CN as a re, do wit i ike 0 cold han ; and as men--and 'women too--are more and more com- at to avail themselves of the chance 3 for an Si Sutfcor hor, ad the 1 3 icnic lune! ming more an ; whore hd Toro popular, it behooves us menu ne reason mot ex.|P-anners to see that our men have the on to Pisidian Ane sort of ood that they really like, boiling scramble e in it. dec od to picnicking now possess delight-| chill tomatoes, slice 'cucumbers, preserved After showing how' God's hand had been at work in Hebrew history from the beginning, he passed on ta speak divine salvation. He argued that THE VOGUE FOR FLARE. death as a blas er. But as Paul be stocked with the aforementioned| minutes, settled, and served? ' - Skirts complete' circles and waists] ginless hd 1 tles fi "Ww ee are nipped in, and both are consider-|as ho ed or 2g convenient, ork of the Thostratios ed smart in wardrobes designed for o. rovlaim forgiveness and divine "at the-country club, and for Ti in i rable outi fterward. This cluded by showing nnume ! 3 attractive ange Bat a Tabet held not the power to save men's souls,| larger, to be attached to the running then in thick newspaper and set in 'in place by a flat band buttoning to and i Bt ere "his hearers not to| board of the automobile, This is big| deep basket. Boiling hot coffee in the neck and topped by a youthful Te picnic: John Fixter's repert for 1924 of the operation of that invaluable aux- i iliary to the Dominion Experimental -- the Illustration Stations in "seed rairie Provinces and Brit- It was Mary who. Best ish. Columbia, might. profitably be in ered to a turn-back cuff that is fas-| collar. The sleeves are iong and gath- the results of this sernion. Vs, 42, 43, Paul's sermon produced and all of the food, : \ Tt d of sliced, and brown it quickly. is for hi hen ° the, outaf, tir some stewed tomato into the pan doors mn s out-o with a little of the ham fat, and when| gp, is vastly improved | With one or two hot dishes an ice-| how their heads in RT he 4% the cold salad is attractive. We peel and sound of the vesper bell comes float ing across the fields. But there are ar} add which! ful. hampers dedicated to picnic|and drain lettuce, shred sweet peP-| many Canadian farmers into whose . notes are' n Fir 114-41. lunches, containing a convenient as- pers, roll all in cheesecloth and lay in any tha church bell has on yet Tug sortment of near silver and enamel- | the ice pail, with a jar of mayonnaise.| the thought of God. ware, salt, pepper and sugar shakers.| Or we mix a delicate vegetable salad| ~The farmer who lives in a world a Our harper Folds four oe of fable} and pack, ice-cold, in a jar or wife with a sky feels that his acres. are re; larger families need more. mouthed vacuum. Coffee is carried! of Jesus as "the promised "agent of. Sort oe a hamper divides honors with ground,' mixed. with a Taw egg and really -holy land. When he turns the - {through blindness fo God and disbe-| the modern pienie basket--deep, stiff cold water in the big tin picnic cofféé-l spears of grass grow where one grew lief in Prophecy: the Jewish people of and strong--the shape of a suit case. pot. At the picnic ground water is before, he thinks of himself as. shar- Jerusalem condemned Jesus to| This is, I admit, lighter, but it must| added, brought to a boil, cooked five| ine in the creative work of the Al mighty. went on to bie had raised the utensils, and therefore cannot be quite] Here's a menu for a recent Hiroloss It was One who tramped the hills about Nazareth who suggested that One energetically picnicking branch A big dish of spaghetti, tomato! gince God gives color to'the flowers of name. He con-{9f our family purchased a- basket. of| sauce and cheese, taken directly Trom| the field, OT Yooks ton Sudh om at the law had the same general shape, but much|the oven, wrapped in a towel and) mon birds as the sparfows, He 'may A be trusted fo see to it that the chil &! dren of men, who put their trust in r eyes to the work of God in|enough to include a frying pan, chow-| vacuum bottle, Stuffed eggs, beef, Him have ail their needs supplied 0-day we concerned with der requisites, dishes, vacuum bottle| joaf, tender long homemade rolls filled] With an aponymous poet fri