dress to The Dr. Willams' Medicine Co, 'they will mail you a little book dled "Building Up the Blood," which tains many health hints. You can get the pills through any medicine dealer or by mall at 650 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, ieee iri Writ in a Book of Welsh = Verse. Here is the house where I was bred; The wind blows through it without stint, The wind bitten by the roadside mint; | Here broke 1 loaf, here climbed to bed. 3 The fuchsia on the window sill; _| Even the candlesticks a-row, Wrought by grave men 60 Jong ago--- 1 loved them ones, T love them still, 'Southword and westward a great sky! The throb of sea githin mine ear Then something different, more near, As though a wistful foot went by. --Lizette. Woodworth Reese, "A Way side Lute." aaa to Within the British Empire there are + 1,837,000 square miles of forest. heels and offered prayers. Already | di. | Hime | and Zuince Chichiha, | Or gu banks of the Doon in the fair _ Fired Parting Salutes. A curious note of modernity was added to the anclent ceremonies as the funeral procession moved from 'the Imporial palace. By means of radio signals the warships in Japanese waters and all the forts of Japan were notified, and parting salutes were fired. The distant booming of the great guns notifying the nation that the Emperor had started on his last journey to the tomb. Heart Disease in Children. Disturbances of the heart in child- ren, automatically divide themselves into two groups, those which were pre- sent at the time of birth, and are due to defects in development, and those which are acquired after birth. Congenital heart conditions, or those present at birth, are not uncommon. They are, as a rule, easily recogniz- able, and while they vary materially in extent, the majority of them term-| inate fatally within a given period of Acquired heart disease is rarely pre- sent before the second or third year of life, and when found in extremely young children, 1s almost always due to a rheumatic Infection. Careful 'examination of echool age children shows about one per cent, to be sufféring from some disturbance of the heart. In many instances the pre- sence of thie disease was unknown to the parents or ohild affected. Rheu- matism In some of its forms, St.. Vitus' Dance, Diphtheria or some other in- fection was usually found to be the cause, Many of the existing cases of heart disease could have been avoided if ade- quate care had heen taken at the time of the onset of the disease responsible. Rheumatism does not necessarily have to be present in the form of acute rheu- matic fever in onder to damage the heart. Such siight manifestations of ita presence as 'growing pains" are sufficient warrant for careful super- vision of the child's activities. Slight palin or swelling in the joints, of a transient character, should be taken very geriously by the parents and physician, The eatly recognition of such die- eases as diphtheria and scarlet fever, and the prompt action of edequate treatment, will do much to limit the possibility of the Imfection involving the heart. Tonsillitis and disease of the tonsils is another common contributing factor in the cause of heart disturbances in children, not perhaps dirgetly, but as possible lodging places for organisms which may grow and spread to the heart iteelf. The usual symptoms assoelated with early heart disease in children are not as definite as one would like. children tire easily, may have palpita- tion, pain over the region of the heart, or shortness of breath on exertion. Loss of weight or aneémia may be pre- sent. The disease is, as a rule, brought to light on examination by the school physician, or when the condition has become exaggerated by some intercur- rent ilness. The avoidance of unnecessary ex- posure, the wearing of sufficient warm clothing in extreme weather, careful attention to defects of the 'throat, and sufficient rest during convalesence from infections diseases, with regular complete physical examination of all children, are measures which will do much to lessen the amount of heart disease now existing ing among children. A Man, The measure of a man is this: What pleasures does he choose to miss, What profits does he ecorn to take For manhood's sake? ' And at bonnie Dee Side-- From the shores of the Forth to far Own Tablets too highly. little ones." lend of Ayr; John O'Groat's They are canny enough to be kind! ~Amy Smith, {MOTHERS PRAISE BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. L. M. Brown, Walton, N.8, says:--"I cannot recommend Baby's I have found juable for the aliments of Mrs, Brown's testimony is the same as that of thousands of them i other mothers who have used the Tab- Jets. To use them once is a sure guar- antee that they will always be kept in the home as long as there are bablea or young children to be cared for. The Tablets ard a laxative--mild but thorough in: action---which never fall to regulate the stomach and bowels; relieve constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make the dreaded teething period easy, In fact you banish all the minor flls from which little ones suffer. