Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 5 Feb 1925, p. 3

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~ Beout curriculum. 3 Scouting 1s doing well tts 'woner| ith the child after birthy ; these service records ru 'response to calls from numerous do¢al Institutions and organizations. The acres of timber land saved from ~ the ravages of forest flames by Scouts: ean never be estimated ¥ Tree planting, conservation of na- tural' resources, preservation of bird "plenishing bird sanct ' _all winter long, are some other activi houses and re es with fo ties of 'the Scouts 'the younger' children have been rendering #érvice. As to progress in Scouting, records for 1924 show that hundreds. of boys haye been granted proficiency al health, first aid and pathfinding, and still many hundreds more have quali- fled In one or more of the 61 other proficiency badge subjects in the Boy ful job for the future citizenship and: security of our Dominion. May the. thousands of hours* which" | contributed 'in! § Canadian : Terie '24th aboard the "Montlaurier" and travelling via Canadian Pacific lines. At Vancouver and Victoria they will play | teams!' [ on their receiit tour of the Old Country and France. . The phatograph of the deadly "All-Blacks" team-work. i £ a did not lose a | ) 18t Cardiff 'an excellen t imprees fon x 'Al 3 BY DR: Provincial Board of Health, Ontario, child often. in fon romani, pubyi heatth, perdttitiL Thical ap ease or some of and thé'child" It e condition freedom streets for the blind, choppmg wood for old directly or indirectly. With a little people, keeping city hydrants clear of thought'one can understand what a child is making, but which have a P 'snow, and Ice, are just a few of the wide subject child welfare is. It goes found bearing on its general vita hundreds of other ways'ithese« lads 'back to the' | takes into amas the Masih of of tion the hea LTH EDUCATION 'J. J. MIDDLETON I Dr, Middietod wif be glad to answer 'questions on Public Health mat: . ters through this column. Address him at Spadina House, Spadina ' . Crescent. Toronto. ds be and Canada, of infants under one high Man mother's breast. into. ce and the mothers of this province ; Ain Welfare with the" their from the care of those chil- feeding,' "dels two | and body, in u 'born, deprived of ; support. min vento physical Sond dance advises against 'in' infant mo normal that t bal révéh- Sigh the i dition that of infant mortality. A DANGEROLS SEASON - FOR THE LITTLE ONES of temperature--one day warm and _| bright, the next cold and stormy, is | 1 ARgorous 10 the ofl little ones. The mother is afraid to take the children out for the fresh alr children ] 80 In your case." can break me." One of the most important features Ith of of child welfare work is the reduction the parents as well as of the children. of infant mortality. There are far too There is something in heredity. As a many deaths in Ontario and indeed in 1 looks ce of the parents, their, health r features contribute to this death. rate, one of the chief of fron usceptibility Em whieh - i testing) es hn m or 8 ity to n dis< about mproper i weaknesses. Child welfare Toading 16 diffie includes all this and more. It, in fact, fully. can be defined as "eve ult to carry on success- It can be done, but it requires hing to do care and attention with strict medical es every pos- 'supervision. By far the best means of dren before and feeding an infant is by nature's May 'dufing ahd After viz,--at the 1f all , there would be a great drop rtality. Statistics show bles fed artificially die to | every one fed at the breast," and this Jeoding for infants, 'we 'would struck tv og Cat would do health, | much to reduée our present: high: rate Wifie--They say'it takes nine tall 'ors to make & mad--T hope' that fsn't Hubby--"1 can't say; but I can tell you for a certainty one dressmaker SMOTHERING THE ENEMY--"ALL BLACK'S" STYLE 'famous New Zealand Rigby team, Is to tour Canada, sailing from Liverpop! on January {| Child welfare is a big subject. It would tend to lower vitality or ham- : : has'to do with all phases of child life | Serving on school trafi¢'corps;help- and the general happiness and health or! : actos8 of children. It has'to do with every-- safely, Instaliig¥iradio sets" thing that affects their vitality either' per normal progress. Some of the things we have to keep in mind in thi§ sense are adenoids, diseased tonsils, ecaying teeth, constipation and other conditions that often are thought to of little account in the progress the ro- ity. year of 01 breast Ain Yellowstone Na uld be Ee easy tr one) their babies, one or fal instances where the doctor WOMAN'S: HEALTH WHEN FORTY-FIVE A Critical Period When Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills Are a Real { Blessing. At special periods a woman needs a