Moall grocery oh the highway trom ary bow flowers from my I cut the flowers and delivered them EE to her house. She made them into!in turn mailed me a cheque which byuches and sold thei anj we Sivid: arrived at a most welcome time-- money equal n six wey Wetwven. lnzinh rg L weeks before frost she sold forty-four | | i and i doliars' worth of cut flowers and a ter seven dollars' orth of proper, ' RES a. the Dajority of lies ; "Just the other day she was with ' (until spring. That is, do nob Tomove 0 : y the p who p from | able than those charged for factory-|Mrs. Maborn and the baby. Some one E : il Ia roadside stand want sizable bunches, | made ii My oy plas not only help-| stopped them and began talking about ' any young growths until spring. ! 8 iE 9, rémoval of e ve growih si: ; 3 Sill | with plenty of color and plenty of | ed myvelf, but the merchant and the baby's wonderful eyes. Mary Jane, from the Tomato plan 1 green. We kept asparagus cut for $4. SYe0lS drat, Shee pa having received no special attention, Saizsion, of sunlight to the euits, those who wanted it, and found col EA y broke inte Sha <omestation wi =, Dat whic! t] A POTATO ID / eyes are ust look at mine} will consequently ripen more umbine leaves very lovely for some : ENA they're brown.' ~ Mrs. Maborn and hey 'quickly. See to-this so that > yield) --- Ta thet Rev. H. A. Abbott, with his diughiter: three masters, and arrangements. She also made up| As a farmer's wife, of course I NY Ge greater before frosts k seven puplls, from a well-known public school in England, situated at Grays, | sales bunclge of my Yory Shaicest need more money, 2 because we felend.thoughe- is funny, but I was s : ~mear Tilbury, photographed on board the Cunard liner Alaunia. This party , snapdragons and my shell-| countrywomen are always in euch ™ 5. It is well toward the end of Sep- ae The border Carnations may now | 18 making a tour of Hastern Canada to give the boys a wider knowledge of | Pink Drummond phlox, which as need, the money-making field where yoo ore Jo Pid Proiidbogur is 'tember to. plant the bulbous plants| desirable kinds. Vetatine as or the Empire than is afforded by book and theoretical education. The party Sood Jn Sumbiuations . exquisite we are concerned has been pretty well 3 0 oi amie trouble with 2 'such as Narcissus, Tuli ips, Hyacinths, | tion is the only way to a true have been guests of various Interested public-spirited organizations, such as dor own by itsolf in a blue pottery roveed, to 10 1h. exporiuignt' of Betty May. She was older than Mary = 'Orocus, Snowdrops and Glory of the ness to type. The plants will not pro-| the Kiwanis. This year I have planted more zin-| selling smooth, mealy, baking-size po- Jane, I didn't know what to do. [ a Brow, so that they will become well | duce truly from seeds. nias in separate colors and the chole-{ tatoes by parcel post, three dozen to| COWdn't teil her she wasn't prétty fop she was and could see it for herself, ine, before the soil freezes. So| 11. Early September is the best] vitor n (Psa 18:11), or his char-| ast varieties, fi isingly | ugh Thi Sa in they will, as a rule, Bower time to make the lawn or-at least to SS. LESSON ov? of fire (Psalm 18:14), and numbe people ike them.--D.L. the" ovens ak smal premium, LR he ia Yar 3 A A A 4), Ee us his voice (Psalms 18:18 I MAKE DRTSSES AND APRONS | I had peels printed announcing considered me unfair, and her friends early in the month, Well rooted run-! wonderfully. Duties to Man, Exodus 20! 122%: RS rHag seen with greater or less! trip to town, I heard a merchant re-| the very ing potatoes--just!, carefully and gacided I would be : ¢ in the world of nat both in it Oats has long been considerett by Feeding. ANALYSIS. WO |. nature, nits! omnants--shop-worn material, but-|family--and majled these to a selected "One ovening Betty May came in the storm, in the| a It is a common saying when a horse pp Animal dm utes bush ag well as in : is frisky that "he is feeling his oats." decid Hush wndman, contrib 8 | II. MOSES AS MEDIATOR AND PROPHET, Fist in the star, in the sunset/ ed the room for the new season's The idea "took," because it is prac- Sodan. I'm just crazy over this d T | edly iHuminative article to Sea- 18-21, LB 1 11 produce of Y. Just crazy this dress. he correctness of this practical ob- colors as in volcanic fires. Compare stock. I carefully looked over his|tical. Eggs, apples, small pro off Mak h i {sonable Hints for July, August, Sep-| INTRODUCTION--Both in Hebrew law : al been marketed | Make mo another one just like it in servation seems to have been demon-! tember and October on "Mi 1 d h 1 1 Psalm 19:1-2 and Rom. 1:20. wares and told him that I could turn! all kinds have always MATKeLed| the new red shade, won't ou, Mother 3 on "Minerals in an Pop 3 ecy a large place is given t0| = Speak thou with us. God ind them into salable merchandise. He |like this. The wonder is that potatoes dear?' you, Ry 0 the : salm 104:3), the lightning as! oper of le like them.