Si SS {i FRA Ga Hi i see oun resently to oy fa : g : con- ' pi or not Sy a aan at he. apon, 18 the cause of more 1) = Silty of Be con ee aC of hore + i "owing important elas, to say. nothing; of the nitions of, if pecs, Tag opi as vl ss wd: dalista ot ose our forests each year cal sal peop hoy X jon fl C10! caused by camp fires, We toms ag ral = susp a to y that 20 Toreht fre '10 FE 3 caused through | gi of gonaation. do so, he will tap column, get Oe of the spinal Land n val WB a exam ing it. niin mind that the' ps wastin| 10, which forma the prominent feature of i gr 1 Si ds a so cone have ne or mate Of ko: symptoms i$ h ute Stage has subsided, pring 8 ore true that a dia the, repeal oa tn hn on muscle wasting is rat of intaons there may (do amy good. be either lie 'mor Asis; Shore and quarter of the ¢ Siysis that do develop never show an "donte" We picked up from different | TENTS, "CAMP EQUIPMENT gh oy t only for the bird: WORKING. CLOTHES {Army Supply Store| | 160 KING 8ST. EAST TORONTO | ter on, in most cases, weakness which for ihe fash on, loss of reflexes. 3 Reports to Provinelsl Hegdquarters: indicate that the Scouts of Ottawa, |i Fi Huntsville and Parklands have been - busy building bird houses for competi- tions. Some of them have been excel- lent, but for various reasons, many otherwise flne houses have been set aside by the judges as unsuitable for |_ the purpose intended. 'Here area fow | oid is. n now in Americar vaults. Minard's. Liniment for Colds. ge t rders Promp } the grade and scrub are the actual re- ¢ inside. The Maik ire for « Wily Atendey. To | | Leaf insects, which thrive on the|ports which have And obtained from yl Prey make the entrance of the " guava tree, mimic the leaves so closely | the use of both types. bird house: 'larger than necessary. - " " 4 that they even change color as the| The following are actual experiences ~-8 Don't make your bird house of | f= ------------------ advupees---from briliant red to of Tapers on heir aw Juesun; ' [J or eucalyptus: ro green, and t en to golden brown, -- A faxmer in erin - County, On- fro your-house loosely; i : tario, had a calf dropped March 18th, ia in your arms, but' cries when you curl him up, it be his neck and back muscles ar SR ms 'are ar. ess, of | feeling of faintness. some fuptles o or parts of muscles de- oc- r is peril to find ure loss of mus- r, distributed in no regular If the olor In equip- held, ation rom uld ¥oep Lictures sof the r weeks after It is ose based r late to Moreover, about one- of infantile par- One-half" of the world's supply of attacks of faintness, {tonic suel as Dri Williams' Pink Pills. Suffering women who have used this 'terms. Among those who have been Virderi, Man. who writes:--"Follow- ing the birth of a stiil-born child a few yeays ago, I had & very serious time. I was so weak for months that I conld not walk across the room without a I had, sgarcely strength enough to stand up, and when dressing would have to sit down two or three times. My face and lips were colorless, I had no appetite, and life Pid urged me to try Df. Williams' Pink, Pills, and I got six boxes. Before they were all gone I felt improved. My ap: petite was returning, color .was, coms ing into my face, and I was visibly stronger. I continued taking the pills and fully regained my former good health. I consider Dr. Williams" Pink Pills a bléssing to weak women, and hope my experience will induge some other sufferer tg try them." You tan get these pills from any medicine dealer, or by mall at 60 cents a box direct from The Dr, Willlams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. Experiences With Scrub Sires. The most convincing argument in favor of the purebred sire Instead of y to WE WANT CHURNING ..-the house. should. be secured .so t 't make. fat horizontal root H 'Atlantic City otel sin s to admit rain or draughts. Don't mount house on dead wood, Towson, | Vein ae pause hon be wernt so 0 ol}. Rit Z-Carfton || ole 2B. Don © +t will warp and hold water. : New Jersey 6. Don't leave 'cracks or large open: Don't place house where cats, |} dogs, snakes, etc, can get to it. iy such as ples, clothes!ines-and fences, SwiTORRdings, 'when charges. | must be free from bad flavors and contain not less than 80 per cent. || Butter Fat." hd Bowes Company Limited, Toronto For references--Head Office, Toronto, z Bank of Montreal, or your local banker, ams fo be gr 'Houge, the imi 3 Established for over thirty years, His Excellency Lord Byng of Vimy, ; so ; ; Chiet Scout tor Canada, : . ati ~11919, which he sold on December 12th [CREAM We supply cans. and, jay express We pay dally by express 'money orders, which can be cashed anywhere without any charge. == "To obtain the top priee, Cream|and was sold on the same. day as the ;{ eight bull calves from purebred sire.