Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 31 Dec 1925, p. 1

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in town with relatives for Bre Wiig, of Detroit, was and spent Christmas with his . Orval Switzer, of Toronto, was for the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cook, of St. tharines, spent the week end with ris parents, Mr, and Mrss,T. Cook. Mr. William Nesbitt, of Toronto, is home for the holidays. ; " Mr. Alfred Higgs is spending the holidays in Frankford. ; Mr. Douglas Lucas spent Christ. mas with his parents. Miss Lucy Woodley spent Christ- mas in Toronto, with Her sister. Mr, Harold Jackson is spending the ChYistmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert: Taylor of Brighton, were in town for Christ" mas Day. Miss Margaret Forman is home for the Christmas holidays. Mr. M. Nasmith, of Detroit, was in town for the week end. * Miss McBride, of Oceawa. i is fhe her parents for the holidays. Mr. Karl Doubt, of Torapto, was home for the week end. Mr. Harry Peel, of Guelph College; is home for the holidays. Miss L. Mark and Mr, C. Mark, of Toronto, spent Christmas with their "parents, 'Mr: 'and Mrs: Geo; Mark, of | Honeydale. The Misses Greta and Marion Foster, of Toronto, were with their parents for Christmas. Mr. Sampson Yelland is in Exeter] with his mother who 1s very ill. Mrs, P. A. Abernethy and "Miss A. Abernethy, spent. Christmas with "Mr. and Mrs, Farmer. 4 Mr. Fred Hughli, of Regina, is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. ~ Wm, Brock: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Letcher spent hristmas in Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keller and Mrs, ock," of Hanover; also Miss M. , of Montreal, spent Christmas Mus, J, McGlynn, G..Stovin and Mr. W, Stovin Christmas in Oshawa. wson Kaufman, of the k, Bridgetown, was Christmas. "Pérgeter is spending by jteye with his brother. Carr of the Bell 'spent the holi- 'home in Cobourg. expected the Band will on New Year's We wish me amd all a uery * Happy and Yrosperous New Year. I. R. BENTLEY. Jeweller and Stationer. Dr., Mrs. McMaster and child- ren, spent Christmas in Toronto with Mrs. McMaster's sister, Mrs. Hutt. Mrs. Huft and_child- ren accompanied them home and spent the week end here. Mr. Harvey Dunn, of Detroit, has been holidaying with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ben. Dunn, Mr. Kline McKee, Toronto, was in' town tor Christmas, ~~ Miss Amy Beare;*of Toronto, is spending the holidays with her parents. Mr. Clarence McKinnon, of Detroit, is spending the holidays with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Raymes oi iarrie, are in town for the uoliddys." th Mr. Wm. Kaufman, of Blem- helm, is home for the holidays. - ' Mr. Glen. Collacutt and friend Mr. Curry, of Guelph College, are with Mr. and Mrs. H. Colla- [cutt, for the holidays. Mr. Percy Malcolm, of To- ronto, is spending the holidays J-wath his mother. Mrs. C. Phair and children, of Greenbank, spent Christmas at Jthe home of Mrs. Woon, Sr. The following persons were |p Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McClintock: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McTaggart, Miss M. M¢Taggait, Mr, Barton McTag- gart, Mr. and Mrs.. Elmer Mec- Taggart and son -Bobby, all. of Toronto; and Mr.-and Mrs. D. Morris and family, of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Art Horne, of Saskatchewan, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Day and other friends in this vicinity, . The Y. P, A. of St. John's Church are presenting Charley's Aunt at Blackstock, on New Years night. ; IF YOU CANNOT SEE AS YOU SHOULD Without glasses, get them for the good of yourself and your gyes. ,Don't let anything. inter- fere with your consulting us. And don't let anything cause you to defer the matter, _ Be- cause" if glasses are necessary "to* enable you to see as. you | should, thére is no duty of more importance than getting them. Jur service is thorough and ac- R. Bentley weller and Optometrist 'week Dear Mr. Farmer: esting trip. We left Toronto at mid- night Tuesday, arrived in Detroit early next morning and had until the night before owing no "doubt to it being a cold dull day I was glad to get back on our 'Pullman. 'We reached Cincinnati about 7 p.m. and had two hours there before our train, (The Swanee River Special) pulled out, so we went up town from 'the station and we came away with a fine impression of Cincinnati, it is a particular the large theatres, After leaving here we had no more lengthy stops until we" reached our destination. . . We were met at the station by Miss E. J. McCaw and Mr. W. H. McCaw, Who took us to their home and we have been staying there ever since, but have roomd of our own now, and dre moving to-morrow. I know you will be glad to hear that both Jack and myself had no difficulty in securing position; Jack with a leading Hardware business in the - city and myself with. The American Bank and Trust Co: Practically all the car dealers: are away behind with their orders and even Ford is shipping.them here by the ship-load--350 arriving that way last week. The weather is very fine, I have been going to work all the time with no hat or coat, as seems to be the general custom. Some change from Canada, eh? Yours truly, Frank 'B. 