liberally with creamed chicken, tomato, er who lives in a. world with 'a sky n tened with links. A deep band buttons a deep impression. on many, and the MAKING THE PICNIC CHOWDER. salad, sandwiches, and a hot mince can say: t of Sowing seme Joell the hands of ery JJ in {ihe on the hips and holds the fullness desire was exp 'that the mission-| As picnic impedimenta must, how-, Pie, wrapped as was the spaghetd], 1| "The foolish fears of what might truck of he 'y them out on Pixter is the Chief Supervisor of the| (TMI ih place: Sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, aries might repeat the message on the ever be reduced to a minimum, dnly| A picnic on the slopes of beautifull happen, vegetables. 42 and 44 inches bust. Size 38 inches following"Sabbath, Afcer the meeting absolutely necessary utensils must be| Monadnock, preceded by a long auto-| y ogi them' all away she who saved up her fo -|system and he not only tells, through "baskets and lined them Papen: And he arrangement of col- ors, number of plants and all that "makes those baskets en pa ol tha) Stations, which three years ago num-| come into the market of our burg is |bered 89, last year totalled 145. They, Mary's. 1 don't take a bit of credit fort carry the work of the experimental Because of the demand' that two | System "immediately and directly to youn of thrifty pansies: have made, 1) farmers both individually and collec- {Skineh material. Each pattern 20,1 V. 44. So werfyl was the first ser- h 18. als aking. the bed where we' grow tively, the location of the Stations be- Lo Fishi mn mon of Paul, on the second Sab-| enough to be held over the coals, also a for sale just double what it was |Ing chosen With a view to attract the ur ion Book, i dstrating the hath, Lina whole population A Tack your. CT nay aie What iv was greftest dttefition. As h darly as pos newest and most practical styles, wilt! of the city gathered to hear the So much for equipment. Save a "oomtury' of trie Loe sible the whole country is being grad: be of interest to every home dress- preachers. It was a "ec capacity" aud-| Our very favorite main dish for a gan yesterday to work in a couple of. ually covered, there being at present maker. Fach copy includes one cou- ience, picnic isa. chowder, made in a large broke up, a la: following of Jews couple of long toasting forks, a long- i Se: SH Bln Th 0, CMe oR ow, it is rf > ure; © comes into being, an i Sette Yerta this two-piece. skirt, with side-front' the missionasies exhort the ing, and ¥ made a strong appeal, ; ed. A narrow stip of hen wire, long fee, of course. . iE of old cow manure. On the top | ®i& 1 shall broadcast a hundred | pounds of ward Island, thirteen in Nova Scotia, * fine bonemeal. Then let it' stand for | seventeen in New Brunswick, thirty "two weeks. Jelght in Quebec, eight. in Ontario Write your name and address plain- the community. Judaicm was out to chase of dn ttern. popular success were too much for, 1 t hasten | With minced parsley, sweet pepper o y pa I Tews, by. whos Io ate here te hws poles over-a fire. I must hasten Ho my chowder, that the style of i bile ride, offered the following {the different district supervisors, of bust: requiles 29; 'yurde of 36-irich oan Gentiles attached themselves to insluded: - These; busides dishes; wre § a Cold roast chicken, accompan- Among the dover-soénted grass, Among the new-mown hay, Handled fryi big tin coffee-| ied with currant jelly sandwiches, ice- A the huski £ th oy and a foling atte Tack of | cold vegetable salad in a vacuum, : Whee EE hae closing, fitting smoothly onto an inner, to "continue" in the grace of God.| good size, with top and two sides, to brown bread sandwiches with cheese. 