moved rom the tang of salt " they are more comfortably established +n Hislr new homes than they Were iu Shégreury home altng witer years of * continuous labor. crops; barley and oats growing on a * Tew of the islands. They fish, but the _-8ea is hungry too, and claims every year some of the to master the whose vessels falled he wives. Little by little the population | has decreased, leaving in many cases a whole igland inhabited by five fami- es or less. First Emigration to America. "It 'Was not until 1748 that the Eng = lish succeeded in appointing sheriffs --and restoring peace to- the islands, hitherto constantly at war. Better liv- {ng conditions, new roads and social improvements resulted, Yet the peace was not unmixed with troubles for the poorer Hebrideans--the crofters, as they were called. High rents, the first emigration to- America of the large tenants, sheep farming on a big scale ~--these contributed to makes the life of the crofters miserable. They were thrust into villages, irstcag of having their own wee bit of land on which to | grow their bit of oats and barley and potatoes. "Then, as if they had not suffered aH that it was humanly possible to bear, in 1846 a potato blight swept over the islands, leaving more than half the remaining population desti- tute. Temporary relief was provided by employing seme in the work of "building new roads. Many, however, to emigrate, this tifng to Aus- royal commission in Crofters' Act; which gave them some assistance. ; 5 "Nor have conditions changed mush since then. The .seas are just as stormy, the winds just'as contrary, the crops just as uncertain. On the smal- 'tatd to seehow the-in- 'prepared i 'tralia. Noirellef came to the unfortun-|. 1886 passed a | starved | taxed nerves and give lig and vitality to the whole system. 'tion of health and epirits arises. Co,, Brockville, Ont. He'll Land onTop. this natural process Dr. Williams' Pink Pills completely dispel all pains and weakness, and a better, happier condb Every woman of middle age should take advantage now of the wonderful heaith-help of Dr. Williams* Pink Pills. They are 80ld by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box, by The Dr. Williams' Medicine ttar lke & ee r wanting in a liberal view of i Christian in the world. There Is no more meliglous picture than Nicolas Maes's Endless Prayer, and the por [traits of Terburg and Vermeer . . . come little behind it in the power to glorify the simple life and ennoble the refined one. Dutch painting is no cele- bration of poverty and dirt, as so much or ours is. Maes's praying peasant ig none the worse because she Is "asking a blessing" over a salmon cutlct, or Holland because its Broadland is a neat and peopled countryside, while No matter how little he's getting; No matter how little he's got, He is doing a mighty lot! 'No matter how humble his job is, If he's striving to reach the crest, The world has a prize fort the fellow who tries-- £ The man who {8 doing his best! To-day he may be at the bottom Of the ladder to wealth and fame, On the lowest rung, where he's bravely clung, In spite of.the knocks--dead game. But slowly he's gaining a foothold, His eyes on the uppermost round; It's a hard climb, but he know in time He will land--and be looking down! The_fellow yho never surrenders, And is taking things as they come; 'Who never says "quit" and exhibits grit ' 'When the whole world's looking glum; The- fellow who stays to the finish Thet nothing can hinder or stop, And who works like sin, is the chap who'll win And someday 'he'll land on on top: ri Needie-Making An A Art. ~ It takes 7-men to make a single it Teaches its marketable form. young wen who want to see life is' that they immagine none of it is worth seeing by daylight. _ habitants cotld grow enough to keep them during winter. The "only aon {is the sand blown by the winds {nto rock h 'Here the game crops "aro grown year dfter year, * 'Canada Welcomed Them. welcomed the A hart dis- window, : were sto: $ ee with staples. re baked bread . . and scones and oatmeal wete |. prorvided, 'Fires mg "so that "the demon of homesickness might flit <up-and vey Sut of the shifiney with: "Canada has welcomed them, always 'We sre satisfying hundreds of shippers with our cream "prices, tests, grades, daily 'paymente. 'Weary iy & Hit he wears a grin and trying to win-- ------ The trouble with a great many his day. jours is a lonely - and half-cultured marsh; or Morland a greater artist than Jan Steen, because the English- man is a gloomy painter and the Dutch a merry one.--H, WW. Massingha:, in | The Nation 1 (London). CHOLERA INFANTUM | Chdlora infantum 1s is one of the fatal allments of childhood. It is a trouble that comes on suddenly, especially dur- ing the summer months, and unless prompt cction is taken the litle one may soon be beyond ald. Baby's Own Tablets are an ideal medicine in ward- ing off this trouble. They regulate the bowels and sweeten the st h and urch, and its ante-room | Jewelled altar. Nor was] t, seems the most | boneless forms of life. Scerets of Science. By David Dietz. lhe first great'step in the evolution tof life upon the earth was the origin of life. The second great step was the divi- sion of the first microscopic globules of living matter into the two classes, plant and animals. But both the first plants and the firgt animals were one-celled organ- isms. The third great step was the de- velopment of many-celled animals and plants. An organigm which we find on the earth to-day gives us a clew to how this happened and lead us to believe that there was a half-way step between one-celled and many-celled organisms. In canals and streams ge find a mier pie organism which has been thus prevent the dreaded summer com« plaints. They are an absolute safe medicine, being guaranteed to contain neither opiates nor narcotics or other harmful drugs. They cannot possibly do harm--They always do good. