Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 1 Jul 1926, p. 7

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urpose. : 2. Do not introduce the music for 'the purpose of the contest, but let the contest come, as far as possible, as a "result of & year's classroom work in _ 8 Do not slight the teaching of the "musical qualities in the haste to pre- "sent identifying themes. This results fm such humorous errors, were they 'mot pathetic, as the confusing of © "March Slay" with "To a Wild Rose." ~~ 4,'Do not spend valuable time _meither within the ability nor the ex- "perience of the student. Persisting in the wrong kind of memory contest hae been known to kill the proper sort of "love for-music, g Practical Suggestions. X 1, The music memory contest, if it "f7y Is to be musical and valuable, must be | atest not only of memory, but also of 9%. 'piusical Judgment and knowledge. 3 In order to develop the child * musically, there shoul, it possible, be a systematic course in listening which "extends throughout the year. Unques- ~ tionably the test should be taken from the classroom course, and for that rea son there shonld be a differént contest Met for each grade. ' 8. It is impossible to give a thor- 10+} to or with them, that has an effect of -| the extreme of good breeding, and cer 1| this kind. She says: --"I feel it a duty | time ago I suffered severely from indi- well, an t | He told me that 1 was almost blood- Jearning to spell names that come' "| watchfulness in my tendance which "| the plants themselves do not seem to C-| ney through the mountains, I discover- 0g [40 the company of a dozen or more of 4 coset disk of leavss and showing an | tall flower stalks, and' soon the de tl wi & : follow thelr use. Stratford, Ont., is one who has ti the value of these pills in trouble of to let you kmow what Dr. Willams' Pink Pills have done for me,- Some gestion, which left me run down and decided to consult & doctor. ve me some medicine, but 175 DF Wiliams' Pid. Pils, got three boxes and by the time I less and' 2E was again b aay. work, gn have not since any rn of tl uble." Dr. Willams' Pink Pills are sold by gil medicine dealers, or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box by The Dr. Williams' Medicine ~ Co., Brockville, Ont. A little booklet "What to Eat and How to Bat," will be sent f.ee to] 'any address fOr the asking. ------ ns Fringed Orchids. There is a place In the garden, be tween the projecting south window of the studio and.the two great lilac clumps which shade it, where I have planted as many specimens of the rare lavender-pink fringed orchid as I have been able to find in my drives or walke about Onteora. bt would be difficult to. tell exactly how and why this flower manages to convey such a sense of its own superior value; of delicate and priceless worth; yet the fact remains that no flower in the garden Inspires #0 proud a sense of possession. When I found the first ones in a far-off wet meadow, and brought them home and planted them here, there was a Sense of surreptitiousness about the whole proceeding, like the hiding of jewels; and I am conscious of a certain furiive able to do my house- expect or require. They show an ap- parent carelessness as to what is done tainly adds to, instead of taking from, an idea of their importance. Once in the course of a day's jour ed a stalk in full flower on the road- side bank. My first impulse to secure the flower melted Into a desire to ob- tain the root. When I planted it be Lind the lilacs in the dusk of the even: ing, I em sure that I helped it with tears, for the shelter root was cut clean across. But there it still stands its kind--coming up every spring in a tire kof seasonable ambition of growth. In July It begine to show its! vately fringed and pinkish-lavender fi feathering up and down the stem, lapping so 'tlosely one over the other thet it becomes a solid spike of 'bloom, pervaded with an odor like that of violets. The characteristics it most atrongly exp: 'are dignity and re ce. I find' that the reserve of Fam conscious in the character rH, low Linings for Old. over for little boys i 1; re-1, 4 The wind blows through the borough n | O, many a man has reared a house Who now is lost to fame-- I Who only garnered blame. | Re AN ap Al i Fare is oftentimes cruel in its tions, tl: victims of strokes are compeén- sated in a manner as to reveal that human kindness continpes to remain a vital factor in the lives &f men. This is the tale of John Cor- bett, of Quibell, Ontario. bell is a community on the Canadian Na- tional allways west of Hudson, 'and is one of the entrances into the Red Lake Gold Fields. It was there that Mr. Corbett received a blow which might well have discouraged any but a stout spirit, and it is at the same 11 that he is striving forward towalds a remarkable reha- bilitation. John Corbett, at one time section hand on the Canadian National Rail- ways, set out- to orm & dly act one winter's over a year ago, having und to deliver some es to a feeble old woman Vilage. White in the. ho age. e In ouse, Corbett felt faint nothing of it as he had occasionally suffered dizzy spells, the result of injuries received while 'serving hb 35 the { ready