3 oo ill thoughts die and good are by til démonstration on the por. band. Sizes 26, 28, 80, 82 and 84 They knew full well the pressure be set up over the fire. On this the| A really good apple pie, with cheese, born-- 8POb | iohes waist, Size 28 whist, requires; Which would be exterted upon these| coffee pot and frying pan may be set,| can hardly be improved; or, fresh) 4 ii tho fields with God" 8% 'yards of 86-inch, or 2% yards of Sonveris to. recant -or relapse, andi ung on it chops or steak may be broil | doughnuts and cheese. Fruit-and. cof- Worth CO Welk Don't make too dainty sandwiches It Wouldn't Wash Out. lendi i for picnics. Don't trim off the crusts, An amusing story is told by Mr. A. J. Maley 8 SRORdid broiler pa them a bit thickér than for a Munnings, A.R.A, whose picture, "The tea or reception, for at a picnic they, Coming Storm," has attracted so much constitute real food. Epg sandwiches attention at the Royal Acaderiy--con- ht of these Stations in Prince Ed. Pon ood for five cents in the pur-| V. 45. Buf such demonstrations of {kettle swung gypsy fashion between|--chopped hard-boiled eggs flavored; cerning an artist friend of his. ri While on a walking tour in a rural tuffed olives, and very liberally mois-, part of Sussex, the friend came upon a HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. understand the religious leaders = say, however, before proceeding Sate ive dB er pre at saa oe ape favorites with us; also those spread him that he felt he must record it there p | tirel breakfast, the coffee eight in 'Manitobs, twenty-three in | ly, giving number and size of such gain the world to itself, and the mo- | Picnic meal served dopends entirely with broiled Hamburg steak put, and then. ment tha Christianity seemed to be on-whether a fire is possible. Some At : : si: lay the packets of pansy seed, just! wan, sixteen in Alberta and patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in drawing the multitudes with a super-| property owners refuse to allow fires come from the seed houses--one and fouriéen in British Columbia. ie . 8 half ounces all told, me of the principal functions be-i it carefully) for each number, and| abl sition. The Jewish author- ""You are forehanded, Mary--this is| ing Sairied on is encouragement of gqdraeg your order to Pattern Dept., ities w Sie now Jewish "official only. June, 'and you 'said it would be | the Use of good seed. In pursuit of | Wilson Publishifig Co., 78 West Ade-| denial of the gospel preached by Paul. A fire should always be carefully|sauce. and surely put out before one leaves soon' class d a bare space scraped around "enough to get the seed in the this' of work last year there.were {laide St:, Toronto. Patterns sent hy They spread the report that: Jesus) it, an of the Hamburg. lce-cold tomato x TE by Je Silent" i : Busha of 'seed potatoes Jue ren mail Be the Mesiin ae "hi he allowed to er orber Suit sandwiches are hard to beat! Any, na a a oy ra clover seed. rie "| vesurrection is. a lie. Ahoy point-to| To make a_ picnic chowder, the. fish . seed if we-are-to have it all| pe thes work to! Playing Cafeterin, | Crucifixion as the proof hat Jesus | should be cooked, boned and, faked be- and. males» substantial main oiree, 3 yg \ wa cted by G This is the| forehand, chilled, 0) els - "in by the fifteenth of July." = which especial attention is being paid "bias Jan reer to, Bk a a bo or > 2 passed sandwich filling, and I often ; Late that evening Neighbor's truck the HpRaNGient. of "stock by weed- ol * Sureatening 5 Elredicts a "of vegetables stood outside. " g out poorest and the use of the rainy day indoors with small children : P ' have another dosen baskets?" he de. | best types. make it a happy day by opening up a the Ae a hie the Aine. faves | tatocs, onions and a cube of pork, with manded. "Some 'summer folks just An illustration in the report shows cafeteria. The magazines are full of in the past gives the Jews a prior | Seasoning and iced milk containing a gettin' up here, must have blooms--| can't live without 'em. They pester 0 aa death if I don't carry pansies! stand, ude and unloader, instruc-, foodstuffs--pastries, salads, fruits, preached to Biem, it i ny an exclu-| chowder equipment. tions for making of which are cereals, and so forth. Cut these out sive claim. e gospel offers to men| I pare and slice my potatoes into a : supplied. and arrange: them as in a cafeteria] the "eternal life" of the kingdom of pail of water. The fire is made and) ments for these hearty sandwiches. off fi pol pts a with i mark One other among the many useful: | with one child in charge. Beans will Sod. i the Jews Sirust 35. from them, | kettle heated. Then we try out two ee ns ree but they don o oy » lines of work followed is