Mrs G. McMillan, of Brant- : , is visiting with Yelatives in town. ~~ Mr. Penrose and Miss Witer- field, of Newmarket, Mrs. Wil- lard, of New York, were calling "on Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Town last week Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stansfield and children are spending a few * days with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Town. Miss Jean Dunn and Mr. Harvey Dunn, of - Detroit, are holidaying with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. B. Dunn. "Miss M. G. Ross, of Westboro, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. H. R. Murphy, of Prince Albert. Mrs. Howard Clemes is in the Port Perry Hospital, having had an operation for appendicitis. We are pleased to know that Mrs. Clemes is doing well after the operation. Mrs. Geo. Davey and Miss Dorothy are visiting in Toronto. Mrs. H. H. Stone and family will spend a week at the "Sand- banks" Prince Edward Island. Mr. Geo. Stone leaves shortly for a visit with friends in Sas- katchewan, Mr. D. M. Rois, ot Embro, Progressive member for North Oxford, has been visiting Mr. J. D. Henderson, Prince Albert. ee (J nine BLACKSTOCK *~ About fifty Sir Knights of Blackstock and vicinity attend- ed divine service at the United Church, Blackstock, on Sunday evening last. was headed by the Port Perry Band. Sunday next, August 15, a Memorial Service will be held in the Armouries, followed by a decoration service at Memorial Square, and the different cem- eteries in the township. Port Perry Band will be in attend- ance, remeron QP WANTED * A thoroughly experienced man on a farm, from now until freeze up. Good wages. Apply L Scott & Son, Seagrave, Phone r 6. we--( Or CUT FLOWERS FOR SALE Gladiolus, Sweet Peas and Asters. Prices reasonable. W. H, CLARK, Port Perry.| --000-- i PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Rev. Dr. Dodds will preach in St. John's Church next Sunday at 1 am. and 7 p.m. Child- ren's sermon on flowers, subject "Our Inheritance. Evening subject, "Mexico." ' Sunday School at 10 a.m. be THE BAND STAND The Band, Stand will be open- ed one week from Friday even- ing, August 20th. A good pro- gram is being prepared which will be announced later. NR DIED Orde--At Port Sandfield, at the summer residence of Dr. Maclaurin, August 5th, 1926, Guy Shafto Orde, formerly of Ottawa, beloved husband of Marion Warren Burnham, and youngest brother of the Honor- able Mr. Justice Orde. ~~ Demille--On Saturday, Aug. 7th, 1926, Anthony Demille, in his 78 year. eB main _ FOR BALE A. W. Allin offers for sale his house and large lot now occupied by Mr. Morrison, Druggist, on Shanley St. House in first class condition situated | cessful three blocks south from Queen St. South. Possession first of September, price reasonable. of The procession ROBERT BALOUR & SON "Diamonds Watches Jewellery Silverware Stationery Get the prices on our goods before going else- where. We give as good, if not better value for the money. Have that Watch or Clock repaired. LR. BENTLEY rnc ad ly ARE YOU TRAVELLING? Secure your reservation early for the Harvesters' Excursion on August 18th. W. H, McCaw, agent for Canadign National Railways, is prepared to give fullest information regarding travelling and tickets on the C.N.R. Office over Bell Telephone Office. ee QQ +MANCHESTER STORE SOLD Mr. Frank Crosier, who has been running a general store at Manchester for some years past hsa sold his business to Mr. Arthur Crosier, of Port Perry. Mr. Frank Crosier will continue his work in connection with the U. F. O. for the time being. The transfer takes place im- mediately, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Crosier will move to Manchest- er at the end of the week or the beginning of next week. We trust they will do well in this business. They are well known in the vicinity of Manchester and it will be like moving "back home." There property in Port Perry is for sale. Ore CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday School at 10 am. Matins and sermon at 11 am, "A course of addrestes on the Pur- suit of Holiness will be given for the next twenty-two Sundays, commenc- ing this Sunday. the subject will be | "The 1st principle of Holiness and how to attain." Thursday--Evensong at 7 pm. Lectures on English Church History will be given at these services. Lecture II this Thursday evening. 