medicine to regulate her blood supply, or her life 'will be a round of pain and suffering. It is at such times that Dr. Willams' Pink Pills are worth thelr weight in gold, for they make the new rich blood that banishes the symptoms of distress that omly women know. The better blood that comes with the use of these pills strengthens every vital organ "and brings womanly health and happinéss. This is fully proved by the case of Mrs. G. Wit thuhu, Arcola, Sask, who sa "1 am one of thé many for who Tr. Willlams' Pink Pills have done won: ders. About three years ago I was so weak that I could not do my house work, or even go about without feel ing utterly worn out. The doctor sug- gested that an operation was the only thing that would help me, but this'l refused to undergo, and I returned home almost in despair: My trouble was all due to the lingering change of life. At this stage I read an advertise ment of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and decided to, try them. By the time I fhad used six boxes there was no doubt they were just what I needed, and under their continued use for some time my health was fully restored, and since that time I have been in the best of health. I am writing this letter in the 'hope that it may induce some sther suffering woman to use Dr, Wil- flame' Pink Pills and regain her Aealth." These pills are sold by medicine dealers or will be sent by mall at 50c a box by writing the Dr. Willlams" Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . oi. . Stirs In Pairs. There are marty stdrs that are dou- ble, says Nature Magazine. That is, they are made up of stars revolving around one anether. Most of these pairs are of contrasting colors, one blue and the other gold, or one red and the other green. Albireo is con- sidered to be one of the finest of the pairs that are visible in small tele- scopes. . inal Se A Wonderful Hat. Miss: Gush----"1 want you to see my new hat. My friends say that I look well in it." Mish Rush--"I am anxious to see it. It certainly must be a wonderful hat." --------p ee Chinese Exports. Exports from the Chinese province of Chih include "feathers, goats' beards, fox tails, licori¢e, human halr, pig bristles and lanterns. ep Birds In Yellowstone. About 300 kinds SEBS ure found x The: Ce Ritz-Carlton | Hotel #6558 me a And i IRENE, the workers in-the lumber and con- they s So aie lb generally Jowh | tataes, : as the U "in Overalls. oe Pl a its beginning it has' sent more than| _ Reckless Driving Condemned. seven 'hundred instructors into camps | Reckless driving and other flagrant in different provinces, and each year! disregard of the rights of others by approximately fifteen hundred men re- any user of the streets or highways [ceive instruction in some kind of Should be punished. | school work. The founder writes: | RH I Sr SU IRS a ----] "Education must be obtainable on the | Classified Advertisements farm, in the bush, on the railway and 'passes over the hidden tumbler and : | 1itts it, seemingly surprised to dis- |I0 the mine. We must educate the mea MONEY TO LOAN, = cover that the cofm has not van- | hol family wherever their work is, FARM LOANS MADE. AGENTS A coin is borrowed and marked and is placed on the table in front of the performer. A tumbler is in- verted over'the coil. A shéet of newspaper is placed over the tum- "and 1s moulded to its shape. 'The performer makes a few mystic fshed. He repeats the perform- | Wherever they earn their living, teach- wan! Reynoids, 77 Victoria ance. Again the coin does not |ing them how to earn and at the same | Street, Toronto. vanish, time how to grow physically, intel "This time it has got to go!" he |lectually and spirituaily to the full WANTED Sselatma, One!" Two! Three! |gtature of their God-given potentiall- TONE INDIAN RELICS , H. A. 8 he says "go" he strikes | io» VanWinckel, 1399 Lansdowne Ave., the tumbler with his open palm. No harm is 'done, however, for the paper collapsed. The tumbler has vanished! The coin 1s still there ={ts 'mission being merely to mis- lead the spectators as to the pur pose of the trick. The secrét is simple. The sec ond time he liftéd the tumbler all eyes were om the coin. The ma. giclan' took advantage of this to let the tumbler 'slip out of the pa: per into his lap, The moulded pa- per, holding the form of the tum- bler, looks exactly as it did and the absence of the glass fs not suspected. The magician makes a sort of runway of his legs and lets the tumbler slide, noiselessly to the floor. When he strikes the paper, he gives the tumbler a shove with his 'foot so that when it is dis coyered it will be as far away from him as possible. (Clip this out and paste it with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) World's Storehouse. Mexico is often referred to as the "storehouse of the world" because of the great fertility of its sofl and its| Court-plaster, used to cover a almost inexhaustible natural re | Wound, will be much more comfortable | sources. Humboldt, the German na-| and less likely to draw, if it is pricked Toronto, epee. His 'Hearing Restored. The invisible ear drum invented by A. O. Leonard, which is a miniature | megaphone, fitting inside the ear en- tirely out of sight, is restoring the hearing of hundreds of people in New York city. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head noises, and it does this so succéssfully that no one could tell he is a deaf man. It is effective when deafriess is caused by catarrh or by perforated or wholly destroyed natural drums. A request for Information to A. O, Leonard, Buite 437, 70 Fifth avenue, New York city, will be given & prompt reply. advt ------p The ship encircles the earth of one's own effort and fetches back a cargo only in return for one sent out. Call it trading if you will. I call it "God's| law of compensation." It is as abso- lute as gravity's law itself.--O. S. M. |, MATRIMONIAL APER, PHOTOS, ADDRESSES 10¢. McCreery, Chatham, Ont, We are interested In obtaining OLD and RARE BOOKS ON CANADIAN SUBJECTS. Send particulars to the Wilson Publishing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, Ontario. Distemper! Minard's is the best remedy for distemper and other {lls of horses, cattle and dogs. TEC MINARO'S ANITA CUTICURA HEALS turalist, nearly a hundred years ago ll over with a fine needle bafore being spoke of Mexico as the "treasure sppled. house of the world." Although still undeveloped, Mexico is one of the most richly mineralized regions of the SPIRIT OF IRON Permanently Relleves nial eat wimm RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO, SCIATICA. Imagination; Reason and Good Deut. sulle Whin "Wiis wondiul tied and ITCHY PIMPLE Judgment. sroven remedy gives permanent relief. Nothing 1 powder absorbed by the feet Look ahead! Think! Plan! Dream, [be lke is inion On Face, Neck and Chest. Were Hard, Large and Red. Lasted Six Months. * My trouble began with pimples | on my face, neck and chest. The | pimples were hard, large and red | |and festered and itched very badly, especially at night. The frritation caused me to scratch and the And have faith in your dreams. For out of dréams grow empires. Let imagination be the architect of your future. But do not forget that reason | and good judgment must be the actual | builders of it. Without their service your plans will never be anything: more than plans. 1 -- mmf OHAS. W. TEETZEL CO. Dest. J. | 1200 Queen 1 St. West TORONTO. | The safe way to send money by mall | 'Ideal Winter Playground scratching caused eruptions. The is by Dominion Express Money Order. | A Only 2 Days from Rework trouble Tagied about _ il NINN Sailings Twice Weekly "1 began using Cuticura Soap Romance In Transportation. ! Leaving N. Y. Wed. and Sat. and Ointment and they afforded Via Palatial, Twin Screw, Oil-Burning Steamers "FORT VICTORIA" and "FORT ST. GEORGE" Landing Passengersat Hamilton Dock For Illustrated Booklets Write FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 WhitchallStreet + New York City or Any Local Tourist Agent relief, and after using one cake of Cu- ticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Miss Harriet Guedorf, 617 S. Elm 8t., Spokane, Wash., June 4, 1923. Cuticura Soap daily, with Cuticura Ointment occasionally, prevents pimples or other eruptions. They are pleasing to use, as is also Cuti- cura Talcum, an excellent deodorant. Mall. Address Canadian Repet; utiours, B. 0. Box 3014, Montreal." ; t 36 and ic. FE NERVOUS BREAK-DOWN | Pains in Back and Legs Re- | lieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Probably the most romantic chapter in Canadian history is the one which has to do with transportation. First there was the pack horse, then the ox- cart, finally the wagon. Now the mod- ern locomotive. and automobile lead the list. Semesters For Every lll=Mmard's Lini For | | Ford, Ontario.--*'I had a nervous break-down, as it is called, with severe ains in my back and legs, and with Painting spells which left me very weak. 1 was nervous and could not sleep nor eat as I should and spent much time in bed. I was in this state, more or less, for over two years before Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was Smartest recommended to me by bor. Before 1 had taken five [ was gitting up in bed, and when the bottle was taken 1 was out able to walk around the house. Headache . Neuralgia Colds Pain SRR Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. : -- hy Frontier College. v Duck Potatoes. or The Frontier College, established by | Wild ducks are very fond of. the _|the Canadian government to' educate bulbous rootstocks of the nt a

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