improvement serve for pennies, Calendar numbers| dil or thers. nated of sawing! or three slices of finely diced fat salt .. Clean Eggs.. ing and breeding cut out make exvellent price marks in i | pork until reduced' to bits, stirring. ig, to urpose in 1924,!and trays may be made ol cardboard. a me in rung it ah ey hse} the, Then we add about a quart or more a vegetable trucker! But cockerels, 198 pullets and 699 set-| We keep a large envelope uf Gentiles, y following what they believe of sliced potatoes, a_cupful of diced i flower plants and UY! tings of hatching eggs from good lay- | pictures, and every advertisement that 5. be od's express ae) Here, | onions, a liberal dash of pepper and an pans gos ing strains of Barred Rocks were sold Hooks good we put in the bie envelope Paul, ith Sonsummate, skill and in-| salt; and just cover with water. Sim- and bunches of sweet peas an sight turns to the Old t, it all i : not, I look about as much like a 'ruth. by the Stations. a : to play cafeteria.--T. M. sao |guolen] ork y she O14 1 FSstament, and | mer, covered, until all is tender; add er as one of these stores that is all light of the Gentiles, that thou ing clean eggs. dock--and a good quart or more of ! oduter T. words, you Jook aight up. servant passages" in Isaiah|you can thicken it a bit it is better. et" i08 ok Yo 'Sari ds vary from twenty-five a the 42:1-7; 49:1-9; 52:18-15; 53+ | Serve with it an abundance of crack- to 500 to the inch, but in the average fine sand you will find that a direct method is to count coins, line across the inth contains at least the world's salvation. » vio is & good one. fifty grains, so called. To get the true function is to be the missionary to the picnic on ice, may be substi.|is greatly simplified, S togethe, hd cube aries to the heathen world. as picnic food, and try to always in- 000 coins lh doy; au at that rot Ih conte and as 195,000 Sa 48, 49. 49. This pr proof from, Jewish | clude it in season. Here also a fire le Tiorpines oars. actual fact a clevk grains in tha 1 even more! Se Scripture that oa in Sow: ed is useful, but not essential, for last ng myself in for, Plenty of growin, floyrer plants under summer, when picnicking in a lovely - world, delights the Gen le hearers of s the| cut-off corn, cooked it six minutes in -one biion of livi sob 'stone, as! , most. Me 2 rarely buck they ee sing oe Sher Bla and: the gift J +| shells. Some have living. shellf Jn} ore ordalr : ' '| them dead. shell ee Suggest ou 'have a million grains. Shovel us in their of ag you have Fh es of, "They i ] lim of the Jews, no udices exist | newspaper-wrapped jar. I assure you the work of to,come| that it didn't go begging! and- the gift of | To prepare the corn, score down the middle of the rows, slice off tips of birds. Be | kernels, scrape out the pulp and cook hot dish for a picnic. This consists of hi if cold boiled potatoes, browned in 'bacon fat, seasoned highly with 'pepper, minced parsley and a bit with which two. or breaking that usually occurs. « her highest class product, the eggs stamps or coin (coin preferred; Wrap: ior force. Judaism set itself in implac-| to be built in their Woods. teried with "highly scasoned™ tomato cept an empty canvas. Vs. 46, 47. Paul aceordingly takes| iar in the i il. 'A basket of po-| make it especially for this purpose. img ne Potato chips, vegetable salad, stuffed eggs, and, if possible, a transported ; 8 - s an exceptionally convenient rack- attractive colored advertisements of eh to have the Gospel of Christ liberal cube of butter, complete the Lo Reilindicondep Ming inin Names of Cheese Invited. with cheese sauce, are fine accompani-| The Dominion Dairy and Cold Stor- green crop can be maintained in the 1-12), They proclaim that Israel's| ers. Clams, cooked, chilled and brought | Yicinity of the henhouse, the problem servant of Jehovah, and to suffer for| uted for the fish. Or a pint of cut-| The litter within the house should f : be replaced as rapidly as it becomes olf turn or (he, same. quantity of diced filth-laden or damp. Dry, clean litter Only the most expert bank clerks] number in an inch square multiply-50 gg} tomato, ox both, mares. a, delijous acts as a doormat for the hen before nor any other owe Plants" can count five thousand coins an hour | by 50 and you have 2500 in the one ot Thowders tly enjoy fresh sweet corn | entering the nests. If wire is fastened led. "I didn't know what I|in 8 day of eight hours, making i0,- layer. 