Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 29 Oct 1925, p. 3

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oh \ "no good to light, I venture to say that these 6o- | incidences constitute the strongest , possible argument In favor of the| claim that Millo has been discovered, "and a hitherto unsolved pfoblem of the topography of Jerusalem in the early days of its his Having made his discoveries, Pro- fesor Macalister is taking the unusual wtep of them up again with earth. Itds not practicable to remove * what he has found for permanent shel . ter In museums, and bitter experience convinced him that leave, the stonework above ground would simply be inviting the fellaheen to make a stone quarry of it. e re pellet 4 Business First. © ~ If men and women vent nto" bust- hess as: thor as "the EO wé should hear less 8f p i ness, and more of better res x Hat ug. people who gb info busi: the ropes. .. And then ' they wonder when things go wrong. By léarning. the ropes I don't mean the ropes of any particuiar business, . but of business routine and generally. To be a good business man: or woman the first essential Is punc- 'tualty. "Employers and cuctomers must be able to depend on you, It 1s fartiiig ut with the idea that five minutes hare and five min- -utes there do not matter. They do. You cannot bestoo punctual. - condly, you must leaye your own vate business at home when you take a situation. All your. employer wants from you is your work, not your worries, and if you let thém obsess you, you are not playifig fair. You are "paid to give your brain, and ps "your fingers as well, for a time, "Don't cheat by dreaming or fidgeting over outside affairs. You can't do two things gt once. - Then,-if you want to be-a good busi: | Nees man or woman you must work right through your working hours, and not steal your employer's time to ans- wer private telephone calls, to write \ private letters, oc to read. =| cP i it Into your head that your time _ during your workingshours belongs to your employer. © ; Fi - Some people work with theéldeye on the clock. Before the hour for fun. © eheon" or departure arrives you wil tions 16 go out. They are more con- _ cernedgabout whether they will be in time to squeeze in a game of billiards Or a visit-to to 'the"hdirdressér before "going home than about the letter thei; r "told them must cateh a cer- tain train. " - That is not the way to make your a stone ' settled." 4 o to learn | etiquette, quivering har; Ly {And one shoulder stuck out of her 4 'dres ' p i A owns" |] Notions Worth Noting. Of two people using the same tea one makes a delicious brew, the other tea not fit to drink, yet both have used boiling . The first uses water téshly voillng: the other has had the kettle on tHe fire for an hour, and has boiled all the alr out of the water, leaving it flat and dead. .-. Poking a fire seems a simple busi ness, yet there is a right and wrong way of doing it. The wrong way is to pound the coals from above, the right to push the poker in underneath, and by clearing out the burnt ashes leave lroom for a draught of air to pass through the fire, #0 alloying it to burn "they ought to}: wonts and creased 60its gt a journey's end. 'Most people treat a cut finger by wrapping round it a piece of soft rag. This 'is a mistaken idea, for the rag encourages bleeding. If the cut is a bad one the blood supply should be stopped by 'tying something tightly around the joint below the cut. + When a door sticks, the average man puts His shoulder against it and tries to force it open. This may or may not prove successful, but surely. the gimplest way.of managing the job is first to ascertain the offending spot, when comparatively light pressure will probably do the trick, Hetoin; a: preparation-of opium; is a powerful drug obtained from the white peppy. 7 charzes. We dally by express ohey orders, Which, can: be. cashed To "obtain the 9p price, Cream contain mot less than 30 cont Butter Fat. - ok For references--Head Office, Toronto, Bank of Montreal, or your local banker, Established for frty F per over 3, ld open the closed oak drawers. rgotten in your grandmother's room, [And take" the feel of the -cambric r es > {And the little shreds of stitchery Folded away 'since eighteen-seventy, And my hands would never be harsh 7 or.clumsy again. 