89¢ pair Women's Hose of all wool yarn knitted in t ~ the popular wide rib. Comes in Navy, Brown, or Sand. Regular $1. 35 pair. Sale Price 89c. Coit Hose 'in Colors "95¢c "This line made of fine cashmere in plain Brown or re av --brow cloe $1.50 pair. or in a pretty heather mixture. and ated in a naturals bint) fh, Per Suit ' 00 Plain Cream or Green Window Shades each 'They are made of a ~ good quality shade cloth and mounted on depend- able spring rollers. The size 37 in. x 6 feet. Price each 75¢ of hose is n with silk - Reg. For 95e 75¢ Boys' Wool Sweater Coats, $1.35 We have about two of all Bleached Sheeting 50c yard dozen sweater coats for boys, the smaller sizes wool and some larger sizes of wool and cotton yarn. $2.00 and $2.50. Price to clear $1.35 Regular Boys' Cashmere Jerseys Good quality English 'Sheeting in plain weave and 72 inches wide. splendid wearing quality Per yard 50c A Boys' all wool cashmere in navy blue only. 24 to 32. $1.59 Jerseys made of arn izes Price $1.59 "Spring Butteric -25¢. i ea Rinn ann F. W. MCINTYRE March Delineator 20c. --_-- In the New Year you will shop wisely whenever you wish to buy _ Hardware 'by dealing _at our store. . Our stock is good, and if you wish any article not _we give you ey service at reason- stocked, able charge. | Carnegie Hardware Company _ Hardwere_Furnaser Plumbing. s Teisghons e1 Port Perry :: - Nw New Things Are "News" Every member of every family in this community is interested in the news of the day. And no items are read with keener relish than an- nouncements of new things to eat, ry 0 to wear or to enjoy in the home. You have the goods and the desire to sell them. The readers of "The Port Perry Star" have the money and desire The connecting link is to buy. ADVE RTISING. Give the people the good news of the new things at advantageous I ok to you for this 'store news" and will respond to Let us Ll They your messages. that Invitation. they are invited| TAK ~ An Advertisement is an the 28th day of October, 1924, are re- ow you NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of Lydia Stone, late of the Township of Reach, Notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said late Lydia Stone, who died on or about quired, on or before the 26th day of February, 1925, to deliver or cause to be delivered to William A. Stone, Aurora, the executor of the estate of the said deceased, the full particulars of their claims. . And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the executor will proceed to dist#bute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard ofily to the claims of which he shall then have notice and that he will not be liable for any part of the estate to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution, Dated this bth day. of February, 1925. William A. Stone, Executor. Temperance St. South, Aurora, Ont. te Ors BLACKSTOCK The annual meeting of the Vestry and congregation of St. Johns Church of Blackstock, was attended by a con- siderable number of members in spite of adverse weather conditions. = The reports from all departments showed the church to be in a very prosperous state. The total receipts for the year amounted to $2204.14 and the total expenditure $1718.30, leaving a credit balance of $485.84. The Women's Auxiliary showed a credit balance of $257.50; the A. Y. P. A,, $30.42 and | Good the Sunday School, $9.41. The report of the St. John's Cemetery . Board showed the total assets to be $927.50. Mr. C. M. Smith was selected to be | . the Incumbent's Warden, while Mr. F. F, Willan was again returned as the people's warden, Mr. H. E. Bail- ey, was elected as Vestry Clerk and Mr. J. Hamilton as envelope secre- tary. The Rector's report showed that a total of 99 services had been held during the year, 7 baptisms were per- formed and 9 funerals . conducted. Special mention was made in recog- nizing the work of the organist, Miss Florence Parr, for her splendid and loyal services throughout the year. The congregation also remembered Miss Olive Bailey, Mrs. Robt. Spinks, Mrs. S. Jeffrey, Miss Proutt, Mrs, Mahood, Mr, Preston, Mr. Malcolm and Mr. R. Willan, for particular services rendered during the year. E CARE OF YOUR EYES--NOW. That will save you much trouble More than that, if your eyes have b beta troubling 3 Office over Morrison's Drug Store. Goode's Creamery + at Port Perry . Is g 86¢. Ib. for butter fat. You can abot: and make more money by sending yowr cream to Port Perry Creamery Allan Goode. Proprietor. . . Miss Harrison DRESSMAKER Ladies' and Misses' Dresses, Suits and Coats made to order...Rooms over Morrison's Drug Store, Port Perry. In the way of Harness Blankets Curry Combs Brushes, etc. You can buy now at very low prices from W. HARRISON Blong Block Port Perry Repairing promptly done. work. Prices Reasonable. THE VALENTINE By Molly Bevan I've just been buying a valeritine, The daintiest, prettiest thing, All painted flowers and ribbons And birds of fluttering wings; And I'm sending it off to Barbara Jane With a dozen roses or so (Winter roses being a rarity In a little village I know). And who is Barbara Jane, you ask, And what does she mean to me-- A 'grim, confirmed old bachelor Of forty- or fifty-three? Well, now--I'll make a confession, It's good for the soul they say, The last time I saw Barbara Jane Is forty years away! We were but children and classmates In a queer little country school (I see by your smiling you think me - A sentimental old fool); Barbara Jane was an odd little thing With wide gray wondering eyes, And a tiny freckle-spattered nose That made her look elfin-wise But her two long Titian "pigtails" Were every lad's chief joy-- If it were joy we gained for the pains We took to tease and annoy. Well, to go on with my story, One sunny Valentine's Day I thought that I'd torment Barbara Jane In a very original way.