4t in sending his mission- SagreaL'y ¥ on the lower side of the roosts, the hens will be prevented from walking The nests should be cleaned. oftén onth to "count one milar. 1 - million | themselves alone, but for the whole spot where the owner was obdurate, and filled with fresh clean nesting ma- terial. Wood wool or clean excelsior Pick up a handful of Es sand and | Paul. It makes Sods LA m glor-| We prepared at home a quart can of | © ia. excelient for this : purposes. . The o the i Thi boiling, highly seasoried tomato, added nests should be of sufficient size to enable a hen to be comfortable. A the a, lot of butter, and carried it in a nest about twelve inches wide by four- teen inches deep is usually large Please Don't Omit Flowers. enough except for exceptionally large Friend--"Why are you going about the' eggs often, Te. insure through the meat choppér and mois- He had all his materials with him ex- So, determined not to be baffled, he took from his pack Cold roast or corned beef, or any; & new linen handkerchief, stretched it left-over meat, may be used instead ACI0ss hig case, and painted on that. "Some weeks later he was showing a lady visitor over his_studio,- and pro- sort of club sandwich is delectable duced for her inspection the charming | little landscape, at the same time tell- Ing her the story of {ts origin. 'The lady looked 'at the handkerchief and then turned a shocked face to the artist: "You'll never be able to wash ! that paint out!" she said. age Branch, Ottawa, invites sugges- tions of names for the following types of cheese: 1. Small-sized Canadian Cheddar. Clean yards, clean litter and clean| 2. "Processed" pasteurized cheese nests are the greatest gids in produc-| (commonly known as Kraft from the name of a maker) put up in 5-pound If one keeps the yards free from and 1-pound loaves or in tins. material that will soil the hen's feet, ave set thee a " ~a.| the hen will enter the henhouse with-| nary cheese passed through a grinder the: faked. fsa' thrse-pound hal out carrying a lot of excess filth. By| and packed in jars or curtons. 'soda fountain and magazines looks [oh Ty be. for salvation unto the Yo rudd : 1 | keeping the birds penned up during| 4. Any other type of cheese that is ikea drag stare PICK UP. A MILLION ANNALS, {utlermost part of ths Garth" Those) "hole milk et i ust some fo 8 Wo rc eadher, this cesniiness may bo nok property named. Cyn a words da are. rom ome of are known : i TF fe controlled to a great extent. If a pe 8. Cheese which is nade from ordi- | le ) ere 20 2 > ; pe. i i : re telling everybody the hootch in this The nests should be placed so that! town is all right?" si A they are darkened. This discourages| Florist--"Sh! You'd be surprised to \ are inp v. 1 Sxdination is, 35a wr Fo dl to pe in, gky rose sind jg ber the hen remaining on the nest longer| to know how much I've increased the ; Rio iets bi oi the fot ot acolioinize with the' butter. than necessary, which often results in| sale of flowers." do they v ha th ne| Potatoes Plus is another excellent soiling the eggs. +The Wonder Wire. : ' Provide one nest for each four or e oy five birds. This will prevent crowd-| An old Irish laborer had seen a tele- ing, with the consequent soiling and| phone line being constructed along the roadway, and being told, "You can send stuff anywhere in the world with it," he replied: "Well, now, I'll send 3 Ee alse should remain in the _no longer| me boy, Dinny, in Cork; a pair of NSS gies bot coded at break.| than is necessary. eggs should] shoes." -- Jo be gathered at least twice o daily dur-| These were left hanging over' the wire; and the fol he Chetso. Dreams make a tempting ing warm r and once a day during cold weather. Do not allow the ood for pleniea. Prepare it home! exit to become overheated. or frozen. TT An orginasy cutter, such as will be came out to find a pair of old, worn out shoes. in their place. .....coom i "What a wonderful invention!" he Girt Ad swamp into an orchard snd makes two.