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at-26 cents a box-from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. What Is "Ability? Ability 'consists of: Mental power and energy coupled with imagination. The driving force that translates thought into action. The personality that inspires and compels accomplishment, ~The power to think construotively. The power to concentrate, The power to assimilate new ideas, mental vision, Power to immgine big things and build them. Capacity for hard and concentrated work, Good judgment, technical knowledge, creative ability, artietic qualities, A Do you {Wet a sensation of pressure on the heart? Don't be frightened it's not heart trouble--it's indigestion. Seigel's Syrup will fix it. Any drug store. It Depends. "Now, Mr. Jones," said the law pro- fessor, "will you please tell the class what weight you would give to circum- stantial evidence." "Certainly, professor," said the student, "but am I suposed to be the prosecuting attorney or the counsel for the defendant?' ttf Minard's Liniment for rheumatism. 4 Had Her Doubts. Mother had entered the child's bed- room to say good-night. "It $s cold, mummy," said Joan, cud- dling down. "Yes, dear," sald her mother, "but The angels will keep you Joan did as she was told. Then, at ter a moment's reeflection, she looked These (up at her mother again. "} suppose I couldn't change any. angels for a hot-water bottle?' she said, wistfully. "CASCARETS" FOR BOWELS, STOMACH, HEADACHE, COLDS Olean your liver and constipated bowels to-night and feel fine Get a 10-cent box now. Are you keeping your liver, stomach aud bowels clean, pure and fresh with Cascarets--or merely forcing a pass- age way every few days with salte, cathartic pills or castor ofl? important. This is OCascarots immediately cleanse the ARM, 235 ACRES, 20 113AD STOCK, FE , turkeys, hogs, crops equipment, §7, eb a Sek rie a. Denmad Rr PUPILS WANTED, HE TRAINING SCHOOL OF THE Memorial Hospital, New London, Conmeotiout-- delightrully situated on the of the Thames River where Jt flows into Long pupils. Competent Instructors, Supervisors insure excellent trafning The of which fe affiliation iy Belleres Independent Box 1004, Arcade, Tos Angeles, CaMfornis. XY STEEL RIM PNEUMATIC AND STRAW Non collar business, advertised over Canada and United States: haméss in oonnestion; is now for sale. WILLIAM SPAETZEL, Poeumatie Oollay Co, Dundes, Ont, . Had a Club Foot. Bhe "Your brother seems to have no trouble at all stepping into swell social organizations." He--*"No, he has a club foot." ---- rr tlfp ti s-- Fantasia. are thread-hung, can rely on bells. ) The wind laughs among them at night, | Rin); is And blows the sound of their ringing | r Into deep valleys; LH Where the brooks catch it on their Mps | And splash it over silent rocks. | oes. Are You Sick? -------------- gm te ny Few of us would recognize Queen | CALIFORNIA MARVELINE, "Natore's Pree scription" for Chrenie Diseases, ofton sues Jane as one of our long line of British sovereigns. Yet Lady Jane Grey was | goeds after all other remedies and methods fail. Money-back guarantee. Particulars free. Queen for ten days in 1568. - MARVELINE CO., 1456 Dunsmuir Avenue, Los Angeles, Californias - Stars high-toned 1 BUNIONS:: [| Eases in a ore PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE "Pape's Diapepsin" for Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach . Distemper Responds to treatment with Minard's. Mix with molasses and pour over a bran mash. Instantly! Stomach corrected! You never feel the slightest distress from Indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy stom- ach, after you eat a tablet of "Pape's Dispepsin," The moment it reaches the stomach all sourness, flatulence, heartburn, gases, palpitation and pain disappear. Druggists guarantee each package to correct digestion at once. End your stomach trouble for few cents. KING OF PAN) Real SYR . Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for elds WARNING! Neuralgia Pain Neuritis Beware of Counterfeits | There is only one genuine ASPIRIN abit or a ub dn het samme ih the a at all 't take chances! Senge : con oven directions, stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gnses; take the excess bile from the lHver and | carry out of the system the 'consti- ued Waste macter' and yolsos iy tha : Noo odds how sick, headachy, bitious Headache Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Nor Wit nor wisdom: marie ths mai. these the selfish toller can Ep

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