you find an. enthusiastic oy the tonic that has made life | mean more in many ways. These | © blood-making pills have been used by three generations of pido in almost. every community, however . . small, can be found those who' owe health and happiness - to this tamous household remedy, = ~ Weak and Run I Down. "I wish from my heart I could per- suade every person who is run down in health to give Dr. Williams' Pink trial." Thus writes Mrs. Louie --"About a year ago I was ay | "Weak woman, suffering from a run- down system and impoverished blood. Any little exeftion would cause my legs to tremble and, my heart to throb . Yolently. I could not sweep a-room:- or walk fifty feet without being ex: bausted. Then I began takfhg Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and after taking only gix boxes I am as well and strong as éver., I can walk and run without stopping every few seconds gasping - for breath as previously. Dr, Wil , Hams' Pink Pills. will be my. stand-by. in the future if ever my blood needs "building up again, and I shall 'always find pleasure in recommending them to anyone.needing a tonic." oh Fitted for the Job. * "Lady wishes employment for Tew hours daily to take children out for + an invalid); life experience with all ~~ animals and poultry. --Write 10.833. recomm @ of which I took, but with no ap- " result. At'last I could not sleep. My sister, who isin Eng ; won urged me to give Dr. * Pink Pills a trial, and I can ed scar say how glad-1 am that I took her advica, My friends were surprised fat my niplete recovery, but I as- sured them™it was due entirely to Dr. Williams" Pink Pills and I now always keep a box on hand in case of emer- gency." 'Keep Your System Toned Up. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills assist di- gestion, correct the lassitude, the pal- pitation of the heart, shaky nerves and the pallor of the face anl lips that are | the results of thin, impure blood. Try Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills for anemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, ner- vousness. Take them as a tonic if you are not in the best physical con- "dition and cultivate a resistan will. keep you w well and strong. Get a box and begin this treatment now. Send for These Health Books: Two useful books, "Building Up the Blood," and "What to Eat and How to Eat," will be sent free by The Dr. Wil- lams' Medicine Co.,- Brockville," opt, it you. mention - paper. : Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in medicihe or will be sent by mail, pest paid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per box. The Frontier-College. The first calendar of the Frontier College strikes a new note in educa. tion. This institution endeavors to relate an Arts course to life, and 18 thérefore 'designed to open the door fot opportunity to -manual -and other workers, hitherto neglected. This institution claims, and with a good deal of feason, that too many of ». «| our young people have been sent away | the homestead, farm,' from home to acquire an &duc-tion. | This has detached them from the busy -work-a-day world, and unfitted them .| for the daily round and common task of earning a Mving and helping their families-and neighBors. » Ths Frontier' College has broken new ground, and studiously avoids competition with the older universi- ties. It seeks to creat an interest in 'cémip, shop And other forms of Isolated employment 80 | long overlook: There can bé no question that the time Is ripe fof such a university, In a country Mke Canada where manual workers are needed mest of all, and where this class will settle in large numbers in the future, it is necessary to bing education to'the worker rath- 'fer than take him away from his york to obtain an education eléewhere. For mdtriculants who have the _ambition, enérgy and capacity to study zlone, courses of study are outiined therein, and due provision will be made so that candidates may write their examina- tions locally. ; © Perhaps one of the moat: interesting features of the Ffontler College is the fact that no boy-or girl living in' the city can win a scholarship. These are 'offered as a premium to encourage a "trek" back to the land. Substantial fellowships running from $100 to $500 are ollered og men and 'women he. frontier and combine hoursof teach. . long re nknown cor. that ply: Tespondent in the Wegt. The hand. writing was precise and labored, the phrasing homely, and in the letter, | wrapped in paper, with « 'oars that | ter, was a dollar bill Keller," the letter read, have heard about you, and I am 'sorry for you. "I send you a dollar, be- I am deat and dumb, but I can work and you cannot. I work in a fac- tory and have a good job the year