--D.L.B. | the t a small premium, of Ro bw grass seed. Under the influence \ 3 peop brah ary ot: 4 thought my judgment at fault or else 6. Strawberries may be sot >, of cool dewy nights the grasses will A cust 29. The Ten Commandment: 2078-9). They saw, and saw truly, would have seemed more dependable i 'a poet and seer since that| Once, while on my weekly shopping | this new, tha bax method of buying than her mother. 1 studied the probe he " . = Golden Text--Thou shalt love y Oats for Sterile Cows. ~~ Minerals in Live Stock neighbor as thyself~--Lev. 19: 18, [clearness that God does reveal himself | ark that he had allowed too many |enough for the. average apartment frank with her t and terrible 'phenomena, and in| to-do fami- nas the premier horse feed. Rat 1 ren ler and + sod the | tons, odd trimmings and bits of rib-| list of particular and well-to-do fam iv happy. 'Oh ' Mr. George B. Rothwell, Dominion | I. MORAL PRECEPTS OF THE LAW, 12-17. jentier sind quiets moods, in the; bon---to accumulate and that he need-|lies in our near-by city. a Tye had ntlyrcueife and obit ations of a man revealed himself in the simplie put them in a large pastboard box never were before. Anyway, we now| I will: do hin I can for my Ee, Dynan sy Torlmental work Es Stock Peading'™. Horses, eattle,| the, Suis ly the whol For some time these experimenters; foe nd Ee rie Soult with of the Fonts Mont Bey 91 23), plutons of poaus Christ, was stilt | and I took them home with me. [ave a growing market for the cream Jovely danglter! I rertied 5 have. been feeding sprouted oats 10' gdvice. ~Pulverized ularly 3 Fs be | 4led in 24:7, the "book of the coven-. {ha God of the battle (15:3, 4), and of | 10.8 few weeks T had fashioned, by fof our crop.--C.G. "Sha Yooked ob 110. aururisod HY seows and heifers that have proved used for both horses and cattle. Lime' fp ecupied rit gucly duties; the the storm, a God to be greatly foared. ri Housing Earl Pulle "Yes, you are beautiful' ¥ assured es ness, or res- | They needed a mediator, one who Housing riy ts. her, 'and it is nice of your friends to i sterile. Recently when some dairy- y n ry-! may be needed for horses in some dis- | i pect for the rights of others, and of oe approach God on their behalf Each the growing ten-| tell yo y ach season we see the growing ten- u.' men visited the farm they brought: tricts and. can be administered A : as clean living in the social and domestic 4 p Ju Sight oF ton sows md eiters that ground through leguminous rough-| relations. Even thie book of Leviticus, sfier Macas: death it wae hy : fons? |dency for egg prices to rally earlior| "In the conversation that foliowed with bs ously EO ho Pea ly wi Proguant mares, Mr, Rothuwetl | which is Soncetied so largely with that he had the prophetic vision and (ENA in the sunmer, and for September I spoke of several of her gir} friends | Wh Si ear an. £ d 58 re benefitted 'by potassium fuaters of religious ritual, contains | faith. He was a prophet, "Whom the Wage dy and October eggs to bring attractive and remarked how pretty and swoek ' or pone sp oats daily, odide a rE TE die), votre commandment, "Thou | Lord knew face to face" (Deut. 84: he ran Delle Toa, rices. This has led many poultry|they were. RES wever, they are now safely with rgee of one eighth of an ounce (a|Shait love thy neighbor as thysel"|10), In every age the world has owed Peopoes to hatch a considerable num-| "After a while",she said, 'Why, Ey calf, and some are almost ready to, sql teaspoon, level) on the first and Giciar soos, compare 19:9-17, 32-36). a debt to the men of vision, the men ber of their chicks early #o. a8 to get | Mother, do you think they are aif 3 freshen. The same treatment seems | fifteenth of each month in the drink.' imilar precepts of Justice -and kind- who have entered where the common a H ey | " 1 in the drink-| ness appear uentiy in Deuteron- 3 them into