LOC CAL ITEMS GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE. You are welcome to attend the ser- Yiss Good Frilay at} 1030 a.m. in the United Church. The propeity spoken of last Fool s purchased by Mr. John Medd been owned and occupied for the | ar mos . family. . Port Perry has made ample pro- vision for tourists in one respect-- we have plenty of gasoline bowsers. Where shall the Band "Stand be? : Mr. J. H. White, of Toronto, form- erly manager of the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, has been visiting friends in Port Perry for some days. We are delighted. to see Mr. Short- reed out again after his long and serious illness. My. Dodd and family havé moved to the house owned by Mr. C. Coulter just north of the town. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ferguson sand family have moved to town and are occupying their home on Bigelow St. Mrs. John McGlynn had the mis- "Diamonds Watches Fewellery Silverware Stationery 1 . at Post Office. Office; a sum of money. erm NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of Robert James Fowler and of Cray Ann Fowler, deceased. Fusuant to Sec, 56 of Cliapter 13 121 of the Revised Statutes of On 1914, a is hereby Even the that arin; creditors and others agains the estates of Robert pon 'owler and Catherine Ann or Net, '| both, late of the Townshi wright, in the County "ol ER Robert James Fowler died on or about the 26th day of November, 1921, and in Get the prices on our goods before going else- where. We give as good, if not better value for the money. Have that Watch or Clock repaired." J. R. BENTLEY Jeweller and Stationer. fortune to fall and break her hip, Mrs. Wm. Dobbins fell and broke three ribs and her wrist. The "Gold Rush" drew big crowds to the Port Perry Picture House. |' "Ypres' (Wipers) Watch for it. Mr. Norman Ewers has fixed his truck up in good style, and is now ready for the season's work. is coming soon. The regular meeting of the Young Women's Auxiliary of St. John's Presbyterian Church, will be held at the home of Mrs. W. J. Anderson, on Tuesday, April 6th, at 7.30 p.m, All young ladies of the congrega- tion are cordially invited. -- MYRTLE Messrs Quinn and O'Boyle attended |' the funeral of the late Thes. Calwell of Whitby, on Sunday, Miss Bertha M. Lowes spent the week end in Toronto. { A pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr. Stewart Graham on Fri- day night when the weekly progres- sive 'euchre was held. The roads are clearing up very nicely. Mr, Chas." Luke's farm for a term of five years and is moving this week, Mr. Luke is having a sale on April 2nd, after which he will move to Raglan for a time. Mr, Edward Mole attended the funeral of his cousin Mr. George Mc- Dowell of Glen Major, last Thursday. NOTICE 'All parties owning dogs -are re-- quired to procure a license and dog tag for the year beginning with (April 1, 1926, as per By-law No. 830, E. H. PURDY, Clerk. -- (eee. BALE OF HOME-MADE COOKING The Women's ' Auxiliary of the Church of the Ascension are holding a sale of home-made cooking and aprons, on April 9th in the Parish Hall. Tea will be served from 2 to 4 pm. Adults 16c. Children 10c. | Jay NR 1.0. D, E. The April meeting of the Scugog Chapter, LO.D.E. will be held on the 2#id Monday, April 12th, instead of the 1st Monday. Will all members pletise note the change. a -- Anglicans of Brooklin and Port Perry are looking forward to the in- duction of the Rev. S. C. Jarrett as retor of the new parish. It is ex- pected that the ceremony will take place on Friday ,May 14th. --e QO Oiee THIS JOB CALLS FOR JUVENILE ARCHANGEL Wanted Roy--High School grad- uate to work in general merchandise store in small interior town and learn to be a shoemaker. One who can help milk the cow and play in the Walter Ball has leased Mr.