Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 3 Sep 1925, p. 8

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fy i Clydesdale Mare any age. 'Rosette. Best Clydesdale Stallion, any age. Rosette. Clas 2-Agriculuryl Brand Mare ...2...... SE Hy - One year old alls or gelding "Two year old filly or gelding Foal of 1926 + Pair in Harness Best Agricultural, any age. ' Class 3--Carriage or Road "Brood Mare One year old gelding or filly Two year old gelding or filly Foal of 1925 8 year old filly or gelding inharnéss,. Single Roadster, 16% h. and under. . Single Roadster, over 15% hands... lady 'Priver ............ FRR Class 4--High Steppers Horse, (any height) action, style, and manners to count Rosette, $3 Class 4a--Ponies 25 Ponies 12 hands and under 26a Ponies over 12 h and under 13% h.. $6 $3 $2 8. BB 2 65 65 10 to ho BS OO $2 R R NOTE--A Brood Mare must have foal by side, be in foal, or give evidence of having lost her foal. CATTLE Registration number must be produced on demand ' Class .5--Shorthorns," Pure Bred" 26* Bull, "three years and over 27 Bull, twe years and under three .. 28 Bull, one year and under two .... 29 Bull Calf, under one year 80 Heifer Calf, under one year 81 Cow, three years or over 32 Heifer, two years and under three .... 33 Heifer, one year and under two 34 Herd of four animals, Bull, Cow, Heifer, and €alf. Milking Grade Shorthorn ® 36 - DONO NN = Special---Cup donated by the Canadian Bank of Com- merce for Best Pure Bred Shorthorn Cow and Calf. Class 6--Holsteins, Pure Bred ($30.00 Donated by Holstein Breeders) Bull, three years and over Bull, two years and under three Bull, one year and under two Bull Calf, under ome year ; Heifer Calf, under one year Cow, three years of pver Heifer; two years and under three .... Heifer, one year apd under two Graded Herd of four animals, Bull, Cow, Heifer, and Calf "Heifer Calf, shown and raised by amateir .. Class 7--Milking Grades Cow, any age Heifer, two years old, in calf NOTE--An entrance fee of 50¢ will be charged on each entry over 1 in classes 1 to 7, SHEEP Class 8--Cetswolds 3 Shearling Ram " Ram Lamb 5 Ewe, two shears or over Shiarlinig BwWe rire. rs olga co co w®B! 19 to oo Go to Co 2080 00 10 10 BS {19 10 10 10 IS 0 White Leghorn .,. oT 99... Lo fos 98... Hen "11100. . .Coeks ++4.102/4, .Hen .+.104....Cock .106... .Hen «..Cock: ..Hen Black Minorca Black Minorca Buff Orpington ....,... Buff Orpington .s...... White Orpington White Orpington ' Barred Plymouth Rock..124....Cock Barred Plymouth Rock. 1286. . Brown Leghorn en youd Brown . Leghorn Rhode Island Red Rhode Island Red White Wyandotte White 'Wyandotte ..L... Anconas Anconas Jersey Black Giants .. Jersey Black Giants .. Silver laced Wyandottes 148... Silver laced Wyandottes 150... Sil, Spangled Hamburgs 152... gil. "Spangled Hamburgs 154.. Cochin Bantam Cochin Bantam A. 0. V. Bantam A. O. V. Bantam DUCKS---Rouen GEESE--Any Variety --.. 141... .144....Cock .146... Hen .Cock Hen .Cock ..Hen 146... 163... 165. . 167... 'Hen 161... Pekin ' A 0. V. . . Duck 0... Toulouse . + -Goose "TURKEY--Bronze 178 180 10 lbs.Squares or Prints (Silver)$7.60 A. 0. V. +.Hen Best Collection of "Pigeons BUTTER 143... 147... 149.... 161... 169... 163... 165: 167... 169... 17L...G ABA 177... «Pallet ; +» .Cockerel 139. m»Pullet ..Cockerel Pullet .Cockerel . Pullet Cockerel .Pullet .Cockerel . .Pullet .Cockerel .Pullet .Cockerel .Pullet .Drake . Drake Drake Gander ..Cock .Coek $1.00 $4 $3 The. first prize is given by the Robert Simpson Co., Case of Silverware valued at $7.50. 181 51bs. mm Crock GRAIN, SEEDS, ETC. Class 18 $ $4 $3 $2 §1 Exhibits of grain and seeds must contain 1 bushel each, 190 191 192 "198 194 196 196 197 198 199 200 201 1] 202 203 204 205 206 Fall Wheat Red Fife Spring Wheat White Fife Spring Wheat .. Spring Wheat, any 'variety Six Rowed Barley .....%. a Field Beans, 1924 Crop ye "Rye Small 'Peas, any variety Large Peas, any variety ..... ve White Oats, any variety Black Oats, any variety Timothy Seed, 1924 Crop ... Red. Clover, 1924 Crop Alsike Seed, 1924 Crop Collection of Grain and Seed, one bushel of each! ..... aaa 12 Ears of Yellow Com .... . 