Mr, Harry Woodcock has been en- gaged by Mr, Roach to be his assist- ant. We hope that the venture will ' prove profitable to Mr. Roach. The Port Perry Band are again at work practising new music and get- ting ready for the summer engage- ments. * We are glad to see Mr. Ed. Burton out again after his illness. The" Port Perry Café opened for + business this 'week. There will be two plays at the Port Perry Chautauqua this year, together { with a strong program. ny HORTICULTURAL MEETING At the Horticultural Society meet- ing on Tuesday evening in the Parish , Hall, Mr. Baldwin, of Toronto, paid his second visit to Port Perry, and was greeted by a well filled house. He gave a very practical illustrated address, dealing with the cultivation of flowers and arangement of the Home Garden. Mr. Baldwin urged gardeners to make a plan of their gardens before proceeding to do the actual work as by this method noth- ing is left out that should be put in the garden. He also urged rotation - of garden crops, just as farm crops are rotated. The garden may be divided into four sections, according to the nature of the garden products. Section 1, for tap roots, such as carrots, parsnips, beets, onions, etc. Section 2, for legumes or vege- tables that grow up in the air, such as peas, beans, spinach, chard, let- tuce, ete. Section 8, for tubers, such as po- tatoes and artichokes. . Section 4, for perennials, such as asparagus, strawberries, rhubarb, etc. The reason for rotation of garden crops is to assist in avoiding the garden pests which infest sections where a crop is grown continuously. Mr. Baldwin gave the names of in- gredients for a preparation to be used in watering house plants. This pre- paration consists of equal parts of nitrate of soda, air slacked lime, powdered sulphur and powdered charcoal. Two teaspoonfuls of this mixture are to be put in a quart of soft water, and the plants watered in the ordinary manner. tsi KY (Ypres, TAKES CHARGE NEAR PETERBORO Rev. A. E. Thornley has gone to take up ministerial work in a charge near Peterboro. A letter was read from Mr. Thornley to the congrega- tion of the United Church last Sun. day morning. Members expressed regret at his departure and a sincere hope that the future would be pleas- ant for Mr. Thornley and his family. Mrs. Thornley and her son are re- maining in Port Perry for the pre- sent., sie () (Ypereenin. A PLEASANT EVENING A pleasant and instructive evening was spent by members of the EO. D. E. and their friends last Monday, with the "Canadian Poets". Several 'members gave interesting sketches and Selections from these authors. the price wi Be ; Are you "neg! to {i have that watch of | your gone over before - the rush season. Do it now. | -- lways at your service. in our Optical Dept. m= I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller and' Optometrist." CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev. B. C. Jarrett. Special services will be held on Easter Sunday. There will he a celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 a.m., also at 11 am, At the 11 a.m. service the choir will render an Easter Anthem "Why Seek Ye the Living." 'All 'communicants are specially re- questetd to nrake their communion that day. In the afternoon there will be a children's service. Parents of the scholars are asked to come with them. Special sermon by the Rector at 11 a.m. on the Truth of the Resurrection All cordially invited. a i Mii EASTER TEA An Easter Tea and Sale of Home- Made Cooking will be held in the Parish Hall, Church of the Ascension, on Saturday, April 18th, from 4 to 6 o'clock. The charge for tea will be 25¢, ES a i L. O. L. The regular meeting of King Ed- ward L. O. L., will be held on Mon- day, April 18th, when Capt. Widdi- field, Grand Lodge representative will be present. All members are requested to attend. Wm. Ettey, W. M. G. Morrish, Sec'y. Es bane) nme W. A. Hare, Eyesight Specialist, of Oshawa, has moved his office from above Mitchell's Drugstore, to the ground floor, No. 8, King Street W., and now has every equipment and facility for 'the correct testing of eyes. ee OOO BORN In Port Perry, on March 6, 1925, (at the residence of Mr. T. Palmer,) to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Adams, of Uxbridge, a son. In Port Perry, on Wednesday, April 1, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs, A. Prentice, a son. rrr (I porsonrm. DIED At Myrtle, on Thursday, -April 2, 1925, Johnson Devitt, in his 86th year. Interment took place at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, lL OOO FOR SALE A water spaniel, female. Apply at Star Office. a sr (J (Pores. NOTICE Any person owing an account to the estate of the late Dr. Mellow will, kindly call at the store of W. M. Letcher, at their earliest convenience. W. Merlin Letcher, OMmMmiss ommends Oba 7 oh was TFL) 3 | pm fo san are : > hme and almost noiseless. to height of pum; Ea hy An independe » crank-shaft ma kes power available for machine; etc. chum, separator, wa MILTON "STONE Port Perry, Ont. Cn ER TT Te SR