market for , and as the a ladd well a inter he has |» short distarice ( of a neighbor, were completely frozen. was 'necessary to sen tunate man to Winnipeg for treat- SE C8 WARS Bu ampu on both hands followed. © . Under such circumstances and with such a severe handicap, the fu- fre was not org bright for Mr. bett, but the clouds did lift and what followed brought the sunshine back to his life After consultation with represen- tatives of the ent of <Colo- nization, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Canadian National Rail ways, the latter recommended that the most advantageous occupation in which to place Mr. Corbett would be poultry raising. An up-to-date poultry house was erected last November, while this gpring additions were made in the 'orm of a modern brooder house complete with stove and feed hep- Jers. This building is large enough or three to four hundred young chicks. Mr. Corbett has found a been ol g some revenue right from the start. From this it will seen that the project is now well established as a going concern. A MEDICINE THAT ALL MOTHERS PRAISE Babyhood and Childhood Ailments. Mrs. H. Oakes, Sarnia, Ont., says: -- "I have used Baby's Own Tablets in my home forthe past fifteen years and I belive the good health my children enjoy Is due entirely to this medicine. 'The Tablets are helpful at teething time; relieve colds and are always beneficial in the minor ailments of lit- tle ones. I have recommended Baby's Own Tablets to other mothers whose experience with them has been as satisfactory as my own." Baby's Own Tablets do one thing only, but they do it well. They act as a gentle laxative which thoroughly re- stomach, thus banishing constipation 'and' indigestion; 'colds and siiyple into a well, happy, laughing child. medicine dealers or direct by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -- ce ee fete sins. Summer Air. The wind blows down the lane, And soft and plaintive as it goes It sings a low refrain; lads who loved grow old and die, | But love shall yet remain That since has sunk for shame; And many a man-gone proudly once But I mind many a lad end lass Two shame-faced lovers years ago way! the English Re-. gulates the bowels and sweetens the fevers and turn the cross, sickly baby ger.conscious, the dread of blushing | begins to master him, It hes the un- Baby's Own Tablets are sold by, gortunate effect of making him acutely {less it often mekes a person look re- _|der, both feet are in the front and not one _|drawing shows the small toe in fromt. | uo Can You Blush to Order? Broadly speaking, there are three distinet kinds of blush. One is the charmingly self-conscious blush of the hashful youth of pretty mald. 'The second is that of the habit- ual blusher.. And the third Is the care- fully-timed blush of the experienced flirt. : Shyness {8 the general cause of blush- ing, and it Is this type of blush which 'affects the.boy or girl who Is growing up. - It wears off in time, but while the awkward age lasts. the young people are ready to blush on the slightest pro- 1 vocation. / Blushing in lteelf 18 caused by sud- den emotion, which operates on the . blood system. The blood fs Instantly driven to the numerous tiny vessels that form a vast network directly un- { der the skin of the face, dilating them and imparting the characteristic red flush, The habitual blusher 1s a person to be pitied. Having experienced the blushing stage of youth, and at the same time being more than usually shy and timid. He grows frightened of being no- ticed when he is among others, and therefore blushes on the slightest pro- vocation. Unless he takes himself in Hand and determines to master his failing, he will go through Mfe a con- tinual misery to himself, . The third kind of blush--the "blush to order"--is easily the rarest of all, Blushing, normally, le disagreeable to the one who blushes, but neverthe- markaldy ettractive- The experienced flirt knows this, and can blush to or- TTT EET No Left and Right Feet. Ancient Egyptian artists have , Wrtiste of today aie unable plain why it ie that the chiseled traits on all the ancient } f | monuments show feet which are never {rights and lefta. Always the big toe of | If. the cutting shows a person turning chiseled 'stone the | Redbirds, redbirds, | As you sang one May dey |=--Sara Teasdale, sled the modern world, whotlier Hiren: hy Yonlly, or not may never be known. | "| The then both feet are rights | shows an | Where the poplars grow. _ Are you singing still On Saxton's Hill? in "Flame rand Shadow." tetra ainseaeeeat Prizes Offered for Essays on "Saving & | ing." Prizes aggregating $1,600.00 are | ing offered by Mr. Alvan T. Simonds, of Fitchburg, Mass., for the best essays "jon "Saving & Spending" as factors of prosperity. $1,000.00 will go to the writer of the best essay--and $250.00 each to the next two best. The contest closes December 81, 1926, and is open to everybody--everywhere. This is the fifth yearly competition on political economy subjects which Mr. Simonds has offered prizes for, in an endeavor to arouse a more general interest in the subject of economics as related to individual and general welfare. The competition is open to Cana- dians and Intending