Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 13 Jan 1927, p. 4

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| the Town of 'Whitby, on TUESDAY, the 26th day of JANUARY, 1927, at the hour of two o'clock in the after- noon. "All to be laid before the Council should be forwarded to the Clerk, - properly certified, at least three days before the meeting of the Council. after a successful operation for mastoids, at the Port Perry Hospital, where Miss Sprague, a graduate nurse from New York, is in charge. Mr and Mrs, Thos. Cook celeb d their 53rd wedding anniversary on Friday, January 7th, 1927. About eighteen guests were present. Dr. and Mrs. David Archer will celebrate their Silver Wedding An-| Dated at Whitby, this 10th day of niversary on S J y 16th. | J. A reception will be held in the after- y, 1927. noon at their home from 8 until 6 ARTHUR E. CHRISTIAN, o'clock. i, County Clerk. We are sorry to report the serious en QQ re illness of Mrs. James Medd, Borelia. AGRICULTUR, Don't forget the ANNUAL MEETING Annual Meeting of | ic smu! meting of the Port the Horticultural Sortely will be held at the Office of Joclesy i he 5 Janary i, 007, at 2 po al Parish Hall of the |impern meee * * 2 Church of the : Ascension at 8.30 TO-NIGHT. REO, UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY The Anniversary Services of Port Perry "United Church will be held, (D.V.) Sunday, January 28rd, at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Rev. Dr. E. B. Lancely, Assistant Minister of Timothy Eaton Memorial Church, will preach. Special music by the choir. te (YI prree SALE OF HOME-MADE COOKING The Ladies of the W.C.T.U. pur- pose holding a sale of home-made cooking, January 21 or 22, Further notice next week. m--C---- GOOD HOCKEY Those people who were fortunate enough to go to Whitby last Thurs- day night were rewarded by three periods of fast, well played hockey. The score was 4-1 in Whitby's favor but gives no indication of the close- ness of the play. MacGregor carried the plick down the right boards and passed it to Walters who walked in on the goal and shot the puck into Hawes' pads. Walters was right through again when he was tripped, he kept his feet and scored. The goal was not allowed as the referee rang his bell when Walters was tripped. Raines arid Walters were right in on the Whitby net and play was called when Raines skated ahead of the play. Whitby returned the play to the red shirt's end of the ice and Rice tried Barton with some very hard shots. Bundy went on; he made the & post rings with a couple of hard shots. He scored with a hard shot off Barton's pads. Port Perry pressed the play to commence the next period. McGregor and Walters go right through the defence. Walters shoots, the goaler is drawn out of the net and MacGreg- or scoops in the rebound. Towards the close of this session Whitby score when the puck is shot out from behind the Port net and ese mim MRS GILLESPIE Last Friday morning, January 7th, 1927, the body of the late Mrs. Gil- lespie was laid to rest in the Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. While Mrs. Gillespie has been away from Port Perry some seven years, she spent most of" her life here and * has many persons who lovings cher- ish her memory as that of a dear friend. Her naturally friendly disposition was always a pleasure to those about her, and though she suffered greatly for many years, she thoroughly ap- preciated the kindness and service of those about her, who did what could be done to relieve her sufferings. Mrs. Gillespie was born at Saint- field (the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell) and married Dr. Gillespie, of Cannington, who pre- deceased her many years ago. Of late Mrs. Gillespie has made her home with her brother, Dr. Dun- can Campbell, at Stamford, N. Y. We regret to hear of Mrs. Gilles- pie's death and the many friends of the family extend sincerest sympathy at this time of bereavement. appreciationi of their precision and smart executive ability. > Much speech making was the con- cluding part of the regular business and- then came -on the oyster supper with other of the season's delicacies, served up by the entertainment com- mittee in regal style. The toast list was the finale of the evening's exercises: it marked the culmination of the happiness and crowning of the function which all acknowledged as a huge success. The report of the Committee on Finance for the year just ended dis- cloesd a strong and healthy organiza- tion whose growth in membership during the year was 24 and with so much young blood and ability betok- ened a prosperous 1927. Toasts The King--The National Anthem. Recitation and encore--Bro. Cockburn The Grand Lodge--Bro. Bunker, D.D. G.M. and P.D.D.G.M. Bro. James, of Oshawa. Local Lodge--Rev Bro. Davidson,of Seagrave and Rev. Bro. Higgs. The Ladies--Bro. Boddy and Bro. B. Hunt. Auld Lang Syne--Whole Society. Installed Officers J. P. G--Bro. L. Palmer, Noble Grand--Bro, T. W. McLean Vice Grand--Bro. M. Letcher. Treasurer--Bro. M. Malcolm F. Secretary--Bro. E. H. Purdy. R. Secretary--Bro. P. Ingram. R. 8. N. G--Bro. A. L. McDermott. N. G.