Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 26 Nov 1925, p. 2

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4 morning by a sudden Suscateive bulletin issued by the at- ending physicians only sefved to em: mother, "who, had she d he eighty-first birthday. The news of her death has plunged _ into 'deepest and sincerest mourning the entire great realm over whose In-' habitants she refgned as Queen during ' _.. a decade, in. whose hearts she hug been enshrined for more than. threescore years with an affction such as has; fallen to the lot of few, if any, Queens in history. King George V., her son, and Queen | Mary were at her bedside when she _ breathed her last. With them were Queen Alexandra's three daughters-- Queen Maud of Norway, the Princess ttack she never rallied. Bach | the desperate condition of the |~ days longer, would have cele- | '§ ringham and miles round about, Alex- Royal and Princess Victoria; Prince | andra was "the Queen." "Hers has al- Henry, her grandson, and a few other | relatives and Intimates, among the latter the aged Miss Knollys, who en- tered Alexandra's service when she, like her Royal mistress, stood on the ' threshold of life, and stayed beside her through 556 years of affectionate and unswerving loyalty. The Prince of Wales arrived too late to take a last farewell of his grandmother. He and his brother, the © Duke 'of York, 'accompanied by "the Duchess of York, left London by train shortly after 2.30 o'clock this after noon, But their train reached Wolfer- ton, the station nearest Sandringham, one minute before the Queen-mother died. 'The train had to feel its way through "the fog and the Prince never saw his grandmother alive after the visit he made to greet her just after bik return from his South African and Bouth American tour. " Amid the universal grief of the | British nation to-night, that 6f the! ways been the name upon their ton- gues, and hers will be the memory forever enshrined in their hearts. Alexandra Caroline Maria Char-) C= lotte Louise Julia--to give her late Majesty's baptismal name in full-- was the eldest daughter of Prince (afterward King) Christian of Den- mark. The Prince of Wales was 20 years of age when he first met Alex- andra of Denmark in 1861. His bride- to-be was 17. They were married at St. George's Chapel, Windsor, on March 10, 1863. Six children - were born to King Edward and Queen Alexandra: H.R.H, Prince Albert Victor Chris- tian Edward, Duke.of Clarence and Avondale, K.G., K.P,, born Jan, 8, 1864; died Jan. 14, 1892. His Majesty King George V., born June 8, 1865; succeeded to the Throne on May 6, 1910. H:R.H. Princess Louise Victoria Alexandra Dagmar, Princess Royal, little community of Sandringham ind | born Feb. 20, 1867; married, July 27, the near-by vi:lages stands out in pa- | 1889, the Duke of Fife, who "died Jan. thetic relief. There it is that the dead 29, 1912. Queen's devoted tenants live; there H.R.H. Princess ~ Victoria Alex is' the Home of those who daily re-| andra Olga Mary, born July 6, 1868. ceived her bounty and her smiles.' H.R.H. Princess Maud Charlotte There--to every man, woman and; Mary Victoria, Queen of Norway, child--it was always she, and not born Nov. 26, 1869; married, July 22, Queen Mary, who was "the Queen." | 1896, Prince Charles of Denmark, | In speaking thus.of King Edward's elected King Haakon VII. of Norway,| widow these humble folk meant not Nov. 18, 1905. the slightest disrespect to the consort. H.R.H. Prince Alexander John! of the Monarch who ruled in-his stead. 