1 your questions ng p t at id next meeting of ticultural Society on Wed- g y, February 3rd. . . J. H. Wagner has been oil. but is somewhat better time of writing. MRL "Turner and family ave returned home from the «+ The Ladies' Aid-of St. John's Presbyterian Church will hold their usual St. Patrick Tea and Concert on the 17th of March. . Program.will be announced later Mr. E. B. Walker, Manager of the local Branch of the Can- 'adian Bank of Commerce, will be absent for the next three weeks "=n a visit to his home in St. John, N.B. . During his absence the branch will be in charge of Mr. V. M. Dunlevie of the Head Office Staff. . Next Wednesday night will be . "Lucky Couple" night. Prizes . will be given and the Band will be in attendance. Come and bring your friends. --OD "PORT PERRY NOMINATION At the nomination meeting held at the Town Hall, on Mon- dag. night the following persons Be nominated to fill the -twé positions on the local council: Messrs. 1. R. Bentley, John F. Gerrow, Arthur Kight, James «Lucas, William Real, George A. Raines, Madison Williams and James Waddell. By 9 o'clock on Tuesday even- "® ing the following had qualified, ~ and an election will be held on Monday next, February 1st: i I. R. Beritley, James Lucas, William Real, Madison Williams. ¢ nmin eo) () (eames. DIED * Near Manchester, on Thurs- WC day, January 21st, 1926, Ruth Smith, widow of the late John "H. Betts; in her 89th year: ems) () (eases AY. P. A Fujin aia yr - Flatware i Order: Sale Now to February 1st "We are offering any piece of Flatware in . stock at a big reduction, if you need any bring in your list of wants and let us quote you prices. For watch, clock or jewellery repairs see us. i. R. BENTLEY Jeweller and Stationer. APPRECIATED Medlyn Apt, Regina, Jan 9. Find enclosed my renewal fo the Port Perry Star. Since I have been deprived of my weekly home letter, I look forward to receiving the Star with a, great deal of pleasure and read almost every word in it, even-to-the .advertisements. It is in a way like récéiving a letter from home. Yours truly, Mrs. J. A. Lane 000 AUCTION SALE On Wednesday, February 17, at 12.30 p.m. Mr. Christie will hold an auction sale of his farm stock and imple- ments, etc., at his premises, lot 10, con. 4," Reach Township. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers in OOO 1. 0. D. E. Tea will be served at the an- nual meeting of the Scugog Chapter on Monday, Te 1, at 3 p.m. in the rooms of the On Monday, January 11th the Junior members of the Church | ~ of the Ascension met * Parish Hall to re-organize a| "branch 6f-thé' A.Y.P.A. There were seven members present-- the Rector occupied the chair. Those present were Misses V. Roberts, M. Hayden, M.- Walker, A. Kight, L. Lundy, E. Lucas, To Kauffman. 'After an exciting nomination and voting by ballot the follow- "+ ing members were elected to hold office for the ensuing year: . President--Miss V. Roberts Vice Pres.--Miss M. Hayden Secretary--Miss A. Kight. Treasurer--Miss M, Walker 'Organist--Miss L. Lundy Editorial Sec' y--Miss Xauiman The installati Sendue ted hv the -on the 1st Monda: in February at 7.30 p.m. y "Any one between the ages of 4-21 is welcome to join us. Thora Kauffman, Editorial Secretary. in the | meeting of 1926%the best we Election of officers will take place . - Let every member be in her place and make this annual have ever had. / i QO Os CEMETERY MEETING - At the annual meeting of the Ontario Pine Grove Cemetery Co., held in the Town Hall, Port Petry, on Monday, January 18, the following Financial Report was presented for 1925. Receipts Bal on hand, Jan. 1, 1925 ...,$818.63 Rec. for care of lot (Treas.).. 66.756 Care lots, digging graves, ete. 853.90 Sale of lots. rE ae 705.00 Interest" on bonds ATI FAR SO 130.63 $2676.01 | Expenditures Wages--IL. Bond Wages---G. Heayn Wages of Officers Late J. Rolph, Hon. Treas. Invested in 'Railway bonds. Sundries 1016.21 Laughlin | - ebruary | Next Sunday will be the anada. ones, W. T. : C. J. Pearce: now a citizen of Port Perry January 24, 1886, the tent ference, officiated and delivered land, at the evening. service. ing for the day. $1100. dressed the Sunday School. Dr. the evening congregation. vices of the Church. excellent state of repair. a * - "Bal on hand ........ TT 78.90 ~ $2575.01 Rec. for Perpetual care, 1924 $380.00 Ree. Perpetual care, 1925 ....$975.00 iia $1375.00 The following were - selected. as officers for 1926 at subsequent meet- ing of the Directors. ! President--Jphn Jeffrey Sec'y-Treas.--T. J. Widden Caretaker--Lewis Bond. House and. Grounds Committee--S, Jeffrey, A. W. M. Campbell, Thomas Dobson. Auditors=W. F. Dobson and Geo. R. Davey. sig rt TTREEO00RET CHURCH OF ASCENSION Service next Sunday, January 31st, at 7 p.m Subject--Christ's First Miracle His Lordship the Right Rev. Bishop Sweeny, D:D., will be conducting the sacred rite of Confirmation in the Church of the Ascension on Friday Even- ing February -5th;-at 8 p.m.= He. will also. Dedicate. dhe Memorial Cross which has been given to the Church by Mrs. Dickson and 'family .in memory of the late Capt. Dickson, who for many years laboured faith- fully in God's vineyard. a I. HOCKEY ay Cannington vs. Port Perry On Friday night of last week Oannington came to Port Perry with the intention of trimming our boys, but they met their Waterloo in a fast and clean game, 4 to2. Both teams played fast hockey, and many good rushes from end to end were made" by / the defense of both Pp ERIOR STOR ES ; : dy 200 STORES sae eas Aunt Jamima P Harvest Tomatoes: 214" s, args tin fa Aylmer Peas, No. 4, large tin . ...per ti $114 | Pure © iaple Syru 01d Colo Methodist (now U Church at Port Perry. January 31st, Opening services continued. preached at 11 a.m.- Messrs Ambrose Kent and D. McLean, ad- February 7th, Rev. E. Roberts, preached at both services and closed the impressive opening ser- Fortieth Anniversary of the opening of the church now occupied by the United Church of Herewith we give the names of the first trustees of | the-church at the time of the opening of the church; Aaron Ross, Thomas Courtice, J. H. Brown, 8. E. Allison, 1. John Powers, James Boxall, S. Parrish, Wm. Brock, Wm. Ross, Jas, Lund, 'Wm Bateman, Jas. Jewett, Jas. Heal, Alonzo Jones, Wm. Hiscox, Bruce, J. W. Isaacs, Chasy W. Of these twenty trustees, only the following five re new living--S. E; Allison, James.Boxall J. W. and B. F. Ackerman, Of the five only one, S. Isaacs, : E: Alison: is 'United Church was opened and dedicated. Rev. Dr. Wm. Briggs, President of the Toronto Can: the first sermon. Rev. 'A Courtice, M.A., B.D., 'preached at 3 p.m. and Rev. Dr. A. Suther: $2,000 was the Thankgiving offer- On Monday~ evening at tea meeting was held and fully eight hundred partook of the good things provided. At 7.30 the even-k ing program commenced.--Hon. Geo. Cox, presided. Rev. Mg. Conron of Searboro and Rev. Dr. John Potts, gave strong adresses. The proceeds of the tea and additional subscriptions provided Rev. Dr. Stone Stone and D ND). McLean addressed Supt. of Whitby District, The church is a splendid building, and has been kept in an It is a worthy monument to the foresi8ht of its founders, and the loyal support of its members. Two members who have been with the church almost the whole forty years are Mr. J. H. Dyubt, and Mr. S. Jeffrey. a---- teams. The was not large. Don't forget the big Hockey Match at the rink on Friday of is week--Uxbridge vs. Port aly As the standing of the District is close 'this will be a hard fought battle. nermmes () () (eee THE LURE OF THE = =~ SILENT NIGHT. The night is still, the air is keen, The Breezes gently blow; Il seem to say, in their quiet way, Come for a tramp o'er the snow. "Tis the call of the night, the [a double bead moulding '#|a powerful motor in: a | turn of #| smooth an silent night; 'Pis the call of the lonely wild: "| We know right well, it is na- ture's spell On the heart of her timid child. The sky is broad, the sky is clear While the large round moon 80 bright : Sess, paly glad her share to a : To the lure of the silent night. The forest's lone, 'and each: tall tree Throws 8 shadow "across the While every hill and the country sti Draw on, so on, we go. F. G. Weir. ENTIRELY NEW PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS General Motors announce as an addition to their liné of motor cars the Pontiac Six. It is built in two models, a five- passenger Coach and a two-pas- senger Coupe, both of which list at-$115656-at the factory, taxes] extra. It is good looking car," surpris- ingly roomy for its wheelbase. of 110 inches, nicely upholstered and thoroughly equipped--even to the automatic windshield wiper--Fisher body, 'wind- Lr 'great Speed, Sosther Piiiy rapid acceleratio A. light car, with th . My a ana ac ways telling mie 'what wonderful bread, flaky ~~ "pastry and light, de- # "licious 'cakes they bake .