round, I wish I had your picture, . If on have a picture that has been print- somewhere in a paper of . maga- zine and would send it'to me, I should think a great deal of it I would not ask for a photograph, but any picture that has been printed." : A heart as tender as Miss Keller's, but with less Insight, might have dic- tated the return of the money, since her circumstances made the gift quite unnecessary. But instead, with intul- tive understanding, she accepted the humble gift in a graceful letter in which she told the unknown giver that 'it would afford her much pleasure to "buy something -with- the dollar for herself." She also sent a large photo- graph, with her signature on it. In a little while there came this re- "Deéar'Helen Keller: Your letter and picture were both received on the 18th of May. You do not know how happy I am. On reading the letter and look: ing at the picture a thrill 'of joy came over me. O my friend, I cannot find words to express to you the thanks I feel. May, God bless you for your kindness. Inclosed in this-letter yon will find an envelope and inside of that a dollar which is yours to use "as you. please; and also a postage stamp to replace the one you put-om the picture you sent ma. I cannot find it in my heart to allow you to Spend A cent for 'me, as I can work and. you eannot." Could one find anywhere ~ a nobler tribute than this to the dignity and worth of labor? To be able to give is the finest thing in the world, and to be able is to earn the power to give: ; f oo ¥ a lh : The Divine Art. What art, like Music, can express Our thoughts and feelings, sad or bright? A solace sweet when in distress, In happy, hours our chief delight! From morn of Life till eventide At every stage--in joy or or In hours of gloom, of pomp and pride, Music supplies th' appropriate strain. + ¥ In 'nfancy---soft Tiillaby The wedding march for groom and bride; And, when is breathed Life's long last sigh, The solemn chant at quiet grave side. What Art is there can charm away Like Music, haunting doubts and fears---- ' Make heart and spirits light and gay, Or mote us to the point of tears? SwEst sielody at slove of day A soothing sense of peace imparts; Both pfince and peasant own the FL RWRY oF ¥ -- Of music--Queen of all the. Art EE WE WANT CHURNING ons Ss pon : and pay express bills seem helpless when sight is handicap | ped, but the reason usually Is excite. | pra them, as a rule. | forests of grass-blades, weeds, sticks, \the whole country could change in ap- "miles beyond the Delamare River, "Af: - | by the MacMillan-National Geographic fifths of a pound of pilot bread (polite es. We pay "ally by 'express | tea; coffee, salt and pepper. nd horses or cows g0 to in a pasture, and erfously "gidetrack" a cat it. 'Some wunimals nt-- a panic of fear. Given time "their sense of direction That animals do not rely on the dmarks has been proved many dimes In the effort to lose unde- sirable pets by taking them to distant 'points while blindfolded. Unless the dis is great the animal returns. Naturalists once thought that ants returned to their home, through the ete, by scat, following their dwn track back. a matter of fact, an ant seldom. goes back over the out- bound trail, and here is considerable evidence that it relies more on the mysterious general sense of direction than on sight or any other particular sense. One ant, as an experiment, was transported on a leat beyond her destination, and when put down kept on in the same direction, though she WAS now going away from home. The general sense of direction is very re markable in one species of the Aus- tralian ants; they build their nests along a north and south line so ac- curately that a traveler may direct his course by their ald. Snails have no sense of sight, or at least a very rudi- mentary one, yet it is not easy to lose a snail. "And there's thd" turtle. It must be guided by the general sense, because pearance: before this creature com- pleted its tfip by #rriving home! In Milford, N.J. scientists became In- terested in a certain turtle, and to test its homing! instincts took it several ter four years it was again found in its favorite hawnts among the tomato plants! \When an animal does become lost, it# actions are different from those of a man under the same conditions. = A lost horse will wander but he has no particular tendency to circle: whereas a lost man's trail will circle in three: fourths of the cases. There are some anatomical explanations for this dif- ference, 'but thé main: reason is that the animal has the more accurate general senso of direction. Beans Are Considered Good Arctic Food. Navy beans constifute one of the in- novations in Arctic menus introduced expedition. Powdered