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The br. Williams' Medicine Co. Brock- ville, Ont. Deen The First Vaccinators. Althcugh vaceination is indissolubly ¥inked with the name of Jenner; there in the rural districts of England long }efore It wads common knowledge amongst these people that an attack of cowpox immunized the sufferer against small- pox, and it was quite usual for farm workers to infect themselves and the'r children with the former complaint to protect them against the latter, Indeed, twenty-two years before Dr. Jenner made his first vassination a {farmer npamed Benjamin' Jesty, of Downshay, England, openly advocated the practice; but, not being a medical man, he was laughed at for his pains. | ------ es Plane Types Reduced. Standard types of army aircraft have been reduced from 15 to b. The British Museum contains books inscribed on oyster shells, 'bricks, tiles, bones, ivory, lead, iron, copper, sheepskin, wood, and pam leaves. AGENTS WANTED Men and women wanted In unrepresented territories with esics ability and good community standing to repreacnt a most extensiv: range of knitted goods aweaters. bathing suits, silk Hngorle, hoslery, wader. weer and weelens, equal to the highest rade im- ported lines. All linea made completely In our own factory from raw, Liboral commission: tives make good and tay With us. Write fer full gartiouizrs at ones, CRITISH KNITWEAR COMPANY, Simooe, Ontarle, 3 i Se d Refreshment y the premises and the Approval Bign. Hooths along the "Blghways and roads Department of Health and each pro- necessary equipment in a wold direot from. mavitacturcr: Dressos, port salts, | Sonus ystem: wiling outfit supplied. Pleasing (and | Our named the "volvox." It looks like a little green ball. animals all living together. All the microscopic cells volvox are alike. But there are other colonies of or ganisms which show different kinds forming of cells, Here we have a division of labor, as it were. This marks the beginning of the many- celled animals and plants. To-day we find microscopic many- celled anima's and plants, Therefore The upper sketch shows the eightarmed cattlefish or octopus. The . lower sketch shows the ten-armed cuttlefish or squid-eapturing a fish. The cuttlefish are molluscs and represent the greatest development of the back- we may. assume that for millions of years all life was microcopic. The earth was teeming with life but it looked lifeless. Gradually, es time went on, organ: ism increased in size. Gradually more complex forms of life evolved. All of them, however, were backboneless animals. They included sponges, jellyfish, and round and flat worms. All of these are very inactive forms of lite. Sponges are en'irely fixed, growing on one spot just as plants do. Jellyfish are only feeble swimmers at the mercy of tides and currents. The sea worms are only feeble crawlers. Only one form of backboneless ani- mal has developed any great power of locomotion in all the millions of years from the time of their first appearance upon earth up to the present. This is the squid. The squid has a spindle-shaped body ! In reality it 1s a colony of one-celled enclosed in a muscular fold known as | cups? the mantle, There is a space between the body and the mantle known as the mantle cavity. The rquid moves backward by dra ing water into the cavity through a| funnel just below the head and expell- probably ing it again violently by a muscular | 2eW holders of government securities contraction of the mantle. The next great step in evolution was | the development of the back-boned | animal. The first one was the fish. A ------ -- All These 1 Own. I own the memory of whispering trees Which gossip in the wind at early dawn; A roving cloud's swift shadow on the leas," And peta's like soft snow adrift the lawn. And mine the spectral cry of wild, shy loon, The gulls like silver foam upon the! bar; And scented purple dusks beneath a moon Shining and crescent Hke a scimitar, 1 call these mine: the rocks firmset | +. and cool Where barnacles and shaggy sea- weeds are, Token of vagrant tides; this shadowy pool ; Which mirrors back the radiance of a star. Mine isthe clamor In the thunders roll "Tossed as by might of Titans from on high, Mine is the splendor: as the Nghtning geroll (leuves a swift pathway in the riven sky. I own the dreaming haze on distant. hills, _ The long pale pathway of a wind. ing lane, fodils, The magie curtain. of a summer rain. f Mine is the smell of treshly furrowed earth, 'The gleam of sunlight on a running brook; Mine Is the wonder ot each spring's 7 new birth, . The autumn fields And. grain Sithin, the | gook: 5 | Aud "iis... -the mystery. of. x rowat, Ho. misht $7. HR Acions' whcse shy fa flung Joweled High Birth. High birth is a thing which I never | knew any one to disparage except | those "who had it not; and I never' knew any one to make a boast of it 'who had anything else to be proud of. --Bishop Warburton. [rom tas ot sas, ana scones of wa and deatly, From Segue and brigantine and tro plc isl -| They. bear ie memories deeds. Those restless glidsts, Within thefr bleached and 'salt-encrust- ed walls, '| Await the torch to set them free To rise in iridescent flame And join the storied romance of the sea, Tetanus. Lockjaw is something we have all feared since the days when as small children we were warned to tell moth- er every time we ran a susty nail into our foot. And the fright the whole family got if any one cut hie hand be tween the thumb and first finger! 