000 UNITED CHURCH, PORT PERRY August 15th--Public Worship at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 10 am. Prayer Meeting at 7.45 Thursday. Prince Albert Church Public Worship at 3 pm. Sunday School at 2 pam. 1 Rev. William Higgs, Minister. . er) rece = TENDERS .BEING CONSIDERED . The tenders for the proposed new schools have been opened and now the work of adjust- ment is in progress. much to be done; but it will be put forward as rapidly as pos- sible consistent with safety, good work, and keeping. within the estimate given to the peo- ple of Port Perry. All 'matters regarding the school are being carefully watched, and the obstacles to immediate action are being eliminated. It is not possible at this time to give the name of the suc- cessful tenderer but in all pro- bability the: he. announcement will be made next week, work will be started immediately. TTA RT " There is|. The late Guy 8 was born 46 years ago i| of two old Peterboro families, his father being Francis Orde, now of Winnipeg, gran and his County, er of George daughter the County of Peterboro, w. father was also one of the pio- neers of the County. Mr. Orde's early years were spent in Ottawa, whence ne left tor the West about 27 years ago, later joining the staff of the Union Bank of! Canadd. He served the Bank as manager at Calgary and Ottawa; and latter- ly as manager .of branch in Winnipeg. Upon the Bank's amalgamation with the Royal Bank last year he retired from the Bank. For some time past his health had been bad and a few weeks ago he came East for a' rest, going to the cottage near Port Sandfield, Muskoka, of his bro- ther-in-law Dr. N. T. Maclaurin, of Toronto... The condition of his heart which had been a mat- ter of concern, became more acute and on Thursday last, the 6th instant, he passed away as the result of a severe heart at- tack. Sixteen years ago he married Marion Warren Burnham, a daughter of Mr. J. W. and Mrs. Burnham, Port Perry, who with their two sons, Phillip and John survive. He also leaves to mourn his loss his brothers, the Hon. Mr. Justice Orde, Toronto; Henry B. Orde, Vice-President of the International Telegraph and Telephone Company of New York, and Francis L. Orde, of Winnipeg, and one sister, the Sister Elizabeth, of the Angli- can Sisterhood of St. John the Divine, Toronto. Mr. Orde had an unusually attractive and winning person- ality and had many: friends throughout Canada. The funeral took place from the Church of the Ascension, Port Perry, on Sunday, the ser- vice being ¢onducted by the Rector, Rev. S. ©. Jarrett; assisted by Rev. W. M. Loucks, of Trinity Church, Toronto, who has known Mr. Orde from boy- hood, and whose church warden he had been at All Saints Church, Winnipeg, for many years. The service was at- tended by many friends and re- latives, the chief mourners, in addition to his widow and two sons, being, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burnham, Mr. Justice Orde, Mr, H. B. Orde, Mrs. Orde, The Sister Elizabeth, Mr. Edward Orde, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Hub- bell, Mr. Archie Burnham, Dr. and Mrs. N. T. Maclaurin, Mr. Philip Burnham, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Burnham, Miss Aileen Burnham, There were a great many flowers from surviving relatives and friends. Burial took place in Pine Grove Ceme- tery, Port Perry. ----f OO ---- | POWER INTERUPTION Please be notified that' the Hydro Power will be off on Sun-|- day, August 15th from 4 a.m. to 6 p.m., except between 10 a m. and 12 noon for cooking ; and the same will apply for August 22nd. E. H. Purdy, Clerk. are OD semen HOUSE FOR RENT °* House for rent in Centre of Scugog Island, across from School. "6 rooms, near shore. Apply at Star Office. Di son of Charles Rubidge, R.N., |W one of the early settlers of this| mother, a]good pasture Barker from Bui Hall, the first County Judge of} its main}: -- nie HOSPITAL 1926. Mrs. Jas. Swan, Nurse vrs. Jai Val) ar FOR SALE 2 Singer Sewing Madhines, Quebec | Heater and pipes, Tailor's stove and irons, 15 Ib eleetric iron (hot point), small electric iron, 8 tablés, one 16 feet and 2 smaller (one suitable for carpenter's work bench, hardwood), office desk and partition, new Taylor safe, fire and burglar proof, safe burglar proof, a quantity of new bee suplies, including 40 new supers and new honey pails, ako quantity of planed lumber. HOUSE FOR SALE--Brick hbuse, with all conveniences, sun room, open fire place, bath, spring water tapped in kitchen and basement, hot and cold water in basement. A bargain for quick sale. W. H. DOUBT. ----OOO-- LOST Shooting game with prizes attached, --thought' to