orange, pow- déredy lemon, powdered milk, tomato paste and American cream cheese are other novelties in food carried by the flyers. The only two concessions to the usual Arctic food requirements are f pemmican, of dried meat, which makes up one third of the food supply --and biscuit. The food list of the explorer is the answer to a difficult problem the navy dietitians had to solve. Minimum weight had to accompany maximum caloric value, Foods had to be such that they"would require little or no cooking. Futhermore, the menu mak- ers had to consider the possibility of a prolonged stay. ¥ Here is. the ration the explorers | must depend on every time their planes fly: For one man for one day, one-seventh of a pound of flour, two- name for hardtack), tenth of a pound of bacon, third of a pound of navy beans, twentieth of 'a pound, of oat: meal, twentieth of a pcund of choco late, twentieth of a pound of cream cheese, one pound of pemmican, one spoonful of tomato paste, tenth of a pound of orange and lemon fifth of a pound of sugar, tenth of a pound of tinned butter and small portions of Pemmican is explorer's food. The | | And now the wind and rain: it was the rain © Perfumes at 10c each, you can win one of the above 'Comes to ineping child that never t made y | But ivan the py a, traveling high : and far, Furrowed the heavens with clouds trom east to west. | Jpias when the "night has come, perhaps me vind. reveal "his| the Moon, With her round face all shining ole you ever stop to think, what a * clear and bright, Will ride the dark, humped clouds what wonderful opportunities for hap- with camel's backs-- And end my day with [that last new delight. GUARD THE BABY AGAINST COLDS rvelous thing a ddy really is, and piness it holds? Every morning we wake to a mew miracle, a marvelous. world of beauty, overflowing with pos- "sibilities. The grandeur, the mpstery B and ,of it all ought to entrance every hu- {man being. To think that each morn- ing we are ushered Into a new life; ! that no matter how many inistakes we made yesterday, no matter how many times we slipped up or what our sins were, or how many opportunities we { lost, we can start anew to-day and By Keeping Baby's Own Tablets in the House at All Times. To guard the baby against colds nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little one's stomach and bowels working regularly. 1t is a recognized fact that where the sto- mach and bowels are in good order that colds will not exist; that the health of the little one will be good and that he will thrive and be happy. Thousands of mothers have become convinced through the actual use of the Tablets that there is nothing to equal them in banishing constipation | and indigestion; breaking up colds; and simple fevers; expelling worms and making teething time easy. Among the thousands who praise Baby's Own | Tablsts ie Mrs. Alex. J. Perry, Atlan-; tic," N.S. who says:--"I always keep! Baby's Own Tablets in the house as| I know of no other medicine for little ones to equal them." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'! Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. { rg ---- ern , Biberia's Mystery Race. In the depths of Western Siberia an! explorer has found a Litherto unknown race of white people. They differ in complexion and language from all other natives of that region. > $ tp ---------- Minard's Liniment for Distemper. -------- Just the Same. Grady-- --*"The only girl I ever loved _ is to be married on, Wednesday." Hall=="My sympathy, old man?!" "Oh. but she's going to marry me!" "My sincere sympathy!" } iia - i The Indians of Brazil organize great alligator hunts, at one of which as many as 600 of these scaly mon- sters may be dispatched. | PUZZLE. Find SANTA CLAUS ~ eacha Wrist Watch 1 100 Prizes gm of other Prizes 1f you can solve this Puzzle and will sell 24 Froden you do this? It is very easy. UM so just prizes. Will mark Santa with an X and send it to us-at dnce and if correct we will send you the Perfum to sell rightaway Selfast Specialty Co, Dep W Waterford. Ont. = z | tounding fill every hour with the best we can put into it! This of itself should fiH one with joy and gratitude.