* with Purity Flour, . * Really, I've known of ~ the uniform excellence of Purity Flour for a long time--that's why I sell it. I could handle any brand in Canada but I choose "Purity = ° Flour--that's something to think about--isn't it? ' » \ Write for the 180 page Purity Flour Cook Book, 30c in stamps brings it postpaid to you. Worth lots more WESTER! CANADA FLOUR MILLS CO; LIMIT -_ Head Office; TORONTO _ Branches from coast to coast. 13 mga) (tammy tive, after the provision. of power and plenty to spare, being long life and a machine that would be easy to service, though requiring very "little attention even under abusive treatment. is a combination of a tougheand durable structire with such features of design as will enable it to "lug" most astonishingly at low speedd and also carry its load up into a range of what are relatively high speeds for a motor having the other char- acteristics which this one has. A torque tube drive is used | This relieves the springs of any. duty except cushioning road shocks; requires but one univer-{ sal joint, reduces the tendency of the propeller shaft to whip] and permits the entire enclosure |, of propeller shaft and universal |" * | point against dirt. The .coach is finished in Ari-| zona Grey Duco, with blacy up- per structure and black beading and - Fairie- Red striping on body, louvres and wheels. The rear quarter is finjshed in leath- er and has the diStinctive bows. corduroy, The large rear deck fins a lid extending, "practically the full rémoved entirely and space used gage. - Back of the seat is shelf about six inches wide: cludes sun visor, plate glass win- dows with Sle speed at- ors, : J matic dn irr ail shade for rear window, the usual lock Squipment; but as sag ion oregoing items, suc familiar go as foot laid down, the principal objec- The engine, in other words,{.- This upholstery also, 'is grey | ength-and width which may be : for. sample cases or heavy lug- | Equipment of the coupe in-| SPECIAL OFF ER: Mattress and Cover * A. L. McDERMOTT $2." Fu urniture Dealer 'Port Perry, Ont. Undertaker Port Perry. Dominion Store Our Sale i is boomin valuable barga ins i same. and save money. many people have got their were well pleased. ore in'at our-store and get your bargains Do the . Special Bargain for Young Ladies--Silk and Wool Checked Sport Hose, reg. $1.45. Another Bargain -- Scotch Fingering Ya 4 3 : a es a oerag Yam, § pV, | -begt make: For $1. 19. ALIX. GILBOORD \ .Drygoods » Clothing x » Boots & Shoes CHURCH 'Rey, W. L. Atkinson, Pastor. St.dohn's, Port Perry--:. PRESBYTERIAN aonnda ay, Jan, 3, Public. Wor- ship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.. Sun- day School at 8 p.m.. ¥- 'P. Guild on Monday at 7. 30 = Young Women's Auxiliary has heen organized which will hold its first meening at the home of the President, Mrs. H. Archer, on Tuesday Evening February 3rd, at 7.30, All young women welcome. Breadalbane, Utica-- © "Sunday School at 2/p.m. with re-organization and election of officers. Pub wo up at 255 INGSOON A pay fey "Mrs. Main- vén in he Town Hall, Port" erry, under the auspices of the I *0.:D."B. at a: pet tie Jed. Watch for Particulars next week. QQ Oras ~ UNITED CHURCH Rev. William Higgs, Minister. Sunday, January 81st. Public Worship at 11 a.m. and' 7 pm, Rey. Dr. J. W. Graham: will preach at both services. The choir® will render special music. Monday. » study udy, Thursd, ing oa mm. Choir Prati Thurs. umn 8. 30, - Sunday, January 31st will' be {observed as the 40th Anniver- sary since the openi ft | church--Jan "24. Tage. © - Jr He, pairs of Low SnageProot Rubbers, urge 50 pairs Bo; Characters from. Mrs, Jarley's Waxworks will also-be present- . Y: P. League at 150 am, on 4 Woo,