Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 29 Jan 1925, p. 4

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'We have a few good bargains in Hands bags at cost and -8 da Jan below cost. . a ie Redman, aged 52 Apex Records Cartwright Township, Lot 13 3 for $1.00 ios tn ou en and is \ ' J ' 1925, " riot tate Raipn|| We do ourown Clock and sill inerousing. *_} Watch Repairs. NESTLETON (By Wireless) ; : a The play (Nothing but the Tru At Orillia, on Friday, January |i Satisfaction guaranteed || yas put on Ne uh i 23rd, 1926, Charles W. MacKenzie ] Aged 58 years. Formally of Port by the young people of St." John's 'Perry. Church, 'Blackstock. It gvas a good OPTICAL REPAIRS . play and well acted, and was deserv- CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION PROMPTLY DONE ing of a larger house; but owing to The rite of Confirmation' was = ad- i the stormy night the crowd was not "ministered by His Lordship, Bishop the largest. ' Sweeney, of Toronto, to the following I. R. BENTLEY The Christian Endeavor meeting Jessi candidates in the Church of the As- ; last Thursday evening was in charge 'PIANO D VIOLIN cension on Sunday evening, January Jeweller and Optom etriet. of the President, with Miss Eva Wil-| Bell Phone 169r2 . Port Perry 25th, liams and Mr. J. R. Dickey as pro- |= Mrs. Victoria Beck, Misses Ger- gram committee. Mr. Peter Wright HAIR WORK 4 trude Read, Lois Lundy, Gwendolyn ce LTR oe) took the topic, and musical numbers | Ladies' Hair Combings made into : . Ettey, Stella Wilson, Muriel Combes, Master Alfred Fisher a little lad | by Mrs. George and Nelson Marlow, | switches, also dressmaking and re- v 5 : 5 5 Masters Geo. Irwin, Wilfred Stevens, of four or five years started out to | and Mr. J. Li Joblin. Miss Enid Dic- | modeling done. Apply Mrs. Spears, % Wherever the 'neighbourhood 'gathers to eat 5 Orval Druean, Robt. Brown. find his daddy, oné of the coldest days | key, pianist. at the home of Mrs. Guy Raines, one church socials, suniversisy Juppes, picnics--is : fr His Lordship very carnestly ad-|liet week. Trudging Hin Shrougw Hy, Allan Sait visited= Toronto | door east of Catholic Church. ai or? youproudofit? flee e snow eastwa w over the week end. ; 5 } || Gosed uw ganiates On he selene Mrs. Lukes at Myrtle, she saw him || Rev. J. E. Griffiths gave us a splen- RT NT ry « Bake with Quaker Flour--and your bread, cakes AL. 4 about to asume, and setting forth and telephoned his r other, she.in Yun [did ser uon, on Sunday nightt--*Fhe W. J.C COOK * . and pastry will always bring Tou Thar among the TH pn § that this rite has been observed in telephoned 'a neighbour further along Light of the World" which was much eoeks of your community. : the Christian Church from' the date the road who en ou and got He appresiored Neh . > . ea. i ater conveying hirh home in sleig! r. George Armstrong sang a solo : . of its institution, : The eyiep Missional soceity | and Messrs, Armstrong, Joblin and REAL E "ESTATE ; SE pe geuion Ming the cjpurvh meets at the. manse on Wednesday, Veale a trio at the Sunday evening Box 47, Myrtle Station ~ J nest exposition of this ancient rite. January 27th, 1925 Serviee: hi Pleasing to have this Property quickly and satis- ' (Arrived late--balanee crowded out.) special music. tactorily bought, sold and ex- Rev. S. C. Jaratt, Rector of the ODO Miss Ruth Proutt has been visiting | changed on reasonabie terms. Parish, assisted in the services, and VICTROLA FOR SALE friends in Port Huron, Essex County. | Large list to select from. Mr. T. J. Widden, as Lay Reader;read| g. \ viola, New No. 10. The A number of our citizens are laid Bell Phone 120 r 2 Be Haddine Cone. former price of this instrument was 2p. with Ded, wld or grippe, or \ : : S : : : » i 1 » TEN" 2185.00. For quick sale will take : ~--Mrs. C. 1 he -A I the Best dered the musical portion of the ser- Ja lai ih Et sel Mr. A. Roy Wright, of the: Home Bt le , b 4 : Ss ame ways vice in an efficient maner. fections free D. Gorbman, Port Furnishing Co., Windsor, has return-| * Sec. Mrs a S 4 T. J. Widden, Vestry Clerk. Perry ara : * 7° | ed to that city after spending a cou- pe Helper' * Sec. PS F. Fai i Deal with the dealer who sells = It 000 ; ' ple of weeks with his parents, Mr. lo Fe persinec,~ mm Rair . do yu HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY TSA 4 and Mrs, Peter Wright. / not know his name, write us and we will direct you. i i i A PLAY--MISS FEARLESS & CO. : . The High School made it three in a ? i (Oia WwW h f h A row by defeating Whitby on their which promises to be vastly enter- NOTICE TO CREDITORS atc or t e A product of The Quaker mills, Peterborough and Saskatoon A . wr taining, will be given by the members i 7- day, havi n ili own ice--17-2 on Tuesday, having wo of the LO.D.E., on the evening of Of William Rundle Hooper, Deceased particulars of the " Distributors--Port Perry-Hogg & Lytle .Sunderland-Tim Doyle BE a day daa, Tuesday, February 17th, in the Town Pursuant to Sec. 56. of Chapter 121 R passed the puck adit through- Hall; : Keep the date in mind~~you} of the. Revised Statutes of Ontario, C. \ NIVAL : ; ~ Uxbridge-W. S. Lapp i othe' sume. Although ~ Whitby will hear more about it later. 