There ate se seven of these coats. left miatly nu the shorter length sport models. The cloths are . checked. polo and fancy tweeds in Brown, Blue Te or Grey. Sold up to $18.00. Price to clear $13. 95. Pe ay "Sale of Wash Goods "We have a number of lines of wash goods left i No Job Yoularge * This is a ioe PobilaF 13 fabric this season at a very moderate price, It is 38 inches wide and , : over from last season in Pavey Voiles, Organdies, or too small. comes in Plain Linen n, Canna, Apple Green and. Batiste, etc., which sold up te $1.00 yard, . --}| Distance Immaterial . °° Peryard 75c. "i Price fo clear 5¢, Phone 209 _ Blue Grey. = _ Is are the correct thing thi pg cho i rn . Ww. WARD i are. « rect: ing this sea-. = . Taken FRE ' xs 3 2 : SP som ig de w=] Men's Tweed Pants | Silken Mesh Gingham Decorator + long and made with a pretty Qesign nd ansled Su ! > . at bottom with deep fringe." Bieta en $3.75 Pair = de. Yar d Each $2.00 * "Port P erry i We have about 10 dress lengths of silken mesh We are showin an excellent fabric for side These are made of all wool tweeds in smart | : e abo A : --~ ~ curtains. It is 50 inches wide and is guaranteed patterns, well tailored and finished with cuffs. + gingham fn small checks or fancy plaids, This { ; AFE There is a choice of light and medium G d has an overcheck of silk running through it and Sun proof." Comes in Brown, Blue or Rose: Yrown, Ent and me Tey an it sold last season at 95¢. and $1.26 yard. NOW OPEN I er Per yard $1. 25 f Price pair $3.75 li - Price to clear 59c. Meals and lunches at ait Jers ss -------- SN Raa: Crea Servet : Prices Reasonable Summer Butterick i F. W. M IN' | 3 Y RE : June Delineator Give ve tial. . Wo will please you i ir ¥ . : C 20c¢ Everything #w: =. = ! 2 . : . Tobacco for Sale, ~ - y : ete , ; : . ! FONG 80Y, Proprietor. 4 soak opun, lI 77 pa y. Fouise ee Township School Boards | ® The members who, under the provisions of subsection 2, continue in office for one year or ; (continued from page 1) for two years shall be determined by lot at the wm : Rd first meeting of the board after their election and 4. In a township containing' more than ten [gc defermination shall be entered. upon the , )N, HOUSE. PAINT sections, the board shall gopais} of gen Hem minutes. ers and for the purpose of electing the | 9 = A {inion school shall be regarded as belong- Por Baras and Outbuildings members of the board, the council of the | iug to the township. in which 115 locked The Success of the Coach : as no equal Jownsnip nal divide the RwuSli info 8 10.=--(1). The township board shall determine ; ' : 1h iv ; lL. Witte yo ag Offa. Mex necessary the contiguous school sections. in- the schools Teh the vopls shislizespectively as McLAUG HLIN - BUICK SOLD BY. Sa ; to one area; BE (2) A township board shall admit to any school . : - In the case of a Jian section' when the part | within the township any non-resident pupil if the Builds It lying within the' township is assessed for at | inspector reports that the accommodation is suf- least two-thirds of the average assessment | ficient for the admission of such pupils and that of the remaining sections of the township, | the school is more accessible for him than any such part shall be constituted as a section, | school in the township in which the pupil resides. PE ROR HE : : : but if such part is fiot so assessed it shall | (8) When a pupil residing in one township at- C -- rn eer ------ be constituted as a section for the purpose | tends "school in another township, the 'township 5) er ar of Slosting a wusise, Jot shail Te Shack board of the township in which he resides shall ! Ca ; . : y A ) each year pay to the township board of the town- Port Perry Dominion Store i 2 may be Setermined by. the pounel; 3 ship where he attends school the cost of the . Every school area sha esignated by a | education of such pupi Great Sale--Look! 