laying quarters in late sum- | pretty? Putin "lo be effective on bulls that are shy (jug water. THis practice should be omy (Deut. T4IBE9; 10:18; 10 | 1c have feared to enter, who have mer. "'Yes,' 1 replied, 'they all have the : S Ds aats = ia tration ind in November with the spring | 15-20; ete.) The prophets , declare Grom . or Ee ts fukin y { Puliets hatched in March shou'd be beauty of youth. One girl may lav TAS : ed mare. Feeding e bone meal! IR! -- and justice ods | "Surely the Lord 'God will do nothing, 3 | h d in early September, before they | wonderful eyes, another beautl hy i uch the Sake way as when sprouted bone shar ut the ate of a'.pound Supreme raqulrame Ee ey Set Jorth but he Lovesiath, Hy secret to his ser- 9 have come into heavy. production, in| hair, another the sweetest of smiles, N 5 ; ts t ; ] A x ee Sees sem oho povde de stm i ood for cattle, | or, marcy, Aaihtuiness or rath, and |" 1 ORI ip Wait lps blo fed Roggio IV. x TW [. In & pithy sentencg the Animal Hus- ;of God, t God demands of normal production when it is once at-|and pretty she looked the othor day.' Somuaon 0 5) a ee iki bandman suggests that the major con-| rather Footy gifts or pe ly et Fun With Apples. tained. The moving of the pullets| " 'Mother! you don't mean to say : Teun, these © inte Tiny Ny or Sidagatiog. is ottet feeding, Paricu. or prayers, Reo as apical of Day If you have a-tree of red apples on after they have started Jaying heavily fiat May Sue {3 pretty!" exelaimed CBR ~ 1 ar.y a Pp 0 calves, growing ssages, Isa = er, 13 is a serious check to production. y May. EL jnestimabis.vatue... » stock amd dry cows. osea. 4:1 and 6:6; Amos 5:21-24; Jour tury yoo Pa vy & lot o Teo September is often hot. The pullets| «yey she is pretty,' I answered. 'I > / The first suggestion that sterility Salt, preferably rock salt, seems to Micah 6:6-8. g & hd App/en, enriy bel ke ff 1 v P! ¥r " might be related to a missing element 001 the dunands 'of sheep, but the |I. MORAL PRECEPT 120% |e Rows hat you suv make iy £ : hat thei Hid -- 4° aad Mra, Sundon and Mra, Way i feed Ww: de by Dr. E. H. hy $ 3 oF THE LAW, 12-17. | names of friends on the apples by cut- we must see tha r permanent 1ay- | telling her the other day how wonder- 3 oly Ho reported nd = St Egg of minute quantities of| he first four commandments have | ting out letters and pasting them on ing quarters are completely ventilated | fy} she was. She reaily has the syeot- / : Sport a nutritive regime of fats; carbo- rho- 1ogine pregnant ewes wil! prevent to do almost entirely with the duty of | just before the fruit commences to to give them the fresh air to which est smile I aver saw. Then there is : Tho hydrates and protein: in. eiatively Litre men to God. The only exception is in | turn, but there are other ways that they are accustomed. Mabel Leo. Mrs, Scott and Mra. Gray 9 - So Torii to wich wore ndded daily! : ne being rapid in growth re- fhe Taw of f Sabsath 'observance, where | you can make oddities of the apples. Some, } poultrymen will find it ad-|ere raving to her about her pretty { of the vitamines A and B, made a re Te ie, bong Phospliaien, eis. omy 510), a caske a outaran When the apples are about haif visable to let the 'pullets run out-of-| eves said they had a faun-lke look 35 normal wth and appeared health; oRnecon a f considerati grown tie a string firmly around the doors when housed early, but the and would melt a heart of stone. ut gro "PRP Y wel says there is no doubt that more | Of consideration for and kindness to . i tice is to keep them con-| wu ' 3 'in every way. | attention. to mineral supply wou:d ro those who labor. The six command | centre of the appie and let it stay Erow i Frac jes 3 hy fosp em. co! ON; Mother! and the tears came Le 0d did size, + nts which are under review and |there. The apple will then grow in a n ayng houses. into y May's eyes, 'that is just oo Hp Cm lend oo "sult in stronger litters, greater cer-! ments in to-day's lesson are a) queer double shape. Clean and disinfect the laying what they told me. Do you suppose hy y Fiainty in Sreedine E operations et. ple. | wiih duties to min. od You may make an-apple square by houses to remove oi traces 2 disease people compliment all the girls that ; ; oped mar omor t ather and thy mother. king a small den framework f or parasites which 'may have nl way? announced as his 'belief, "The Alfalfa or clover hay should beBefore' Compare Lev, 19:3; ey 6:1-3. The! it to grow inside. When Ts Fd present in the preceding flock. Un- if "Yes, my dear, they are nice to al 1 the brood saw all winter and are also laws of fie Pe Pentateuch put special! filed the inside of the fram sanitary houses may transmit infec-| the girls' I said. 