Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 24 Sep 1925, p. 4

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_ siderable. ers came by on: and had an _enjoyable visit , ci 'build- pitol.s fr. Thos. 'Blight has returned 'after two weeks In Torontd. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Goldring, of urg, are viliting in town for a Mr. H.W. Emmerson has.sold his * residence on-Queen- St. to Mr. Pyatt. ~ Mr. Emmerson has bought the new house just erected by Mr. A. J. Car- negie, on Bigelow St. remem) prem: + ANNUAL RINK MEETING The annual meeting of the Port Perry Rink Company will be held in the Town Hall on Friday evening of next week, October 2nd, at 8 o'clock In spite of the short season last win- ter, some seven hundred dollars' were spent in improvements, and the Di- rectors were able to pay for these, re- duce the debt by $100, and still be on the right side of the ledger. See the financial report in another column, nO) Em en.co.. ALWAYS HAS SAME EFFECT "The tumble pug was rolling down a Kentucky pike. Thé sun was . mighty hot. . Mr. Bug stopped to rest as he was all in. Just then a mountaineer dropped a nearly empty bottle of moonshine whisky near Mr. Bug. He sniffed the fumes, wiggled a little, and then crawled into the bottle and drank a drop; then he took five more drinks. His legs shivered. His body shim- mied." He looked for the ball which he had been rolling but could not locate it. Then his blurred eyes __rested upon a haystack.-- Backing up to the stack he stretch- ed out his legs and shouted: "Come on, big boy! Let's go!" --OQ ANNIVERSARY, SUPPER AND CONCERT In connection with the Anniversary Supper to- beheld by St. John's Presbyterian Church, on October 12, will be a concert in the Town Hall. "Jimmie Reid" "and his company will supply the programme. This is Mr. Reid's first season in Eastern Ontario and his character songs are of a high order. re UO Ope 25th. - WEDDING = ANNIVERSARY Anniversaries give a good oppor- + tunity for kindly expressions of-good will, and a great many of our towns- people were present at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris upon the occasion of their 25th wedding an- niversary which was celebrated last Saturday afternoon. In addition to local friends a con- number of out-of-town guests were present, including Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hartis, Mr. Fred Har- ris, Mr. and Mrs. E: B. Flint, Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Diamond and Miss Marza Dowsley, , of Toronto; Mrs. Mabel Richardson and Mrs. Ida Walkinshaw | of Campbellford; Mrs. T. J. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Webster and Miss Wagg, of. Oakwood, Mrs. Dr. - Rich of Lindsay. Mrs. Jas. Harris and Mrs. Albert 'Orchard, Mrs. W. A. Christy," Mrs. ~~ M. Letcher, and Mrs. Fred Brock, "looked after the guests in the dining room, and. were assisted by the Misses Harris, Miss Helen Mellow, Miss Besie Crozier, Miss Vera Miller; -M Evelyn Alexander, and Miss Francis Christy. Two much appreciated musical numbers were a vocal solo. by Mrs. Carnegie and a violin solo by 'Mr. 'Many pleasingly suitable presents there was general pleasure felt: by ts that this opportunity for] y greetings ad been afforded. , | Samuel Farmer, Walches We Yave many bar ; ains in Wrist or Pocket atches in our stock. Every watch guaranteed When in for the Fair call and see us in our new quarters. Every- body welcome. For eye trouble see * us and see better; IS BENTLEY veller and Optometrist. a a -- Magazine Subscriptions Before renewing magazine or newspaper subscriptions, or sending in new subserip- tiofis, call on us." "We can almost always effect some saving for you. Star Office Port Perry re (UY PORT PERRY RINK COMPANY'S FINANCIAL STATEMENT Statement of Receipts and Expend- tures for the yeariending August 31, 19256 Receipts Bal. on hand, Sept 1, General admissions High School admissions Public~ School admissions.... Amusement Taxes Hockey Paid - Hockey Club. £96. 90 Proceeds Tag Day Proceeds Carnival Rent for Booth Corporation grant 1924 ..$ 60.66 590.92 49.95 Expenditures Wages Water, light, taxes, (town) .. Amusement tax less discount License .... Government Report Office expenses Repairs on Bldg. & grounds . Permanent Improvements ... Interest 0il Stove Prizes Band charges Donation Half cost of referees and printing Bal. paid Rural League Insurance premium Paid on mortgage | Sundries: ...... Ele Bal. on hand $1797.32 Balance Sheet as at Aug. 31, 1925 Charter Land and "Tmprovements Building . Equipment Cash' in Bank Liabilities .33 Geo. Stone - © President. SeesT! ~ Audited and found correct, ~~ L R. Bentley. . . | Treasurer--~Marion Goode Ontario sm9782)' > lin both Sunday Schools. {ing officers were elected: Girls' Section. Hom. President--Mrs.' Harris. P Mabel Harbron Secretary--Irene Spoffard Form Representatives. Form I--Doris asm, Edith Farmer. _ Form" IlI--Norma Afmstrong and Marian Farmer. ; orn IV--Sadie Hortop and Irene awker. Basket Ball Capt.