| J These were made steers and kept until ~ |each, The next year the farmer was a marketed £35C 58 Lf A eRboeh | during. the year. of the same year at 23% cents per pound: This baby best brought $169.21. This calf was out. of a good grade cow which was herself sired by & purebred bull. The calf was -aleo sired by ap approved type of purebred sire. In the same stable on similar feeding and treatment at the same time 'Was a calf also out of a fairly good | &rade cow. but sired. by. a. grade bull This calf was dropped Nov. bth, 1918, calf already referred to (Dec, 12, 1919). He brought 19 cents per pound or 414 cents less. per pound. than his stable mate by.the purebred bull and he brought $174.80. He was 4% months older, had taken more feed and care, but did not have as good quality and 80 was not as profitable as his better bred stable mate. Thege calves were exceptionally well fed, but hreeding counted to the extent of 434 cents per pound and enabled the feeder to mar- ket. his best calf at very close to as splitting head- aches need not be a part of a Woman's | | life: «:~Such trials indicate plainly that the blood-ds- thin and watery and that 'the sufferer needs the help of & real . medicine epeak. of-it in the highest thus helped fs Mrs. Ada L. Harman] did not seem worth living, A; frieni} rmarket. 'consumed, from $20 to we had lost' Scrub, Bull? "Further this story: were muddy, but he strode bables In the find a box of of the Tablets, equal; them in simple fevers; sleep 50 neces little ones. lots. 1s. Mrs. A NS, know of no ot equal them For Sore Taroat, meh meney in 4% months shorter ,|time. This is a case where, thecfeed- ing was right in both cases and where the purebred bull was directly Teéspons- ible for the difference. (ship farmer, Middlesex County, with purebred and scrub bulls shows very to tal a man can have. Money may be The experience of a London Town-| eaten through, but you don't eat through your determination. the helpless--that test .the fibre of A . fl 'men's character. ntiseptic roe Soothing Not a penny of capital hut a a ie Healing rmination to get the beet eapi- Gives quick relief: for Coun welght, adding the, e xtra value per, pound and making lawance for feed | there was a balance of. $25 per, (Stepriin favor of ° scrub. Though it cannot be counted In dollars and cents, the satisfaction (in fepding and caring for good animals is really worth more than all other fea- tures combined." Can you afford to use a Grade or oe me re, The Thoughtless Commercial. A wit of no mean order was the Rev. 8. Baring-Gould, whose book, - Reuinisearicey,' "The.Duke of Connaught once went fo'an fun In Ireland; and, se his boots stairs 'and removed. them, so that he should not soil a new carpet. Falter a commercial; traveller arrived whose Hoots were also encased in mud, The landlady ventured to expostu- late, and mentioned how differently BABYSOWN TABLETS ALWAYS IN THE HOME Once a other has. u has used Baby's Own Tablets for her ljttleTones she will use nothing else and; as lang as there are (Baby's, Own Tablets on hand. Thousands of mothers have be- come convinced, through the actual use and indigestion; breaking up colds and promoting that healthful refreshing Among the thousands of mothers who pralse Baby's Own Tab- who says: --"I Baby's Own Tablets in the house as I for the minor ills that come to young ave sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26c a box from The Dr. Wil. llams' Medicine Co., Prockville, Ont: Ra RG ae The first 'perial passage across the British Channel was wade in 1785, when Frangpis Blanchard apd an American companion travelled from England to France in a balloon, It is those things which he. is not compelled to do--the just treatment of "interior bunch. We hat lesson and sometimes } te ithe | erence in two years by using the contains The Tobacco di Quality itn Hi i ar he sat down on the Soon Submerged Sovereigns. in