Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 28 Jan 1926, p. 2

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§ Extra Special, $18.00 tweed suits for s for inventory on the per cen Boys' Suits x Our stock of Men's Suits is too heavy and «dur- 'ing this sale we will sell ahy suit on the rack at A% off regular price. This includes Tweeds, : Serge and Worsted. Regular price Toducd 20%: J COMBINATION SALE, SATURDAY, IAN. 13, i Chatks 'and plaids. ~ $30.00 Navy Serge Suits, for $25.00 Serge and Tweed Suits for ...... $21.50 Tweed Suits, for .. $17. $10.00 Boys' Suits, for $6.00 Boys Suits for Men's Heavy Wool Socks, reg 50c. pair for39c. . Men' s $1.00 Silk Neckties.. Your choice for 59¢. ~. Men's $2.00 Mocha Mitts for 1. ~~ Men's $3.00 Buck-tan Gloves for . .$1.95 Men's Fleecelindd Shirts and draws for 89. Boys' Fleece-lined shirts and drawers for 32:3 Men's $3.50 Wool Combinations for. . en's $2.00 All Wool ribbed Shirts for 2 "Men's $2.00 Cotton Flannel Shirts for $1.59 Bargains in Staples 98 inch Scotch Gingham .in pretty colored Regular 65¢. per yard for39c. inch Canadian Siingham in colored checks. Regular 30c... uo - Sale Price per yard 23c. . oi : $19.50 We have now only a few of last season's, coats left. You ¢an have your choice for 19.50 This years $30.00 Coats in ihe best cloth and" newest styles. rice to clear $22.50 Boys' Navy Blue Chinchilla hh Coats in navy. blue, bee Y breasted style. Regular $6.00. Men's $4.60 Tweed Hats for $ Men's Boys' Knitted Caps, regular 75c. for 39c. Men's Muleskin Pullovers, regular $1. 00 for69c. Men's $2.00 Tweed Caps for Men's $1.25 Wool Gloves for 80. Boys' Lined Mocha Gloves for 5c. Men's Fedora Felt Hats, regular $4.00 for $i 25 Men's $2.00 Negligee Shirts for $1.59 Men's Black Drill work pants, fleece lined, reg- ular"$2.76 for $2.25 'Sale of Winter Millinery $1.95 Your chvice of 29 hats of felt, velvet or velour * tastefully trimmed. Hat that sold from $4.50 to $7. 00. All at one price $1.95 Girl's Tams for sport or school wear, made of camel cloth and lined with fine quality sateen. Many different shades. Regular $2.50. wo oo. Sale price 59¢, AEE EEE beh S444 THE 444 Spring Butterick 5c. PRINCE ALBERT _ Mrs. Murphy un and Mrs. | Swayne were the gests of Mr. and Wm. Dobson, Manchester, on the afternoon of January 22nd. Miss Reta Coles; Zephyr was the Guest of her friends here for some time. * ~~ Mrs. Alex. Robestson, Oshawa, was visiting in the village last week. We age slight tingling of wedding bells as we ~~ go down 'the Avenue. We are "pleased to popes that Mrs. Raymer is E esa ter at-time of writing. . - bins a that Master 'Norman Burnett ip still confined to his bed. ARE Mr. Wm. Ettey, D.D.S.P., and .Mr. 'B. Smith, Ea of the.S.0.E. Lodges at Whitby and Os awa, recently. Walter Fowlie arrived: home. from the City last week with a new car. - Mr. John Jeffrey had a number of his sheep * destroyed by dogs last week. " ari Christie shipped another: consign- ~~ ment of his valuable sheep and hogs to the West last week. ~~ We notice. they. "are keeping Angus very busy these days sawing Mrs. Philp, Utica, is caring for her father, Mr. : Geof Bond, who is ill. hs Little Miss' Margaret McCrae has recovered hat from her-illness and is able to return Jer home from the hospital. J. West, was visiting her sisters, Mis. P ir | Black of the Bell Telephone Company said: 1 goal." . | Apply to C. W. Lakey, Utica, Bell Phone 164 r 2. 13442 IIe Serr a SE eee Haaanaaasass F. W. MCINTYRE | steadily ahead in the directioh you have decided to go. But spasmodic hard work will not suffice. It must be persistent and' patient effort. One of the chief elements of success is knowing how long it takes of attainment. You must be loyal to your self-appointed task. Method comes next. Turn your hand to the job ahead, but keep the job far ahead in mind. and learn 'all the time from every possible source | of information the things that will help you ® x reach your goal. EA rests with you, and you alone, to reach that If you say "f can and will be of use in the world" nothing can stop yoy. That is what -peo- ple mean when they talk of self-trust. The be- lief that the authorities of thejuniverse put you here-with an appointed task. e have to pay for 'everything in this world and unless you want a 'thing sufficiently badly to be-willing to pay the price of it you will certainly never get it. Sincerity in thought and word and deed is the keystone that binds all the parts of our scheme together: . "To thine own self be true; And it must follow, asthe night the day, Thou canst _not then be false to any man." een) () (mmr FOR SALE Onthotes Sleigh in first class condition. Suitable for town delivery or milk sleighhald torr track box for Ford Truck; sleigh or wagon box, standard size, never used. i ee (YO Qin INCREASED TELEPHONE RATES ? Speaking of 'the 'proposed new schedule of rate for telephone 'service which appears inthis issue, Manager very glad that the new schedule proposes no in- 1 'rate for residence service. This will tend to ze the development of residence telephones; mak- service of the merchant and business man, for we are 'asking an increase, of growing value to le is enabled as residence telephones increase, to always wider circle of households and customers, fave delayed our request for a change in rates| "that 'would be injurious to the whole | a tremendous clean up ble merchandise, Read ° Ladies' Winter Coats $1.00 "There's 14 coats to choose from. Bring your ; of f all Men's 8 and. Men's 8 $30 hi $: 5 Overconts. . dollar and take your choice. They're handy for rough wear or they can be made over for child- ren's coats. Regular $10.00. Sale price $1.00 Women's Kersey Cloth Coats to clear at $1.95 Women's $15.00 Coats to clear at $7.95 $18.00 fur trimmed Coats at , $20.00 fur trimmed Coats at $14.50 fur trimmed Coats at Children's $6.50 to $7.00 ls at Separate Skirts - Girl's Pleated Crepe Armure Skirts with cami- sole top. . Regular $2.50 for $1.59 Women's Crepe Armure Skirts, $3.25 for. .