'Every girl shou'd roi nll ole the inside o frame and he girls, y girl 3 good for winter-fed. 'market pi mp Yes d m duty to parens and shaped itself, remove the frame and tions from one flock over to another. (look and act her best so that her : ] both the : " | Tankage or meat meal, 8 to 5 per Lat. he pect an an nor ich is due to] 00 0 apple redden. House birds of different ages and friends will be proud of her.' He tried: intreasing quan- or" hg brood Sow and up 40-10 per, them, and provide a severe penalty : £ diff deve. t togother.| and quality of the protein of the 4. for the feeder 3h is Per, for those who are guilty of an offence | Queer-ghaped bottles may be faston- [ erent ve.opment togother. 'So Betty May awakened to the fact HLS jon with mo. resulta: Yeast, cod- - nt. for lies rior +o anil against father or mother. So also is | ed over the small apples so that they The more mature birds should be put|ihat it wasn't unusual to be pretty and bri oil and butter. gave no better re Bl supp! es mineral salts. !the teaching of the Wise Men of fo develop within and assume the shape In one pen; the text more mature in pecame her sweet self again, appre- ¢ This convinced him that steril- o is especially good for| rael: see Prov. 10:1; 15:20; Eccles, |of their transparent prison. When the | another pen, and so on. This makes | ciating her many compliments but no aay the brood sow, so is a small quantity | 8:1-16. The author of the last-named tot ie-| PRINTED FROC _it possible to feed and handle each | iled by them." RE was not due to the lack of either et. (8 ths. hand + Beridiny applies commence urn, paste pic D FROCKS THE VOGUE longer spo y them. 158 or torkage 1 wt gle undredweight Passage says so some very pertinent and} fypes or initials on the outside of the FOR ALL OCCASIONS. group of pullets more advantage-| "Thank you for teliing me this" fal' t of vit C he i? bottle and have an ornamented bottle-| Faghi i ously. sald Mrs. Ray. "Betty May is one of To To. Sid the oft ob y enn dy fuanee of Iotaastung iodide to one gal- "Whe ore 1h thar maketh shaped apple. Break the botuio care-| give RO Dre ent _thar Ne Early-maturing pullets can be al-|the most charming girs I know. I : Se lettuce leaves, both high ton of water ee Despoon/u) A ho' that visti his BY aiid is fully when you want to remove the smart endorsement to the frock of lowed to come into production grad-|shail try your plan." 1 vitamine C.. Practicaily al those oq1oniated to prevent hairless jitters a oe a a up treasure, ope be band oF the ployer side! printed material. For luncheon and JULY. ud nepal: (4 Wille: she sow li anda} SEA 4 orange juice were starlie; but ind to be generally beneficial. her; 1¢ ROREE OF ERY | poe around the contre of an ADDIe| here In amavs aad nt bes Sehr oq Tap maturity, with more concen: : individual rat tested with let 2 re is smart, and not too dressy, and , oioa oroeein pla a in a short e a a Nicdd | For thy Tathets dishonor is no glory Just before it begins to color will keep may be fashioned of crepe de chine, tra Probetn be Fou ns Ia the sha fol wi i ta thee." a stripe of the unripe color. Another rayon or cotton voile. The frock is time, alt flocks can rought to a|In shade of a beautiful wide- Thou shalt wot kill. The sixth comin way. to decorate apples with Nature's| straight in line except for the flared Tiiorm condition. spreading tree, : mandment déclares the facreinets of of | help is to cover the apple entirely with i Pe i Do not fail, when the puliets are|Sst Alice and Joseph and human life. Tt means strictly, ? app sections set In at the sides, which are , oq oo \niics the skin round the enameled an ordinary dry.goods box shalt do mo murders Tao Hebron | ® Plecs of old stocking or some othor | very 'full at the lower dge, and a ' ry gH x! 8 0 no murder. YeW fyubgtance and then cut away holes to | soars col'ar tylrig on-the left shoulde vent of each bird with a little blue] Who waited politely for Richard and ee have hung the front with cretonne| word means ii TR or vioent| desgns. With cloth the edges o ng on ws T- ointment. This pre: body Hee. me. 2 HE, loose g.eoves are get into the a a I dressed in my very best