Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 9 Apr 1925, p. 8

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0 Sol) woskaple, Til oon. | 8 roomed brick house, =e Jor $9,500, $2,000 cash, balance Jooined Jame house, % acre land, 6 roomed frame house, in tica, large woodshed, cistern, stable, house, nice lot of fruit, % acre close Yo 2 school and church. 3300. balance at 65%. 'ossession any a. A good farm JEoperty---Lot thirteen, composed of 61 acres more or less, well fenced A well watered, Srame house, barn 46x32, stone stables, all in fair good repair, close to to Port Perry. Price $3500, se cash, balance, mortgage at 5% %. Good for garden or chickens--b acres, on Simcoe street just outside corporation of Port Perry; 8 Joon ed frame house in good repair, all newly decorated an inted insid and out, good stable, drive shed a arage, new hen house, some choice ood water, nicely situated. 200. | Terms to suit pur- A very cheap home--Quarter acre lot on Rosa street, good 6 roomed house, stone foundation, cement cistern in cellar, good well, stable, some small fruit. Price $1000. $400 cash, balance, mortgage at b per cent, This property i8 in good re % acres food garden land, 8 roomed frame ake stable, drive shed and garage, bard and soft water in ouse, electric range wired for 220 volts Hydro. 9 apple trees, large asparagus bed, all kinds small fruit. rty is situated on Union Sin hi s are in good Sepair, stone foun. tion, good cellar. Price $3000. $1650 cash, balance on mortgage at 6%. An ideal place--nine acres more or if good land, stone cellar, less of new barn with good stabling, two good wells, nice lot of fruit, spring creek ip--pasture Sold. Beautiful _-ahade trees and good fences. Price $4000. As much cash as possible. East half of lot 13, concession 8, 80 ares, which overruns considerably, good fences, seven roomed frame frame house, furnace, stone cellar, first class water. Barn 36 x 70, stone atables, cement pig pen, some apples and small fruit, close to Government highway and railway. Special Bargain. 25 acres more or less good land about three miles from Port Perry, situated thereon seven roomed frame house, good cellar, barn 36x28, under- ground stabling, straw barn attached. . Pig pen and chicken house, garage, ~ well fenced, good well at house, new pump, spring creek, fruit of all kinds, 2 horses, 2 cows, 2 calves, 2 pigs, 30 hens together with buggy, democrat, harness, forkes, rakes and all imple- ments' to work the place, hay, corn, grain, fall fodder. The owner is of- fering all the above jf sale made at once for $2600. cash. ---- (ti YORKSHIRE SOW FOR SALE Yorkshire sow for sale, due April 16th. Apply to Victor Raines, Port : Perry. rte) (H(i MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE '19 foot Bowerman built hull, 3 'hp. Premier Engine, speed, about 7 "miles per hour, seat 7 easily. For Bastieniats apply to J. A. Duck, 158 esvalles Ave. Toronto. \ One of the 0 bdo, one could wish to see was a bed 0f.200 Easter Lillies, just ready to bloom. Few people realize the tremendous amount of work and care | required in the growing of flowers indoors, and anyone who has the time would be well repaid for a visit to Mr. Ettey's greenhouse. . The Methodist Choir held 'a splen- did practice last night with a good attendance and all who took part in the rehearsal are enthusiastic in re- gard to future prospects. A number of new members have been added to the organization and the' choir promises to make a name for itself and feel confident the citizens will give them whole-hearted support. Mr, IL. T. Henderson disposed of 75}: of his fancy barred rock hens this week to a party in the city. 1 shall go to your father and ask him his consent tonight darling. There are no grounds on which he can throw me out dear, are there? Not in the front of the house dearest, but there's a potato patch at the back which looks nice and soft. Miss Aggie Boynton, who has been on the sick list for a time, is once more able to be out again, Mr. G. K. Robertson has purchased a fine bunch of pure bred pigs. Mr, 'Chas. Playter, Manilla, has moved into the Prince Albert Station. Sorry to learn of the death of Mr. Johnson Devitt, which occurred at Myrtle Station, on April 2nd. Mr. Devitt was for merly a resident of the village. Next time a man tells you talk is cheap ask him if he knows how much a session of Parliament costs. The Ladies' Aid held their regular monthly meeting in the basement of the church on March 25th. A large number being present. In our hudget of April 16th we will introduce to our readers several new feature which we are confident will meet 'with general approval. On Friday evening last the young people of Epsom staged the play: "Cranberry Corners" in the church rather than silver and | go! : Anyone who has not had 'the ex- perience of seeing a first class poul- try. plant should visit the Glen Rae, the property of Mr. Henderson, on Mary street, of this village. It .is very interesting to see such a plant, Woman is a creature that men either run away with or run away from, ; # Mr. Russell Butson and' family have moved to Utica, We will miss them very much as they were good neighbors and citizens. We are sorry to report