without hesitation. seven thousand gallons an hour. direct consequence of the high cost of Be ke Jad Dehael man, "Princes | Noter In London the bank authorities, can afford to consider fi 16's hid in 1910, placed a contract to sink an ings. T cannot. Put the damage. in other well. This renders the bank in the bil" _ dependent of the public supply of * 3 water. of machinery, from a pile of a thousand sovereigns, home you will always [and a peol of. water take its place. Not a Bond. that there is nothing to banishing constipation ity had made itself heard, and little. Jackie had been forbidden to stay | expelling worms and hours, Jackie's orderr were to come | straight home immediately school was over; and be had obeyed them to the letter for some time, but, unfortunate- | L1y; one day. he forgot. . He arrived | home very late, dirty, and tired. "Look here," said his father angrily, "didn't you promise me you'd come straight home?" "Yes, father," was: the meek reply. "And didn't T promise to punish you it you" stayed behind?" "Yes, father," answered Jackie, more meekly still. "But as I forgot my promise I won't hold you to yours." | 4 4 [ or stuttering disappears quickly and permanently under our methods of treatment. Thousands have been re- lieved of this distressing trouble. Write for free advice and literature, THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE | | | sary "to the 'welfare of lex, J. Perry, Atlantic, always keep her medicine that can children." . The Tablets Use Minard's Liniment --r---- KITCHENER, ONT,s CANADA sprains, bruises, rheumatism and inflammation. closely the place of the scrub sire. Six years ago.he had in lls herd eight very even purebred cows that gave him two and one-half years old, finished on grass and when sold averaged $140 ailing and was unablé to take his cows hep WANTED a di e to a purebred sire. scrub sire." The progeny from mating from wilich five steers were kept, fed under the ame gong} there had been a This. Samm Hee in. price r. stated that on the five steers am Tost th «year, and to he a a scrub sire a | neighbor offered him the use of his | ; | Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Headache Neuralgia Colds ef The Bank of England has its own water sipply. One artesian well, four hundred feet deep, gives a supply of As a One curloys use to which this water is put is not generally known--the bul- Hon department is nightly submerged in several feet of water by the action The same machinery 1s so adjusted that if, during the day-or night, a dis- honest official should take even one the whole pile would instantly sink The stern voice. of parental author. ! behind on the playground after school | The world's heaviest liner is the Majestic. scale at 64,000 tons, __ Classified Advertisements ------ sin ADDIS TWANTED TO DO PLAIN AND 4 light. sewing at home; whole or pare thne; #00d pay; work sent. any distahce: charges paid. = | Send stamp for "particulars, - | Co. Montreal National Manufacturing FREE CATALOGUE, ASPDERRY BUSHES, GLADIOLAS, IRIS, Peony, Fancy Dahlia and Barred Rock ges The Wright Farm, Brockville, Ont, C7NURIN NIGHT & MORNING & | Children Quickly lors To Rely On Cuca | To soothe and heal the rashes and skin irritations of childhood. Daily use of Cuticura Soap, assist- ed by Cuticura Ointment, will keep the skin and scalp clean and healthy and prevent simple irritations from becoming serious. Sample Each Mail Address Canadian Depot: Eh tmbeam, » re Seep Be. Ointment 36 and 80c. Tal A ST, Shaving Sick 26c. PAINS IN LEFT SIDE AND BACK Other Troubles Woinen 0 Often Have Relieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound uebec.--"I took Lydia BE. efetable Compoundbecauss 1 suffered with J d pains in my left side and back, and with weakness and other eine TRA Lumbago 'Rheumatism 1 Toothache 'Neuritis a Ee e EE prove ny ons. 12 tablets 8. | Notre Dame Street, Lachine, en so often have. Twas his way about six months. I saw the Vegeta le Compound advertised in the ontreal Standard' and I have tak four Fotis of it. I was & very sick wo- man and I feel so much better I would not be without it. I also use Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash. I recom- mend the medicines to my friends and I am willing for you to Js i letter as a testimonial, "" i M. W. 680 . Doctor Said Opn Beyer Crows 7 . Fully laden she turns the