'Atdrom. enone Ya MR. SMITH INJURED Mr. A. G. Smith, formerly of Port Perry, but now of Smith- ville, met with a painful acci- dent about two weeks ago, while working in the pit of a new elevator in- connection: with- the mill, one of the men was run- ning a loaded wheelbarrow up a rade of 12 feet and in some way ost control of it and both man and barrow fell o ntop of Mr. Smith's back, crushing him down and seriously i injuring and tearing the ligaments of his neck and shoulders. He will be confined to the house for some time under the doctor's care, but is doing 'as -well a8 can 'be -ex- pected. On L O. D. E. The regular meeting of the . D. E. will be held in the rooms of the Order, on Monday, 'January 4th, at 8 o'clock. A full attendance. is requested. as this is the nomination meeting. . & COAL COKE WOOD We 'arrived in St. Petia' al' Friday, after a very inter- Church of noon to see the town, and it certainly | ¥"™ a large city; but as I had' not slept. bding new to sleeping on a train; and| fine bright city and we noticed in' -| Hawaiian Orchestra, under the On the evening of Monday Jan. 4th, a concert is on in the United Ch Prospect, w. entertainers 3 Miss Vera Miller, Soprano Miss Jean Ferguson, Fah Miss Louise Carnegie, Miss Marion Goode, ocd st Douglas McArthur, Cartoonist direction of Mr. Wallace Arm- strong. Rev. Mr, Swayne will act as chairman: ----CO (rr-- . INTERMEDIATE 0. H. A. Schedule for 1926 = GROUP 38 Jan. 5-- Uxbridge at Whitby Jan. 5--Port Perry at Cannington / Jan. 8--Cannington at Lindsay Jan. 8--Whitby at Port Perry Jan.. 12--Whitby at. Uxbridge Jan. 12--Lindsay at Port Perry Jan. 156---Uxbridge at Cannington Jan. 16--Lindsay at Whitby Jan. 19--Cannington at Uxbridge Jan. 19--Port Perry at Whitby Jan. 22--Cannington at Port Perry | Jan, 22--Uxbridge at Lindsay Jan. 26--Whitby at Cannington - Jan. 26--Lindsay at Uxbridge ~ Jan, 29---Uxhridge at Port Perry Jan. 29--Cannington at Whitby Feb. 2--Port Perry at Uxbridge Feb. 2--Whitby at Lindsay Feb. 5--Lindsay at Cannington Feb. 9--Port Perry at Lindsay Li * «4 a Muskrat Fur Lining For Ladies' Fur-lined Coat call and. see W. H H, Doubt. 4 : : hors w-- R. F. CARTER CARPENTER & BUILDER Hardwood Floors a Specialty Address: General Delivery, Port Perry ree YO Qe MILK The undersigned is prepared to take orders for the delivery of milk--just as the cow gives _2000LBS-ITON | DISTRIBUTORS OF SCRANTON COAL | ITE A AR it, cream and all. Phone 122 2-3 F. Dowson, R.R.3, Port Perry. A BLACK j : BUSINESS pr LIME 'Cement | Etc. "5 but Coke or Soft Coal. ~~ QUETTES. They are the ' that we know T pay you to put in a ton of these We are having repeat orders every day for o How is "Your Coal Supply Lasting? - With the severe weather ahead now is the time to think of filling up your. in While there is fuel available. W "Wi ES and Shite das. of PEA ipped out every ur BRI best, substitute for hard. coal gi ve there is no waste~-they | urn rie] t to a powder. It ould ust as lasting 'a heat and and save your hard coal for the more severe weather that is sure to come, BR : ~The Best in Photo Plays. "Every Tuesday, > | Thursday and Saturday. * "OUR B 0 SIN E S s IS TO EXAMINE THE EYES AND: . Supply Glasses That Will Correct Any. Defect, WE DO NOTHING ELSE. But we do it Scientifically and Correctly. W. A. HARE, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST; =. Leonard Block, Port Perry, vs: e were "I very fortunate a few weeks age to secure three large cars of ANTHRACITE BRIQUET' COAL--but at the rate these are being sh day our supply of both will very shortly be used up, after which there will be nothing to fall back on in the fuel line Put in Your Order Now Calendars for 1 F ifty Excellent: Designs No Better range offered : Prices Very Reasonable , Phone us--Bell 50 ARTICLES FO Gent's Coonskin Coat, 2 Stove, Horse, small Cutter and a few Ancona Gockerels, 4 Apply 'to C. H. Kellett, Port Perry A Sc : The second prize for eggs at" the pp should have been credited. to. Mr: T Caesar : : ; CHURCH OF ASCENSION Watch-night Service 'on Thurs- dey evening of this week at 11 Sunday next -- Holy Com- | munion at 11 am. » "Rev. 8. C. Jarrett, Rector ~ Een ~ Ladies' Heavy Coati EJ Loans ve have a 1 ae A packic particu arly attrac. n Laie Heay or you anything in furs on a close com- mission basis. We do not stock Juss. We have prices and cata- ~-Vlogues a and can give you quick We love to. elédin and Bpt that old suit and A k like new. : pRameicig Clean 1 leaning, Big range dowesr odd pans, ch fer Work - MERCHANT Lp : PORT PERRY, ONTARIO

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