'Charles -Aibert, born: April -6, and Nevertheless, to the People of Sand- died April 7, 1871. PEPALL ACQUITTED ON ALL FOUR COUNTS Jury Finds Bond Deals With Provincial 'Government Not Improper. A despatch from Toronto says: -- Andrew H. Pepall, a free man, step-| Thursday night having been found, not guilty on each. of the four charges | of an indictment for theft, receiving, false pretences and corruption in cons out with the Provincial Government. The whole day had been taken up with the addresses of the defence and prosecuting counsel and the charge of Mr. Justice Wright to the jury. A. Slaght, K.C., counsel for Pepall, _ Counsel W. N. Tilley, K.C., occupied, two hours, and the judge's summing up lasted for. just an hour, It was al- ted to the jury, and it was 8.40 when they returned with their verdict. | About fifty people were in court | rl for the final scene of a drama which] commenced at the Parliament Build-| ings, Toronto, in 1919, when the Drury Government came into power, shifted to England, where Pepall and i .Aemilius Jarvis, Sr., journeyed to: buy in stock for the Government, then | moved to California from where Pep- | all was extradited to face the charges mentioned. Among those in court "were Mrs. Pepall and a son. nt a "Did a doftor treat you for that: "Treat me! He soaked me nu bucks." ; | Auto Skids Into Ravine One Killed. Two Injured th says:--British Columbia's birthday spoke for two and a half hours; Crown | Legislature waa observed by the sprigs of Douglas fir in memory of! | the swearing in-of Sir James Douglas most, 4,30 when the case was submit- BE i Ouves Isiand on Birthday Anniversary A despatch from Victoria, B.C., members wore ri Ap Answer to last week's puzzie: The Malabar was {hard Mit. : The storm was 5 nea AF Coens 0 , vi na A yin un Thpaug in nda within ; ptly lowered; ahd the Sanatorium Board sent the first cable of ayn [to the King. It was as folows: "I am directed on behalf of Queen' Alex-| | andra Sanatorium for the Tubercul- _! osis, which the late Queen-mother was graciously pleased to endow with the prestige of hér name; to express to {your Majetsy the respectful and sin- | cere sympathy of military and civilian | patients and staff in your Majesty's the Brpire's H. Pratten, M.D., Sup- 'vember: 13, said { was foared 60 fish-'¢ been' lost. * The storm gauted floods inland and impeded com- ) it of Queen eit Fi 101 Going to Us. A despatch rom 1 London says:-- Hughes' portrait of nh Mother 'Alexandra, which has been ./ bought by Ralph Melcer, of Connecti Queen 'Alexandra's Joungest daugh-' cut, and will be taken fo the United ter; Princess Marie of Greece, Prince; States, is a sketch made by the artist! Henry, Sir Henry. Streatfield, head of | for hig official coronation portrait'of Queen Alexandra's household, and a " the Queen Mother and represents her few ladies and gentlemen in waiting. mov wearing her crown and court jewels.! As the sad little cortege reached the Alexandra, a Princess of Denmark, church it was. joined by Queen Mary was only fifty-seven years old when! and Queen Maud of Norway, I this portrait was made in 1901, when driven' from Sandringham she and King Edward VIII. "were crowned, and she soon will celebrate her eighty-first birthday. | i: 200 Lose Lives When Haitian Vessel Sinks x RET A A despatch from Havana, Cuba, The Late Gueen Mother Alexandra |says:--The "Haitian steamer Villes des Cayes, with more than two hun- {dred laborers on board, bound for San- tiago de Cuba for 'the sugar-cane The engineer and two; seamen were o picked up by the British! | steamer Wanderer and landed at Aux While sil looked 'on in reverent grief, the 'coffin was' lifted to an oak trestle which serves as the bier for high and low, rich and poor, at the 3 little 'Sandringham sanctuary. Then THE MARKETS No. 3" North, 31. $1.89%. Maa. oats--No. 2 CW., nominal; 3 0%; No. 1 feed, 1%; No. | smoo "Am. ! com track; Toronto---No, 2 Montreal tokighta} bags included. "Bran, per ton, $28; shorts, per ten, $30; middlings, perf of d feed flour, per bag, | feed On. oats--40 to 43¢, f.0.b. shipping: ¥ Ont. good miliing. wheat--$1.21 to, $1.24, f.0.b. shipping points according | Barley--Malting, 67 to 69c. Bugkwhegt <Nu, 3, nominal, Rye No.2 B08 do, second pats., Sri, Queen Ro yal family and ire : Majesties' household. Then will] interment. ; strictest sort of regime. cars, Si to $134 Rl | ~ Oats, No. 3 CW, 573%e; No. 1 extra , 63%¢; No. 2 local 'white, 51%e. ir, Man. spring Wheat pate, firsts, IR $7.30% winter $6.65. Rolied oats, bag { Bran, $28, 25. Shorts, § Cheese, at "wests., 21 to 3c; finest easts,, 21c.