$2.75 French Wool Crepe Pleated Skirts, $7.25 for $5.50 All Flannel, French Crepe and h8use dresses are reduced 20%. Silks and Dress Goods 4 inch all wool Polo Cloth in cream or cardinal. Regular $2.00 yard. For $1.59 40 inch all wool Serg® Regular $1.25 for79ec. 56 ineh all wool Serge in Black, Navy, Brown, Green or Cardinal. Regular $2.25 for ....$1. 79 Union Dress Material for children's dresses in Grey Plaid. Regular $1.00 for ............ 69c. 22inch Black Velveteen. Regular 85c. for 39c. 'Telephone Rates at. this Exchange : i following 'table shows the principal rates now in effect for this exchange, and the new rates for which we are asking the approval of the Board of Railway Commissioners: -- Present Monthly Rate Monthly Rate Increase Business Service Individual Line ¢2,05 2-Party®: $1.85 Residence Service Individual Line 2-Party 1 $2.06 $1.86 oo ce . It will be seen that in order to bring local telephone rates into line with our proposed new schedule, no change is necessary in The jendency is thus to en- courage the development of residence service. = = 2 v the charge for residence service. "Merchants and 1 business men, while asked i pay-a somewhat - ~~ higher rate for business telephones will benefit in the enlarge- mentn of the scope and value of their service by the development of residence telephones. We believe our patrons will agree that to maintain and extend a service vital to the welfare of the community far outweighs in importance the moderate increases a relatively small number of "our citizens will be asked to pay. SEPP EEE PEPPER HEP Hee February Delineator -- - H. M. BLACK, OSHAWA, Manager : 28 Ww Flann + 85 hn hits se, Ji Hale price . ALS Popular Se. § Scotch Wool Blankets Made of high grade Scotch Wool, thoroughly scoured, made up in two sizes. 7 Ibs, regular 18. for $10.50 _ 6 Ibs., regular $11.50 for $9.50. "Checked Wool Bed Covers. $6.50 Woven in large checks or plain with striped borders. Made of pure wool yarn. Colors Fawn and brown, Pink and white, or Blue and white. Big Flannelette Blankets. Regular $7.80. Sale price $6.50 Flamelette Blankets in'large double bed size, heavy. quality, soft finish, white with pink border. Sale price $2.59 Women's CC Corsets | $2.25 This is a number of o6ur regular lines: of a la Grave: Corsets we are J} clearing out. Sold regularly at $3.75 to $4.50. Price to clear $2.25 Roller Towelling, 19c¢. 16 inch Roller Towelling of pure "linen in white and fawn stripe. Sale price per yd-19c¢ ! 44444 +4444 Regular 25c¢. 20c. Proposed Monthly $2.75 20 $2.25 40 $2.06 00 $1.85 « The Bell Telephone Company , Sale p Le er " 34 uch Factory Colln, regi eR } 4 foo and 24 feet, 5 inches - | end, reasonably to CL Vickery, Special S Wo and Work PANTS Never mind about the price, but. come in and see this splendid line. You will be at the values which we are offer- ing. Shirts and Caps The best the market affords to clear at very much re- duced prices. We .want .to..ciear .these goods .out, .and .put -the money in other stock, so give give you the advan- tage. Remodelling, Cleaning, Pressing and Yepairing. W. H. DOUBT MERCHANT TAILOR PORT PERRY, ONTARIO MISS HARRISON DRESSMAKER : + Ladies' and Misses' Dresses, Suits and Coats made to order...Rooms. over Morrison's Drug Store, Port Perry. DR. J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST Office upstairs.in. Leonard Block Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 98 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Dr. J. A. Mathers Physician and Surgeon, Successor to late Dr. 8. J. Mellow Office, Queen St., Port Perry. Bell Phone 17 Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn Teachers of PIANO AND VIOLIN Goode's Creamery at Port Perry ° 2 Is paying 43c. per Ib." for butter fat. You can save labor and make more money by sending your cream to Port Perry Creamery GOODE BROS. Proprietors W. A. SANGSTER - DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 am. to § p.m. Office 'vver McKee's Shoe Store PORT PERRY. ONTARIO |i JOHN-BELDON Loney LDS, DDS, DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of Royal College of Dental _ Toronto Surgeons and University of Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 pm. Even Phones-Office 68r 2. Residénce 68r8 --Office over Morrison's Drug Store. = WwW. J COOK REAL ESTATE . 2 Box 47, Myrtle Station fustorily ght, sold sold ad ox on fn a ho Ball Phone 130 Sorry to Prince Ferguson is with her rt' that Mrs. J.| der the doctor's We hope for a Speedy 1 re- AUCTION SALE are giving Geo. Hood 2 & Sons, Scugog To | selling pri arm stock aff ly H

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