be lost between Man- chester and Port Perry. Finder will please notify James Ruddy, Port Perry. Reward of $5.00 for recovery. ' FOUND On Scugog Island, a club bag with wearing apparel and a number of books. Owner can have same by proving propérty and paying ex- penses. Apply to E. H. Gerrow & Sons, Port Perry, eres (JO (nee WATER BARRELS FOR SALE Apply to E, H. Gerrow & Sons, Bakers and Confectioners, 4 ee een. LOST Butterfly Brooch set with brilliants| --Reward. Finder please leave at Star Office, ' ere GOO . . Shoe Repairing The undersigned has-opened a shoe repairing and shoe-making shop in the Leonard Block; at the rear of A. Prentice's Barber Shop. Prompt expert service given. Bring in your orders. + JOHN BEST rrr Ypres ~ RE PASTURIZATION OF MILK Notice has been given in the prepared and put through the Council to the effect that all milk for human consumption in Port Perry must be pasturized. E, H, PURDY, Clerk. Pure Clover Honey ~ For Sale APPLY TO JOHN F. GERROW I ASH ST, PORT PERRY, ONT. Phone 131 Sum of money found. Apply sae SUIT NOW |See our Spotl; EB \ . 8 of ea Hates $5. Te day from August| Council that a By-Law will be| You should | | >: "PORT PERRY PRIVATE | | ST. MARY'S Pyramid ran CEMENT NOW IS THE TIME to do that cement work - you have been thinking about. A good ever- lasting job demands the best cement. NUFF SAID We have it. Port Perry Coal Yard AGENTS New car on hand. PROPERTIES FOR SALE 8 acres good for market garden or chicken ranch, 8 roomed frame house in good repair, stone foundation, all newly decorated and well, Stable, ive sh age, of choice Fut Barat! ns, Good termis to suit pu 8 roomed frame house, good ons foundation in good repair, good large cement ool ud cistern, newly decorated am pokey tabi wp Sate repair, bal a 8 en pen cement floor, oe Rp land, all kinds of it @ bors bed, asparagus, ee ituated in the village of Little Britain. For sale very reasonable. 100 acres, more or less, situate near Lake Scugog, good 8 roomed house, barn 42 x 70 two drive ways, stone stable cement floor, water in stables, litter carrier, cement silo, hay fork, 16 acres mixed wood, running water, 75 acres workable land. $3,000 cash. Balance easy terms. 50 acres more or less bordering on Lake Scugog b roomed frame house, stone foundation, in valle soln repair, barn 30 x 50, good well, also spring creek, fruit trees, front. $1600 cash, balance good ke ro Seven roomed frame house on stone foundation, cement floor in cellar, small fruit, also large stable, drive shed, hen house, % acre choice land, Union Ave. $1,000, good terms for balance at 5%. _ Six roomed bungalow, cement foundation and cellar rh hole size of house in good repair, % 760 cash, balance 56% easy terms. Brick store on Queen St., 2 stories with stone basement, well rented. once, Good eight roomed House at Epsom, two acres choice garden soil, new stable, hen house, drive shed, fruit ot all descriptions, good water, on main] highway, $1000 eash, balance easy terms, ' concession, good house, hiproof barn, new drive shed and hog pen, well fenced; good water. A very desirable farm for little money. $1000 cash, balance easy terms. For further information see A W. MORLEY CAMPBELL Real Estate 27-208 5 Pass. 2-door Sedan Zu 4 Dam. Sport Roadster ma 27-28 4 Pass. Coupe 27-408 5 Pass. 2-door Sedan ¢ 27-47 5 Pass. 4-door Sedan - . 27.48 4 Pass. Coupe 27-49 7 Pass. Sport Touring 27.50L 7 Pass. Limousine 27-50 7 Pass. Sedan 27-51 5 Pass. Brougham 27-54C 4 Pass. Country Club 27-54 4 Pass. Sport Road 27-35 x 5 Pass. Sport Touring, 27-58{! 5 Pass. Coupe 27-. volume mikes possible 'these values 11436" 11438" 114%" 11438" 11436" 114157 120" 120" 120" f 14%" Ba 4% W.B. W.B. W.B. W.B., v = 4 seqssdss 2 EhkEkEE Prices F.O.B. Factory--Governmept "Faxes Extra BEARE BROS. .° MF-216 DEALERS | Port Perry, Ont. lhe GREATEST MSLAUGHLIN-BUICK EVER BUILT - . WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARR BUILT. ar AUOLINA VIER wiLL SUILD THAN acre choice garden land, some fruit; on v Quan 8t.}- Price for quick sale #900 if sold at| Scugog Island, 74 acre farm, on 9th. PORT PERRY, ONT. PHONE 183w Shortening, Bower d he ¢ | I rhpigete; When and Where You Want It v SEATTLE MILTON STONE | _SEAGRAVE e---- Ton eT st commences | "10 pounds Granuhted Sugar . pA : vive JPN 006. 2s Breakfast Bacon, per 1b ..............4%. § Oranges, per dozen, regular 60c for . 50." § Lemons, per dozen: Ee f Aylmer Peas, 534 4, new pack, per tin, 18 ae a bc. ry 5. ho : Stuffed Olives, No.' 5, per bottle