--Gwen. Ettey Baseball Capt--Jean Switzer. Boys' Section Hon, President--Ted Jagkson President---Bob Harris Secretary--Grant Real. Treasurér--Mr, Spinks Form Representatives-- - : Form I--Bert Wannamaker Sd Ivan Wallace. Form II--Alfred Higgs and Morley Doubt. : Form III--Arnold Roach and Ben Ward. Form IV--Bob. Harris. Manager 'of soft ball Harris: team--John I HELP WANTED Middle aged woman for housework, to live in or out, in Village of Port Perry. Apply at Star Office. a-- aii GREENBANK Tuesday, Sept. 29th, is the eventful day of the School Fair. Help the Greenbank School, by your presence, to "carry off "the sweepstakes. Pre paration for the races at .the Fair has begun already. Last Saturday evening, so the report has it, four boys raced up the sidewalk with. three leading and the-other following until the follower became one of the lead- ers and the race was won. One Mon- day morning the second edition ®*was run off by two of the Greenbank ladies who were preparing for the young girl's race. Further partic- ulars wil be supplied by the partici- pants. The Southeners of Greenbank are pleased to notice the réiling on the corner just where King St. meets entre St. Some are disgusted with the placing of the structure, thinking that it is 'a place to tie horses. But as a life saving convenience it un- doubtedly will do. splendid work. The culvert west of the village, is progressing and will be a fine im- provement to the road that leads to wards the sunset. , & Mr. and Mrs" Duke Wildman, of Oklohoma, who have been visiting in last week. | Blue: Birds con the .end. of strings, and fond remembrances were what remained of Port Perry Fair on Sat- |{urday morning. Many of our Green- bankers were present to see the ex- hibits and the races, etc. etc. Con- gratulations to Mrs. McKitrick, Mrs. Boe, Mr. Lee, Mrs. Mahaffey,and the | others who captured prizes. "Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Vann and family have left "Egypt" for Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. Vann have been on Mr. David Cragg's farm about a year and a half and have now returned to their old home. Mr. Hugh Gregg and daughter, Mrs. Croxall, of Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. John Beare recently. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sharpe spent a couple of days in Toronto last week Miss Jennie Phoenix of Ottawa, who has been spending some time in panied by Miss T. Rook, left for Ot- tawa, on Monday. Rally Day, next Sunday, 1 Sept. 21, Be sure not to miss it. Baptist Rally at 11 am. The sotermediste young. ladies wil the Sunday School Rally. NG | in; will ive the aidan, No Prayer Meeting ut & pun; Tousaday UCAS. % Form T1--Retta Miller and Annie] this country, called on Isaac Beare Greenbank with her sister, accom-|: su the United Sunday: Schol at 1 : put on'the pageant in connect with 4 morning or evening service. | Tabernacl Church, English line, have assembled | this evening 'to express our best|, = wishes to you and Mrs. Daniel. . We hope that prosperity, health and happiness will walk with you | both on your. journey through life. We could "not let this opportunity pass by without asking you to ac- cept this token slight' expression | of our feeling' toward you. . Wishing you every success pos- sible, we are, yours trustfully, and bride, made a graceful acknow- ledgement of the honor that had been paid them. 2 = Another 'Reception On the previous Thursday evening a reception was held at the home of Alfred Barnuni, near Petherick's Cor- ners, with Mr, and Mrs. "Daniel as the guests of honor. This was a com- munity affair, Fred Barnum repre- senting the Young People League of Zion Church, one of the four in the Seymour circuit of which Mr. Daniel has. been. pastor for the past year,|. Thos. Fry represented the Church, William Rowe, 'the Stanwood Church! fo and Wilfred Spence the Sentinel Orange Lodge. to which Mr. Daniel belongs, at Petherick's Corners. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel were present- ed with two handsome wicker chairs and a wicker fern table. Mr, Daniel since his becoming pastor of thé Seymour circuit has made many friends not only among his own church people, but' those of all other denominations as well and isespecially men in the community on account of the example he has set them as an exponent of every form "of clean; athletic sports. Mrs. Dapiel is The Engli¢h line community. | Mr. Daniel on behalf of himself] withthe young then go home and ey three acre plot on the k fifty 3 Boys who are interested in this 2 Home Plowing 'Competition may get full particulars from Agricultural on Representative Ww. M Uxbridge, Prodicery a 000s if. A little boy was very much puzzled over -the theory of evolution, ques- Mioned his mother thus: "Mother, am I descended from a monkey?" "I don't know," the mother replied. "I never knew your father's people." ina) (mene - UTICA NEWS Inspector T. 