- + 1 beurized, 43% to de; av, 42% to 43¢; seo is, 419 Jo Eggs, storage © as, 3 age firsts, 41c; storage seconds, 86¢; fresh| fresh extras, 65¢; fresh Potatoes, Quebec, per bag, Ont. mage; godo. 90 per cent. at., per barrel, in ecarlots, "Toronto, (apecial 5.90; seaboard, in bulk, $6. 90, Straw--Carlots, per_ton, $9 to $9. oy "car lots, $2. 50 to $2.75. Screenings -- pai b. ba "8 aled Ray--No. 1. jo The definitions --e et to 26e: forgo, 24% to to 2805 CROSS WORD PUZZLE Every number in the form. represents the beginning of a word, redding If there is a black square tp the {eft of the if above it, the word is ver! $2; cutters, $2. 50 to $3, to. $3.26; veals, 0,50; do, poe vg $9 to $9.50. ogs, $10: sows, '$10.to $10.25. ST Gander Won $105.50 ~ "for the Beck Endowment Toronto. 'Nov. v. 23.--The sum. of ' 65e; oose, 63 to 6b¢c; storage extras, | $105.60 the procecds of a sale of i tickets for a Brown China Gander, a ! prize winner, at the Royal Winter vent Toronto, was reaiized Saturday behalf of the Beck Me ) Endowment. Dr. ¥._N. Mar- ang Professor of Poultry Hat, A at the OAC, Guelph, ,1 the holder of the lucky Heket for the gander, which was dgawn by Mrs. Carroll, wife of the president, B. M. Carroll, of the easing Wolf Club Formed. Formed . either horizontally or vertically. number, the word is horizontal; - dw number may of course begin. both a horizontal and a vertical, | for the correct words to fill the form are found below, with numbers corres: nding to those on the form, Rin through the definitiofis till at: you recognize, and.put it in its proper place on the form, one letter for, This will furnish several cross-clues to the words linking ' Continue-ip-this manner till-the form is-completely If you have solved the puzzle correctly it-should read both horizontally "aged | and vertically with words corresponding to the definitions. large 30¢; ori, 30%c; triplets, 81c, iss 2 Prize Butter-- Finest - 'creamery prints 47c; No. 1 creamery, 46c; No, 2, prints, 40 to 42. each white square. Montreal, Nov. 22.--~Edouard La-| With it at right angles. pierre, aged 28 years, sf Joliette, was filled. instantly killed; A. Desmarais, 80 years, is not expected to live, arf] M. Martineau, aged 50 years, is in a serious condition, as the result of in- ped from "the 'Assizes dock at 8.45 juries received.to-night:when.an auto- (A mobile in: which they were driving 11. | skidded cff the St. Jerome Road, about fifty mies from here, and fell into a 14. ravine nine feet deep at the side of | nection with bond transactions carried [the road. British Columbia bia Celebrates < 4bey storage firsts," 42¢; 1. Of the Highest quality, 1. Sacks or © pouchs used for liolding onds, 37 to 88e . On old English money of account. : Articles of food produced by hens, Human ingenuity. jiresh. ftsts, bb pine ry----Chickens, sprin 1b, De do, 3 to 4 Ibs., 24 to 280; do. 3. Tio prinetpal 'member-of a-theatri- 8 to 4 ibs. "Re; roosters, 18¢; duck. lings, 5 Ibs. and 4 217-80c. [13. handpicked); Thi 6; 4. A Japanese sash, Go £ 6. A part performed by oh 'actor ina primes, 5 to b . High-flown, lofty. d Mo produce Sy Tip, . A slender stick. Fond 3 maple sugar, Honey--60-ib. tins, Fr hark +b; 10-1b. tins, 12% to 13c; Sib 13 to 13%c; 2%-lb, tins, 14% to 15c. Smoked meats--Hams, med., 9. An intoxicating Mgnor. . Delaware (abbr); . An implement used to etir up a 12. A viper commen in Europe. 