--Bro. M Gerrow --Bro. J. Beck. --Bro. D. Harrison. G.--Bro. J. Dusty. S. V. G.--Bro. B. Hunt Chaplain--Bro. W. Tummonds Warden Bro. B Pearsall Con.--Bro. J. E. Jackson. I. G--Bro. M. Hodgson. 0. G.--Bro. L. MacGregor ROTARY CHARMED WHEN W. H. MOORE TALKS POLITICS (Continued from front poge) own wife, who had just arrived, came along he asked her: "Name please." "The man was not elected," obser- ved Mr. Moore. And speaking of good mixers he L 8. L 8. 8. R 8S. 8. R. 8. V. L. BIG EGGS Just at a time when the efficiency of the Canadian hen is questioned a Zorra pullet lays an egg eight inches by eight inches, weighing six ounces, . and containing a second egg inside. --Globe. This brings to mind the big egg brought to the Star Office last Sep- tember by Mr. Wm. Jackson, Port Perry. That egg measured 7 x 8% and weighed 8 ounces. It also had another perfect egg inside. NERTEEERT, 7) | Sy TOWN COUNCIL At the first meeting of the Port Perry Council held on Monday even- 'ing, all members were present and took the declaration of office. The following committees were ap- pointed. x Jackson. Road and sidewalks--Messrs. Som- ~ erville and Jackson. Dept.--Messrs. Jackson and Light and Water and Hydro-- [ Sweetman and Williams. : 2 essrs, Wililams and Messrs. Campbell and and Brawley. bounds in off Raines' legs. The next period starts at a fast pace. The red sox are determined to tie the score. Jackson goes down and passes to MacGregor who misses the net on a shot from a hard angle. Welsh almost scores but is tripped. Walters is tripped and Hall is given a trip to the penalty bench. The Whitby goal is in t. knew of one politician in Toronto who belonged to thirteen secret societies, and who once got the passwords mixed! He referred humorously to the fact that it was dangerous to write books (he wus subject to some newspaper criticism in the recent Provincial election by a Toronto evening paper) and then narrated some delightful Boe breaks up many rushes with his poke check. Rice and Bundy break away and Bundy scores practically clinching the game. A few minutes later with all Port Perry up, Chief Lavery breaks away and tears in on Barton who makes a great save. He is no so lucky on the second play of this kind and Whitby score. great shooting 'of Bundy and Rice. The magnificient skating of Mac- Gregor, the general outstanding per- formance of Walters, the best man on the ice, and the good goal tending at both ends of the rink. Lindsay defeated Stouffville 6-2 on Friday night. The next home game is with Markham on Friday night of this week. The line up-- Port Perry--goal, Harton; defence, Raines and Jackson; centre, Walters; wings, MacGregor and Boe. subs, Welsh and Roach, Whitby -- goal, Hawes, defence, Lavery and Main; wings, Bundy and Shightholm, centre, Rice;subs Hall We Soa IL! amu : The game was featured by the' dotes of people like McBride and Laurier and also about himself when he was once introduced to a lower Quebec audiences as - Mr. Mackenzie Mann who had promised them a rail- way." He had to speak in French and had to think quickly in order to get himself out of threatening dilemma. - Will Present Cup at the P rospect School Mr. Macou n, Dominion Horticulturist, will deliver an address on horticulture, EE in our windows. Bring clock 2) TO lors re- irs to us--work done' ere. I R. BENTLEY Optometrist Jeweller and Stationer PORT PERRY Trm-------------- HAY PRESS AND TRACTOR FOR SALE Power International Hay Press and Fordson Tractor. Outfit includes set extra heavy Toboccan sleighs, drive belt and runners for tractor. All in first class running shape. Easy terms. Apply to Lorne G. Duff, R.R.2, Port Perrry. PRGHID'v ' ---- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Rev. W. L. Atkinson, Minister January 16, 1927 St. John's Church, Port Perry. Communion Service at °11 am, evening service at 7 pm. Preparatory Service at 7.80 p.m. on Thursday. The annual Sunday School meeting at the close of this service. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Y. P. Guild, Monday, at 8 p.m, The young people of Utica congregation will be entertained. Breadalbane Church, Utica Sunday School at 2 p.m. Public Worship at 3 p.m. The' young people of Breadalbane are being entertained at the Guild of St. John's Church on Monday evening Jan. 17th. py SAH 3.9 S-- CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday--Evensong and sermon at 7 pm. Sunday School at 8 p.m, Thursday-- Evensong and sermon at 7.30 p.m. Following is the result of election of officers of the Women's organiza- tions, Women's Guild President--Mrs, A. H. Rose. Vice President--Mrs. Wm. Cook. Secretary--Mrs, G, Woods Treasurer--Miss Pearson. Women's Auxiliary (Missionary) President--Mrs. 8, C. Jarrett. Vice President--Mrs. R. Archer, Secretary--Mrs. W. Wilson Treasurer--Miss Brooks. Dorcas--Mrs. Brown Assistant Dorcas--Mrs, W. Turner. Junior W. A. Supt.--Mrs. Wm. Cook. Assistant Supt--Mrs. Tinsley Secretary--Miss Marian Tinsley Treasurer--Miss Ada Woodcock. : Mrs, Burnham is Honorary President of both Senior Organizations. eee (J (J rnin THE UNITED CHURCHES Rev. William Higgs, Minister. Jan. 17--Public Worship at 11 a. m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 8 pm. Subject for the morning sermon-- "The Letter to the Church at, Ep- hesus" and for the evening "The" way you look determines what You see." Y. P. L. at 7.30 p.m. Monday. Prayer and Praise service at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday, followed by Choir Prince Albert Church. ~~ Sunday School at 2 p.m. Public Worship at 8 pm, a GOOD WISHES FROM THE WEST x 40, pig pen, hen house and drive shed, Hydro installed, 1 actes of orchard. Possession March 1st, 1927, ~ | Never failing creek. y dairying or mixed farming, All in| good state of repair. McClintock, Port Perry. j California Tettore, beautiful heads WE SELL FOR LESS D. _ D. CORBMAN, Port Perry Don't Miss These, Two Splendid Hockey Matches There'll be some "Zip" in these Games. No. 1--Friday, January 14. Markham vs. Port Perry. No. 2--Tuesday, January 19 Whitby vs. Port Perry. Great Games, both of them. Miss the Fun. Don't Usual Prices. The Vietoria Shorthorn Association will hold their Annual Consignment | SALE OF SHORTHORNS Thursday, Feb. ard, 1921 at 1.00 p.m. at F. STINSON'S STABLES, rear of Ford Gaiage LINDSAY NOW See our attractive line of OVERCOATINGS We have special lines in blues and greys, also in fancy tweeds. We will be pleased to have you call and see our goods. We Dg All Our Own Work. Cleaning ' i Pressing Done. 'W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailor Over Tel. Office Port Perry COMING E. Optometrist, 167 Yonge St., Toronto, to be at his store, Thursday, Dec. 16. He has been coming here for over 25 years. Don't forget the date. F. E. Luke (Upstairs opposite Simpson's) "163-167 YONGE ST. TORONTO 0 ¢ Only Have ONE pair "A Graduate Optomerist FARM FOR SALE 150 acres adjoining village of Port Perry, 7 roomed house, bank barn 87 Suitable for| Apply to F. G Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers : Merchant T Wishes to announce that he has Catalogues furnished on application, to the Secretary is here ik Geo. E. Day, Secretary of the Dominion Shorthorn --at your service-- Breeders will open the sale. and no 'fee is charged for President, Secretary, examination or advice Fred Stacey, inters, W. A HARE Cresswell Dette %id Agr. Optomerist 3 King Street, Oshawa Leonard Blk, Port Perry, every. THURSDAY 'Business Taken Over "W. R.WILLAN oubt tailor business 28 kop over Die She look after the needs of the men of tnis vicinity, = line of Suitings and Lia job and you will £ Al work guaranteed 5, Ha -W.H.D and present the Trophy Cu renewing lis: sober U0 : : to Prospec t School at their os Perry i eon HOCKEY SCHEDULE A school balding, on TueBday|a note of good will and remember- ~~ Group d Ef Your inspects gvening, Jatiuaty 18, (next fuse. We. quote. from his letter aslso, 14 Lindsay at Whitby prices very low. Pection, uesday). A humbet o 0 Tole Yegee very much to note the death | JAR: 14--Markham at Post Perry. : - Let us do your tailoring. tural work, and proud ad of the|of n old acquaintance, Nicholas | Jan. 18--Stoufiville at Lindsay to o your satisfact. pect | nemem: We passed the entrance at]. Jan. 19--Whitby at Port Perry GLRESSING 4 AND non ont a in July, 157 Jan. 26--Whithy at Stoutville

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