'BR. Ferguson visited the school on Monday, September 14. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White and Mr. Gordon White, of Emsdale, visited with friends in this vicinity last week. Mrs. Chas. Lakeygis visiting ith friends in Chicago: - Mr. and. Mrs, Oldfield and tomily have recently moved to the farm erly 'owned "by "Mr. >Jos, "Shork. _ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ballard visited the former's patents, Mr. and Mrs. Norma nBallard, on' Sunday. The Anniversary of the Presbyter- ian Church is to be held on Sunday and Monday, September 27 and 28. The Sunday services will be con- ducted by Rev. E. MacDonald, of Leaskdale. A supper will be served on Monday evening followed by a congert. in Memory Hall. Mr. Frank Kendall is holding. an auction sale of Farm Stock and Im- plements on Mdnday, Sept. 28th. Mr. and Mrs. Philips and Mrs. Can of Toronto, called on Mr, and Mrs. assured of a hearty welcome from | Jas. Bentley, last week. = so $750,000 wor'h cf by Long 1 is'unce' re AKE YOU A BANKER OR BROKER? A small ed Bho Bil may be an indictment of your selling methods os ¢ Toron!o Bond Decler bonds today . important Announcement 1 wish to announce to the public thatlam an Optical Parlor in the Leonard Block, Port Perry, where | will be every 'opening aii To THURSDAY, IT 1S they should be the nalty of Shr many ACY ois 'continue to wear old lenses 16 changed and: that many a person 2 10 eye Sixain Sata at SL sd iniaied th ver been 'made has. ation ar; more git now. a gre would. be wond not fn '| Range. Apply A. E. | st., Ee CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Matins and Sermon at 11 am. Subject: "Self Control." Notice re opening of Church will be given next week. | ie per Grandma found little Alice, aged fotir, amusing herself one Sunday afternon by ironing her dolls clothes with her toy iron and board. { "Oh, Alice!" exclaimed Grandma. "Don't you know it is wrong to iron on the Sabbath 7? has ranged with F. E. Luke, Luke, Opt. D, Optometrist, 167 Yorge St, Toronto, to'pelat his store, Thursday, Sept. Don't miss see= ing him, Glasses if required at i Tight; Fi E. LUKE, Optometrist and Optician, 167 Yonge St., - Toronto; (up-stairs) oppossite Simpson's: -- Raising her bright. eyes to Grand-|. ma's face, she anBwered with sur- rise in her voice. "Why, Grandma, ont you suppose the good Lord] knows this litle iron aven't hot?" * Cw » athe hr ms oi do GREENBANK BAPTIST . CHURCH Week beginning Sept" 27th. 'Sunday at 10 a.m.--Review taken by different members of the school. W.J COOK REAL ESTATE Box 47, Hytle Station. | taco "ods sold and 6x- chang on reasonable terms; Large st to select from. % H Phone 120.r gn At 11 a.m.--Rally Day Service. At 7.30 p.m. Public 'Worship. Thursday at 8 p.m., yer Meeting. Sunday is the pastor's last Sunday {+ before he leaves for school. You expect the prehcher. to be at church. * Why not you? ~ Keith R, Pearce, Pastor. Optometry * Hs Value to the Public' By L R. Bentley What are the duties of the on, | metrist?. 'He detects by use of var- ious instruments and other means the {errors of vision of his patients. Anything else? Yes, he determines what lenses are required to correct the errors and supplies them. "Then the optometrist specializes in : errors of vision Yes, optometry is a profession, dis- tinct in duties from all others, and not conflicting in any way with any other profession. * To be continued. ~~ ; - SX 2d ne SG Omer HOUSE FOR RENT On Lilla St. Port Perry, 9 rooms; furnace, hard and soft. water, hard. wood floors, stable, good garden. Ap- ply to- Mrs. Frances White, Phone 196 r 6. es (rams FOR SALE Walnut Bedroom . Suite, Dining Room Suite, dark fumed oak, genuine "| leather" seats; Tortoise Cook stove, | coal or wood; coal oil stove, 2 burner, | Library |. New Pi tion, with oven; table, fumed oak, two large rockers.| Apply to H. S. Calder, Myre Station, Phone 120 r 3.2... -.8 Second ana Imperial Oxford ee | Dodd; Bighow : Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn PIANO AND VIOLIN Bel i 072 = PePehty LDS, DDS, DENTAL SURGEON | Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons and University of Toronto. Office Hours--8 a.m. to 5m. Evers - . ing by appointment . Phones--Office 88 r 2. Residence 68rs Office over Morrison's Drug Store. es TT Er When in Town Call to See Me. I shall be glad to talk to 4 ou about your new Fall 'Suit, and can show you some beautiful cloths and trimmings. ; o Our workmanshi is good, and we make up the goods in. Styles to sui your taste. We have a splendid range ° of Ready-to-Wear. Our line of cloths for Tailored Suits is very somplete. MERCHANT TAILOR PORT PERRY, ONTARIO | pa He is the leading Opto- metrist of Toronto. 3

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