13. Exactly the same in measure or A great deal (slang) a Taras Yen Foelnd Ol by Fred a well-known one otabEBnInT ie Yo pe om atch : rey have applied for treatment and soon will begin to diet on 'bran bread and submit themseives to the "Anybody who breaks the rules goes out on his head," is Dyers de- 'scription of the sort of discipline which is to be enforced. Reguiar life and strict "adherence to thé rules are to be the life of this place, There is no white bréad, and meat only three several days at a time. I h#ve found that fasting clears the brain marvel. Tously." E nd H tariow Boys avkbed= Kicks on King of Spain A dedpatch Zrom 1 London saypics' The proposal to send the Archduke of Austria, to an English school has aroused much interest at Harrow, 'Eton and other establishments. = 'When the late Duke of Genoa was =~ a boy at Harrow he was elected King" of Spain by the Cortes, and," though he was a very popular youth, all the other students soon began: making a nity, so as to be able to boast in later life of having once kicked the King of Spain. However, King Victor Emmanuel II, fearing < dynastic complications, forbade: acceptance of the proferred crown, 'and so the kicking of the near-~ king all went for nothing. ee ------ -------- Giant Spruce, 11 Feet in Diameter, is Felled : By 3 denatih from 0 Olympia, Wash, | ys:~--Notrthwest forests still hold secrets. Despite forty years of log- {80c; cooked hams, 41 to 42¢; 'smoked rolls, 22¢; cottage, 23 to to' 25¢; "break- '32 to pk Spotial brand 16. To incline the head. . Amount at which a person is rated ft 17. An American means of defense with reference to assessments. « Professional (slang). . Organs of eight. : gal, 22. To Ard archi: 0 Prince Township, has trapped . Belonging fo you, | wolves during the. past week, and they. Ee de ., $22; 70 to 5 Tbs 20 lbs, and. up, $19.50; lig rolls, in partes, La 50; grime) Lard--Pure es tubs, 183% to 19¢; 1 3 19 rints, 20 to 20%e¢; shortening tierces, i 18%¢; yaa 14c; pails, 14%%¢; blocks, ; 24, Be aly. of food "usually eaten at . A piece of metal which serves as 26. The 4 ofa prize-fight promo 28. A 'boy's nickname. 29. A cooking vessel. 2 Metallic compound. bein; FHI oh "thé Second Tine cat live red fox in a bap 'and has it in fx pen on his farm. wolf in the same trap, that measured 5 feet 10 inches. . . A bone of the human body which was supposed by certain Rab-. .. binigal writers to be indestruct- He also caught a' . A title of respect. evry win 'choics; 3.0 75 to' $8.255 es buteher fish, o "Pertaining to the intercourse of 40 A 'collection of animals (sintig). 42. Part of a "stair. 43. To cook in a certain way. 57.46: A division in a 'shield. - 46. Florida (abbr.) . 48. New or recent (prefix) 49. The head (slang). 60. An artificial elevation used in golf. 61. An exclamation éxpressing triumph | (ers and he See hot: long it will take iy , 'med 3 Signifying. the maiden name of a a com, $5 Fi! Soishon heir. married woman. eS , Though (contraction). 66. Nickname for a student second year of a gol'ege course. il atinging insect. a bai cl iy sale to tg a fois 4 he ric ale % "betwean the United an "A depute f I IN[TIE|IRIEISIT] | INIGIL]Y D M ER SI|OIN| 1 [A] E[RIOISIRP/AIREWIAIRIM] AS LENO AE LEMPUIRISUlT M[ 1S] S : Ee v[i wiliP SAIL 5 AMERT 54. Ll S A RIA L[A[} LIED] EMME v_ 1S N E This wnssie took fourteen. minutes i solve, Jou to enlva it. MUTT AND JEFF--By Bud Fisher. dere I'M IN BAD: MY Wi ANTED ME To BEAT naApe Russ. AND I SNEAKED {WHATS New? om A NOTE FROM THe \ DIRECTOR. oF: YouR NEXT Movie. He ici "sick! "ACT LAKE YOU'RE [| "SCARED STARE! | ging in Pacific County, last" week a Spruce ree: eeven feet in diameter d ont. N 22. at Ee Selly + Sau't Ste. Marle, ov, Ee Soh i " enti The a oe im just inside the giant was. three-qua es 3 in the rin te Rot Hood wood, | long the same. lines as Muidoon's in s | America, pa d by De to | pew, "Elth ing and other 2 guished New Yorkers. : bind Nor So sis fa £ dreds of prominent Britishers , week. I even cut out food © ° 3.86. | entirely for somé of my patients for Otto, son of the former Emperor Karl int of kicking him at every JOPPOT~- soni

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