1914, notice is hereby given that all t th : » Sh Sk scored the first goal, the result was --000----- creditors and others having claims a e A HIGH GRADE SCHOOL JF never in doubt, as the red and white LO.D. E. against the estate of William Rundle Rink / - ; predominated the play throughout, The regular meeting of the Scugog | Hooper, late of. the Village of Port Port Perry LLIO rr / . . Bill Nesbitt (the Babe Dye of the Chapter of the I. O. D. E. wil be held | perry, in 'the County of Ontario, |OKR F riday, League) san bis total up Jo Jou goals, a ee Monlah Pebray Beeman, Who died . shins the the February 1 13th, Yonge and Alexander Sts., Toronto. getting 5 'in this game, and three a- » pm. ay of December, A.D. A ; ps _ gainst Oshawa. McMillan was not ; ESOL SATE _.| on or before the 12th.day of February the Lucky night : Noted for High grade instruction Sy ht fy ig 3 MM called upon to Work hard, but manag-| -Brimful of interesting reading is| A.D, 1925; to send by post, prepaid, a : Smployment Se pig FOR HIGH GR ADE ; i cf od to Score the other two goals, one| the February issue of Rod and Gun| to Wm, H. Harris, solicitor for David GREENBANK any time. Catalogue free.. 1= ; 1 R : in a very pretty play in'the first per- in Canada, which every spor tsman is | Archer, executor of the said deceased of w is mak- W. J. ELLIOTT, jod, in which he beat the whole team. sure to enjoy. The Snow Barier, by | their christian names and surnames, The heavy blag}et of sno it old ARE Principal. d Thompson, is an excitin SOT ing the farmers smile, as it pra "Dowson took to the large sheet, and Raymon pson, g | addresses and descriptions, the full ith al d rushes. | narative of adventure in the frozen | particulars of their claims, a state- cally ensures a good catch of fall Bo aa I ee P hy wheat and seeds, as well as storing | HONEY OUR SERVICE ALWAYS YOUR SERVICE TRUE ECONOMY north country. Othef interesting t of their accounts and the natur ; : fy ur A So Eianvile ys yb uiietouted Be i a (Rael U beh A on a 404 e nal ore up the moisture for the land in the FOR S ALE Poor Shoes are Dear at any Price--Buy Quality. - : oe 0.3 Whithy 0.0. | Eerra--The Migratory Birds Treaty and that after the day last aforesaid SUHng. 4 Mee. Robert Michie Spent ; : hd v 3 x and Cause of Decrease in Numbers ofy the said David Archer will proceed to E, An = spen BHOUE VALUE A 3 They play here on Friday night and | wild Fowl, will also attract the read- | distribute th ts of the said di the week end at the home of Mr. Will "W. H. Doubt a are 3 * the winers will in all probability rep-| o's attention. The regular contribu- om ro tlie, entitiod Smith, Brooklin.- 2 We BV good bargains ye show you the Shoes. resent this group. | tors of stories, F. V. Wiliams, J. W. | thereto having regard only to such -Snowshoeing. js 8 popular sport Port Perry & some bargains in brokeh oi 268. sWewil clegr Thé public will make no mistake in | \inson, Bonnycastle Dale, and Mar- | claims of which notice shall have been with young and old this winter, : " 1 pm a . taking in this game. tin Hunter, have lived up to the rep- | given as above required, and the said An epidemic of colds has been go- ir Spring Styles will Please You. Both in Women re er utations they have made for them-| David Archer will not be liable for ing. through the community for the Max Men's. : ASHBURN "selves in their differant lines of sport. | the said assets or any part thereof, past few. weeks, some being quite ill a gaziné Miss Marjory Haig of Toronto, was | And the departmental editors have | to any person or persons of whose Mt. and Mrs. Geo. Till and children |. JAMES 'MoKEE & SON, ie . home over Sie week i : their departments up to the usual | claim or claims notice shall not have | Were calling at the home of Mrs. Sub tons St. Charles Building. Miss Elsie West of Brooklin spent | standard of excellénce. Published | heen received by Wm. H. Harris at Till's father, Mr. Geo. Bond in Prince - - a i 'Sunday with her parents, Mr. and| monthly by W. J. Taylor, Limited, at | the time of such distribution. Alpert recently. i Before renewing ma magazine : Mrs, George West. Woodstock, Ont. Dated at Port Perry, Ont, this 8th| . nO Qe Or newspaper Su tions, ; -- --e - rm -------- | day of January, A.D. 1925. ELECTED WARDEN or I in new subse: ; : Mr. John Ross, Reeve of Thorold, | tj 1 . 'WM. H. HARRIS, 10n8, call on us. We can | Solicitor, Port Perry, Ont, | ™® elected warden of Ontario County la} most Jv effect some ; ere) (ee: Hrd. he i . saving or you. : When in eed of ood BLACKSTONE i REV. 8 COBB, BA, BD. || g Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.| "00 a Toul Star Of: fice 2 > Hat John Garter on the birth of _theis ||, The following em. jo tuken from, : : i : Saskatoon Daily Star": ort Perry ~~ == 'Ontario vo baby boy, Tuesday, Jan. 27th. "Rev. H. 8. Cobb, of H : P RINTI N G [isa niin | journeyed by rail to Bethany, where os h Le 3 they ved i interesting, if 1 Li Soni. te Shysch = "I'll Be Home Soon, Mother," game; the score being 6-4 in favor of nda Writes Sammy Bethany. 5 The regular monthly meeting of ] the Victoria Women's Institute will "be held at the home of Mrs. Jas, Mar- | town low, on Wednesday, Ptruany Ach, at disrega)

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