2 - \ 1 would pase beyond the house, Always unseen, And' take the empl of warming apri- cots On the' south wall, gruelsmell ; Of the pigstyes, where 'they blend Enchantfngly together, And keep them for a pomander' In streets that smell of petrol. --Camilla 'Doyle. FIGHTING FOR BABY'S HEALTH Is the Constant Care of Every - Young Mother, The young mother has a constant care in looking after the welfare of her little ones. . Childhood dllmeénts conte on so suddenly--sometimes with- out a minute's warming--the mother may have a very eick baby on her hands before help cam be obtained. quite near she } Iways keep & box of the Tablets'on hand and thay laim them to be without an equg! for sweetening baby's stomach; regulating his bowels, and thus driv- ing out constipation ard indigestion, colds and siinple fevers, and making the dreaded teething period easy. Baby's Own Tablets are an &bsolute: ly safe remedy. They are guaranteed to be free from opiates or any other narcotic drug which dre so harmful to the future welfare of.the baby. Moth- ers, if you value the lite of your little ones give Lim Baby's Own Tablets when he is ill, or, better still, giie him 'an occasional dosé of the Tablets to ward off illness. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or will be sent to any addregs, post paid; at 25 cents aA box by addressing The Dr. Williams' MedicineCo., Brockvillé, Ont. ----ee Industrial Hygiene in Ontario. Ontario is the only province in Can- ada which has a Division of Industrial Hygiene organized in the Department of Health, for the purpose of promot- ing the' health" of Industifal workers. The main objective of the Division is the prevention of" general sickness; the special objective, the prevention of those diseases which, arising out-of 'cupational diseases." Now it ds impossible to know how much was! in Ontario sindustry is caused by sifkness, because there is as yet little health ' supervision and few adequate records of lost time. But such data' as exidts show that in On- tario lost time from sickness amounts to at least double lost time from ac- cidents. ama As regards disease. traceable to a OLISHtL hl man's; occupation, the vécords of the Division cover 473 cases followed up dl | during the last 4 years." The ra lead poleoning in Oftario in 1925 is 'higher than that which wis consider 493 alarming in Bngland 25 years ago. Me prosperity of the coun- "A worker's Hesith fact by in workin "I MaBy dieses' amon' be to' rfsks, sich' ete, associated w | ands, | There is {ning Britain seéms to have had a working conditions, - are called "oc: | come Important in advertising. ~~ Te Irian Tear wid ar of : = red. power of the illustration beconies stil] | greater when the piéture combines the ha | ture. is t ¢ | that can be done in ddvertising. "1 Whi! Dogs figure ly in the lore of all 18, says The ancouver Provinces. 16re 15 a legend that relates how lap dogs went to Ireland. In the be monopoly of tiny dogs, while Ireland was without them. And it was forbid- den to give or sell a tiny dog to an Irishman. ° But as it happened, an English law decreed that a criminal should be given to the man he had wronger, 50 a clever Irishman succeeded in getting a tiny- lap dog to "injure" Lim. 'The ruse succeeded, and the dog was taken to Ireland, where all the kings foungh among themselves for possession of her yntil she brought about peace by producing a large litter of puppies. A most extraordinary law concern- ing dogs was current in England in the days of Bdward I. Unly those people living a considerable "distance from the forests were allowed to keep large dogs, for fear they might form Into hupting packs. A dog cauge was used and: only dogs . that could squeeze throtgh this were allowed within a ten-mile radius. In those days dogs Were So valuable that fines were often paid in them. » Another astounding law was passed in the refgn of Edward III, when it was decreed "that only "gentlemanly dogs" 'were allowed to wander .Lon- don's streets &lone or at night, Others were lable to a fine of forty pence. "Cut Rates. "Are the charges low at your bar- ber's?" "Cut rafes." -- es Bone-Black Substitute. A substitute for buneé-black has been developed after sixteen years of re- search, a y is Indicated by figuresion] I panels, instead of by hands to numerals on a round dial. panel is let down automatically s each minute passes, and the hours 'are_changed thie same way. The clock, ; riven by electricity, is con- - a mester clock of the or- type. 7 easier to read the figures than bands at a distancce, and for'that rea- the timepiece is particularly sult- ed 40 rallway stations. On the new clock the time appears just as it does in the time-tables. Thus, at 12.30, all that you see are the figures 12.30. ~ NERVOUS DEPRESS: Why People Are Low Spirited and Depressed. Nearly all women and most men suf- fer at times from fits of depression and low spirits. Everything seems a burden; then come periods of nervous irritability, headaches and weariness. People who suffer this way lack vital ity because their blood is poor and nerves are starved in consequence. The only way the nerves can be reached is through the blood. By en- riching the blood with Dr, Williams' Pink Pills the starved nerves are sup- plied with just the elements they need. This is proved by the experience of Mrs. J. E. Dadson, 12th Ave. East, Vancouver, B.C., who says:--"About three years ago I becama very weak and nervous. I'had pains;in my side and back, and alse suffered from fre- quent pains in the back of my head and neck. I was hardly able to do any» thing about the house. I would wake with a-start in the night and my heart would flutter so that it almost choked me. I tried much doctor's medicine but it did'me no permanent good. One day 'I' read about-Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills and decided to give them a trial. These pills produced such a benefteial change in a short time that I kept tak- ing them until I had used .a dozen boxes. By this time there was such an improvement in my condition that ,| friends would ask me what I was tak- ing, . and .of course I .was-only too pleased to tell them it was Dr. Wil liams' 'Pink Pills. I am wow feeling like a new person and sm doing my own housework. We would not now be without Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the house." You can get these pills from your druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Willams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . g -------- Clever Chickens. Little Reggie, having had an egg put before him for breakfast, asked: 'Mamma, where did you get this egg?" "From grandma's chickens," his mother answered. a Poems ought not to be written just to say that one is happy or sad, but to nrake that happiness or sadness cheering or consoling to one's fellow Majesty's Theatre, Montreal, Miss Pon soprano now on the stage, although she House. ! _ Illustrations have strong attention alue. For that reason alone they be on caf '2 picture The merchandise with a means of using any advantage to be gained from z oo effective \llustrating s most pictures have great power they also have grit power or ada oh advertising. may create unfavorable thoughts in. stead of favorable ones, Such a ple: u 'much better not used in an ad- Such a ple-| "Well," sald Reggie, "how do gran- ny's chickens know the size of our egg-cups?" - ee el er -Minard's Liniment for Distemper. FAMOUS SOPRANO IN MONTREAL This is Miss Rosa Ponselle, famous soprano of the Metropolitan Opera, New York, photographed at Windsor Station, just before she left Montreal by Canadian Pacific train, after giving her first Canadian concert in His gelle is perhaps the greatest dramatic is yet well under thirty years of age. Her sister, Carmela Ponselle, is also a star in the New York" Metropolitan stiations In' Advertising. of the advertisement help create in the minds of the readers a favorable 'be an influence in securing favorable action----it should not be used. Attén- tion secured" for an "advertisement through a picture at the expense of favorable opinion for the thing adver- tised and the advertiser, had better not have been secured. Pictures are by no means necessary for attentiop value. Much highly suc- cessful advertising has been. done, and Is done, without fllustrations. A pure type advertisement can be made a ploture ftself--impelling attention power put into it--by. right use of type styles, setting of headiines, and artis- tic balance of type and-white space: other of adver- oponlon of merchandise or gervice,and | Don't let {llusration difficulties re. you from advertising. In this, las all ¥ good i - EATS The ORANGE PEKOE good ted 887 is extra good. Try it! The "Get There Spirit! | The unsuccessful person centinuall speaks of what he could and would do ----if only such and such a thing would happen! . So assured is he in his boast that to others it seems that if only the oppor- tunity presented fselt he would do wonders. Yet it is not actually the lack of chance ot luck" which keeps the ma- Jority of people In the background. It is something far different. And the best thing to do to discover that "something" is to examina the lives of those who have got there--those who have become successful. Looking at their early days very closely, you will find first of all that they were not content to stand etill waiting for a golden opportunity to present itself. Neither did any good fairy come fo wave her wand over their future careers, Instead of this, instead of spending their time assur- ing their friends what they would do if they had se and'sq to aid them, they Just got down to work. This, then, 1s the secret of thelr success. They set to work to realize their ambitions. They worked hard dnd long for their present standing-- which did nof come' by leaps and bounds. In many cases, it came only after long toil. Does this truth dismay you: that If you want a success in any shape or form you must first of all be prepared to work for it? It should not do so if you set your mind upon a successful issue from the struggle. If your future well-being is not worth some trouble, it is not worth having. The fact that whatever comes most easy to your hands is invariably not great valued, proves this. It is the apparently unattainable, when at. tained, that seems always best. So it Is plain that if you wish to se- cure a success, you .will not obtain it without some pains. And having made up your mind that it is worth pains, drop wishing and set to work upon the task. Keep at it regardless of obstac- les, and you, too, will get there! ---- imme Where Tears Come From. Near our eye is a gland the business of which is perpetually to-allow-the escape of a sort of secretion, In the ordinary way this fluid passes inside our eye-lid, is brushed over the eye every time we blink, so keeping our eyes bright and free from the specks of dust which wuld otherwise cause-us intense irritation. it is final: ly passed away through tiny channels ! into the nose, Under, however, either the physical Irritation caused by, say, a speck of dust in the eye, or some mental emo: tion Whéther of pain or joy, more liquid is sometimes released than will ! pass away in the ordinary fashion, the ting channels will overflow, and we shall be crying. It is this overflow that we call tears. Feather Has $o%0,0c0 Parts. A feather, one of the world's most perfect structures, has been growing perfect for possibly a million years. A single pihion from an eagle's wing has nearly a million different parts. The whole wing is a sail that strike# the wind firmly yet elastically, not letting the air through the web, and yet not being broken. It enormously increasee the bird's power of soaring in the alr, and yet how little it adds to weight. GENUINE ASPIRIN PROVED SAFE Take without Fear as Told in "Bayer" Package . a Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians over twenty: five years for Colds Neuritie Too eo INeurs Bach unbroken "Bayer" package con: : boxes lng, (hs nenspaper v ready to ren der you most helpful and profitable BOTVICQy. ine pat ini proves dix , ts. Drug. ot ve _cost few cents. : i sell Sotdes or 24 and 100, i» 1 course. Easy, Toronto, Forty-two Bloor West. LEARN ELECTRICITY, COURSE, . IN PRACTICAL ELECTRICAL A engineering In your spare time at home wll { enable you to earn a big salary or go Into business f roe yourself. Write for. free book. Burgess Electrical Company, Dept, N, Crawford, St. Toronto. SILVER FOXES. { ------ etme emia -- [100-5005 mun vs Faw Rejuvenating Silk, A process by which worn out silk {can be restored to its original state is reported to have been descovered by a | young Japanese scientist who was re- cently graduated from the Uyeda Seri- culture School. The process still re. maine a secret, but it is believed to have great commercial poesibilities. te nt len ee Dresses made entirely of leather are being shown in Paris. They are in | black, white, and rich colors, YURI XEEP YOUR EYES <LEAN CLEAR AND HEALTHY AEE ION PARE NTE GARE BOOK: MURINS GO. CHICACOUAY Bathe the face with Minard's in water and place a piece of cotton wool, saturated with Minard's, in the cavity, | T mach RIDER RC OF PAN 3 (STEN BLETODD OUSEWORK NOW Sick a Year. Got Great Ben- efit from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Bloomington, N. 8.--*'I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for paing and 'backache, ales' for nervous- ness, sick headaches and sleeplessness. 1 was troubled in this way for over a ear, and a friend told me about the egetable Compound and induced me to take it. I must say I have. received great benefit from it and am able to do my housework now. I recommend the Vegetable Compound myself and am willing for you to use this letter as a testimonal. "' -- Mrs. WILLIAM MORSE, Bloomington, Annapolis County, N. S. *Do you know that in a recent canvass among women users of the Vegetable Compound over 220,000 replies were re- ceived. To the question, * Have you received benefit by taking this medi- cine?" 98 per cent. replied *' Yes." This means that 98 out of every 100 women are in better health because they have given this medicine a fair trial. Mrs, Morse is simply another case of a woman receiving " great "benefit.'" Women suffering from the troubles so common to their sex should listen to what other women say who have expe- rienced the same sufferings and found | relief. Give this dependable medicine a It is sold at all i chance--and at once. A CATEX he ra SEE AR Or Sn a WX A A x3 4g: pe © LEE om es ¥ = S$ A WAS

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