| country, must be good salesman. Apply in yuor own handwriting sending late photograph with three recommendations. $12 a month to start for live wire with chance to buy interest in the business. Employer can furnish board and room at $9.50 if you will mow the lawn in your spare time, LOST On Friday night March 6th, an army horse blanket, between the Sebert House and Seagrave. kindly leave at Sebert House stables or phone 92 r 6. Roy Scott, Seagrave ----) ---- ENTERTAINMENT AT MAN- CHESTER An entertainment is being put on {in the United Church at Manchester on Friday evening of this week in aid | of the Sunday School. Some of the entertainers are coming from Port 'Perry. Everybody welcome, Ad- mission 26c. To Arrive This Week A car of Stove Coal and a car of Nut Coal, D. & H. Price delivered, $16.00. C. L. VICKERY. eee YOO me ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, ANGLICAN, BLACKSTOCK Rev. P. G. Powell, Rector There will be special services on 8 p.m. On Easter Sunday, at 11 am, ser- 'vice and Holy Communion. Service at 7 p.m. Special music. SE pa --oc + BORN + = To Mr, and Mrs. Allan Buck, 280 Lansdowne Ave, Toronto, on March '20th, 1026, a daughter. Both doing well, Past A THE MILL (Continued from last week) A layman did the other day, Upon the street unto me say, "Your mill has such a reputation, For prices high it is vexation." Especially for doors and window sash, He thought the price had been so rash, Thinks I that layman is a friend, To thus his mind to me extend. I some how thought of Bobby Burns, Who 'must of thought of just such turns, When in that poem to the world, The following couplet he unfurled. "0 would some power or giftie gi'e "T's see ourselves as others see us." I am sure the owners all will try, This bad impression to decry, (to be continued) PORT PERRY MILLING 4 SOMPANY be youth of clean habits; |= smokers, sheiks and loafers . Boy 7 Finder |. Wednesday and Friday evenings at] _| Sunday School Catherine Ann Fowled died on or about the Tenth day of January A. D. 1926, are, on or before the fifteenth day of April A.D. 1926, to send 4 by post, pre-piid to Harris & solicitors for Howard fs a ms ministrator of the said deceased, their christian names and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full par- ticulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security (if an; ny) held. by them, and that after the day last proresaid the said Howatd Brown will to distribute the assets of the gs deceased among the ties entitled thereto hazing regard only to such claims of which notice shall Yr been iven as above required, and the said oward Brown will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by Harris & Harris at the time of such distribution, Dated at Port Perry i Swenty- Third day of Moreh A.D. 192 RRIS & HARRIS, Solicitors ARS the Administrator . ---- HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR : FOR RENT A house furnished or unfurnished, with a large fruit garden, to rent or sell. A bargain; Apply to John Warren, Prince Albert, Ont. ' ----0 OO MRS. J. W, THOMPSON After a brief illness, Fanny Francis White, Thompson passed away at her home on Friday, March 19th, at the age of sixty-five years. The deceased 'was a daughter of William and Ann White and was born on the same farm at Prospect where she spent her entire married life. The esteem in which Mrs. Thomp- son was held was especially marked by the floral tributes and the large attendance of sympathetic friends at the funeral. Interment took place at Utica Cemetery, the servince being conduct- ed by Rev. E. Swayne, assisted by the Prospect Quartette, who rendered very appropriate selections, Besides her husband, she is sur- vived by two sons, Roy, of Myrtle, and Oliver. of Blackstock, also two daughters, Mrs. O. Graham, of Osh- awa, and Miss Leila at home, rene Q Orn THE UNITED CHURCH Rev. William Higgs, Minister. Public Worship at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Easter messages. Special music by the choir. Sunday School at 