--O. 8. Marden. pr fn nn Ask for Minard's and take no other. eee fen The Whole Truth. The young man ~ with the flushed face felt very proud of himself. It was only natural that he should do so, for he had been promoted to the post tion of chief drummer for a firm of wholesale druggists, and further than that, he had the use of a car. For the benefit of this story, it is essential to note that the young travel ing man was a very honest and truth- ful young fellow. His first. business call took place in a drug store in a Southern watering | place. He already had a lengthy list of goods on order when-the white-haire ed druggist thought a moment, then in- quired: "Has your firm anything for gray Jhalr, young man?" "No, I'm afraid not," came the as- reply. "Nothing 'but 'the greatest respect." tarsi ft mara 8hark's Characteristics: In some species of sharks the young are born alive, but in others the eggs ave deposited in a tough, usually flat tened case with tendrils by which it may be fixed to seaweeds. Most of the 150 species of sharks are gharace terized by five gill openings on either side of the head, undrneath which the mouth is situated. Em POLISHES Le Se TET "WiuRCs Old iks KLEANALL AUTO POLISH RENUALL TOP DRESSING The Capo Polishes, Ltd, Hamilton TS JHE caro BETTER RESULTS SHIP US YOUR POULTRY, GAME EGGS, BUTTER avo FEATHERS =WEe Buy ALL YEAR RounD = Write soday for prices = gre ua Suarantee hem for a week p. POULIN Co, LIMITED Montreal tablished! ove 36-30 Bonsecours Market -- I ------------ © Little room, Last night we met as strangers, And 1, worn out with dangers, My heart and soul beset With worry, fear and fret, Fleeing from nolse and sound, Found you and sleep profound. Little room, That held me in your arms, Sheltered from dread' alarms, Secure throughout the night, I humbly crave the right-- Stirred deep by your endeavor To call you frilend--forever. . --George Hlliston, ------ eee tm. Before sewing on hooks and eyes, boil them in strong soda water. This will prevent them rusting in the wash. NURSES The Toronte-- Hospital for Incurables, In affiliation with Ballevue and Allied Meshtials New York City, offers a fhree years of Training fo young women, having ae required education, and desirous of becoming nurses. This Hospital has adepted the eight. hour system. The pupl uniforms of the School, a monthly Allow: and traveling expenses to and from New York. For further Information apply to the Superintendent. "mul URINE For Your EYES Refreshes Tired Eyes "Vite Murine Co., Chicago, forEye Cate Book i AWOMANS SUFFERING Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. | I Verdun, Montreal, Quebec. -- "Iam _ one of thousands who have taken Lydia ° E. Pinkham's Vegetdble Compound and I have great faith in it. I can safel say it has relieved my troubles and shall never be without a bottle of ii in my house. Since my last bab, born 1 suffered from painsand bac ar and would feel so tired I could not do anything in my home. Since I have been tal the Vegetable Compound and Lasik Pinkham's Blood Medicine I feel so different. I recommend it to all myfriends and hope it will cure other women 'who are suffering from the trou- bles I had." -- Mrs. Tos, H, SARDNER,! 821 Evel n Street, Verde , Montreal; | Quebec. § . Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com<™ pounds a dependable medicine for the new mother. Itis prepared fromroots and herbs, contains no harmful drugs and can be taken by the nursing mother. Its worth in restoring the mothet to normal health and strength is told again and again in just such letters as ° Gardner writes. A recent canvass of women users of the Vegetable Compound shows that 98 out of every.100 women faking the hey - medicine are benefited by "it. write and tell us so. Such evidence en- for women. everywhere. It is for sale by i id EGZEMA OVER titles us to call it a dependable medicine : ing with private study. This is' come- decided; Dew in education a an word comes from an Ind'an name for their variety of dried meat. Origin lally it contained only meat and suet. "| White men snd various tribes in Afri- ca have added vegetables, oatmeal, raising, currants, sugar, 'wild cherries and honey. For his earliest expedi- tion by dog sled 'out into the sa: _ the planes exp | MacMillan took nutritious pemmicah .r | Put up in eight-pound tins for the dogs | and in six-pound tins for the men. At the end of a march the frozen blocks | of meat would be carved with an ax. | And you 'may be sure no 'crumb ever New Rubber Product. FAGE AND BODY Nearly Driven Crazy By Itching, CuticuraHealed, = " I was bothered for & year with --jeczemarall CB It was in pimples and I kept it irri- tated by scratching for it nearly] drove me crazy itching, and it7kept| me awake nights. * Iwas treated but t did noghelp) me, so when I heard about Soap and Ointment, I ea 1 used two cakes of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cut ws and I was healed." (Signed) Alton 2d ka, Charlotte, Vermont, Sept: Tuas Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Rheumitism Colds Neuritis Neuralgia Headache ~~ Pain, Toothache ~~ Lumbago tm Accept only "Bayer > . which contains proven directions. | da yer" boxes of 12 tablets ee of Po 24 and a The Sy buffalo of the orient can draw a load Velthing 'mare than a