12 Ears of White Corn .......! soaks VEGETABLES AND ROOTS Class 19 Six Turnip Beets ... Six Blood Beets, half long ...... Two Heads of Winter Cabbage Two Heads of Red Cabbage .... Six Orange Long Carrots Six Table Carrots ........... Two Heads Cauliflower ..... ix Three Heads of Celery .... Two Citrons Two Musk Melons ......... Two Water Melons - 12 Red Onions. 12 Yellow Pail of Irish Col Potatoes . Pail of Davis Warrior Potatoes. . . Pail of Delaware. Potatoes ..... $1 Pt be pet be be be pd ped pe bp | Island. Merchant Tailor A Over Tel. Office, Port, Perry JOHN BELLON LUNDY LDS, D.D.8," DENTAL SURGEON Surgeons and University of Toronto | Office Hours--9 a.m. to § pum. 'Evep- ' ing by appointment Office over Morrison's Drug Store. Dr. y, A. Mathers Physician and Surgeon,' - Office, Queen St, Port Perry. Bell Phone 17 Graduate of Royal College of Dental Hl = Phones--Office 68 r 2. Residence 68r3 i Successor to late Dr..S. J. Mellow . t tn a5 DR. J. A. MURRAY," DENTIST # PORT PERRY, ONTARIO - A.T.C.M., A.0.C.M. Teacher of Music, Piano, Organ, |! or Theory. Students fitted for Examination Bell Telephone 17. August 21-24 BARRED ROCK COCKERELS FOR SALE Graham stock, bred-to-lay 'Barred Rocks, extra good, sisters now laying, 4% months old. $2, up. - "Apply to Ronald Peel, Port Perry, Ontario. Phone 90 r 1-3. COW FOR SALE Good butter cow, will sell at rea- songble rate for quick sale. Apply at Star Office. Fall all Term Opens Sep Sept 1s Ist LLIOTT All graduates of last seventeen months have .secured .employ: ment as well as scores of others, ? Catalogue Free. ge * WW. J. ELLIOTT; Principal. Cor. Yonge nd Alexander Sts. 'Toronto. Kathleen Leask A TCM 'and A. 0 Cc. M Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for examination if desired. fo ov. 1 a Speran sf e EE n--S-? LICENSE, LATE LOST * Isvense Plate lo: 47-007 on 'Scugog Office upstairs in Leonard Block |f Hours 9 a.m. to p.m. Phone 93 | |i Miss Helen Mellow | | "{ral public school: Phone 1151 3-2" Finder please notify the |. Iein Fim Spetaree and Eyeglasses] - Eyes Examined by the most modern methods. Glass Eyes Fitted. F. E. LUKE, Optometrist _ and Optician, 167 Yonge St. Toronto, (Up stairs) opposite Simpson's, McConnell Farm (,, sale 135 acres of first-class soil clay loam. All good arable or pasture, land. ~ One mile from Port Perry High and Public School, 37 mile to ru- frame house. Fair barns. | Good wells. Running water. Small orchard, Must sell Apply: Thos. J: McConnell, 5 Sa __ John Irvin, - These Have Jeon one-of olir mos "have them in-neat stripes on light an . Regular $1.25 yard Regular $1.00 yard . i - Groceries - at Good Sav £ Saar 'white, 10 lbs. 70c.. Sugar, 3 Ibs. 29. Brunswick k Sardines, 4 tins for 25c. Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes, 3 for 29¢. . Gem Jars for Preserving. Wine Pints, $1. 10 dozen 'Wine Quarts, $1. 25 dozen re 'Rubber Rings, red or white, best quality, 3 for Zoe. | Pea Coke (Solvay) "groomed | % Avoitt 200 Yards of BI Ghghons, width 27 ee " y's r, brown, pear, Soap, 'Shredded COAL! COAL A BLACK BUSINESS ~ HANDLED WHITE 2000 LBS. 1. TON... Beswise and order your coal or the winter 'before there 'is a shortage. At present we have on 'hand over 300 tons of NUT COAL at, $16.00 a ton, A We .also have a good supply of Pea Coal at $1250 a ton Nut Coke, (Solvay) $13.50 a ton $12.00 & A couple of cars. 'ave on the way and should arrive any day, but owing to the strike which started on Sept. 1st, we a after this supply has ell, stable, ben he esi A Shnier dress 50 dark background. - Clearing at 89. yard. Clearing at 9c. yard: # 10 ts. oe hes, 2 for 2. Kk Gf Zine Rings, 2e. dor. © PORT PERRY. N , Bell Phone 188 Wo & ropmel House; % acre LE house, ; a a Price bi front a 8%: i. will not likely get any more phd | -Go Coal until the New Year, but will have to depend on substitutes, Such as Coke, 'ete. : WOOD: . We have Heralock Stabs at | $3.00. % cord; Hardwood Slabs at $3.60 % cord; $400.1 <co mi Steam Coal: Just arrived. . We have also. Sort) oal, Lime and. Caen, 4 - Body Hardwood « at] ow car of tisha Iy

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