'The last of our Big number assigned by the township council. (4) The cost of the education of non-resident d f 4. The nomination and election of members of pupils shall be determinkd in the following man- 'Sale i 1s on Saturday, May 18th, an Or'| a township board shall be conducted in the same | ner,-- 'that day we are going to have lots of good Bargains, and | manner as nearly as may be and at the same time | The amount spent in permanent improvements, : and place-and by the same officers as nominations including the.sum, included in paying off «de- we are Inviting everyhody to come and get their share of|znf Bicction' sh ihe municipal council. bentures and the interest thereon, shall be VERYONE who has seen the Coach as _ the bargains. The prices will surprise you. Come and 5 Eve ] McLaughlin - Buick builds it knows ratepayer in the townshi who i is,--| .°added-to the total cost of maintenance of the -helog: your friends and neighbors with you, (a) a British subject: B Sahoo OF the townehip Tacs thee sum shall why this Coach has received such sweeping (b) of the-full age of twiniyone years; "be deducted the amount apportioned to thef | ~~ PURE approval. . AL IX..GILBOORD HR not a separate school supporter; *...8chools "of the township cout of the Legis- The McLaughlin-Buick Coach is a real dy tor pp Boots and. Shoes (d) a resident of the school area in which he lative grant; the remainder shall be divided closed car--built to McLaughlin-Buick's high hy Ready -to-wear 1 or 'seeks election; and by the total number of days' attendance dur- closed-car standards. Fisher body. Graceful . Bell Phone 177, (OX not disqualified by the Public Schools Act ing the year of all the pupils attending the lines. Two wide doors enable rear seat pas- s-- 1920, or any other: Act, schools of the township, and this amount sengers to enter or leave either door without 'may be elected a member of the township board.|. shall be multiplied by the number of- days' : disturbing people in front seats. DUCO fin- "6. The Clerk of the municipality shall prepare | attendance during the year of the non- ish. Different colors for each of two Coach 'for each school area a separate set of ballot resident pupils. models. papers containing the names of the candidates in 11° When a township board has been gstab- * 'Every detail of McLaughlin-Buick power, comfort, the same form mutatis mutandis as those used ]lished all the assets and liabilities of the boards dependability and economy is present in both for members of the council and shall provide for {of the several sections of the township shall he Master Six and Special Six Coach models. Yet the polling subdivision a sufficient number of | vested in and assumed by the township board. - prices are lower than you'd expect to pay for open ballots to be used by electors in each school area |. 12--(1) A township board shall have mutatis cars of-such quality. | included in "whole or in, part within the sub- mutandis the same powers and duties and shall {| division. be subject to Yhe Same Sonditions with re; ax to i vacancies on the board, controve elections one. (Every person whose name sppeds ap and the resignation of members as are prescribed Beare Bros. -:- Port Perry i 'municipal elections and who is not a supporter] by The Public Schools Act, 1920, for boards of ] . . pel trustees in urban municipalities. : of mem Ee caLled 15 yore at ag (2) A township board shall have power to elector iso | make such arrangements forthe transportation } ar foil any Shr, schon noon Tag of pis and from school as. It Tay deen Sx. Ask about the GMAC Deferred Payment Plan pedient. : voters' list shall "show the number of The trustee who represents each schol D316 gon area areas each shall have such authority as ma de- ) or 5 in which Sector is termined by resolution of the fay be board | __ A the, school arfa he represerits in regard to | repairs, supplies, caretaking, the provision of the substitute teachers and such other matters 14. The members of the township board shall the township board may deem expedient. I be paid for their attendance at meetings 181) 'Every township board shall hold its] board. or of By. committee of the boar [| Binet ting in each year on the third Wednes- same rate per day, and at the same rate 3 anuary at the hour of two o'clock in the | for travelling, as members of the council n, or x at such other hour on the same day| for their attendance at meetings of 'the as ma, Have, buen | fixed by re- - and its committees. el o former Bowed oe, 1 1 o place has L185. This Act shall come into force and mectitg of thal Govern 1 Ha reclimation, and. 53 50 + Public Schools Act, 1 "with und shal be de of this ply and deemed