dress, for fit cel some, taking of life, without the sanction of i Pi ; ja Hi Ly your | law a Jstablished order. Compare eX, le Hil mal ive » Yer pi gia Boies No. 1207 ia Iu sises:38, 38 Block-Sak for Stock. Jou _ see, nas r a 's interpretation of the Re PP! Pp 1 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust. Size 38 We were the guests at thelr Five papers, magazines and books In order. Su Lord I 26. will fit smooth'§ around it a : 5 o YOu can hust requires 3% yards 39-inch figur- eo years t: The only expense in that of fo one LL shalt not commit adultery, | have designs cut in the paper through eq material; tie collar % yard fu hate Tor Tou iad 30 nd The + Cock TG but the best curtain eS commandment Whish the sun will shine and embroid- | {resting cut crosswise. Price 20c. | means all the salt they need, all the hey en > any foam a : lite 3 ow you in rosy red--Faye N.! Home sewing brings nice clothes time, When we handed it out, we for-| The cakes were delicious: and were erriman. ; within the reach of al, and to folow got the last date, and rain would served by the maid. i a the mode is deiightful when it can be wash it away if we put it in boxes| We sat very still, and our voices were 'Meat os F. a done so eoasi.y and economically by in handy reach. Rock salt kept the : eat Produ ots 2 eeding | toilowing tho. styles pictured in our animals "licking" all the time to get| We were pleasing our families, who ew Hahioy Book. A A ghart, econ eflough, and no time to eat feed, certainly know ~ anying each p; ws ma- Then block-salf d $ Ho {Meat products used > feeding stuffs terial as it appeal cut out. have wong pros on and That food Matiuers 31s Peoded, sash ross 3, ourds of the bn in. Hebrew = nd, yo on : mar St gs. Every detail is explained so thet the g0-pound square blocks, at a cost of | But right at my side Y suw the awing Tod ty mec ny The Sy nl IT SI SAE en LB ARR A ve Y a 8 can Ce Of " cul y an ractive dress. co : sh of private awnerahD. as, for character should aiways be purchased of the book 10 cents the copy. Lon ji} Wo v8i tho B) put Ling two Bo Heht'y and free in the soft, sume on guaranteed Lni.ysis, states Dr. I, ge breeze, : 7;:-8hutt, Dotinion' Ch ist, in hfs | HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Provided ut inchs Shad: And ane While- I longed for a ride through test report. It Is essential that these Write your name and address plain- Piece in box-s salt] tho great leafy trees, . id ; iy, giving namber and 'size of suzh away readily on the tongue, and | Then I thought of my blue gingham "| patterns as you wart. Enclose 206:4n We Tio Yiawa hers noutd nee to) dress, right next door, 'stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap much salt until we 8. And the hat and the shoes which I God rity ond nord Wiss sound al] it carefully) for each number and fore them. vesally wore. * od I Pri making Address your order to Pattern Dept, Lastsummer a year ago, we carried | When all of a sudden I heard Joseph prouree bb Paid ane hi Fi useful in| Wilson Publishing Co, 73 West Ade- 8 box containing a half-biock of salt sigh, feeding swine and poultry. As a class, Iaide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by down into the pasture fleld, where al As ho ey ced at his pumps, and they are hizhly nitrogenous, contain. | Toturn mail. | patch of thistles persisted in growing, | ve t tie, ing from 40 to 60 per cent. protein,| = = =r {and the awh Samping our Soash "| Then I smiled, so did Alice, and with bone meals proper containing There is a real significance ina Jong of cattle WAVY ship patch oi An To. about 25 per cent: They also contain| patch on the trousers, whether it be a ey | iat lay wares he sald yuidkly,:s | from 6 to 10 per cent. of fat. on the knees-o on the sent, The 5h sot a wagle. plant TINA Tta Mead the| Tt We'd best change our clothes. SAC spells piety and industry and the other 'next next year. W. Brown. ¢ bo, aller. : Any new machinery to set up? Tat | nsinens. : » -------- Cr hea | thie boys in on the job. You will learn TT How about a vacation when harvest ; he Loe 'or two things yourself if Jou « do,| Summer hcicks commend good fy over? Arrange with your neighbor |' 8 | and one of them is that boys have prices in late fall. They should weigh to exchange work in oT then . about five pounds to the pair. Those drive sway for a week to the fair, or fniehed In the fall #op growing as ia he thor, or othe mountains ie, in 21: