Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 15 Oct 1925, p. 8

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* We notice, Mr, Owen Hill is mov- ing his furniture to the City. . 'Mr, Frank Crozier delivered a large| to the city last week. PRINCE ALBERT (from old constant reader) er st i Don't stop my paper, brother, ~~ * Mr. Marshall Stonehouse was in Don't strike my name off yet: .|left for their home in Baltimore after | the village on Saturday. : You know the times are stringent, | spending the summer here. 2 : 3 ye he And dollars hard to get. Friends of Mrs. Murphy will be myrte, || But tug a little harder, pleased to know that she is much : & 4 R 3 ry : : 3 Mr. Joe Claughton, who has spent| | Is what I mean to do improved in health, The West, ms » _ Mr. Josiah Smith is putting a new | \ And scrape the dimes together, | Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Smith were | the past six wi roof on Mrs. Rees' residence. Enough for me and you. in Woodville last week. vo getummed: | ilk oie dw in) Mr. Jos. Baird has been repairing] I can't afford to drop it, Mr, Russell Butson was in the| Miss Low attended' the Teachers'| his reesidence. I find it does not pay - village on Wednesday of last week. Convention at Ottawa last, week. : 'Mr. Wright Crozier is rebuilding] To do without my paper, Dr. Jos. Bates, U.S.A., was visiting| Mrs, I. Ormiston and Mrs. foun "his farm buildings and residence However, others may. with Mrs. McBrien for a few days of | Wadge left last week for a trip tol B= : : : Manitoba. ¢ which re recently destro I hate to ask my neighbor, last week. 3 fire. ve y Yed is To give me his or loan, Mrs. Wm. Worden has had a new| 'Mr. Robert Vernon and Son were} APPLES FOR SALE : its He doesn't say but means it, fence put up at her residence. successful in capturing thegsilver cup | Northern "Spies, $8.00 bbl; Talman v >TSeys ar ny : a Be Cs. Collar whe Bas beer Yisina Why don't you buy your own Mr. and Mrs. Peter Flewell, who |at Markham Fair. This is the second | Sweets $2.25. Gopd picked fruit. for children go! ! school. They have aturn-down = n eep i n ave been nj s .| cup they have wo 8 ; ly to Elmer Byers, lot 23, 2, collar, and ope ied down the front, fastened ih Jetusnied to her home in Peterbore, en ex 0 hans 5 ne a aiticg vii = Ed 3 po ye ua Sh Joas been un- Reach, Bell Phone 100 r3 or or RR, #8 two domes, - Colors: bf 4 Brow. and Light Cas- * On Tuesday morning, October 6th,| yp, ooh is not so plenty in Toronto. loaded at the grade crossing on the|2 Port Perry. Yt '|# tor. Sizes 22 and 24, $1.65; 36 anc 28, $1.85; and § : .- = * - : 2 : ! 80 to 32, $2.25. : 3 Cs : y re » 8 v : © Men's All-Wool Underwear tel : : . ; $1.50 Each ~~ "Start a great big immigration movement into Canada, of people Thess are 8 goog heavy vibhed garment, gid gle not only willing to work but for whom profitable work can be - PRO a iC or odor wear, In Sizes 36 10 found, and all the pressing problems that now beset our country All Ww I'He Lel Ei will be well on the way to solution." : ool Heavy Legging y --What Everybody Says. ~~ - 8 a] ny / . g . ¥ x ! ad i Fine--let us do so! But to be sure we're on the straight and sure road to our goal, letus | [8 This legging makes 'extra heavy 8 beginby doing some clear thinking--some hard thinking--on thesetwoimportant questions: i stockings for children, or for Men's § i Socks, and at the price makes good § cheap Hose. mma Valuable Lessons to be Learned from Obviously the way to attract that class ~~ : iy . 3 : Heretofore we have always taken it for an d On ly Can a d a R i g h £2 duties to one of Higher duties. The one ® 'without Linin g. Siz good 1% "Price each 65c.. granted=--without much careful thought, = * thing above all others that the immigrant ER Be perhaps--that it was farmer immigrants While Canada has been lowering wants is the assurance of a steady job at : "Girls' Box Kip Bals we most wanted,--peoplé who would settle * her 'tariff, these 63 countries good wages. © Give him that, and he will : a n: : 0 yi on our vacant land in the West, and produce have been raising theirs: -- come in his thousands,--yes, in his tens of _ i Suitable for Winter wear. "Sizes 8 to 10. Reg. .