'We are still anxious when a little foot has a rusty nail run into it. Why? Because we are afraid of what may ning isoning of the whole system and perhape death. We have particular 'reason to fear any wound which has touched any cult vated sol or road dust. The chief rea son for our fear is that the spore of tétanus, or the germ causing lockjaw, might have entered with the soil or dust in which manure was present at some time. This is true, too, of any injurfes from fireworks, firearms, eto. When, therefore, any one in your family is suffering from a wound into which there is the slightest chance that this germ of lockjaw may have entered, take no chances--ask the doctor to use tetanus anti-toxin, which is a sure preventive. Tetanus anti toxin is supplied free for use of per: sons living in the Province by the De- partment of Health of Ontario. A! Of youth and life and love-and gallant ; ~<Herbert Greer French. PR | EBD Yonge and Alexander Sts, Toronto 4 Frank! : A man who wasted to reprove a boy for remaining at the table too long, sald: "Now, you 'see that when I have fin. : ished eating, I always leave the table." "Yes, sir," ¢aid the boy; adding, un- der his breath "and that is about all you do leave!" . ------ One of those writers who forever use the phrase "as cleah as a whistle" ought to see a small boy pull one out of a sticky pocket, Real economy is not saving money at all; real economy is spending money wisely.--Wardlaw Mime, M.P, Lee a i toa fired Bock Sr Ae tire a, og -------- een. Keep Minard's Liniment handy. -- re. Wise Egg Layers. Little Reggie, having had an egg put before him for breakfast, sald: "Mam- ma, where did you get this egg?" "From grandma's chickens," mother answered. "Well," said Reggie, "how do gran- ny's chickens know the size of our egg- oo his Se R-- British Thrifty. Before the war, there were only 400, 1 000 holders of English government securities altogether. To-day 14,000 are being registered every week, which i equals about 700,000 new subscribers {per annum.--- Thrift Magazine. PSORIASIS, ECZEMA and Other Skin Troubles yield to this mew, scientific skin treat- ment. It is a combination treatment of ointment for external use and tab- { lots for purifying the blood. In the _ | ointment, the active Ingredients of S8OREMA 'are combined with an oint- ment base that is readily absorbad into ria third and fourth layers of the skin { with gentle rubbing. It is in these j under layers of the skin that the dis- ! case germs work. Thus, SOREMA at- | tacks skin troubles at their source. | SOREMA i the New Skin Remedy is the discovery of a Canadian Drug- gist of thirty-five years' experience, who was, for fourteen years, a sufferer from Psoriasis. After all the usual treatments (including X-ray) had fail el he hegan experimenting with vari- ous combinations of drugs used in cases of Chronic Skin Diseases and-de- veloped a formula with which he FREED HIS SKIN of the DISEASE SOREMA has, eince, been used with equal success in a large number of long-standing cages of Psoriasis, Ecze- ma, etc. Numbers of enthusiastic users testify to its amazing results. SOREMA is sold at your Druggist's or write us direct. Sorema Ointment, $1.00 per box; Sorema Blood Alterative | Tablets, 76c per hox. FLASH PRODUCTS, LIMITED 1104 BAY 8ST. TORONTO ep CORNS. a" Remove the hard flesh and apply Minard's freely and often. splendid for bunions, Also Wa ee DRAGGING-DOWN PAINS RELIEVED Woman Suffered Nearly a Year. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Brought Her Health _-- Moose Jaw, Sask. --"I am try to tell you what Lydia Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has done for me, suffered very badly with dragging-down pains and inflamma- tion, also pains in my right side over my hip and down my whole side into my leg. I had it nearly a year when 1 went to a doctor and he said I. would have to have an operation. But my mother said to-take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as it saved her life years before. I took two bottles and I found I was better, so I kept on taking it and also used Lydia 4 Pinkham's Sanative Wash. I have had two more children since then and am perfectly well. I used to have to lie down two or three times a day, and now I do all m housework without trouble. I al- ways keep the Yopetable Compound in the house as I find a dose now and then helps me. I am willing for you to use this letter any wa; Sou see fit and [ will answerletters. If I can help any other woman I'd be only too glad to try."'--Mrs. ESTHER HOUGHTON, 712 Athabasca W., Moose Jaw, Sas. katchewan., Lydia = Pinkham's _ Vegetable P ing to for all as For sale by druggists everywhere. 0 The nodding sowslips, fern and ats CE OR Ci PIRIN Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds "Headache: Neuritis: Lumbago : Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES Not AFFECT THE HEART iia Canada) of Ju Mennfacture of Momancstic. Acid, gt 8. A only ! "Bayer" package contains proven oI. of 12 tablets 100--~Dzuggists. While it dw weld * Relieve Irritations = 1 By Using Cuticura Bathe the affected Paria freely SD Sta So