competitors are invited to address for information, "The Contest Bditor," Simonds Baw & Bteel Co, 470 Main Street, Fitch- , Mass. [0 entrance fee or other expense is involved. | | t The Place and the Girl. "Have you a court yard?' "No, 1-do my courting Indoors." ---- o Use Minard's Liniment In the stables. ce pe A Baggage Hint. When preparing one's baggage for a trip, if two tags (one for going and one for coming home) are written, no small amount of annoyance may be done away with when the return trip ie to be made. If the tags are to be tacked onto a trunk, the one with the return address should be placed be- neath the one with the going-away ad- dress and both tacked on together, When the traveler is ready for the re- turn trip. the top one may be torn off, leaving the other in its proper place. If the tags are to be Inserted in a leather holder the same method can be used. fm Easy Job. "Does your wife work, Bill?' "Naw, she just takes care of the house and our seven kids." f | | i = Dish Washing. - I wash the dishes and sing, I dip them into steaming cleansing water and dry them on a towel-- Each glass and cup and saucer, Bach pitcher, plate and bowl; With their shining curves and colors, Greens and blues and yellows, Flowers and birds and soft bands of gold Passing before my dreaming eyes. The homely yellow jug, the globular black teapot, The wide white platters-- ' How many happy meals have come from their bright surfaces! They pass before me three times a day, year in, year out, With undiminished hospitality and cheer. I would know them if set before me in -a foreign Jand, Or on returning after long absence, Know them and thrill with all the dea: memories Englazed in their polished shapes. Tenderly, reverently, I wash and wipe each dish And set it on its shelf. Dear homely dishes, good-night! ~Lloyd Roberts. nn pers pi. Sentence Sermons. You Are Not to Blame--For your features, but you can change your ex- pression. --For the family you are born Into, but you choose the family you marry into. For the things that happen to you, but for the attitude you take toward them. ~~IPor the gossip you hear, but for that which you repeat. ~For hearing poor music, but for enjoying it. ---For the evil in the world unless you are indifferent to it. -- For your business associates, but you can choose your friends. A The Answer. "William, what did Newton do?" A Diet Warning. : One physician warne against "teddy" | i Take a of Sal Lithofos Lat a glass of wa hit daily before brea . 8 fast and rid your- self at dis- a eable feelin of d. ullness. yt. efficient saline laxatve that gent- ly purges the sys- tem of clogging poisons and makes a new being of you. = Sd tend 10c for generous sample. WINGATE CHEMICAL CO. LTD. 468 St. Paul 8t. W Mantreal "Invented apples falling down." Insect Bites Bee stings, mosquito bites, ete.,-are greatly relieved Ly applying Minard's, You Sa sh. Brel M a can of Flit handy. bo sich Flit also destroys bed out t ks and crevices wi nsects and their result of t is the * does it quickly. Get a Distributed in Canads by Fred gry * Are you being bored to death? OSQUITO torture is quickly ended if you keep Flit spray clears your home in a few minutes of dis- flies and mosquitoes. It is clean, safe Kills All Household Insects dest Spray. d thei whi t holes. nsive Be rh Tr A Sv in apa it t can and aprayer STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) i | | | | | | | roaches and ants. It searches they hide and breed, and it on r garments. by entomol~ meth. Flit has the insects--and today. nme J. Whitlow & Co., Toronto. CuticuraComforts Tender Aching Irritated Feet Bathe the feet for several minutes with Cuticura Soap and warm wa- ter, then follow with a light appli- cation of Cuticura Ointment, gently rubbed in. This treatment is most successful in relieving and com- forting. tired, hot, aching, burn- ing feet. { Canadian Sample Each Free b A ae k He, Olntment 2 and ble. : BEP™ Cuticura Shaving Stick 25¢. PAINS ALL OVER BODY Two More Cases of Feminine II ness Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Barrington, N. 8.--'T had terrible feelings, headaches, back and side aches and pains all over my body. would have to go to bed every month and nothing would do me ¥ ui husband and my father did my wor! for me as I have two children and we have quite a big place. I read in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and then got a little book about it thro the and my husband sent to Katon's an got me a bottle, and then we got more from the store. I am feeling fine now and -my work and am able to go out around more. I tell my friends it is Liydia E. Pinkham'sVeg- etable Compound that me feel so well," -- Mrs. VICTOR RICHARDSON, Barrington, Nova. pel . Dull Pains in Back St. Thomas, Ont. -- "I took four bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and found great re- lief from the dull, heavy pains in the small of my back and weakness from which 1 sufféred for five years after my the Vi le Copgound and using en ¥ Pinkham' Wash I ing better han n En for the t seven years, and advise my Feiends to taka it." Mrs F. 49 Moore Street, 8. Ont. ¢ ISSUE Iv 26-28

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