that Miss Mary A. Nixon, who is stopping with her aunt Mrs, Geo, Johnston, is quite ills : Mr. Geo. Johnston was in the city on business last week. We are sorry to report Mrs. F. Vickery on the sick list. Mrs. Wm. Ettey and daughter were in Whitby on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Worden Sonley of Oshawa, called on his grandparents last week. rtp Oise SHIRLEY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE A special meeting of the Shirley Women's Institute will be held in the school, on Wednesday, April 156th at 2.30 p.m. All members and friends of the Institute are urgently request- ed to be present as important ques- tions have to be dealt with which are of vital interest to the whole com- munity. RAGLAN Under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid, radio eoncert will be held on Good Friday, April 10th. Tea will be served. Come and bring your friends. We are sorry to report that Mr. J. I. Evans and family on the sick list. Miss Rose Brent spent a few days in the City last week. Mr, and Mrs, Milton Hodgson and ys To use MARTIN-SENOUR MARBLE-ITE FLOOR FINISH Nothing like it for /t wears Wivte to Head Office. le anvod for Free Booklet HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY W. L. PARRISH Port Perry, Ontario. 'The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. BERT Will do the rest. ' If you want it geod MacGREGOR want in choice, clean, \ Ring up Phone 72. PORT P PERRY DOMINION | " Beautiful of Broadcloth, 3 Beatital hades of Satinstte, sable § urposes, 5 around with his truck as usual a. ing regular calls each week during. the summer . months, paying highest prices for eggs and delivering all necessaries you need. . Phone in your orders and if 1 have not all you need, I can get it, as my' truck goes to Toronto each~week. Bell Phone, Port Perry 120 r 1-2 Independent Phone, Brooklin 4706 rien Preemeenn FOR EXCHANGE gq 15 hoe drill, Massey-Harris, nearly new will exchange for one of smaller size, 113 r 1-5. lot 18, con 6, Reach. Ors 2 FOR SALE Peter Campbell, Bell' Phone || Man's Suit and a pair of boots for $15.00. They are both in good con: dition. Suit size 87, boots ize 8%. Apply at Star Office, rrr YI rrretismne. ANCONA EGGS, Eggs for hatching from - heavy winter producing hens. $1.00 per 15. C. Wakeman, Phone 221, c/o C. Coulter. ------ Omens LUMBER FOR SALE The undersigned has for sale about 4000 feet of hardwood and basswood lumber. Apply at Star Office. rere () () remeron « COMBINATION SALE A combination sale of household SOAP SPECIAL | Comfort, Gold, P. & G. White Naptha, and | Surprise, 4 for 25c¢, or 18 bars for $1 .00 Sugar, ten pounds for 75¢. Aylmer Peas, 15c. tin, 2 tins for 28c. © furniture will be held on Saturday,|® April 18th. Persons wishing to have articles put in this sale kindly leave the list of same wifh Geo. Jackson & Son this week, matt WANTED - A good girl for general housework. Apply with references to Mrs. Ben. Jones, R.R.1, Port Perry, Bell Phone 190 r 1-2 mimes) () rem scien It is very gratifying for us to learn from one of our advertisers, the Wm. Rennie Co. Ltd; of Toronto, that they attribute in no small man- ner the increased demand for their seeds in this district to the advertis- ing which they placed in our paper. This further evidence that it "pays to advertise" and particularly when the advertisement is backed up by a concern that delivers the right quality of goods at the right prices. EG APPLES FOR SALE A quantity' of Pewawkee apples for sale at $1.00 per bushel. Apply James Owen, R.R.1, Port Perry. OQ EGGS FOR HATCHING From pure bred white" Wyandottes, Exhibition Stock, winter layers. 50c. per 13, $3.50 per 100 at farm. Apply to Mrs. Ida M. Maitland, Phone 150 r 2-3. Ap 9 tf. Miss Harrison Ladies' and Misses' Dresses, Suits and Coats made to order...Rooms over Morrison's Drug fitare, Pore Perry. Many Have Read this and Responded--Have You? ~ LOOK AT YOUR LABEL Just take a look 'at the . = ~ label on your "Port Fenty Star." It tells you when your subscription expires. TE your label reads Dec, A" That means that your subscription ran out in December. and should be renewed at your earliest convenienc USE THIS CLUBBING LIST The Port Perry Star will be:culb- bed with any of the following publi- cations for 19256 at 'the following Globe ......« Mail & Empire . Toronto Daily Star . Farmers' Advocate .. Christian Guardian . Delineator .... Ladies' Home Journal . Saturday Evening Post .. Tbe. for 13 eggs. Cae C. H. KELLETT, Port. g Porty. Single White Leg- SEED OATS FOR SALE. 0 per 15. eggs. 2 Senmsion, 'clean seed. Awply 1, Sonya, Ontario. Family Herald & Weekly Star ..$8.60 | Weekly Witness ..............5$8.50 Canadian Home. Journal, .......$2:60 Farm and Dairy ..............$250 Farmerss' Sun .....c........3.$8.00 Maclean's Magazine ....:5..,.. $4.50 Canadian Poultry Review ew CUSTOM HATCHING Let me have your order for custom | Baby Chicks for sale, Fens to Mrs. Howard Leask, RR1, Seagrave. 8 hatching for May, at be. per egg.|' Eggs to be provided by customer. No | less than 100 eggs taken at one order. Order your baby chicks from me at $20.00 per hun arg fom hens producing 50% orling, vit oe

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