8 p.m, P.'L. Monday at 8 p.m. Prayer service, Thursday at 7.30 p.m. Choir practice at 8.30 p.m. God Friday, public worship at 10.30 am. April 11th, Rev. Dr. George Hanson will commence a special service of evangelistic meetings. stm-- San ---- CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Service at 8 p.m. "The Story of the Cross" will be sung by the choir. Subject: "The Stations of the Cross." Easter Sunday--Celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 am. and 11 am. Subject--'The Risen ' Christ." All icants are respectfully re- quested to maké their comunion that day. ------() (rane PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Rev. W. L, Atkinson, Pastor St. John's, Port Perry. Easter, Services--11 am: "The Re- surrection' 7 p,m. "Thomas' belief in his Risen Lord." . Special Easter musie. Sunday School at 8 p.m. class in auditorium. Class in Vestry, Guild on Monday at 8 p.m.. Bible study on an. Thursday at 8 p.m. Breadalbane, Utica. Adult Young Men's at 2 pm. FOUND In lobby of Port Perry Post} Apply beloved wife of John W.| CREAMER Y ER8%IE + CREAM SCPARATOR DABOR-SAVING, MONEY- SAVING FABM IMPLEMENTS BROUGHT 10 CANADIAN pats " HAMILTON ANADA Local Representatives,- GEO JACKSON & SON FHL Perry. Ontario, x Phone 31 Ww. L. JUST ARRIVED CARLOAD OF GCYPR Price $42.00 P : . Smaller lots 41;¢. per foot. ALSO CARLOAD OF ROOFING and a CARLOAD OF FENCING It will pay you to see our Roofing and Fencing, and get our prices before buying slsewhere. Victor & Gibbs Tra ue .75 dozen. Gibbs '"Catch and Killem" Traps $6.50 dozen. Sap Spiles and Pails, Garden Tools, Paint, etc. Our Prices will save you Real Money: You get the advantage of our buying in carload lots. er 1000 ft., in 1000 ft. Lots Carnegie Hardware Coy Let us in you our new w samples for Spring, priced from. 2 4 Tcents, and upward. ER | THE NEW MAXIMUR PAPERS Las We are also stocking the new Maximur, 80 inch pape 1 the most. modern and finest decorative hangi Their width] perils greater variety and. r design, besides showing fewer seams when Civ PARRISH ONT. PORT PERRY -- ° The Best the Meat Market Affords. Cheap for Cash. Phone Your Orders for Quick Delivery. ai : Port Perry \ Cawker Bros. 1926 Wallpaper Never before have we had such a fine lot of Samples, at such prices, as they are this year They are of the Best Quality manufaoct- ure, and the price will surprise you. Call and look them over. W. WARD = Painter & Decoratér Harry McMillan . Successor to Chas. A. Rundle: PORT PERRY - - - ONTARIO Anyone requiring repairs for International Farm Machinery kindly give your order before you start on the land. See us before you buy any new Machinery or Cream Separators New stock of Electric Fuses and Lights Good supply of B. & H. Paints, Oil! and Lead on hand. Are your Grinder Plates woren out. - PHONE 209 PORT PERRY House phone 66 It Pays to Pay Cash Office phone 207 LOST h Between Myrtle and Port Perry |§ and 'Chas. Well's, corner of the 7th concession, on Seagrave Road, one H section of heavy truck chain. (Bull |§ Dog) Finder leave with or phone N. Evert, Phone 201. "SUPERIOR STORES OVER 200 STORES FORS, Seed Grain---Sensation Opts, and Manchurian 6 rowed barley, Apply to Albert Martin, RR, Sonya. PORT PERRY | y sees 3 to a customer, JAHN BELOON LUM LDS, D, Is PAYING. Specials for Frid'y & Saturday, Apr. 2: 3 10 pounds. of Granulated Sugar ....... .68c. rtening RIE 1 18 Sheed Breakfast Bacon ........ 'Naval Oranges, ..medium 39¢. Harvest Choice Tomatoss, 3 147s, California Sultana Seedless Raisins 2 for Sie perior Toasted Corn Flakes a 8's rig K loge's Pep, per pkg. . 2... | Vanilla or Lemon, 10c size 3 by Fancy Table Kippered S 7 t Dr wt Comfort Lye per tin ....... | Singapoire Sliced not more than large Hae 10c. Superior Cocoa, 1 1b ba; Bright Arlequin 'Shelled V . | Harvest : marmalade, 12 'New Crop Old Be 12 Magic $5 J2 op 0c oD Hn E105. 1 10 | oilet Foam .... C kz of Floor W: 3