# more from the soil. Algeria : thousands! And in a policy of higher i $2.50 for $1.98. Sizes 11 to 2, reg. $3.00 for $2.35. 1. What class of immigrants do we want? 2, How are we going to attract them? .: b= i Japan : : And complaints being loud and numerous : . tariffs he will have his guarantee that : ; > ¥ that farming in Canada was not as pro- | ArScntina i | steady work at goodwages witt beawait- | Congoleum Rugs fitable as it should be, we have tried to Austria Madagascar ing him. ; : Ck AT Curt PRICES convert. an. unattractive situation into an Belgium Malta sh - "Yes," you say, "but what about our i nm Re ' & Vi attractive one by lowering the tariff on Bolivia Mesopotamia farm population? We want it to increase |# 2 onl Congoleun Rugs; Shes 2} x 3. 'Reg. Price manufactured goods, in the hope of thereby | Bragi] Mexico + stool" -Of course we dol But with towns ~~ fg only 5 4 yi Re. $16.60, Sale Price $15.50, lowering - farm production costs, and so BritishEast Africa Netherland East and city population increasing, can farm ~ l# 1 only Remnant Linoleum. Size 3 4 yds, Regular # increasing the farmer's het. , Dependencies Indies population do other than increase in pro- : $1.00 value, at 89c. square yard. oY Has that plan gotten us anywhere ? British Guiana Newfoundland portion? With more customers for farm : In 1924, despite tariff reductions made. - | British 'Honduras New Zezland produce, and with a higher purchasing ostensibly to benefit agriculture, there were British West Nigeria : © power per customer due to higher wages, actually fewer farm immigrants than in Indies Norway ~ isn't it inevitable that a domesfic supply 1923 | And when, against the tetal immi- Bulgaria Paraguay will be forthcoming to meet a domestic gration for 1923 and 1924, we offset the Chile Persia - demand, particularly if we protect farm : total emigration from our towns and cities, China Peru products in the same way that we propose ; nr IE ThE, oon we find that the country has suffered a net Golobia kt Potent + to protect manufactured products? © = i_ _ Tash on loss ! : zecho-Slovakia ortug ae 4 : M °C h 11 'M 1 NQQ So, obviously there is something wrong-- Ecuador Roumalite : = EE 5 CAV ar S ] a at : eSS % somewhere--in the plan we have been' Egypt 'Russia A Precedent That Shows What Can' 2 EE yh a NA following,--either in the assumption that Esthonia Samoa : Be Done! : < N ew Price $25 00 2 it is farmers we most want, or in our method Finland ; San Salvador ) «3 : {| sha Che : ' oJ J : of attracting them. Perhaps it's a combin- "France Sarawak We have tried the plan of lower tariffs, x Td Me Tin Mlle FEL ati~ of the two. Repub. of Georgia Serb-Croat- 2s a means of attracting farmer . Fr =o Eh ey pe Germany ~~ Slovene State Hon, 80d we See that it hassigially filed, =~, [ Population Increases Should be ~~ Gold Coast Seychelles wes and we know the reasons why it has failed." Properly B alanced. : Colony Sierra Leone Why not now try the alternative plan of In shaping our policy as above, we have Greece South Africa higher tatiffs, ds a means of attracting certainly overlooked one very important Guatemala ai ; urban immigration, when it seems per- point. Farmers as a rule don't sell to Holland Sweden _ fectly clear that it must bring farmer farmers, but to town = city folk. So when Honduras Switzerland | immigration in its train? we try to increase farm population India Tunis' : gE A : ~ methods that operate to decrease town and Irish Free State United States = Eun ers a oh 7, that oh ulation, we are actually making It drier Urugua Te EAE ecting it i : city populati ruguay favor of a policy we have tried, and found things worse for the very people we are : : . dh a : od ; ili And now even the United to be barren of results. : trying to benefit We are curtailing a A en; the Um sabia : rol, and we are increasing their de- | her home markets. = | Have they all blundered? Has A itn Ai Lr, AL A nd og

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